Reborn as the Princess’ Knight (GL) Chapter 16 Lumineria Festival [2/2].

Chapter 12.5: Lumineria Festival [2/2].

Kein’s POV

"Really?! We can go together with no problems?!" I asked Lenard who panicked and shushed me.

We sat down at a bench in our hiding place, the gardens where no one usually visits for some reason but that gives me the excuse to yell in excitement because finally!

"Keep it down, Kein!" (Lenard)

Geez I’m sorry but really! A festival with my cousin! I never had anyone to celebrate festivals on earth other than my daughter. This is really exciting! "And the best part is that Lucas won’t be joining us." I muttered to myself.

Lenard looked at me with guilt in his eyes- oh shit did I say it out too loud?

"I-I... M-Maybe we should invite him to join us? I feel bad leaving him out of it..." (Lenard) scratched his neck nervously but still not breaking eye contact,

I stared at him for a few seconds before going- HUH?!

Excuse me but that Lucas is a killjoy and he’s most likely going to create chaos and fiascos if we brought him with us!

Do you know how many bruises I got from that asshole?! "I don’t know if that’s a good idea." I told him.

"I don’t know if your crush would even enjoy a third wheel." I nudged his side teasingly but there was no change in his expression. Wow, is he that guilty? Or at least. He really does care about his twin brother even if he is a rotten egg to the core.

I frown as I crossed my arms together thinking of how kind Lenard is even to people who don’t deserve it, "Lenard even after what he did to you. Insulted you? Humiliated you? You still want him to come along?"

Lenard nodded slowly and I raised my eyebrows, "He’s my brother. Of course I would." (Lenard) answered. I can feel the honesty from his tone and that made me give up a little but still inviting Lucas is not really a good idea.

"Lenard, I’m sorry but if I have to be honest. Even if he is your twin brother. I don’t think family should treat you that way." I told him. Lenard looked shocked hearing about what I said but I wasn’t wrong.

He was denying it.

As if I don’t notice what other things Lucas had done to you, Lenard.

In terms of physically you’re alright... but mentally I’m sure it’s taking a toll on you. You’ve dealt more verbal abuse from both Aunt Haren and Lucas. "I know it should hurt more because you’re related to them by blood and you thought of them as family but does it feel right?"

Lenard sighs as he gently holds his arm for support before answering me, "I-It doesn’t... but is it really okay?"

I hugged Lenard, it was so sudden but it felt like he needed one of these. First, he reacted surprised, but slowly he relaxed and hugged me back. "It’s okay. I only hope you understand why I’m telling you this, Lenard."

"To keep me safe and to know that my family always sticks together." (Lenard)

I nod, "Family leaves no one behind."

Listen. I might not be the real Kein Rosenguard but if anyone harms Lenard I will kill them. He’s been through a lot and he and I are the same. "How about we just enjoy the festival with that Vincent person okay? And we just forget all about our problems there, you know, just have fun."

Lenard chuckles as we let go of each other somehow our trust in each other was little more closer than before, I really do care for him. In this world I have no one else.

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"Alright, I’ll see you tomorrow Kein." (Lenard)


Tomorrow came by in a flash, Lenard and I waited for Vincent and saw his carriage with the Wolfson crest on it. There were some guards accompanying it but that was all.

It’s just screaming I’m filthy rich if I’m being honest. When the carriage stopped in front of us, Vincent opened the door and got out. Bowing momentarily and I glanced at Lenard oh boy oh boy he’s really flustered right now.

"Good day. To you two. Are the both of you ready to depart?" (Vincent) asked as he accompanied us in his carriage.

Lenard nods, "Y-Yes. Well then um pardon me." He sat out in the left seat and smiled at me. I smiled back and stood beside the guards.

I’ve been assigned to be Lenard’s maid/helper meaning I have no luxury to even ride a carriage. Well I forgot to buy new shoes actually, I should’ve done that weeks ago.

