Reborn as the Princess’ Knight (GL) Chapter 65 Side : The Perfect Soon To Be Queen.

Side Chapter: The Perfect soon to be Queen.

Narrator’s POV

There, a girl stood with silver long flowing hair that made her gleam in the room. Gray eyes that awfully seemed familiar. Red rosy lips, her beauty could never compare to anyone.

Curves, long fine legs, and a diamond face every woman would grow jealous of.

It was the second princess who was stretching herself preparing to practice for the offering dance. You could see her determination in her eyes flowing, her aura no longer bearing a child’s immature mind instead she turned herself into someone more reliable.

Certainly the second princess has grown into a fine woman.

Soon she’ll be a fine Queen of [Puronia] as well.

But perhaps that is what all the others would perceive. The Queen who’ll take responsibility for the throne and her people.

The second princess was well aware of that... and yet she feels different.

Princess Rosarie von Goldheart didn’t want to be Queen.

Clap! Clap!

The instructor stumbled on the room holding a magic device that was similar to a vintage recorder. It was used to play music.

The instructor was Cecilia’s former dancing instructor. Her role was to teach the dances for the light offerings. She tunes the magic device playing a relaxing tempo and then speaks. "At the ready your highness." (Instructor)

Rosarie nods, closing her eyes listening to the music, balancing herself, deep breathes on her stomach, she opens her eyes slowly, arms being raised to the beat.

The music starts to play faster.

Her feet moved forward with grace and perfection. Drawing a magic circle just from that one step.

One two, left, and right.

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Her movement didn’t miss a single note of the song. It was like art dancing in front of you- it was bewildering to behold. A fantasy the instructor could never believe this level of dance skills ever existed.

Her expression was smiling.

Rosarie was so... perfect you can’t even see a single flaw.

The instructor watched in awe for the second princess.

It was strange, she has always wondered how come her highness is only showing her talents for the past two years and not before?

When Rosarie was not the heir to the throne she would always make clumsy mistakes, moving wrongly, doing the steps in an over dramatic manner that it hurts her eyes- but this-

The instructor settles her gaze slowly on the young princess dancing like the most beautiful dove flying peacefully.

It seemed like you could never take your eyes off of this pleasant bird.

"Magnificent... her talent as expected of someone from the royal family. Her highness has already surpassed Cecilia and... she has been dancing her whole life." (Instructor)

The instructor was unsure what to feel but for now she felt great pride in the second princess’ skill of dancing for the upcoming offerings.

Rose twirls one final moment feeling exhausted before the magic settles in the circle and the music stops playing from the magic device.

The second princess bows before the dance instructor gives her a round of applause. "Wonderful! Wonderful! As expected of the second princess herself." (Instructor) couldn’t help but praise Rose and her performance.

Truly it was spectacular.

Rosarie took it kindly, giving the instructor a polite smile. "Thank you. I still have a long way to go before I catch up to my elder sister but I’ll surely manage."

The aura of someone humble surprised the instructor and almost fell in love right then and there.

Cecilia would only nod at her before and not listen to her when she told her to rest. The first princess was stubborn nonetheless she was committed to the throne.

Now that she is... unwell.

Another must fill in the shoes for the title of Queen.

When the whole ordeal was over she bows slightly to the instructor, as a sign of thanks. "Thank you for teaching me all this while. I’ll see you next week, instructor." (Rosarie) says her farewell to the instructor and leaves to tend to her other duties.

The instructor shakes her head a little impressed and perplexed. "A royal willing to bow her head to a commoner. How... very unique?" she murmured to herself before deciding to also leave to do her other duties in the royal palace.

Once Rosarie opened the door outside the dancing hall a dozen guards followed her every movement.

The royal knights were with her every step of the way and it was understandable.

The king was worried about her safety now that there had been reports of the rebellion. They will target the heir to make sure it won’t happen and at the very least destroy every bit of monarchy. "Your highness. You are expected at the royal library to play chess with her highness, Princess Cecilia."

Rosarie tilts her head slightly pondering for a moment. "Is she well rested before making this request?"

