Reborn as the Princess’ Knight (GL) Chapter 59 Side : The Week After The Confession.

Side Chapter: The week after the confession.

Narrator’s POV

-This chapter is a narration of flashback that happened after the confession-

Days after the confession, our dearest heroine Kein, was heartbroken and tried her best going through the days of training with her father.

"Kein look forward! What are you doing?!" (Baron Hills) yelled while gritting his teeth doing their usual knight training together but these days... she’s been out of herself.

Kein was just doing her best dodging, her head was full with thoughts.

Her mind wandered into the abyss of questions. Mainly this... ’Why did Rose reject me? Did I do something wrong?’

Baron Hills could not handle her daughter looking out of shape anymore.

When Alfred carried her with a blank expression, refusing to eat, refusing to talk to anyone, it worried a lot as a father.

When Baron Hills finished his work, he waited everyday patiently for her daughter to come out or at least come forward to talk to him but nothing... he thought maybe Kein needed some time first to think about all these feelings of love.

Of course, he was young before too, so he knows that everyone needs time after a rejection.

However, it has already been a week and Kein has been eating less, not coming to her lessons, and she never visited the orphanage after that.

He wanted to get his daughter back on track. It can’t go on like this.

Baron Hills had to apologize mentally to her daughter for whatever’s next. He takes his sword, giving it a direct hit against her shoulder, "You must be focused at a battle. If not, your head will be served for the monsters to eat."

Kein snapped back out of it, getting her shoulder hit by the edge of the sword, her eyes widening from pain. She realized that Baron Hills was waiting for her to attack, she grits her teeth looking at the handle of her sword. "A-Apologies father." she mutters feeling mad at herself.

Baron Hills could sense her anger, from the way her body was positioned. Shoulders slumping her eyebrow was twitching, and hands clenched at the handle of her wooden sword for practice.

"Empty your mind for now. We’ll have a talk after our spar." (Baron Hills) mutters softly to his daughter.

Kein looks up to his father, can’t help but feeling disappointed at herself for feeling this way over a rejection. "Yes, father."

Baron Hills nods and fixes his posture sword at the side. "Your turn, calm yourself down. Take deep breaths. Everything will be alright." (Baron Hills)

She was perplexed by her father’s worry but in the end she followed his instructions taking a deep breath, fixing her position, being one with the sword. "Hargh!"

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Kein strikes early with anger in her eyes and hesitation.

Trying to empty her mind she strikes everywhere clumsily but still it was better than her dodging everything like before. She managed to get a few hits on the Baron but it wasn’t enough.

Her skill was being clouded by her worry and anxiety.

She wanted answers.

Rose was the second light princess but she didn’t need to avoid her!

Cecilia also stopped responding to her letters, wanting to have an audience with them.

Sure she’ll soon have a fiancé sure but they could still be friends... it was way better than just cutting her off like that.

The thought of it again irked her.

"I hate this... why..." (Kein)

Black light was coming out of her hands, and she didn’t notice this- she was so driven by anger, confusion, hurt all at the same time she just couldn’t understand it all.

It was immature she knew but- she can’t stop these feelings, being human means feelings like these are normal.

Baron Hills, who was watching over Kein, stepped back noticing the dark magic that was manifesting on her hands that was swinging everywhere clumsily. He sweats in worry not knowing completely what her magic could do- "Kein. Breathe. Don’t let your emotions be out of control. Now." (Baron Hills)

Kein stops herself from moving further not noticing the dark magic on her hands.

She breathed in and out slowly... the thoughts not going away.

"I-I... I need a break. I’m sorry father." (Kein) muttered her voice a little hoarse.

She lets go of the sword that fell into the ground feeling tired of it all.

The black dark aura on her hands disappeared like smoke. Kein who walked downheartedly felt like she couldn’t feel her legs. She sat down at one of the benches taking a glass of water that was prepared by Alfred before.

Baron Hills picks up the fallen wooden sword, organizing it back to the shed before sitting beside his daughter with no fear even after all that happened.

Her dark magic was leaking. It was a huge amount too...

"I hope this seat is not taken." (Baron Hills) told her trying to lighten up the mood not knowing how to start the conversation.

Kein hugs her knees still in deep thought, "Father this is literally your own backyard." (Kein) answers in a sour mood.

Baron Hills looks at the sky feeling the nice breeze of fresh air, "Kein I don’t know if you noticed it when we were sparring but your magic was leaking out because your emotions were unstable. You almost-"

Kein stares at her father in surprise. "It was? We haven’t had a leak since... I went mad. I thought I had it all under control." she shrinks her head further into her knees. "I’m sorry father. You must be disappointed in me. I thought Rose and I--- never mind."