In any case I should be glad I have several other canvases in case inspiration strikes me when I’m at the festival.

Vincent glances at me confused as he walks towards me, "Please, Lady Kein you need not walk with the company of the guards outside. You may ride with us in the carriage. A lady like yourself should not be forced to walk."

Wait what? Wow he’s practically a gentleman. I’m lesbian but oh my god if I was straight Vincent I would’ve probably go swoon. "Well damn, okay- um thank you, your lordship." Man that was awkward. I walked and went inside the carriage. My body language was animated when I got there.

Oh my, so I see Lenard on the left side of the seating when I get inside.

Without even thinking, my lips curved into a grin as I sat down at the right seating of the carriage.

I have a plan.

When Vincent was about to come in I started making exaggerated groans and pain noises. "Oh no! Woe is me, my lord. If it’s not too much trouble, may I rest my foot up for it has been badly injured as of lately!"

"K-Kein are you alright? Why didn’t you tell me your foot got injured?" (Lenard) asked , his face full of worry. Man, I feel bad but it’s for romance so sit down Lenard.

Let me be your wing woman and let this ship sail.

I gave Lenard a wink and he immediately understood what I was trying to do.


Vincent eyed me, eyes a bit worried but soon agreed, "If you need it we can turn back, will you be alright once we get to the capital?"

I nod and waved it off laughing a little to you know ease the tension, "Yeah I have amazing healing powers. This injury will be alright once we get into the capital now please do sit."

He gave me a weird look before FINALLY sitting with Lenard.


When the carriage moved it was a long ride to get there like hours. The guards walked beside the ever slow turtle carriage, at this pace we’ll be there by lunch. Also the festival lasts until night and I think Lenard told me we were allowed to even stay there that late.

Geez the powers of a Duke’s son are unlimited.

I glanced at the two of them as they chatted together. When did they get so close? I’m a little jealous but still I’m glad Lenard is having fun with others. I rested my elbow on the side of the glass as I could hear the stomping feet of the horses.

The scenery changes every minute, and I admire taking in everything at once. Even if I see this every time I go out, safe to say I’ll never tire of it because this kingdom is really beautiful. "Ah it seems that we are here." (Vincent) muttered and my ears perked up from his words.

Definitely we’re here! I can already see a crowd of people forming not too far away! I can smell the festival air as the people jumped around for joy, I can see performances left and right but the carriage is VERY DISTRACTING.

People stared, and I felt a little uncomfortable but it would soon disperse once we have arrived to stop.

"Finally!" I yelled. Sitting in a carriage is not good for my butt. Seriously, it hurts. I got out first before looking back, seeing Vincent offering a hand for Lenard to grab on warms my heart.

"Kein, don’t get too excited, okay?" (Lenard) scolded me, his voice a little strict but I shrugged him off.

"Come on, Lenard! We have to taste everything at the stall! There’s even games there!" I pointed at a corner where they really were doing games and was being all festive about it.

I want to play! Imagine, a middle aged woman like me wanting to play games. This is a rare sight to behold but one thankful advantage of being in a child’s body is that you can actually act like a child and not get in trouble for it. Well, sometimes.

"Before all the fun we need to go somewhere first." (Vincent) ordered his guards to guard the carriage as the three of us went together to wherever Vincent was taking us. Well obviously I followed him but got distracted by all the stalls that were calling my name.

The incredible smell of food was everywhere. I want some. I can feel myself drooling over that delicious looking piece of pie. How long must I walk and act like I’m not hungry? "Ow."

I didn’t realize I got too distracted and bumped into someone. "Apologies- I wasn’t looking where I was going..."

"It’s alright, I’m used to it but we really have to stop bumping into each other like this, Kein."

Wait that voice-

"Rose?!" No way! I swear this is the third time.

"Aw did you miss me?" (Rose) asked as she smiled under that purple shawl of hers. She giggled as I looked around nervously, realizing I got lost and was separated from Vincent and Lenard.