The knight looks at his other companions before getting a safe okay response. "Yes, your highness. Her highness has rested first before making a request of your presence." (Knight)

Rosarie nods happily smiling in reply to the knight smiling- knowing that her elder sister has rested before wanting to play with her in a game of chess. It has been a while before she could sit down and relax to think about nothing.

"Please let’s not keep my sister waiting. Shall we go?" (Rose)

"Y-Yes your highness." The knight blushed seeing the princess’ smile. It is simply adorable and one could never get enough.

Rosarie wanted to be kind to every other commoner in the kingdom. Didn’t think much of it and went on her way to the royal library.

No other high nobles would do what she does.

Cecilia and Catherine had their limits but it seemed like Rosarie wouldn’t care at all. Her charm never went away even if she couldn’t visit the outside world for the past two years.

It made her quite popular with the maids, butlers, and knights because she all treated her fairly equal.

You would hear tales of her small kind gestures and many hearts would melt.

And rumors that could leave bitterness in one’s tongue.

"When I needed to clean up the library, the second princess was there to help me organize the books. I told her not to but- she simply didn’t listen and helped! Oh certainly she has the most wonderful smile I’ve ever seen."

"You as well? When I was in trouble the second princess helped me when I tripped and wounded my leg. She healed me!"

"She saved me when I lost my ring my lover had given me- in the garden. You would not believe how surprised I was when she offered and I couldn’t say no."

Everyone spoke kindly of their experiences with Rose. Not until one wondered. Why does she act this way towards them? Mere commoners certainly had no right for this kind of treatment with royalty.

"How come the second princess is like this to us commoners? So kind and sincere. It makes me feel a little uncomfortable."

"Haven’t you heard? There was a rumor she had a commoner for an old flame of a lover-"

"Goodness me! It would’ve been the forbidden love story of the century."

"I suppose. Perhaps that’s the reason why she’s been arranged to marry the prince of [Winshern]."

"Really? However I heard she needed to marry for the sake of her highness, the first princess-"

There were rumors everywhere and she was well aware of all of it.

Rosarie didn’t want to confront them. What else can she do? Raise her hands to defend herself about the rumors. It’ll just be the same- she thought of the worst.

All of them stopped at the royal library door. Rose turns to the people that were guarding her and tells them shyly worried about their rough standing, "Thank you for accompanying me until here. I’ll be in here for a while so please rest."

Rosarie bows slightly before opening the door.

When her figure was gone the other knights clutched their hearts and wished they were the one marrying her instead. Do you know how hard it is to find someone that beautiful and polite?!

"The second princess must be an angel that’s been gifted to us by the light goddess herself!"

"I-Isn’t she cute right?"

"Hey you guys better behave. She’s royalty and we’re just knights."

"Yeah we know but come on- you have to admit she’s a real beauty."

"Er... that’s true. I can’t deny that. Her highness is really... fine."

The Knights chatted in a whisper complimenting Rosarie behind her back. Not to mention being a princess is already a perk charm of attraction, literally she has grown her own personal fanbase inside the castle.

Too bad for them. Her heart is already settled for someone special.

Although she’s about to get married to a complete stranger she has only met through letters and not once did her fiancé visit.

Rosarie bites her lip feeling guilty of drugging Kein to sleep but she had no other choice. A sleeping spell would have never worked on Kein. She’s immune to magic after all and if she just left by running away she knew that stubborn blonde haired girl with those stupid deep blue eyes would chase her to get more answers.

"It’s better this way." (Rosarie) tells herself out of comfort before fixing her saddened expression.

Rosarie walks with her hand hidden behind her back playfully looking upwards at the tall shelves of the library. "It’s been a while since I’ve been here." she looks over fondly at the romance section of the books where a couple of forbidden books was hidden behind it.

The royal library was a magical place. Books organized themselves in a frenzy, flying like birds, dusting off the dust, and would even have the spirit to bite the reader at times. Magic can certainly be fascinating yet peculiar.

"Your highness. Princess Cecilia have been waiting for your presence."

