Reborn as an Extra Chapter 251 The Essence of healing... Part-2.

Chapter 251 The Essence of healing... Part-2.

?"Can you do it, ’Lost Sheep’?" (Syvis)

"I will do my best!" (Riya)

With determination and ambition flashing in her eyes, Riya’s reply to Syvis was firm, and her voice was unhesitant.

Syvis nodded her head in satisfaction.

’She might become the best disciple I have ever taught…’ (Syvis)

"Good, ah yes! Before I forget, let me introduce you to someone first... Come with me…" (Syvis)

Riya nodded her head at Syvis’s words and followed her without hesitation.

While walking through the massive garden, Syvis started to point out a few things first.

"I can see that your progress seems to be hindered… you have been stuck in rank B for quite a while now, right?" (Syvis)

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Riya nodded her head with a sad expression on her face.

She had already reached Rank B before the final Exams last year, but she’s been stuck in the same rank ever since.

Although her skills have improved in the meantime, her rank has not improved past ’B+’.

"Why do you think that is?" (Syvis)

"Isn’t it because I haven’t trained hard enough?" (Riya)

Seeing the self-doubting expression on Riya’s cute face, Syvis giggled a bit.

"No, that is not it… think, think… without thinking, you won’t reach anywhere, my little lost sheep…" (Syvis)

"I am not a sheep, though…" (Riya)

Riya pouted her cheeks as Syvis kept referring to her as ’Lost Sheep’ instead of using her real name.

If not for the fact that Syvis is her teacher now, Riya would have stopped talking to her by now, as she was continuously being so cheeky towards her.

"Let me give you a hint… hmm, you see, you likely advanced from the lowest rank to rank B by doing nothing but training your skills, right? But now it’s not working that way…" (Syvis)

"Moreover, your rank is restricting your skills from improving now… aren’t I correct?" (Syvis)

With a playful look on her face, Syvis stretched out her hand and messed up Riya’s hair, who was walking right beside her with a pout on her face.

Her words made Riya think about herself more deeply, though.

While fixing her hair with her hand, Riya replied:

"Hmm, are you trying to say that I am lacking something else that’s not related to healing skills?" (Riya)

"Yes, indeed, what you are lacking is the ’path’ you want to walk… After all, without a ’path’ to walk, how will you progress?" (Syvis)

"Ugh… my big sis also said that I need a ’path’ or something but… what even is a ’path’... I can’t understand it at all, is there no other way?" (Riya)

Syvis pointed her index finger to Riya’s head.

"A ’path’ is basically just a dream brought to reality or an ambition fulfilled through a strong wish… everyone is unique and thus everyone have different paths to walk…" (Syvis)

"There’s no other way for this… you need to find that path yourself, Lost Sheep…" (Syvis)

"But how does this relate to the original question you asked? Does the essence of healing have anything to do with a ’path’?" (Riya)

"It has… these two are parallel to each other… if you can realize even one of them, you will advance further!..." (Syvis)

’Well, understanding the essence of healing is only possible for talented people… I don’t ask this question to my other students, as they aren’t qualified enough…’ (Syvis)

"Maybe if you find your path, you may realize the essence too… who knows, it depends on your own ability…" (Syvis)

Riya’s head was filled with more question now than ever, no matter how much she thought, Even though Syvis answered a lot of her questions, more questions have popped up in her mind now.

Just when Riya’s head was overheating due to confusion and overthinking, the two of them finally reached a small tree situated right in the middle of the queen’s garden.

Under the shade of the tree, a small table and three chairs were placed.

Tea and pastries were both were arranged by Syvis.

Riya immediately noticed a beautiful middle-aged woman sitting on one of the three chairs.

She was wearing a floppy hat and a simple white gown; her blue-purplish hair swayed in the air, giving her extra mature charm.

She tilted her head towards Riya and her bluish, serpentine-like eyes shone with great wisdom in them.

Syvis dragged Riya with her and made her sit beside them both.

She smiled and introduced the other party to Riya.

"This is an old friend of mine, her name is very long-" (Syvis)

Before Syvis could complete her sentence, the other party smiled at Riya and said in a gentle tone:

"I am Aria Shinaya Un Mirage, You can call me Aria for short…" (Aria)

Riya’s eyes widened in sheer shock after hearing that name, She stood up from her chair and shouted in a loud voice:

"The dragon of the deep sea!, the strongest healer in the world!, Aria ’The Heaven’s Gift’!?" (Riya)

Hearing Riya utter her various titles with such awe, a complicated look appeared on Aria’s face.

