Reborn as the Princess’ Knight (GL) Chapter 11 Rose Before The Date!

Chapter 9.5: Rose before the date!

This will be in Rose’s POV also known as Rosarie, how she prepared, and how she escaped the castle.

Rose’s POV

"Ahhh! I’m bored! It’s always duty this! Duties! When will I ever have fun around this place?!" I pouted and I sat down into my comfy bed that probably was worth three times my maid’s salary.

It saddens me to think my mere bed could last a simple family for years!

This is horrible. Here my family is thriving but I know our kingdom is actually suffering. "And I’m supposed to be one of the [Light Princess] but oh what can I even do..."

I don’t have access to the [Royal Treasury] and help others but maybe someday but when I’m older?

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*Knock– Knock–*

There was a knock on my door as I groaned. I swear if it’s another governess telling me how to properly stand up and I quote, "A lady must not run because it is unladylike and boys from high profile families would not find that attractive."

The thought of it just made my face red! How can you say that a lady must not run?! But what if we are in danger?! Should we just walk through and be like, "Oh my hello kidnapper just walking here. My governess said I can’t run so please don’t hurt me."

How ridiculous!

I’m pretty sure no boy would marry a dead corpse by then! How stupid is she?!

"Ugh! Come in!" I yelled as the door opened and my older sister looked at me with an infuriated gaze.

"My oh my, is that how you talk to your dearest elder sister?"

"Cecilia? To what do I owe the pleasure of your lovely visit today?"

I actually have two sisters. An older one and a younger one.

Cecilia Goldheart is my older sister and a huge pain in my back. Even if her tone was calming, and relaxing deep inside she’s mad and she’s ready to rumble with me.

"Where have you been last time, dearest sister Rosarie?" (Cecelia) asks invading my personal space, I don’t need her to know where I am for my whole life!

"In my room studying of course. I have to get better at naming forks to impress my future fiancé. Oh my this is one fantastic salad fork! Now you see I’m quite educated now would you like my hand in marriage?" I sarcastically answered while still groaning inside my mind. Can’t she just mind her own business already?!

I laid on my bed and looked at her suspiciously, "What do you really want Cecilia?"

My elder sister sighs and crosses her arms, "Father and mother have high expectations on all of us. I don’t want your indecent mannerism to be made public! The way you sit right now is not even appropriate!"

She scolded me while I just replied, "I have these lessons almost everyday with nothing changing! Can’t I be like any other kid and just go out?! I’m tired!"

Cecilia glared at me and yelled, "That’s because we’re not like other kids! We’re princesses! We have to be graceful, poised, well mannered, educated and last but not least perfect."

I scoffed and laughed, "So much for being human."

"Perfection is a must. Look at me, father and mother are certainly impressed by how I’m doing. Don’t you agree?" (Cecilia) flaunted as she grins. "So fix your attitude and finally be a proper princess the kingdom of Puronia deserves."

That’s some utter hogwash!

"That’s it? You tell me to fix my hair, play dress up, and go to silly parties while I let my people suffer? I don’t want to be that kind of princess!"

Cecilia glares as she continues to fight with me, "That’s not what I meant! What I meant was have some class! Princesses are well mannered and soft spoken. Why can’t you just be that?!"

"That’s because I never wanted to be a [Light Princess]! I didn’t even want to be born into this family!"

She finally shuts up before she could say something else another knock on my door appeared and it was my little sister, Catherine Goldheart.

She eyed us cautiously and a little anxious before her hands signed us and we read, ’Are you two okay?’

She must’ve heard us shouting outside. I tried to hide my frown with a smile before hugging my little sister. "Yes, we’re just having some friendly banters. Your two sisters were fighting on what shoes to wear." I told her reassuringly and the doubt in her eyes grew.

Little Catherine was always a smart one so maybe I’ll tell her everything after Cecelia goes out of my room. "Cecilia was just leaving anyway right?"

I motioned for Cecilia to get out and she sighed, "Yes, I was. Don’t forget about our talk, Rosarie."

"Yes, yes. I’ll make sure to wear blue next time we go out with the noble ladies." I waved her off and scoffed before finally she left the room.

My body relaxed as my shoulders slumped knowing that the woman was gone. She might be my sister but she can just be so annoying. "Sorry you had to hear all of that Catherine. You just know how she is."