Rosarie turns around slowly to hear the voice of her elder sister’s loyal maid. It was Kazari who gave her a neutral expression while motioning for the private veranda at the side of the wall. "Kazari, is my sister feeling well?" she couldn’t help but ask.

After all these two years of misunderstanding, finally the two twins have become close. Feeling the need to protect each other Rosarie just wanted reassurance that her sister was alright.

Kazari reluctantly nods trying not to slip up. "Princess Cecilia has been waiting for you impatiently in the veranda. She had to eat at least three cakes to pass the time, your highness." (Kazari)

Rosarie giggled a little covering her mouth adorably. Who knew the always ever so strict twin that always told her not to run had eaten that many sweets. In the past Rosarie knew her twin well, and she never ate more than one cake.

She hoped that her elder sister was in a good mood. "I’m glad she’s eating well, thank you for your hard work Kazari. I’ll take it from here. It’s time my responsible twin sister would be spoiled by her ever stubborn younger twin."

Rosarie walks towards the pristine glass door to the veranda and opens it.

Kazari smiles following Rosarie feeling glad that these two has at least... mended their relationship together. No more misunderstandings, rivalries, and they were showing sibling affection privately when they are alone.

She stands guard beside the doors to let the two of them bond in peace.

Rosarie hums feeling the wind on her hair seeing her twin- while looking rather pale was still the same. Cecilia fondles the chess pieces looking bored, looking over at the veranda while her other hand holds a fork.

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Her expression looked wistful and lonely, sitting down on her special chair.

Rosarie notices this but she smiles, placing a hand on both of her sister’s shoulders. "I’m here now, sister. How have your medications been treating you? I heard you already ate three cakes while waiting for me."

Princess Cecilia laughs softly at what she said about the cakes, she lets go of the fork and sets her hand on Rosarie’s. "You’re always... worried about me. You need to sit down to rest. I know how much dancing can damage your feet." she pulls Rosarie’s hand while still sitting down and Rosarie complies happily.

"Alright, however you do know the only reason why your feet were so swollen is because you always loved to dance. You didn’t stop for hours, while I merely practiced dancing at least half an hour everyday." (Rosarie) sits down on one of the vacant chairs facing Cecilia who just smiles sadly looking down at herself feeling nostalgic on the topic of dancing. She misses it dearly.

Cecilia holds down the chess piece she was fondling before setting it down on the board. "It’s a shame I can’t dance anymore." (Cecilia) mutters before keeping her expression firm and neutral. "Care for a game?" her gaze lands on the board that was on the table.

Rosarie looks down at the board nodding, holding the piece and moving first. "You will one day. Once I’m married into the [Winshern] family. They’ll have the funds and advanced technology we’ll need."

The two of them focused intently on the game while feeling the tension suddenly rising. "I... You don’t need to do this anymore. Two years ago everything I said was out of immaturity and jealousy for your relationship with the traveling artist. We can find another way for a cure so-"

Rosarie slams down her pawn gently with force startling Cecilia. "What if this is what we need? I don’t want to lose you like mom. You’re my big sister... I-I don’t want to lose another family."

Cecilia looked down on her hands that were slowly clenching on her fist looking straight into her little sister’s eyes. "You miss her don’t you? You always look outside your window and sigh, missing the common streets. Don’t think I don’t notice you glancing at all the things the traveling artist has bought for you."

Rosarie waits patiently for her twin to finish. "You’re suffering inside and as your big sister I feel neglectful and horrible for even letting you do this- like marrying a man you don’t even love for my sake I- this is all just utter hogwash and I can’t believe how I thought it was a good idea letting your little sister marry just to get a cure that might not even exist-" (Cecilia)

The first princess clenches her fists tightly. "I am utterly despicable aren’t I?"

Rosarie shakes her head. "You know, even if you are. I would still do this for you, because you’re my twin sister."

Cecilia looks surprised, her eyes widening slightly but still at the same time that was a very much response that only Rosarie would say she was almost expecting. "I know we didn’t always have gotten along because we were always compared side by side and with your role as the future queen-"

"That... I took." (Rosarie) continues to speak from the heart; it feels so heavy that she wasn’t sure if she was even breathing at that point. "But everything has changed now. We’ve both changed for the better. I love you, sister. We both know you need this, it could be our chance to make you feel better again."

