Reborn as the Princess’ Knight (GL) Chapter 26 Vincent’s Family.

Chapter 17: Vincent’s Family.

Kein’s POV

"No... Not this either. Nothing fits the ratio I’m trying to get!"

I crossed my arms slumping my back into the stiff wall of the abandoned shed as I tested the new shampoo recipe I tried. I ruffled my hair in annoyance as I looked at the other possible plants I’ve bought but I’m definitely hesitant on trying some of these out.

I held the bottle in my hands looking over the now green-ish color liquid that made me write down notes, "This new plant called [Pomono] just made it more stronger than the [Selent] plant so it really stings my nose. Furthermore after a week of testing at least the positive side effect of all this was getting my hair soft and fluffy."

Indeed at least we got to that point now. I looked over the book that Lenard lent me, [Herbs All Around Us Volume I]. "Such a shame Lucas had to tear a page..."

Lucas... When he ambushed me for information back then for how to get close to the royal family I wasn’t shocked at all but- He really had no sympathy or care for his own twin brother. It made my blood boil to even think of what he did. He knew this book was valuable and now- one of its pages was torn.

I’m really thankful Vincent saved me from him. Though it makes my blood boil remembering that I can’t fight back at my current state. I don’t have magic, I’m cursed in a child’s weak body and I’m fighting off with a teenager who trains regularly with a sword while me? "I usually run around completing someone’s errands or just reading books about this world. That’s a problem..."

Realization struck me, I have to work out- but not too much- for a body like mine surely just basic work out would be enough. When I get older that’s where I’ll be much more stricter about my routine. I glanced at the book once again and frowned, "And I promised Lenard I would keep it safe too..."

I heaved out a big sigh. Looks like I’m having a bad week today but nonetheless I must continue with the day.

"Hmm... speaking of which it’s been almost five months already that I’ve been in this world. Has it really been that long?" I muttered to myself as I placed down the bottle I was inspecting.

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I really hope my daughter is well. I don’t know how time works here and there but I worry a lot about her well-being. Surely after I’ve died everything that I own should have been hers legally by name. She’s just in her Junior High year but I’m really afraid that kids will be smarmy with love confessions and I’m not there to tease her about it. "I miss her."

It’s no lie that while I have Lenard that feels like my own older brother now, the other company in this mansion has been horrible.

Lucas is an ass. Aunt Haren is horrible. Uncle is... I don’t know if I haven’t met him? They call him Viscount Lenois. I have never seen him despite being here for five months but Lenard sure likes talking about him.

The other maids and butlers just straight up ignore me or taunt me. Like those three maids low budget versions of team rockets. Dottie, Madelyn, and Maddie.

I mean Dottie is not that bad since she tried giving me first aid but... the other two I can’t say the same. They literally inflict burns on me regularly but they make sure it’s either small or someplace that they can’t easily see.

Why haven’t I told anyone about it? I doubt a commoner like me can ever have some sort of justice around here. I’m rather lucky that I have that shitty closet to even live in. "In any case there’s also Vincent’s father wanting to commission a portrait. I guess I have to prepare for that as well."

I mean meeting with a Duke is a big deal right? I mean I did meet up with a princess which should’ve been more nerve wracking. Right, the first princess gave me some truth serum so I wonder if the Duke would also do something like that.

Nobles here scare me as well as Royalty now.

"Well no use in overthinking about it. I should focus on the next brew batch of shampoo and test it out for the week, maybe it’ll be better." I looked over at the pot as the water simmered, the appearance becoming more droopy. "Ah... well I have to wait for it to cool then test it."

I waited for it to cool and then poured it over one of the glass bottles. I took a note, sticking it at the front side of the bottle, "Test number 44."

I sighed. I’ve already made 44 different types of shampoo in a matter of a week. I’ve also made several batches observing when they will expire but thanks to the magical properties of the other plants knowing it’ll take them months. "Right, well that should be enough. Now to hide these just in case someone else suddenly barges in here."

I’m not going to suddenly leave this unattended. The only thing I can’t remove the trace of is the strong minty scent around the shed but hopefully they’ll just ignore it when they pass here.

The time came when I had to meet Vincent’s father. The Duke of the Wolford noble house.

Lord Vincent’s family carriage with the Wolford noble crest showed at the side. The carriage door opened and out came Vincent who looked regal, poised as ever. His blue hair stood out with his white medieval robe with gold pattern engravings.