Oh no! Not again! Why the am I stuck with you again?

I crossed my arms and answered, "On the contrary no. I did not and did you see my cousin from last time and some fancy dude with light blue hair around here? I was with them."

Rose looks around as well before turning to me, "So you got separated with them?"

I groaned, "No need to state the obvious but yes we got separated because I was distracted."

When your stomach is incredibly hungry of course you’re bound to bump into people. I haven’t eaten breakfast yet actually, the maids said I can go eat grass for all they care.

My food rations on my [Storage Ring] are running low too. I should restock them the sooner the better but for now... "What the hell am I going to do now?"

I got separated from my cousin whom I was supposed to hang out with today but no! Rose smiles as she offers her hand, "Do you want to find them? I can help."

I looked at Rose then at her hand. "If you’re offering then alright but what’s the hand for?"

"For you to not get separated again. Come on, time’s being wasted if you stand around gawking like that!" (Rose) held my hand and at first I felt my safe bubble being threatened because she was holding my hand without permission but.

How can her hand be so soft?

No! I’m just amazed at how soft her hand is, nothing weird! It’s all platonic thinking and jeez you’re only ten! I sigh and just keep holding her hand with a decent grip as we walk our way around the festival.

"Kein?! Kein! Where are you?"

I looked at Rose tugging her hands a little, "That’s my cousin’s voice!" I muttered frantically as I looked around hoping to see Lenard’s figure.

"I think he’s near. Don’t let go, okay?" (Rose) instructed keeping a firm hold of my hand.

I nodded and followed Rose. Thankfully soon after that Lenard stopped shouting and I felt a hug on my back. "Kein you little rascal don’t go running off! Lord Vincent and I have been worried!"

Lenard clung onto my shoulder as his eyes were full of tears. Lord Vincent looked at me worriedly as he muttered, "Are your feet alright? You mentioned having an injury..."

Oh man, did he remembered that lie? I feel bad but it was for the ship.

I laughed nervously, "Yes! It’s super fine I can run a whole hill." I answered by scratching the back of my neck. Urgh, I hope he doesn’t find out that I lied.

"K-Kein! Don’t ever get separated okay?!" (Lenard) shouted, other people are staring now it’s so awkward! Hold on this isn’t the first time I got separated. Why are you crying?!

"Lenard, I’m fine!" I shouted as I tried getting him off of me.

He stopped clinging into my shoulder and looked at my hand. "So who’s this?" (Lenard) pointed at Rose who’s hand was still holding mine.

"Oh! Um." I took her hand away from mine instinctively when Lenard noticed.

Rose looked a little dejected but still managed to answer Lenard’s question, "My name is Rose. We actually met before but it was a little brief if I remember." (Rose)

"Oh! I-It’s nice to meet you, I’m Lenard Yulien. Kein’s cousin." (Lenard) answered nervously as he bowed. "It’s my first time meeting a shrine maiden. Are you here to enjoy the festivities?" (Lenard) asked.

Right, people with special light gray eyes are servants of the light goddess and their paths were already decided to be maidens to serve the goddess until their last breath. I guess it’s not really that uncommon if Lenard guessed at first try.

Rose smiles and replies to Lenard, "Yes, I’m here to enjoy and perhaps watch the Mistral dance that’s about to be performed at the holy séance later."

I looked at Vincent but he was just watching the two talk together. Is Lord Vincent jealous?

Don’t worry Vincent, Lenard doesn’t swing that way. You can rest your feelings, Lenard won’t be taken by anyone else. "Well um... if introductions are over can we move on? How about we go get something to eat?"

Lord Vincent nods approvingly to my suggestion, "I am quite famished, how about you three?" he turned to the rest of us and we looked at each other before answering.

"Certainly." (Rose)

"So-so." (Lenard)

"I could eat a horse." I replied.

Rose’s eyes widened as she glared at me, "Don’t you dare hurt the horses!"

