Reborn as the Princess’ Knight (GL) Chapter 245 Negotiation (II).

Chapter 245 Negotiation (II).

Chapter 85: Negotiation (II).

Kein’s POV

"You own a divine weapon?!"

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Sato Iyashi’s shocked face got to me, her mouth was agape and her black eyes were wide with shock. To me this divine sword is just any other ordinary sword, I use my cursed sword [Nirvana] more than I use the divine one so I rarely pay any attention.

"I-It’s… really a big deal to you guys, huh." I remembered Kazari and Avery’s reaction from just this morning. I understand why many would scramble their minds just to get a hand of this sort of weapon. Avery was definitely in tune with my divine sword that she borrowed, with a weak slash she managed to cut down a huge tree.

Owning a divine weapon is a huge jackpot if a hero ever has one of these, thankfully now that I know that we can use this to our advantage. "I got it from a slime ancient ruin, I wasn’t expecting to find the little guy there."

"You-! Who in the world could casually call a divine weapon ’little guy’?! How could you be so lucky?! Do you know how many of those exist?!" she screamed and pointed a finger at me, making me startled from my seat.

"W-Well…" I couldn’t help but scratch the back of my head with how dumbfounded I was at the question. How could I know that divine weapons react that way to someone with summoned hero blood??"N-Not many?"

"Only a hundred in the world! The whole vast world! Divine weapons are weapons blessed by deities leaving a fraction of their power! And if a hero ever gets a hold of one-!" (Iyashi) held her heart in a panic, she was already talking to herself at this point- if I’m being honest I’m still trying to get used to her sudden emotional changes for every minute that passes.

She’s calm at first, then angry, then panicking, and then who knows what’s next?

"Kazari has already explained that part to me. If a hero is in possession of it they’ll be such an unstoppable force." I replied and Iyashi took a deep breath trying to calm herself down.

"Indeed they would be an unstoppable force, to have a hero in the party possessing a divine weapon would make our mission even more balanced. Imagine… with you two, I as a healer and a hero with a divine weapon would make the demons fear for their lives." (Iyashi) clenches her fist dramatically, having a dramatic look at the ceiling. "There is only three summoned heroes in the human kingdoms and it’s almost near impossible to get in touch with even one of them–"

Ah- I forgot to tell her about Avery.

"We forgot to tell her about Avery." I muttered out to Kazari who stared at me in worry. "I guess we’ll be alright. She’s the one who borrowed my divine weapon and the third member in our party, the [Puronia Hero], Avery Williams you can say hi when she gets here."

"You’ll be the fourth member of our party by the way. I hope that’s okay." I gave her one of my charming smiles, but I don’t think Iyashi is breathing anymore- "Um… is she?"

I leaned in over to have a closer look, "..." Iyashi was sitting down on the sofa barely conscious. It seemed like she went into shock after hearing the news that we’re friends with Avery.

"I-Is your sister okay? She couldn’t have fainted just because we know Avery, right?" I turned to ask Kazari a little worried, but she was calmly observing the situation.

"Apologies, other than our father we have not seen any other heroes in our lives. The Sato Clan is very prideful but they each know their place- the hero title is not for everyone and you could even say- they worship those who have it." (Kazari) explained and I chuckled when I heard the reason.

If she fainted just by hearing we’re good friends with a hero- just wait till Iyashi meets the actual person! In about… thirty more minutes because our good charming little hero friend is out on a date. I wonder if Avery’s enjoying her date right now, her hero genes must be doing wonders because go girl-!

"Do you think your sister will turn into a vegetative state if she ever meets Avery?"

"I… That might actually happen, I’m not sure if we should introduce each other yet. One of us should keep watch outside and not let her in the VIP room." (Kazari) told me seriously with glinting eyes. I was left speechless in my seat because that was intended to be a joke. I wasn’t actually expecting for her older sister to actually turn into vegetative state if she meets Avery.

"I was only joking, Kazari-"

"Apologies, I thought it over and my sister acts differently when she’s excited or full of emotion as you can see. Your suggestion and joke about her getting into a state is possible, just by the news she’s already down." She took a piece of paper that was on the table and threw it across Iyashi.


The paper hit her and she didn’t even flinch, "No reaction-"

"No offense, Kazari but for my first impression of the Sato Clan tell me. Is it full of peculiar people with unique traits like this?" If I ever visit hero island, would it be possible to encounter a flock of Iyashi? I’m not sure if I’ll be mentally prepared for this. "We are sooo going to visit your home after killing the demon lord."

"...I suppose a promise is a promise."

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We waited for a whole five minutes before Iyashi regained consciousness. At this point I had the intrusive thoughts of writing many scribbles on her face but I controlled myself and just waited for the girl to wake up.

