Record of a Thousand Lives Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Where is such a god, who is omnipotent and omniscient?

—Demon Lord

Kang Yoon-Soo opened his eyes. His companions were still fast asleep, and he was the only one awake. He walked some distance from their camp before falling to one knee.

“Kuheok!” He vomited blood, sensing that his body was in an abnormal state.

The Frost Demon’s Winter Fragment had allowed him to transform into a Frost Demon to fight the Colossus. Afterward, his body had returned to its normal state, but the price he had to pay manifested as an unending curse that tormented him when he tried to sleep. Once again, the fragment deep inside his body moved to stab his lungs.

‘I can never get used to this.’ Kang Yoon-Soo barely managed to get up by holding onto a boulder, but he struggled just to stay standing.

“Kuheok…” Kang Yoon-Soo vomited blood again, and its metallic taste filled his mouth. He felt as if his lungs and heart were being shredded to pieces.

‘Why did you abandon me?’ A child’s voice, sounding sufficiently eerie and sinister to give one goosebumps, asked from behind.

Kang Yoon-Soo closed his eyes. He was drenched in cold sweat, but he told himself, ‘That’s just a hallucination. Don’t mind it.’

‘I’m asking you… Why did you abandon me?’ the child asked again.

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The child’s question pierced through Kang Yoon-Soo’s heart like a stake. He could not take it anymore, and he slowly opened his eyes. What he saw was a bloodied child, with a face so dark and disfigured as to be unrecognizable.

“I’ve already forgotten you,” Kang Yoon-Soo said.

‘You brought me into this world. I’m your child,’ the child cried out. It was the child he could no longer see even if he wanted to; the one he had had in the life when he married Shaneth.

Kang Yoon-Soo bit his lips until they started to bleed before saying, “Get lost.”

‘Why did you have me if you were going to forget about me? You couldn’t even protect me,’ the child moaned.

“I said get lost,” Kang Yoon-Soo said threateningly as he grabbed his sword. It was only then that the child disappeared.

He gripped his chest, trying to stabilize his breathing. ‘Hang on. It’ll only get even harder if you give in.’

Time passed, and the sun eventually started to rise on the horizon, chasing away the darkness. Kang Yoon-Soo’s pain and suffering subsided as the sun rose.

‘I guess that’s it for tonight,’ he thought, wiping the sweat off his brow. His whole body was drenched in cold sweat; he had to go through the same nightmare every night.

‘I have to hang on,’ he thought as he rubbed his temples.

The curse did not only inflict physical turmoil, but also made one hallucinate and relive one’s worst memories.

‘I have to tough it out,’ Kang Yoon-Soo kept repeating in his head. He had to tough it out, because this was his last life.

“Do you need another drink?” someone called out. Kang Yoon-Soo looked in its direction, only to find Henrick staring down at him. Henrick continued, “I came to take a leak and almost pissed myself. Hey, what are you squirming in pain for?”

“Give me some booze,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied.

Henrick took out a large whiskey bottle from his inner pocket. Oddly enough, his inner pocket seemed to have some sort of magic, as it was able to store multiple large bottles without them cracking even a little.

He remarked with a smirk, “It’s an alcoholic’s trade secret.”

Kang Yoon-Soo drank straight from the bottle without even bothering to look for a cup. Henrick sat beside him, opening a small bottle of whiskey as he said, “Keh! Even the booze tastes better now that we’re no longer in the desert, especially since I don’t have sand all over my mouth now.”

It had been four days since they left the Desert of Death.

The two women were already awake by the time Kang Yoon-Soo and Henrick returned to the campsite. Shaneth glared at them like a ferocious cat, exclaiming, “You guys went to drink at this hour?”

Henrick shrugged and replied, “It has a deep meaning when two men share a drink before sunrise.”

Iris’ eyes suddenly sparkled and she asked excitedly, “Are Henrick and Kang Yoon-Soo in love with each other?”

“…I didn’t mean it like that, you punk,” Henrick grumbled.

Shaneth looked away from the two drunks and said firmly, “You leave me with no choice. Both of you have to abstain from any alcohol until tomorrow. Here, put all your alcohol in here.”

She subsequently confiscated all of their alcohol, closing the bag filled to the brim with bottles before saying, “I’ll be keeping this bag of alcohol from now on.”

“Now you’re trying to control when and where we can drink? Are you our mom or something?” Henrick grumbled.

“You two drink too much. What if you suddenly fall from your horse because you were drunk? What will you do then?” Shaneth retorted.

Henrick flinched, unable to find a response. However, Kang Yoon-Soo secretly retrieved a bottle that was filled with colorless alcohol.