"Lord Vincent, nice ride you have here by the way!" I casually called out to him as he sighed.

"Nice to see your way of talking hasn’t changed Lady Kein. However please perhaps keep your mouth careful in the presence of my father." (Lord Vincent) warns me of his father but I’m one to obey!

I pat his shoulders reassuringly, giving him one of my signature ’it’ll be okay smile’, "Don’t worry I’ll only talk to you, Lenard, and Rose this way. I don’t want to go to jail by accidentally dissing out a noble house-"

"You’ve already... dissed me several times. Lady Kein." (Lord Vincent) says giving me a deadpan stare.

"Yeah but I guess people I know wouldn’t understand me at all. I trust you Lord Vincent so that’s why I’m talking freely like this." I told him scratching my neck nervously and he nodded in understanding.

"I trust you as well, Lady Kein. For you know, keeping my hobbies a secret you have my gratitude." (Lord Vincent) embarrassingly looked away and I thought it was really adorable.

Kids his age are slowly experimenting, finding, and accepting what kind of things they want or knowing parts of themselves that were always there but were ignored. Denied even because of the norms of society that we have to follow.

Lord Vincent wants to keep continuing his love for feminine and cute things which is really admirable. Of course, he reminds me a lot of people on earth even had a couple of friends like him and I support them all the way. "I hope someday you’ll be brave enough to face society and not hide your passions any longer, Vincent."

Vincent stopped for a moment as I went inside the carriage closing the door, "Perhaps in another life. The time now, with monarchy or even without. It is hard to accept such a thing so we’ll see."

I smile sadly, "As always, that was a nice answer from my boss."

"I told you not to call me that several times already, Lady Kein." (Lord Vincent)

I stuck my tongue out playfully at him, "Never gonna stop even if you force me to."

I laugh as Vincent sighs but under all that I can see him smiling faintly. "Do as you wish but I only ask you to call me that when we are with close comrades or it was just merely us."

"By comrades you mean like Lenard or Rose got it."

Honestly we don’t have other people that would understand us. If others saw me conversing like this to a noble they’ll definitely glare at me thinking how scandalous a mere commoner talking like that to a noble! or something. I don’t watch enough dramas to know what’s next.

"Oh yeah please stop over at an art shop in the capital. I have to grab a new expensive canvas to paint the duke. Maybe some more high quality paint as well."

Lord Vincent nods, "Very well then. I’ll inform the coachman about our little detour."

"Thank you, Vincent."

He informed the coachman and we stopped at the art shop I mentioned. Vincent accompanied me inside as the doorbell at the top made a clunking sound the moment we entered. A woman smiles at our arrival at the cashier, "Welcome. Please have a look around the store- oh my! Someone from the noble family of Lord Wolford! M-My lord you look dashing! I’m really happy that you came into my store!"

"Yes, yes. It’s a pleasure to meet you. May we continue browsing around?" he politely asked and the woman nervously answered as she tried calming herself but it was definitely useless, she still looked nervous and pale now. "Y-Yes milord."

Vincent looked over to me, as I was already browsing the paints I needed. "Looks like your family is definitely a big deal huh. I mean I knew that but I never expected a paint store would immediately recognize you."

"My father is indeed a huge figure around. The third most powerful family in the kingdom. So you can see why I’m rather reluctant about others knowing about my hobbies. If they knew... the damage it could bring to their father." (Vincent) crossed his arms as he glanced over the paints. I was browsing around his expression sorrowful as if thinking the time came.

I grabbed the bottle of blue paint near the corner as I answered, "After seeing this. I can understand your situation better. It must have been difficult all this time huh."

He stands in silence as we both just walk around the store, "You are peculiar. You make me want to tell you every worry that I have. It definitely makes me at ease but I never told anyone about this."

I stop for a bit as I reassuringly pat his back, "It’s a charm that I have I think. I won’t judge others about their hobbies, so it’s rather safe for others to tell their secrets to me because well- I don’t have much people to spread them to anyways. Not to mention the fact I’d rather die than break the trust I have with others."

"So really, if you need someone to talk to. I’ll be here if you need."

Vincent looks away, "Thank you, Lady Kein for being my friend through this. I can see why her high- ahem... I mean. The high energetic girl we met before seems to like you a lot."

High energetic person? Ah. "You mean Rose?"

"Yes, that is her name. Rose. She seems to like you very much. I can now see what she sees in you." (Lord Vincent) answered stiffly but um... I guess the calm air before now became awkward so I’ll just go with the flow.