"Ugh… What happened?" (Iyashi) held her head looking over to the two of us. "So it wasn’t a dream? You have a divine weapon and a hero at your party…"

"Yeah we were already set to venture out but we needed to fill in the missing piece of a healer and it seems to me you’ll be good to fill in that." I gave her a thumbs up, and she massages the temples on her forehead taking something out of her [Storage Ring].

So… she doesn’t have [Inventory] like Kazari and Avery, perhaps it is also a genetic or to be blessed thing.

"My apologies for leaving my consciousness, I have very few of that often when I feel stressed or excited. I have blackouts, and even though I am a healer myself- I haven’t found a cure for my own condition." (Iyashi) takes out a piece of paper, ink, and her quill. "I am no longer hesitant on joining your party, with a hero by our side we might actually have a chance of winning."

She dips the tip of the quill into the ink and starts writing the form contract of our party member rules, objectives, and form of payment. I watched her work, she was writing everything in Sprivinian. "Please read the contract paper and then leave your signature at the very bottom when you’re ready."

I take the paper contract in her hands, being careful and minding the beautiful written cursive of her work. I made sure to read everything to see that it was fair for both parties having equal gain, "Well it has everything we talked about in there. Once we defeat the demon lord- Kazari can go home and lead you to your father’s hidden treasure. We take the heart, and compensate you with a reward provided by our kingdom."

"Every rule is just proper manners here and adventurer etiquette. Rest assured we’re not interested in other monster loot- when we kill you can just collect them, Iyashi. No need to split the 50-50." I held her quill, dipping it in ink before signing my signature.

Kazari follows and does the same, "We have negotiated our terms and I will do everything in my absolute knowledge and power to show you the path I’ve been taking to get to the top tower within a few days."

"That would be appreciated, as much as possible we need to go back into the palace in a month." (Kazari) suggested and I agreed with her because who knows if the Kein’s prince cousins are causing havoc and chaos already.

"Hmm… if you want a month then with your magic it should be a little easier to go back. You’ll only worry about the way to the dungeon, I’ll handle that. Apart from being a healer I am also an excellent navigator." (Iyashi) carefully stores our paper contract back into her [Storage Ring] before taking out another thing.

She took the vase out of the table and laid a huge map down for us to look at.

"Behold!" (Iyashi) presented the map of the demon lord’s dungeon! Including the places with secret stairs and hideouts!


Iyashi managed to get something no other adventurers have- a whole complete map of the dungeon! "You’re amazing! How did you get this?! There shouldn’t be such a thing that exists-!"

"Our father took this paper from the former demon lord and well- he made it into one of our birthrights." (Iyashi) smiles widely, looking proud of the item in her hand. "It even has the throne room area where the demon lord is surely resting, I’ve had intel that she’s always here twenty-four/seven."

I was amazed at our new party member, I have gained respect for Iyashi- in some way.

"Munch… munch… munch… cool map but you’re wrong. She’s only there in the afternoons- most adventurers don’t get past the higher floors in the morning so it’s not really twenty-four/seven. She sits all afternoon in the throne room, boredly waiting for a new challenger to try and take her head." A blonde haired figure suddenly appeared behind us three, pointing casually at the map, continuing. "If there’s a place the demon lord would be most of her time, it’s the treasure room where she occasionally takes naps with her mountains of gold stash laying around."

Avery commented while eating her Pintxo. Pintxos are small snacks eaten in northern Spain and are lesser known internationally. They are offered in skewers and toothpicks.

Iyashi blinked and looked scared seeing the girl just pop out of nowhere not even noticing her hidden presence. "Hah-?! How did you get into the VIP room?! Excuse me but we’re having a private conversation."

"Munch… munch… sorry-! So you’re not our new healer? You were with my two buddies here so I thought you were." (Avery) started cleaning her teeth with the toothpick she got from the Pintxo and laughed. "The name’s Avery Williams by the way, nice to meet you. Shame you’re not in our party but could we maybe have a copy of the map?"

"Y-You… are-! T-The hero-?! Aver Williams- Ah… I feel dizzy…" I saw her body turning mellow and I was a moment too late.

"Ah-! Somebody grab her before she-!"


Iyashi fell into the ground with a loud thud, her back laying down onto the floor, currently unconscious and we don’t know how long before she wakes up again!


"EH?! WHAT HAPPENED?! WHY DID SHE SUDDENLY SLEEP?!" (Avery) hurriedly tried helping me get Iyashi back into the sofa instead of the floor.

"You happened." (Kazari) shrugs in reply. "She’ll be fine."

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