"I meant metaphorically! I just mean- I’m really hungry." I raised my arms up fearing that she might be angry over a metaphor. I swear I was thinking a slap was next on the list. Are horses really that important to her?

Then again Rose looks like to be the type to not even try on killing the cockroach but let it free. Heck she might as well feed it before setting it free. "It will be my treat, please don’t hesitate." (Vincent)

"Wait really? You’re treating us?" I ask.

"Yes. I will not repeat it a second time. I’m sure you’re famished so help yourself." (Vincent)

I looked at Lenard as if asking for permission, he sighs for a moment before nodding. "If it what Lord Vincent wishes, we cannot disobey." (Lenard)


I began running around different kinds of stalls and just began eating like a pig. Well to be fair, who knows when I can get to eat like this again! While my money situation is still going good, I still have over 800 Gold left on my ring but it’s better to save and take advantage of every situation where I can have free food.

I know I’m shameless but who cares?

Vincent and Rose talked while Lenard went with me to take a dip on the foods to bring to those other two. They were talking so familiarly with each other I’m rather intrigued. "Hey don’t you think Rose and Vincent get along weirdly well?" I ask Lenard as the stall owner gave me the meat skewer that Lenard paid for using Vincent’s money.

I said thank you to the stall owner as she gave us more of it. Lenard looks toward their direction before chuckling. I gave him a weird side glance before taking a huge bite of my skewer, "Why are you laughing about it?"

He gently pats my head before giving me a smile, "Kein, I’m sure Rose wants nothing from Lord Vincent."

"So what do you think Rose wants then?" I ask finishing the last meat of my skewer before breaking the stick in half and then throwing it in a nearby trash pile.

"Not telling for now. Maybe someday." (Lenard)

Kids these days can’t even answer a question. "Well then I don’t want to press on so why not get these skewers to them?" I answered as I placed my hands behind my back a little more carefree than usual. Lenard came back to those two and gave them the meat skewers.

"Let us walk while we eat to save time to experience everything in the festival." (Vincent) said and we followed as we ate on the way.

Many stall owners used some sort of magic to appease the people on the festival on some there were mini waterfalls, for fire some cooked with some fucking flambé action, for wind there were flying products with shameless advertisements, oh and for earth magic users I wasn’t sure what they’d do but apparently made some earth golems for them to help around the store.

There’s magic everywhere.

I want my own magic now. I groaned, biting my finger in jealousy. Damn these jealousy feelings, where is my magic at?

"Here here! See our magic act! We shall perform a forbidden act with the presence of our four other caster!"

I gasped as I heard the word forbidden act. And you know what they say, ANYTHING FORBIDDEN IS BOUND TO BE AMAZING! Half of them are regretful things though but I’ll take the chance.

"Lenard! A magic show! Can we go please?"

"Lord Vincent, is it alright if we do?" (Lenard) asks Lord Vincent.

He looks at Rose then at me, "Yes, of course. Let us take part among the crowd then." (Vincent)

I excitedly moved forward and watched as performers played their instruments into a very catchy blood rushing music. Oh fuck this should be good. "Please grab a partner! Everyone knows the offering dance, let’s go!"

Wait- an offering dance? I-I don’t know how to dance though!

I was about to escape but then I realized I was now surrounded by partners everywhere in a circle. WHOEVER SHOUTED THAT IT WAS A FORBIDDEN ACT I HATE YOU! I thought it was something cool but no it was dancing!


Oh no oh no. I have to escape. "Ah shoot." I realized I was the only one without a partner and everyone else was already swaying their bodies dancing in the circle.

"Kein! Here, take my hand!"

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Wait what-

Slowly I felt Rose’s hand grabbing my wrist as she pulled me to her direction as the music started more mellow.

"What the heck Rose?" I shouted as I worriedly glanced around us, seeing Lenard awkwardly smiling at the girl who got paired with him. Well at least from the looks of Lord Vincent he’s doing fine with his partner.