Baron Hills smiles sadly at her daughter exploring and finding herself as well with the lessons that came with it. "Kein... do you know what my wife told me before we got together?" (Baron Hills) asks Kein who looks a little dazed.

"W-What did she say?" (Kein)

Baron Hills looks at his hand where the ring of oath to love has been stuck after all these years. He never took it off except for some exceptions. He looked toward Kein and answered softly. "There will always be a time for everything." (Baron Hills)

"My wife has also rejected me in the past. I respected her decision and waited for her nonetheless even if there was no guarantee I couldn’t help myself. In the end, she apologized that she kept me waiting." he continued.

Kein looks down for a moment before sniffing the snot that was running from her nose. She felt bad... Baron Hills has waited years for her wife, not even marrying or batting a lash on other women after twenty years.

What a chad, Kein thought.

She was aware of her emotions causing problems and worry for others- just- "I know there is... it just hurts. I know how I’m reacting to rejection is childish and immature, lashing out at my father like that- I need to fix myself again." (Kein) replies that made Baron Hills glad that she was aware of it at least.

Baron Hills smiles, "If you ever need a talk. I’ll be here to lend an ear. I’m your father, I worry you know?"

Kein cries at that sentence. It touched her heart that she didn’t even though no one can reach when it comes to guardians. Back in her past life she didn’t have any role models growing up- so this is the first time- she felt the affection of a father.

At the end she told everything to Baron Hills- not everything though- she kept Rose’s identity a secret for now but she did tell him of what she felt.

How Rose left her in the color changing tree.

How she just kissed her like that and then suddenly left her like that.

How Rose was actually the first princess... and broke down the message that she was getting engaged and married some time soon.

Baron Hills was soaking slowly. No wonder his daughter looked horrible- he can’t imagine how much pain she must be in.

After that talk, Kein’s chest seemed to have been a lot lighter while Baron Hills was just glad that her daughter was feeling stable and alright now.

In his office.

Baron Hills was holding down a blank paper and quill.

He wanted to help his daughter... but there can be limits to what a father can fix.

Kein needs a distraction.

He wrote a letter to every friend Kein has told Baron Hills including her close family, her cousin Lenard Yulien.

Knock! Knock!

Baron Hills didn’t notice the time was already morning by the time he finished work. He was busy worrying and working at the same time it slipped his mind. He groans a little, feeling his back hurting due to old age catching up. "Come in."

"Master Hills-" It was Alfred opening the door letting out a little creak, who noticed that his whole office was disorganized. Alfred sighs, picking up the papers that were on the ground. "I suppose you were worried for the young miss as well?"

Baron Hills laughs, yawning, pressing his hand to cover his mouth quickly. "It’s the responsibilities of being a father. I didn’t want to look like a worried mess in front of my daughter and I wanted to find a way if there’s anything I can do to make her feel better." he takes the sealed letter with the Hill crest being a dove.

"Alfred, can you deliver these letters to the right address as fast as possible?" (Baron Hills) mutters blinking tiredly.

Alfred takes the stack of letters and reads the address. He nods, "Certainly Master Hills, however I would like for you to take even a small nap. Even the young miss would see you in this state and she would worry." (Alfred)

Baron Hills shakes his head. "I’m alright. I’ll have my sleep later after my meeting." he stands up from his seat patting Alfred’s shoulder. "I’ll leave things to you, Alfred. You have my thanks."

Alfred was happy for the sense of responsibility from the Baron but he never showed it to his face. "Leave it all to me, Master Hills." (Alfred)

Alfred did his job, riding one of the Baron’s military horses and sent the letter to all of the respective people.

-The next day-

Kein was sitting on a chair in front of a canvas holding a brush staring at the blank canvas intently.

"I want to paint her."

Her hands dips the brush onto the paint, mixing it gracefully. Her strokes were soft, the paint going along the white canvas was pleasing to the eye, slowly forming a head, and her silver hair that just flows beneath her shoulder.

Those gray eyes that always had kindness.

That smile that could make anyone grow weak.

They truly have grown a lot together. Rose was really... beautiful.

Kein’s hands stopped realizing that her painting was finished.

Rose’s figure was captivating, Kein waited for the paint to dry smiling sadly, admiring the painting. It felt so serene, pink, and she couldn’t look away from her own work.