"Well as much as it’s flattering. She’s a nice friend to have. I like her too." I told Lord Vincent with a smile.

"..." (Lord Vincent) looked speechless for one moment. For some reason he looks twice as depressed now. Umm did I say something wrong? "Y-You okay, Vincent?"

"Yes, I am but I know another person will not be." (Lord Vincent)

Okay? I wonder who this other person is but I need to focus. "Anyways I think I have everything I’ll need so let’s pay for these. I think the canvas will need to be tied at the back. Considering this is a really big canvas I have to come by over occasionally to finish it. The earliest time I can finish it is in a week or two."

"You cannot bring the canvas over to the Yulien Mansion?" (Lord Vincent)

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Oh Lord Vincent I wish I could but I really can’t risk bringing this home back to the mansion... The canvas is too big and will be hard to protect from those stupid maids that might destroy it.

I sigh, "I wish I could but you saw what happened last time... Lucas tore a page from Lenard’s important book and burnt it without a care in the world. I can’t risk him doing the same thing to the painting-"

Lord Vincent stops me there, "I’ve already informed Viscount Yulien about what happened with Lucas. What he did to you was mistreatment, I saw it with my own eyes so he won’t be able to contradict with my words. Rest assured he gave his word when he said none of these ambushes to you will ever happen again."

I cross my arms in deep thought, "Surely it can’t be that easy... T-This is too good to be true. They really won’t bother me?"

He nods, "I’ve told him about your work. He understood completely and promised me that he would investigate the matter and punish the people who took part in it. He was surprised to know you excel in fine arts."

I scoff, "No wonder he’s surprised. I didn’t even see him and I kept this stupid blessing of a curse of a talent to myself in that mansion. Only Lenard knows about it... and I’m glad he doesn’t push me over it."

Really, Lenard is a good boy. He’s sweet, considerate, and he’s someone like me. What more can I ask of him? Vincent worriedly looks at me, "It seems he really seemed happy after knowing you excel in art. Be careful, Kein. I can already see his plans from where I sat."

I grin as I give him all the possible plots to go down after knowing I’m actually a prodigy in fine arts, "Possibility of turning over a new leaf? Suddenly giving me special treatments? And then using me as a bridge to communicate better with the nobles despite having no experience in those fancy balls and stuff?"

He nods, looking satisfied with my appraisal. "You’ve thought it well."

I shrugged, "If I was a power hungry person. It’s what I’m going to do. Take the kid, train them, and then use them as one of your pawns in this game of climbing for power. I refuse to take part of it."

"I agree with you. So please be careful. I hope for you to move out soon, Kein. I will ask my father for help after so please bear with me." (Lord Vincent)

"Thank you once again, Lord Vincent." I thank him but he waves it off. "It doesn’t matter. You are a friend of mine now. I don’t like seeing my friends being mistreated. I must take action." (Vincent)

Wow I really hope you and Lenard get together because I like you now.

Vincent helped me with the other paints as the owner of the store tied the canvas at the back of the carriage. We thanked her, leaving a really generous tip. He didn’t let me pay for the materials which is nice but still- it made me feel half guilty about it.

A few hours of riding it was already late in the afternoon. I felt my head bobbing in motion as I felt tired and sleepy at the ride, "We’re here. Apologies but you need to wake up, we’ve arrived." (Lord Vincent)

"Wait what huh?"

I looked around in a panic but calmed down when I saw Vincent opening the carriage door for me.

Ugh, well that’s one way to wake up from a carriage ride. I stretched my body as I brought the paints with me. The coachman cut the rope that tied the canvas from the carriage and carried it in his arms.

I stood in place when I finally noticed the breathtaking view of Vincent’s Mansion. It was really huge from here.

It was a ginormous castle- it looked so modern and beautiful one cannot help but admire the structure of it. "Welcome to my humble home, Lady Kein."

I gave him a grin, "A humble home indeed- huge place you have here."

He simply nods as he leads me around his home. "I have already told the staff that you will be arriving and that if you need any aid they will come to you."

I guess that’s nice? I’m not used to such privileges’ after so long it would be a while before I get used to it. "Thank you, I’ll keep it in mind Vincent." I told him as we continued to walk into his father’s office.

Lord Vincent knocks as the door opens. "Vincent, my son! You’re home."

A woman who was really beautiful, golden locks of blonde hair fell to her shoulders as she ran to hug Vincent tightly while he struggled to breathe. "M-Mother. Not in front of a guest."