"Whew so at least they’re fine." I muttered.

"Are you alright? The offering dance is a bit catastrophic once you become a part of it." (Rose)

"Please, how can it even become that catastrophic?"

"Look over there." (Rose)

I looked over the wide arrangement of dancers and what they were doing- they were doing dips? What kind of dancing is this?! "What is this dance?"

"A dance offering for the light goddess in terms of how she wanted her people to dance in honor of how she broke up with her ex lover." (Rose) awkwardly looked to the side as I just stood there, my mouth twitching in annoyance.

"This is the shittiest dance lore I’ve ever heard. What sort of goddess would make their followers dance to that?"

I told Rose and she chuckled, realizing that the dance required holding her hand. I did it anyway. "Her I suppose. I am a believer of all the light has taught us but the light goddess herself is not at all perfect."

I see... It’s giving me a whole Greek gods Deja vu here. The both of us danced while I kept my eye on Lenard mostly worried about him. Who knows what’s going on inside his mind right now?

"Are you worried about your cousin?" (Rose) glanced in the same direction as I did.

"Yes, as you can see he’s... yeah... I’m just worried." I told her and she nodded in understanding, giving me a comforting smile.

"Do you perhaps want to talk about it? I’m a good listener." (Rose) 𝖋𝖗𝖊𝖊𝔴𝖊𝖇𝔫𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖑.𝖈𝖔𝖒

I shook my head, "Has anyone ever told you, you’re really nosy if I’m being honest?"

"Yes, a lot of people have actually but I can’t help it after all." (Rose) smiles but it was a sad one. "I have to at least ask if they’re alright. If there’s any chance I can help I’ll do everything that I can to help so will you let me take things off your mind?"

I purse my lips as I look at Lenard once again. He seems to be doing fine, just a bit awkward is all. "I just want to dance then and if you can do dips then do it."

"Gladly." (Rose)

Forgetting that I was her partner- she held my hand more tightly putting me in a gentle spin before our bodies leaned back where she supported me by the waist doing a natural dip.

Since she was the lead dancer I was the one looking at her from above. Her gray eyes looked at me lovingly before the music came to a stop and she pulled me back properly. "What the heck, that was honestly amazing! I was only kidding with you but you actually did it." I told her as we both held hands again.

"As I’ve said I’ll do everything I can to help but who knows learning how to dance would have been so worth it right now." (Rose) laughed as I smiled.

The dance ends as we finally get to regroup with Lenard and Lord Vincent.

"Lenard, were you okay?!"

Lenard nods as he awkwardly scratches the back of his neck. "Yeah, my dance partner was a bit... forceful but other than that I’m alright. How about Lord Vincent?"

"I’m alright as well but..." (Lord Vincent) trails off in the distance for a moment before looking back at us again. "We should explore what the festival has to offer. The Mistral dance will soon be performed by the first princess of the light kingdom. Later tonight we still have a lot of time so where would you all like to go?"

I raised my arm to answer, "Can I be excused and just meet you guys later? I have to compete in a painting competition in the west section I think. I can find my way in wherever they will perform the Mistral dance at."

Don’t think I have forgotten about the competition Veronica’s boyfriend tipped me about. "You paint?" (Lord Vincent) asked.

"Yes, I paint for my past time." Well it’s also a side job but he doesn’t need to know that. The winner gets something in the end! I can’t pass this up.

"Then do you know the way to the Holy Church?" (Lenard)

Holy church? I’ve never been there but surely it’s a church. Come on, I can’t miss it. "They will perform the Mistral dance in front of all the people of Puronia. To get a good seat would be rather difficult and... if it’s alright I can get seats for us until then." (Lord Vincent)

Oh that would be honestly alright. I suppose Lord Vincent is eager to watch the dance so much he’s going to camp for seats. "I-I’ll go with Lord Vincent." (Lenard)

"Thank you, Lord Vincent and Lenard. Well I’ll catch up with all of you later then." I told them as I walked in the opposite direction.