Her heart was thumping really fast. "I miss her." she mutters to herself trying to not sound so dejected standing up from her seat.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

There was a sudden knock on the door. Kein thought it was just Alfred so she needed to fix her sad self first. "Did you need something Alfred? You can come in."

Suddenly the door bursts open revealing a blond boy that was sniffing his tears, "Kein! I heard from Baron Hill’s letter- I mean your father! T-That you were sad! I came out here as soon as I can!"

It was Lenard!

And his boyfriend who was standing behind him carrying a box.

Lenard runs towards Kein crying while rubbing his crying face to her shoulder. "The letter didn’t say much but- if you’re sad I brought a lot of girl’s love books with me! I-I know these are bound to cheer you up!" (Lenard)

The boy beside Lenard smiled gently at Kein. The two of them haven’t seen each other in a while. "Ellis, I hope my cousin is not causing too much trouble for you." Kein laughs gently, patting Lenard’s blond hair.

Ellis, the head maid’s nephew shook his head and stared affectionately at Lenard. "No... if anything the young master and I have been making each other happy all the while."

Kein nodded, satisfied at his answer.

Vincent was too late. It seemed like someone had already confessed to Lenard and to think it was him of all people- actually they spend a lot of time together in the mansion so Kein wasn’t at all surprised.

"As always my only warning is if you break his heart I’ll break your spleen." I told him raising my fist into a motion and he shivered.

Ellis looks around nervously unloading the boxes to the table. Kein actually looked serious when she meant about breaking the spleen part, "Y-Yes young miss." (Ellis)

Kein looks at the box curiously letting go of Lenard for a second. "These are the girl’s love books you ordered for me from [Sprivanto]?"

Lenard scurries over the box, yanking out a book with a green leather cover before handing it out to Kein. "The... princess and the knight frog?" (Kein) read the ridiculous title out loud.

"Who the hell made this- are you sure this is a girl’s love genre?! I mean I do love frogs but- what the hell happened here-" she looks at the synopsis at the back of the book that included some small art.

"The Queen suddenly gets ill, the second princess have determined to save her mother at all costs- on the way to her journey she saves a frog that was presumed to be cursed and only a true love’s kiss would break the- ISN’T THIS PRINCESS AND THE FROG BUT WEIRDER?!" (Kein) yelled looking through the contents of the book.

She scanned the book like a flash reading every single thing in detail without missing anything important. Lenard waits quietly knowing Kein is a really fast reader while Ellis just stares at her like she was some madman.

"Huh, not bad." (Kein) says, closing the book staring at the cute art in the front.

The princess was wearing a green shawl to hide her face and her hair but there were some loose silver strands- and the frog had a little sword at her side. You would probably mistake it for a toothpick. "The writer’s pen name is... C.G Howling, who the hell are they?"

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Lenard yanks back the book excitedly. "You won’t believe it but a Puronian wrote this!" (Lenard)

Kein was jumping from her position and was ecstatic about the news. "No way! Aren’t these illegal how did this get out in [Puronia] clearly the church would do anything in its power to burn these-"

Lenard raises his hands happily. "I don’t know how but- this will be the start of homosexual stories in the country!"

"Preach for the homosexual revolution!" (Kein)

"Preach!" (Lenard)

"Fuck the law that says these kinds of books are illegal!" (Kein)

"Yeah!- hey language!" (Lenard)

Ellis was just watching the whole thing while thinking how adorable his boyfriend was when it came to books. After that Kein and Lenard had talked about what happened.

About her getting rejected and maybe leaving the part where Rose is a princess, just saying the excuse that she left and will never come back.

Lenard couldn’t help but cry again holding Kein into his arms. He wasn’t the one that got rejected but he felt really bad for his cousin’s first love suddenly ending like that.

Ellis and Lenard said their goodbyes after a few more talks with each other. How Lenard, along with his boyfriend will be there to lend an ear if she needs it. The two of them left the Hills estate making Kein feel better.

-The next day-

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Coming." (Kein) yelled through the door while she was putting the portrait of Rose into her art closet.

The door burst open and it revealed a green haired girl holding hands with someone flustered out of embarrassment, "Hey amiga! My wife and I have come to visit you in your need!"

"Big sister V-Valentina- Light Priestess Gisela- why are you-" (Kein)

Gisela was behind her wife who bonked her in the head. "That was rude, just kicking down the door like that. Apologize."

"L-Lo siento- we were walking around town planning our next adventure together when your butler caught up to us handing a letter." (Valentina) holds down her head in pain.