Princess Cecilia sighs feeling nothing will get through to Rosarie at this point, she feels flustered with how straightforward her little sister was. Telling your family you love them was not easy... because she has always been taught to stash away these kinds of things when it came to displaying some kind of affection to her family.

She pouts slightly and decides to make a move on her chess piece before asking. "I heard you’ll be escorted to the [Winshern] kingdom in a few weeks’ time. Do you want me to lend Kazari to you? I’ll feel a lot more reassured of your safety if she’s there with you."

Princess Cecilia was changing the subject instead. "She’s a descendant of an old hero line that specializes in [Teleportation Magic]. If there will be any danger she’ll be there to bring you back here."

She says seriously to which Rosarie shakes her head in response. She already has a dozen knights protecting her, and she heard that hired adventurers and the three heroes that volunteered would be there. "I already know I am safe with the amount of people that will accompany me for the trip. You need not to worry."

Princess Cecilia nodded respecting her answer but still she was not satisfied with it. "If anyone dares to try anything. Let me know, I’ll have them down in the dungeon before they could ever lay another finger on my sister."

Rosarie awkwardly moves her queen piece to eat one of the knights noticing that the mood and behavior of her sister has changed drastically once they’ve gotten closer. She has finally noticed Cecilia was really protective when it came to the people she cared about and that sometimes scares her. "No need to involve them in a bloodshed- I’ll be fine!"

Princess Cecilia and Rosarie continued to play together and then finally after a few turns and struggles. "Checkmate."

Princess Cecilia slumps down in defeat holding her head looking dejectedly at the chess piece. "Another lost?"

Rosarie chuckles a little teasing her sister. "We are 168 to 2 on scores."

Princess Cecilia holds her head more firmly trying to process the huge gap in the difference of scores. "I always knew you were the smart one out of us two but to think you had to hide it since birth- it was one of the many things that irritated me the most all those years ago. I never understood why you didn’t want to show the world of your talents."

Rosarie rearranges the chess pieces to where they were supposed to be. "Remember you only had two points because I went easy on you during your birthdays."

"How utterly shameful. I’m supposed to be the older one and is expected to excel at everything to be your and Catherine’s role model to follow... but it seems you’ll be more fit to be the older one, Rosarie." (Cecilia) jokes back where Rosarie was happy that the two of them are just... finally... being real close sisters she has always dreamed of.

"Please, I can’t bear to say ’A princess must not run!’ almost everyday you know. You always say that whenever we run." (Rosarie) stands up from her seat, walking behind Cecilia.

Cecilia didn’t stand up and still remained on her special chair. "Should I take you for a stroll in the garden?" (Rosarie) asks, holding the handle of Cecilia’s special chair.

"Yes, that would be very lovely. Thanks to this ’wheelchair’ that one of the summoned heroes made for me. I can at least move inside the castle and not be bed ridden in bed doing nothing, it’s absolutely dreadful." (Cecilia) complains while Rosarie could only listen and pull her wheelchair out of there carefully strolling inside the castle.

The knights that were waiting outside the door were dismissed.

Kazari followed them of course within respectable distance as they arrived in the garden.

Rosarie and Cecilia strolled peacefully looking at the flowers their gardener had planted and took care of them until they bloomed so beautifully with the help of their new pixies that were shy around humans.

The two princesses stopped when they saw someone sitting not too far away from their gazes.

Rosarie could already tell who it was when she squinted her eyes to look closer she let out a little gasp expression looking excited, "Is that Catherine beneath the tree? Let’s go see what she’s up to come on!"

"Alright just- whoa!" (Cecilia) holds on for dear life on that wheelchair because Rosarie can really run fast-

Rosarie waves her hand around frantically to Catherine getting her attention. Rosarie stops running and Cecilia holds her chest feeling her heart leaping out of there. "I... am not letting you push my wheelchair ever again." (Cecilia) glares at Rosarie who says oopsie in an adorable manner.