"Wait, I’m coming as well!" (Rose) yelled as she caught up with me. Lenard and Vincent were already far away now...

"Rose, are you sure? If I’m being honest it’ll last for more than an hour or so. Are you really alright watching me there?" I’m also not sure if she’ll enjoy watching painters just... paint for a whole hour.

"Mnhm! Now come on, lead the way!" (Rose)

I nod and lead her the way into the competition. There were already dozens of people surrounding the competition area and I walked up to the person in charge that was sitting in a chair waiting for more competitors. "Excuse me? Can I compete in this?"

The man looked at me before fixing his sitting position, "Little kid aren’t you a little young for these?"

"Is there an age limit?" I ask.

The man laughs and waves his hand off, "No but go home. The adults will only crush your remaining pride if you have some consciousness left. Let me give you some advice, it’s best to quit now or else. I bet you can only do some amateur work anyways."

Amateur work? Excuse me? I was about to politely curse him but someone else went in for the kill instead.

"Hey you!" (Rose) called out to him her face a little red, did she hear all of that?

"A shrine maiden? What is it that you want? Don’t tell me she’s with you." He told me and I nodded.

"Kein can beat all the adults if you let her compete, I tell you! She’s really talented and has more room to grow so why not let her join already!" (Rose) yelled making a scene.

I know I should be flattered that someone is defending me but why do I feel a little embarrassed by it. "Um okay, Rose maybe that’s enough-"

"You judge too easily based on their age- so what if she’s young? Can’t she still join even if she has amateur skills so she can gain experience, learn from her mistakes and then make an even more astounding work from before! Heck from what I’ve seen she can paint an even better artwork than you!" (Rose) shouted some more, making the man sit up from his seat and giving us a grin.

"I’m the all time champion for three whole years. I’m not going to let a little kid beat me, you know I was feeling generous of not competing this year but I’ll make your little friend taste bitter humiliation little shrine maiden." (Obnoxious man)

Umm, "Rose I don’t think this is a good idea digging our graves-"

"Bring it on! I’ll bet a hundred gold on Kein, if she loses you can have this." She grabs a pocket full of coins and tosses it into the table.

"Little girl don’t you think a hundred gold is too low but I suppose it’s better than nothing." the obnoxious man laughed.

Rose’s gray eyes looked so determined as her gaze went back to me. "Kein can you win?"

I shrug normally I won’t give a damn I was already planning to win so why not crush this little fucker on the way? "Thanks for being my cheerleader. Remind me to buy you something when I win."

And with that I left, I paid for the entrance fee 50 silver coins and went in with the other competitors. I walked into the stage that had palettes, paints, brushes, and a canvas.

"Welcome to our annual painting competition joined by last year’s champion and returning winner Sir Demetro!" The crowd claps as the man who fought us bowed into the crowd and winked.

I rolled my eyes, a little disgusted by his behavior but still I wonder who’ll be judging us. "Please welcome our sponsor and judge for the competition Baron Hills!"

It’s the nice old man I sold my paintings to! He’s the judge?!

"I will judge all of you fair and square. The winner of this competition will bring home Gold and the title of [Champion of Arts] for the year." (Baron Hills) explained.

I looked at Rose for a moment and I saw her raise her hands into a thumbs up and I smiled. Somehow I’m glad I’m not alone on this but I caught her glaring at this Sir Demetro person and she looked like her eyes can really stab a person.

"That’s all the other rules, the theme of will be: Someone you hold dear."

Hmm someone I hold dear?

"You may start now."

I picked up my brush and began dipping it on some white paint. I coated the entire canvas of it and waited for it to dry, these are the same high quality ones I buy that only need a minute or two before they completely dry. "Someone dear to me..."

I think for a moment thinking back... the words echoing in my mind.