Kein stared blankly thinking- even if these two married and got together. They never changed-

"We have come to see how you are doing, Lady Hills." (Gisela) bows with her hand pressed together. "Rose has left a letter of resignation of duties in the orphanage."

Kein’s eyes widened for a moment but of course- what was she expecting? "So she did huh. Thank you for telling me about this." (Kein)

Gisela looks over to me sadly before walking forward. "I may not know what happened. Perhaps our visit may be sudden. M-My wife and I just wanted to see what our number one supporter was doing- ahem."

She nudges Valentina who gives me a thumbs up. "We’ll be here for you when you need us- amiga. Also from Madam Prisha and they’re grandmother."

"Really they sent something for me?" (Kein) asks.

Valentina takes out a small box from her [Storage Ring]. Kein accepts it gratefully reading the note. "My grandmother has foretold me about your future and will have swollen eyes from crying. This is ointment for it- free of charge. Just get better, signed Madam Prisha and Grandma Chio."

She widened her eyes, surprised. Even they sent her something?

Kein was touched.

Gisela and Valentina smiles dragging Kein out for tea talking about their adventures and how they will travel over the [Demon Kingdom] to help all the innocent slaves that got dragged there.

Kein wished the both of them eternal happiness, waving goodbye when they had left.

She felt happier conversing with her friends.

-The next day-

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Come in? I wonder who it is now?" (Kein) at this point was wondering who’s the mysterious visitor this time.

She was putting on the ointment for her swollen eyes due to all that crying.

"Littler charmer~ may I come in~"

Kein rushed through the door when she heard that scary but seductive voice. There was only one woman who called her little charmer- "Veronica! You’re here too!"

Veronica was attacked by a fierce hug by Kein. Veronica giggles intoxicatingly, patting her shoulders. "I have received a letter from the Baron. I heard about your condition and came as soon as I could. Matthew is looking out for the stall for me. I missed you dearly."

Kein smiles widely. "You’re not the only one! Please come in." She led Veronica into her room where there was a small living room on it.

"Litter charmer how have you been I haven’t seen you and well~ teacher Rose I suppose or should I say your little girl---" (Veronica) stops talking when she notices Kein was already crying. "-friend."

"E-Erm... Oh my. Did something happen?" she asks worriedly, holding her by the shoulder. "A-Are you alright?" (Veronica)

Kein wipes her tears but it was useless. New ones kept pouring down her cheeks. "R-Rose... she left. She cut me off-"

Veronica gasps softly. She was surprised because she was shipping these two from the beginning how dare it sink!

"Tell Veronica who made her ship sink. I’ll bend their knees into pieces." she glares at the ceiling wondering what kind of person she’ll need to bend over and break their knees for even touching her one true pairing!

Kein made Veronica sit down and talk everything out.

Kein trusts Veronica the most when it comes to personal feelings of love.

When everything was done Veronica understood the whole situation now.


Veronica wanted her little friend to be alright so she tried her best choosing the right words to deal with her gently but also not giving her false hope. "What were her last words to you when you were drifting off to sleep?" (Veronica)

"To forget about her." (Kein) answered hesitatingly.

"So she didn’t talk about her forgetting about you. Rose... no... the second princess is amazing. She had us all fooled that she was just a maiden humbly serving the church." (Veronica) laughs in amusement. "She was nothing like the other nobles. She was... kind and considerate to us mere commoners."

Kein remembers every kind thing Rose did.

Teaching the children how to read and write.

Helping in donation and charity events.

Buying food for the homeless and giving them spare blankets for the night.

The list would be endless of things that she did.

"I guess that’s why I love her." (Kein) mutters quietly but Veronica has heard it. She sighs tiredly, placing her leg to her other thigh.

"I won’t give you much hope. She’s a princess and you’re a Baron’s adoptive daughter. She’s first in line for the throne now. Soon she’ll be the Queen- oh my- I cannot believe I teased the future Queen of [Puronia]-" (Veronica) coughs getting off track.

"What I’m saying is- even in that difficult position. Can you still see you two being together?" she continues. The tone of her voice was serious, no hint of teasing or her usual stride.

Kein hugs her knees. "I-I... If she’s willing to be dragged by me-"

Veronica flicks Kein’s forehead. "Now, now. No dragging. For now we’ll leave that unanswered, what little charmer needs is a distraction." (Veronica) smirks leaving Kein a little confused.

"A distraction?" (Kein) says holding her forehead that had a small red mark over it.