"Uh… you don’t need to shout those embarrassing titles out loud, you know…" (Aria)

"You are my idol! Can I get your autograph!?" (Riya)

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"Eh, what…" (Aria)

"Ahem! Calm down a bit you two…" (Syvis)

To prevent the situation from escalating further, Syvis had to intervene.

Riya finally calmed down from that sudden shock and sat down on her chair again.

Syvis glanced at Riya and said:

"When I told her that a talent like yours had appeared, she came over in a hurry…" (Syvis)

"That’s not all; I still need to investigate something else too… but I will leave that for later…" (Aria)

"Well, it’s extremely rare to see a healer of your level of talent appear so, it’s a good thing to make acquaintances early…" (Aria)

Aria nodded her head at Riya while sipping the tea prepared by Syvis.

"Sigh~ the taste of the elven tea is always amazing; I missed it a lot in the past century…" (Aria)

Hearing her words, Riya immediately questioned with a puzzled expression:

"Ah, yes, in the records, they said that you went missing a hundred years ago…" (Riya)

"Well, I needed a breather after healing the world tree… I was quite exhausted, so I went on a trip to the outer edge of the solar system with an old friend…" (Aria)

"Heal the world tree? That’s the first time I have heard about it…" (Riya)

Riya totally ignored the conversation between Aaron and Kai during the investigation event as she was nibbling on candies, so she didn’t hear much about Aria at that time.

At Riya’s question, Syvis nodded her head.

"It’s considered a national secret of the elven race, but as you already know about it, let me brief it to you…" (Syvis)

With a solemn expression on her face, Syvis started to explain.

"The world tree roots go deep into the planet and thus it can’t be uprooted… although it provides stability, it’s also a disadvantage…" (Syvis)

During the thousand year war, millions of monsters and demons died on the planet’s surface, thus contaminating the land with miasma and corruption caused by the dead bodies.

Even though the SS-rankers tried to purify it all, a thousand years of contamination still caused immense damage. The corruption penetrated the ground and went deep into the planet.

Eventually, it came into contact with one of the roots of the world tree and started to corrupt the whole world tree.

The world tree can certainly purify a large amount of corruption on its own, but a thousand years of contamination still caught up to it and destroyed its roots.

After the war ended and centuries passed, the world tree started to wither and die.

In the six hundred years directly after the thousand-year war, not a single SS-rank healer was born and the withering on the world tree reached extreme levels.

Elves had already started to think that it was time for their beloved world tree to pass away.

But then Aria was born into the world with a great talent for healing magic.

Her talent was nearly at the level of the Dragon King himself.

After she grew up, she offered her help to heal the world tree, and the elves were overjoyed by this.

But even with her help, it was still difficult to purify and heal the world tree, as it had been facing corruption for more than a thousand years.

Corruption ran too deep into the world tree, even its trunk and branches had gone dark black due to the effects of corruption.

With her amazing talent, Aria slowed down the corruption a lot, while waiting.

She waited for a hundred years, and her wait paid off.

Syvis was born into the world just a hundred years later.

The two of them then worked together to properly heal and purify the world tree.

Healing such a gigantic tree was no easy task; it’s roots alone were thousands of kilometers long.

It was a daunting and very exhausting task, but with the combined efforts of two SS-rank healers, it was eventually completed.

Aria received her title ’The Heaven’s Gift’ because she helped the elves when they were least expecting it.

(It took them fifteen years of continuous healing and purification to complete this task…)

"Sigh, if you had been born a few centuries ago, we both wouldn’t have to work so hard, the problem could have been solved much more easily with three SS-rank healers…" (Aria)

Riya couldn’t help but smile happily at those words, as she was happy that her ’idol’ was talking so highly of her.

Author’s Notes.

Yo! It’s your beloved author here! It seems that Riya finally got to meet her idol today, maybe she will get to learn something good from her…

Question of the day.

Who will you take as your mentor if you become a healer?

1. Syvis (A strict way of teaching…)

2. Aria (Teaching? What’s that? We don’t do that here…)

3. Riya (You will need to offer rare candies if you want to become her student… moreover, Link’s bodyguard’s will stare at you 24/7…)

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