The woman looked over right at me awkwardly before smiling like nothing had happened. Well that’s one clingy mother that’s for sure. "Oh right, where are my manners?"

"Pleased to meet you, traveling artist. I’m Duchess Viviana Wolford. Vincent’s mother." She curtseys to me as I did the same to her.

"Um... the pleasure is all mine, Duchess Viviana. My name is Kein Rosenguard." I introduced myself as we both smiled politely at each other.

The Duchess observed me silently for a moment before giving me a confused look, "A-Aren’t you actually too young to be even painting this professionally? How old are you if you don’t mind." (Duchess Viviana)

"I am ten years old. Yes, I am for some others but I am in need of money so... I mean not to offend ma’am but in matters of skills age does not matter but the experience."

Duchess Viviana covers her mouth for a moment before looking at Vincent, "Can we have her?"

Wait what? "P-Pardon? Have me?"

Are nobles too easily swayed in here? Do they adopt kids easily once they see an ounce of talent or potential in them?!

Lord Vincent sighs, "Mother no we can’t. Please behave yourself."

Duchess Viviana frowned as she looked at me teary eyed. "Fine... but I would certainly like to know you’re the same Kein Rosenguard who won the competition Baron Hills has hosted in the festival yes?"

Oh? I guess that competition was a pretty big deal. I nodded and answered, "Yes, I am the same one."

Her eyes sparkled as she held my hand and began shaking it everywhere. Holy moly- her grip strength though- I managed to bear the pain as she continued to talk about the things I barely even understood. It felt like she was rapping it all.

Vincent’s mother is really like the opposite of him.

"Oh! When my husband and I visited Baron Hills I saw the portrait and right away! I wanted it for myself! Your work is certainly amazing! But humph he wouldn’t even consider selling it to me! Is that portrait really valuable to him?! Oh my- after all my complaining it has slipped my mind you must be tired standing there-!" (Duchess Viviana) led my hands through a seat and pushed me down at the comfort of the couch.

"Um... thank you." I painfully looked at Vincent asking for help but he just muttered sorry and looked away- Vincent I’ll get you for this later.

"You’re here for the family portrait, yes? When will we do it? Oh my husband should be home from his Royal Knight business duties in a bit!" (Duchess Viviana)

"Wait, family portrait? I thought Vincent asked me to paint specifically the Duke-"

"Oh my! I specifically asked him for a family portrait this time! He already have a lot of his portraits at home!" (Duchess Viviana) crossed her arms adorably as she complained about the mistake her husband made. "Humph, Lady Rosenguard may we please rearrange his portrait into a family one?"

I remember the size of the canvas and well... I know I can make do with it. "Yes, Duchess Viviana. I can."

"Oh! As expected! How much time would you finish it?" (Duchess Viviana)

"Oh I estimate about two or three weeks now. I would need to visit often as well but I’ll work on it while I’m at my current... resting place." I told her.

"Resting place? Do you not have a home?" (Duchess Viviana)

"No, my parents passed away and I live with my Aunt and Uncle."

Vincent scoffs, "Mother would it be alright if we keep Lady Kein here as our guest until the portrait is finished? I do think coming back and forth just to meet us as well as carrying a huge Canvas would burden her a lot."

Eh? You’re really okay with that Vincent? I mean that’s cool and all but come on I’m a commoner- "Why of course! Traveling artist Kein do join us! We already have plenty of guest rooms!" (Duchess Viviana) clasps her hands together and runs out of the office. "I’ll have the maids prepare all your needs! No need to be shy! My husband should be here soon so please be comfortable!"

"B-But I um- uh thank... you?"

I stood frozen from where I sat while I looked at Vincent. He’s really so different from his mom- urk he caught me staring- "Your mom is really... energetic."

"Quite the opposite of what I am. Surely is what you’ve thought while you were staring." (Lord Vincent)

"I apologize, but yeah she’s really talkative and stuff I can’t believe you came from the same cloth." I told him looking happily at the direction to where his mother went.

Vincent smiles as he sits in front of me, "Me neither but let us have tea while we wait for my father, shall we?"

"Then what’s your father like? Is he somewhat similar to you then?"

"My father. Yes, I try to be like him. I admire him greatly." (Vincent)

"Ooo I can’t wait to meet him then."

A few minutes passed Duchess Viviana came back with his husband and oh boy- he was not exactly what I imagined of him.

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