I smile, the image of the person I know I would love to see again.

I took the base colors and began sketching a regal sitting pose. I remember how soft it was, I always brushed it. She always hated vegetables but I forced her to eat her peas. My heart wondered how she is now?

Does she have any friends?

Does she have food in the fridge?

Is she missing me?

My lips twitched remembering, imagining the things we could’ve done together if only I didn’t die. I firmly gripped the end of the brush as I was almost finished with my work. I only needed to add her smile now and it’s perfect. The time went quickly and there were only five more minutes before the competition ended.

My hands quickly worked, now my whole clothes are covered in paint but I didn’t care. I wiped the sweat forming from my forehead and sighed in relief. "And stop! Put your brushes down please!"

I put my brush down as Baron Hills came up the stage and analyzed the painting one by one asking questions like who is this and how is she dear to you? It was the same question with different answers.

Many people painted their lover, parents, but I wasn’t expecting Sir Demetro’s answer- "I painted myself because it wasn’t for me. I wouldn’t even be here right now. I love myself very dearly and I know I will win."

The other competitors groaned at his answer. Well there’s no shame in loving yourself but I think from how he acted I would guess he’s really narcissistic. Baron Hills then came to me and smiled. "Lady Kein, I see you joined."

"And I see you’re the judge." I replied.

"Yes, but don’t expect any bias from me now please, show me your work." (Baron Hill’s) eyes were excited that’s for sure.

I nod as I show him my canvas. It was a girl with black hair, deep black eyes, and would be considered foreign at first glance. "Who is this person to you? From how she was drawn and portrayed. I can feel she’s really someone important to you." (Baron Hills)

"I name this piece, my everything. She was my reason for living." I answered.

Everyone in the crowd gasps.

"It’s beautiful!"

"The girl in the painting is really stunning!"

"My oh my! Those are really foreign features!"

"Who is she to you?!"

I look away a little embarrassed. "She’s my everything." I answered the crowd.

"Ohhhh." (Crowd) said in unison, getting the reason for the name of my work.

I smile remembering everything about my daughter on earth. On how I took her to school, the first time she called me mom, it was the best feeling I’ve ever had. Baron Hills nods approvingly to me as he moves on to the next competitor. I think his eyes were clearer than before now and I’m glad.

I look at the crowd to find Rose staring. I gave her a wave as she waved back a little weak though. Well that was weird. After ten minutes of deciding the winner Baron Hills announced it, "The winner with no doubt! Kein Rosenguard!"

I breathe a sigh of relief and grin smugly at Sir Demetro who glares, "No way! You must have bribed the judge! Y-You cheated somehow!"

"Agh can you shut the fuck up already and accept that a ten year old kicked your ass? HUH? THREE YEAR CHAMPION?" I gave him the middle finger and took my prize money and walked out of there. He huffs and I hear him complaining on the way.

"Thank you Baron Hills sir! See you next time!" I wave goodbye at the sweet old man who smiles as he takes my work into his hands and leaves. I can trust him to take care of my work honestly, he’s a great guy.

I quickly found Rose who stood quietly at a corner waiting for me to finish. "Hey Rose, sorry for keeping you waiting here for so long. Wanna go find the others?" I ask her. Her mind seems to be in daze. "Uh Rose?"

"H-Huh yeah! It’s alright! Let’s move!" (Rose) smiled under her shawl, quickly walking as I followed behind.

"Are you okay? You seem rather no offense but you look like your pet died." I told her and she chuckled.

"I couldn’t get to punch the rude man before but you crushed him in that competition! I love um... your artwork by the way. Who was that girl you painted?" (Rose)

"Someone important to me in another life." I answered and Rose tilted her head.

"I see... I mean what was your relationship with her? Lovers perhaps?" (Rose)

I almost tripped with her question. "No, she’s a relative of mine- she was my daughter in another life- not my lover- don’t go assuming things!"

Her eyes widened for a bit as she sighed, "Thank goodness."