"Anything that would take your mind off of little you know who~." (Veronica) replied to Kein her sweet honey voice gave Kein some sort of reassurance. "A distraction to help yourself become a better version of you for the meantime."

"Alright. I’ll go find a distraction that would help me. I should work more... I think?" (Kein)

After the two talked with each other asking how was life. Of course, Veronica was going to keep this a secret from her son, Matthew who had a crush on Rose.

Veronica gave Kein a hug and told her everything will be fine.

-The next day-

Kein was laying in her bed while thinking of something that could take her mind off of things.

What Veronica said.

A distraction from love.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"A-Another one?!" (Kein) groans opening the door revealing a familiar ever so serious face with that light blue hair of his.

"Vincent? You’re here to check up on me too?" she asks, letting Vincent in.

"Lady Kein, I have received the letter and came soon as I-" (Vincent)

"Yeah um. You’re not the first one." (Kein) says chuckling remembering all those nice people who checked up on her.

Vincent’s face was filled with guilt.


He knelt to the ground clenching his fists, his head bowing onto the ground with sincerity. "I came here to apologize. I-I have heard everything that happened from- the second princess and I have known the truth for long." (Vincent)

Kein looked at Vincent in disbelief. "Y-You knew everything?!"

Vincent’s head tilts lower. He was biting his lips in shame. "Her royal highness has asked me to keep her identity a secret. However, I apologize to you-"

Kein panicked, taking Vincent out of the ground. "Hey! Hey! Hey! It’s alright you don’t have to apologize for anything! I-I have been figuring things out myself and- I understand why Rose did it just- not the kissing me then putting me to sleep part-"

Vincent didn’t move an inch and that made Kein rub her temples trying to think all of this through. "Come on. Let’s talk." (Kein) says to Vincent offering her hand.

"A-Are we still friends?" (Vincent) asked worriedly and Kein facepalmed.

"I’m not happy about the whole secrecy but to break our good friendship over something like this- no. So come on Vincent get up- imagine if the son of Duke Wolford was seen kneeling over the adoptive daughter of a Baron." (Kein) offers her hands again and Vincent takes it with some hesitation in his body.

Vincent and Kein talked about the whole thing together to realize Rose had also cut Vincent off a few days ago!

"Rose did?!" (Kein)

"Rose- I mean her highness would not talk to me. Nor respond to my letters." (Vincent) explains feeling a lot more dejected.

"Rose, what is she thinking?! I might let me pass but- you?" (Kein) makes an angry face while looking at Lord Vincent. Not believing that such bond of their friendship would be broken off as well.

Vincent holds his ground. "Perhaps she didn’t want to risk information getting out now that Lady Kein knows. After all, I consider us to be good friends now."

"Still... why..." (Kein)

"To cut all the things that might remind her of Kein... is what she told me last." (Vincent) answered, making Kein shake her head at Rose’s reasoning.

"What kind of reasoning is that?!" (Kein) complains to the boy in front of her.

"She loves you too much perhaps? Her duty is now in the crown and it’s not like her highness can abandon it. Her marriage will be set in two years or so I’ve heard." (Vincent)

"If she loves me then she could’ve at least-" (Kein) stops to breathe in and out. "No, I’m being childish again. Rose has her reasons and her decisions. I should respect her wishes and even though I hate it..."

Vincent answers for her. "You have to forget about her."

Kein slumps her shoulders into the sofa. Pressing her arms into her side of the couch. "How can I forget someone as stupidly pretty and kind as her? Unless we’re talking about brainwashing me then it’s impossible." her hands flings around at the thought of forgetting the girl she likes.

Vincent holds his chin for a moment thinking of the perfect idea that would help his friend. "Lady Kein. You could join us in the Royal Knights Academy. The work there is rather chaotic; you’ll forget about her in no time. We also have dorms and you can only visit home during winter times or the summer holidays."

Kein stands up from her seat. "T-That’s just exactly what I might need! I could graduate there, forget about Rose, and make my father proud. It’s like hitting two birds with one stone."

Then she remembered, if it’s a military school they will teach them about magic’s meaning... She needs to hide. "Can I still attend despite having no magic at all?"

"Yes you can. Even if you have no magic you can still enroll as a knight."

"Alright I’ll be enrolling and it looks like I’ll be seeing you often then Vincent."

Vincent and Kein talked for hours after that, about how to get into the academy and what she’ll need and so that’s the reason why Kein enrolled in the royal knights academy in the first place.

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