Catherine shook her head and signed, ’Is it about being a proper princess again?’

I laughed, "You guessed it." I told her and she smiled.

My little sister is mute and even if we have the power to heal, we can’t heal this one...

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Maybe someday I’ll find a way.

I walked up to my closet and browsed to my shawls. "Hey Catherine, do you know how to dress up for a date and look okay while still wearing a shawl that will cover up your face?"

Catherine signs, ’Are you going out again?’

I nod, "Mnhmm, it’s with someone I met at the market and um..."

I looked at my hand, the cut from before now healed but I swear I could still feel her touch that lingered there. I blushed before I even realized it.

"Someone I um... you know. I think I might need to pay her back. She actually saved me twice from trouble." I told Catherine and she gave me a grin.

’Knight in shining armor perhaps? Did you two kiss already?’ Catherine hugs herself and mimics kissing with the air.

"Catherine no! We did not! We just met!" I yelled as I threw one of my shawls at her.

She smiled and said, ’But did you ever think about kissing her?’

Oof. "I mean– um just now?"

’Heh. What a simpleton.’ (Catherine) insults me in sign language. Hey!

"Hey I am not! I’m also your big sister, give me some respect!" I yelled as I threw another shawl at her. It was blue this time.

’So what’s this person’s name?’ (Catherine) bends down after hand signing that and picks up the shawl I threw.

I blushed at the thought of just her name. I wasn’t really comfortable talking about my love interests with my family but Catherine is an exception. "Her name was Kein Rosenguard. Quite handsome she was..."

I sighed my heart feeling mellow and nervous at the thought of us meeting later. "Oh Catherine! She saved me from falling from a tree and an angry vendor that I took an apple from."

She gave me a surprised look and hand signed quickly, ’You stole an apple?! Why didn’t you take any money with you?!’

You know I almost couldn’t read that from how fast she went. "Okay, I was in a hurry and forgot the money. Second, I swear I’m going to pay him back! But oh thankfully I forgot! Or else Kein and I wouldn’t have met!"

’That’s one way of looking at it.’ (Catherine) rolled her eyes.

"Oh don’t you think her last name would fit with mine? Rosarie Rosengaurd. Isn’t it quite nice?" I asked and she just shrugged.

’Two roses in one name is confusing.’

I flapped my arms and countered, "No! Her name has meaning! Rosen-guard! Don’t you see?"

She shakes her head, ’No, I don’t see it and does she know you’re a princess anyways?’

"No, I haven’t revealed myself yet." I told Catherine and she listened intently. ’Well, that’s unfortunate. Why though?’ (Catherine)

I sigh as I finally pull out the perfect red shawl to cover my face with, "If she saw the real me. A princess? Would she treat me differently? No longer with kindness and concern but with greed and want? I don’t know her well enough to decide."

Catherine frowns and pats my shoulder softly, ’If she doesn’t like you for who you are then that person is trash and is not deserving of my amazing sister.’

I laughed happily that she called me amazing and nodded but I don’t think Kein is that type of person anyways, "Well I’m meeting her later. Help me wear a shawl to cover my face with?" I ask Catherine and she nods.

I happily told her in more detail how Kein and I met. She listened carefully but I swear she looked like she was about to die in her current state.

Perhaps she’s not interested in romance? Hmm. Well maybe she’s just too young to think about one.

"Well then. Thanks for picking up a shawl with me." I said to Catherine who just nodded and smiled.

’Goodluck on your date. Be careful going down your porch guards are on high alert these days.’ (Catherine)

I sighed knowing she’s right. The guards have been certainly on high alert but I won’t keep Kein waiting on me under that tree!

"I’ll be back as soon as I can. Now... May the holy gods let me borrow a vessel to imprison and become mine. [Light Magic: Light Clone]!"

I summoned a clone that just looked like me, in everything. "They wouldn’t know what’s even different."

I’ve been using this spell for the past month and it’s been working all this time. I haven’t been caught. Catherine even seemed to be impressed with it.

’Can it talk?’ she asked.

I shake my head, "No, I’m afraid she can only walk and pose as me to look like I’m actually studying. Maybe someday when I find a way."

’Be safe on your journey! May the goddess of light be on your side!’

"See you later sister!"

I went back down the porch and ran as fast as I could. Kein must be waiting for me under that tree! I miss her already! I can’t wait for our date!

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