Hold up just a moment, did she just take that in too well? "Wait, you don’t think it’s weird? I mean talking about past lives and all? It’s not weird here?"

Rose shakes her head, "We’ve heard of people having dreams of their past life after all the spiritual connection of the kingdom to the light goddess is strong. I assumed you dreamt of your past life and remembered someone dear. We’ve had incidents of something like that... after all the light goddess is also the keeper of souls."

I see. So perhaps I’m not the only one who’s been isekaid... but I have my past memories like all of them. Is it a normal thing here?

And others don’t remember where they came from fully? "Thank you for explaining and you know- for defending me as well back then."

Rose stopped to look away for a moment before she finally faced me again but her face was a bit flustered. "No problem and oh! We’re here!" (Rose) points at a huge church and I question why I have never seen this before.

"It’s the only church that you can only see on this day. The holy domain of the goddess to where she lets mortals come in for the audience as the royal family performs the Mistral Dance."

I laugh a little nervously, "The offering dance from before was weird, please tell me the Mistral Dance isn’t about a dance celebrating breaking up with their lover." I told her.

Rose giggles a little as she shakes her head walking inside as I continue to follow her, "The Mistral Dance is some sort of ritual where the royal family now offers tribute with magic power from the audience. You’ll feel your magic power getting pulled later even if you haven’t awakened your magic yet."

Ohhh that’s honestly good to know beforehand. "And the people are alright with that?"

"Why of course, the people are loyal to the goddess and would gladly give up some of their magic power in hopes that the kingdom will be in peace for a long while." (Rose)

Huh I guess it’s not a bad thing then. "Let’s watch the dance then! Come on!"

I wonder if there will be summersaults or more circus acts again. I ran into the church as Rose was now following me. "Hold on! No running in the presence of the goddess!"

"Oops sorry."

We finally got to the seating area, the church inside had pure smooth marble with designs similar to a catholic church but it had more statues of a beautiful woman with her right hand raised up as if pointing into the heavens. Well now I know where our taxes go.

Then again I don’t pay taxes. Perks of being a child.

Rose and I struggled a little trying to find Lenard and Vincent but thankfully we found them after ten minutes of searching. "Kein over here!" (Lenard) waved at us and we went to his side.

"You’re just in time for the dance. Her highness the first princess Cecilia Goldheart will be performing soon." (Vincent)

Rose and I both sat as I excitedly looked over the stage, "Will the Mistral dance have some weird circus acts like the offering dance from before?"

Please tell me it will. Come on, I like watching chaos but not being part of it. "No, Fortunately the Mistral dance is sacred so it requires a more graceful choreography." (Lord Vincent)

Eh? Well I mean... aw man is it going to be boring? My shoulders slumped as the light closed in. "Oh. It’s starting now." (Rose)

A girl stands in front of the centerpiece of the church. Her white hair was glistening through the light from the windows as she raised her hands waving them in serene patterns as the light followed her.

Her feet slid through the floor as she made the shape of a circle with a flower pattern I couldn’t recognize but I could feel myself leaning in finding the whole dance different from the offering dance.

"It’s beautiful..." I couldn’t help muttering as the first princess danced her whole body moving freely, it reminded me of ballerina recitals but with the light dancing with her. As if she was fully in control of the light and where they wanted to go.

The first princess’ white hair bounced softly as she clasped her hands together casting something as the magic circle that she drew before became bigger. "May the light guide your way. [Light Magic: Blessing of the Divine]."

I felt a tingle of my body as white particles escaped from my fingertips and I could see everyone having the same experience as I have but to them it was a normal thing but to me as this is the most prettiest magic I’ve ever seen.

"I have never seen something so beautifully inspiring in my life."

I looked at the first princess that finished her dance so gracefully as everyone cheered for her. The noise of everyone clapping deafened my ears. Just then- my mind decided after watching that performance. "I have to make her my muse!"

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