Catherine blinks at her two elder sisters suddenly appearing out of nowhere in the garden. She noticed that the two of them were arguing with each other and that got her worried. She hands signs to them, ’Are you two fighting again?’

Rosarie and Cecilia both turned to their little sister who looked like she was about to cry. The both of them smile before bursting into laughter- I mean Cecilia was trying to hold it in because princesses must not laugh loudly but elegantly-

Catherine tilts her head in confusion before feeling glad that they weren’t arguing like before. "Worry not. The both of us are fine and not fighting, Catherine. We were just out to take a stroll in the garden, the flowers are rather blooming really well this year." (Cecilia) takes a small glance at the flowers before getting her attention back to the two.

Rosarie nods, settling to push Cecilia’s wheelchair next to Catherine who was holding many pieces of paper together with written drafts. Cecilia was thankful for the assistance the both of them turned their attention back to their little sister. "Is that your new book sequel that you’ve been working on?" (Rosarie) points at the drafts while Catherine sighs.

She settles the drafts down to her lap before signing with her hands, ’Yes, this is the sequel to the Princess and the Frog Knight however- it’s not being taken kindly by the people of [Puronia]. Homosexual relationships are still taboo here after all.’ (Catherine)

Cecilia rests her elbow into the armrest of her wheelchair and grins in reply. "How ironic that two of this kingdom’s princesses are both into women." (Cecilia)

"Pfft-" (Rosarie) holds down her stomach trying not to laugh at her joke- because it IS so ironic! Literally TWO of the princesses have at least considered the thought of dating women.

Rosarie smiles fondly looking over at the drafted manuscript, being reminded that this... story that her little sister made was inspired by her and Kein. She can’t believe there’s going to be a planned sequel of it. "You know... technically I would still love Kein no matter what her gender was. As long as it’s Kein I don’t care what form she takes. Be it a demon, a beast-men, or a dragon I’ll still love her."

Cecilia looks at her love stricken sister feeling envious at her words but then feels guilty because it’s her fault... for destroying what could’ve been for the both of them if they ended up together. "I’m sorry that slipped out unintentionally." (Rosarie) continues to smile even when it was clear that she was in pain.

Cecilia being unsure of herself not knowing what to do...not wanting to see her little sister in that state. She reaches out her hand to Rosarie’s head and strokes it softly. "I’m sorry for everything. For ruining your first love, I’ll fix it in some other way. I promise." (Cecilia)

Rosarie’s eyes widened, feeling surprised at her elder sister’s comfort.

She couldn’t help it anymore and cried, she covered her face with her hands not wanting to let both of her sisters see her crying face. "I-I miss her but I know... where... my... duties lie... she probably already moved on with some cute girl she found while being in the military academy." (Rosarie)

’You can’t know that!’ (Catherine) signs her sister for comfort- surely she won’t do that right? But Rose could only shake her head.

"Kein is just too considerate, handsome, sweet, and- it’s impossible for bendable girls to not pin on her!" (Rose)

Catherine hugs her big sister in comfort, it was the only thing she could do honestly.

Cecilia swore... she’ll fix her mistake one way or another while still getting the cure she needed to live.

First... she needs to rekindle an old flame and to make her sister... happy again.

-A few days later after taking information and research about Kein-

"Kazari. Have I ever been a good sister I wonder?" (Cecilia) sits comfortably in her wheelchair while her trusty maid keeps herself busy preparing for the incoming guest.

She ponders herself the question remembering all the things she said, and did to her sisters where she thought ’It was for their own good, they’ll understand and thank me for it one day.’

"Or was I being the opposite?"

Kazari brews tea for an esteemed guest that will be coming over this evening filling the tea cup to the brim. "I have watched you grow side by side. Everything you certainly did was for your sisters. To me, your highness you’ve been both. After all we are not perfect beings, everyone has their own flaws and that includes our place in families." (Kazari) replies observing the princess’ expression.

Cecilia takes her maid’s words in her mind. Remembering all those times she felt disconnected to her family when she didn’t have any sickness- it gave her a pang of regret on lost times. "I-I... I can do better from now on when I’m well. I’m going to be a better sister and daughter."

Kazari couldn’t help but have a smile spread on her face hearing the first princess’ declaration of character improvement wanting to be a better person for her family. She couldn’t help but fall for her more. "You’ve certainly grown up, your highness. That was very mature of you, I’m proud."

Cecilia looked at Kazari, it was rare of her to compliment her in any way and that took her by surprise. Just a little bit but it certainly flattered her a lot, her ears reddened. She takes a cup of tea drinking it ever so elegantly but it was clear that the shade of red was not gone.

"I do wonder if your guest will show up anytime soon." (Kazari)

Cecilia has no worries on that matter.

The first princess has asked for his request, and of course she knew. This person cannot turn down an invitation from the royal family.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Finally it was time.

The man had light blue hair similar to snow, a serious and stern cold face. He kneeled down and saluted the first princess. "Greetings to her highness."

Cecilia smiles politely before motioning for the guest to sit down comfortably on one of the chairs. "Thank you for taking your time to meet up with me, Duke Tristan Wolford. I know military work is not easy to let go unattended." she says coyly to the Duke.

Vincent’s father, the head general of the military of [Puronia]. Meaning all of the royal knights are under his care... that includes a certain Kein Rosenguard or should we say Kein Hills on paper.

The Duke already noticed the first princess’s tone. She definitely wants something from him and he feels uncomfortable being in her presence.

Rosarie might be the smart one out of them but... made Cecilia cunning and manipulative knowing to use her power to get what she wants.

Cecilia takes her tea leaning a little on the table. The Duke is not surprised that the Princess was sitting on a wheelchair because the king has already explained to him about their plans of rescuing her but he was certainly impressed with the device the summoned heroes made. To think no one in their world have thought of this simple yet amazing wheelchair-

"So I have requested for you today because I have... a favor to ask of you." (Cecilia) interrupts the Duke’s running thoughts.

"I’m sure you’re well aware of the new military graduates of the academy? Kein Hills specifically. I want her to be a part of the escort mission for my sister to arrive safely on [Winshern]." her voice was sweet like honey yet the Duke couldn’t help but feel fear ever since the princesses grew up they’ve been playing with power.

Specifically this... princess is the one everyone will need to watch out for.

The Duke shakes his head respectfully trying to explain why he can’t do that. "New graduates cannot be assigned on Rank S danger missions on a whim, your highness. Even if she has the ability to be immune to magic and to absorb them whenever she pleases- it would still look unfair to the others therefore-"

Princess Cecilia sips down her drink not wanting to let the Duke continue anymore. She hums quietly to herself before staring down at the Duke. "Hmm... I wonder how Vincent is doing... I heard he’s looking really beautiful with the new dress he bought from a nearby store. Oh my but he doesn’t have a fiancé to give it to- so much for this evidence I have of him trying them on."

"It would be a shame... if these got out in public wouldn’t they?" the first princess snaps her fingers motioning out a command.

Kazari walks forward and takes a magic device that was similar to an earth camera but it was more retro, it had magic films to where the images show due to the mana that’s been powered with it.

The magic films consisted of Vincent adoring the dresses and even trying them on. He looked so happy and aloof, he didn’t notice someone was already spying on him being inattentive because he was too distracted with the beautiful dresses he saw.

Cecilia sips her drink again feeling the taste of the earthy sweet blend. Her smile grew even wider like a sadist when she saw the man in front of him was shaking, making the Duke stunned at his seat.

How... did she know…

Is what Duke Wolford thought while he gritted her teeth wanting to smack the princess for even shamefully using his son against him- he had no choice. In order to protect his son’s privacy, he stood up from his seat wanting to go back to work already. "Very well, your highness. I will tell Kein Hills that she will be a part of the escort mission. Will that be all?" (Duke Wolford)

Princess Cecilia smiles satisfyingly at her work. "Yes. That will be all."

She was determined to fix what she had broken, no matter the cost.

The Duke nods quickly leaving the room in a mad manner, needing to talk to his son about the pictures that were taken. Apparently, Cecilia was the true reason why she was assigned to the S rank mission, the cunning princess is truly indeed a fearsome individual even when she’s sick.

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