The party passed through Raviesk, a city they had already visited, before continuing on to a new area. They collected their carriage, but found that they could not ride it because of the rugged, uneven terrain before them. Thus, they had to travel on horseback.

Iris hugged her white horse tightly and said, “I am so happy to see you again, Snow White!”

“I completely forgot about that horse. I’m surprised you remembered it,” Henrick said.

Iris glared at Henrick while stroking the white horse’s mane, and the horse neighed as if to show that it liked Iris.

Kang Yoon-Soo took out an amulet from his backpack.

[Amulet of the Ignus Dragon]

Rating: ??

A great power is sealed within it, but only a dragon can unseal its powers.

It was the amulet he had been given by Ignus. It had a red jewel embedded in the center, engraved with the symbol of a dragon’s claw. It was an item that was certainly going to help in the near future. In fact, it was the perfect item for Shaneth to use, but its powers were sealed for the moment.

‘I guess I have to use it for the time being,’ Kang Yoon-Soo thought as he wore the amulet around his neck. He had gained an astounding forty levels in the Desert of Death, and he was Level 217 now. He could have increased his level faster if he had roamed around the places with dense concentrations of monsters and hunted all night, but raising only his level had not been his main objective.

‘It’s imperative for me to collect all the hidden pieces while others don’t know of their existence,’ Kang Yoon-Soo thought.

He placed a greater priority on raising his overall strength, not obsessing over his level the way other Travelers did. A high level was meaningless if he did not have the items to back it up, and the reverse would be true as well.

‘A powerful item can overcome the level difference in some cases,’ Kang Yoon-Soo thought, biting his lips. ’Twenty years isn’t nearly enough to do all that, and yet the Demon Lord will be appearing much sooner?’

He had originally planned to maximize those twenty years to prepare to the fullest before facing the Demon Lord. However, he knew he would not stand a chance if the Demon Lord appeared earlier than before. In fact, the world would surely be destroyed if the Demon Lord appeared tomorrow.

‘Kartheon said someone who could solve the problem was at the magic tower,’ Kang Yoon-Soo thought. He recalled one person, whom he suspected to be the one Kartheon had been talking about. There was only one individual who lived in the highly dangerous magic tower. ‘The King of All Beings, Sirian.’

Would Sirian really have the solution to the problem? The only way to find out was to reach the magic tower and ask him in person.

‘Whatever may happen, I have to give it my all this time, to not have any regrets—it’s my final life, after all.’

Kang Yoon-Soo felt slightly relieved after going over his thoughts once more, and his objectives had become even clearer.

‘I’ll definitely kill the Demon Lord this time.’

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Just as Kang Yoon-Soo was lost in thought, however…


The party stopped their horses, as a group of people in official attire was blocking their way. A large man came forward, displaying the insignia of a falcon as he said, “I am sorry to bother you during your busy travels. My name is Halven, and I am an investigator from the Sharphill Investigation Department. I wish to carry out an inspection, and I hope you will cooperate with us.”

“An inspection? Did something happen?” Shaneth asked.

“There have been numerous cases of Travelers going missing in these parts. It is just a routine inspection, so please do not worry about it,” Halven replied.

Several junior investigators asked the party a few questions and searched them. Afterward, Shaneth tilted her head and asked, “Were you talking about the Travelers from another world, rather than the travelers who travel between cities?”

“That’s right,” Halven replied, rubbing his tired eyes ringed by dark circles. He continued, “This place is where the forest and the river meet, so there are few pedestrians here; however, quite a few Travelers have been reported to have gone missing in these parts.”

“That really does sound strange… To think that only Travelers are going missing…” Shaneth mused.

“We currently suspect this to be the work of those who discriminate between Continentals and Travelers. Well, it happens quite often, in any case; I think the higher-ups are overreacting by asking us to establish checkpoints all over,” Halven grumbled.

Halven seemed to be quite bored, as he chatted away long after explaining all the relevant details. The inspectors did not find anything suspicious during their inspection, but Halven saw the wrist device Kang Yoon-Soo wore and said, “I hope you can take care of yourself. I have heard that you Travelers have a different way of thinking from us Continentals, and you guys love to take risks.”

Kang Yoon-Soo stared at Halven before saying, “I’ll tell you where to find the culprits of the three major unsolved missing cases, and where evidence against them can be found.”

“What?” Halven exclaimed in surprise.

“Just make the report. You can keep the achievements and merits for yourself, but in return, you have to send a 1st Grade inspector team a week from now. A black magician who’s spreading plagues is involved,” Kang Yoon-Soo said.

“What are you talking about?” Halven asked with a look of deep confusion.

Kang Yoon-Soo moved his hand to his inner pocket. Halven flinched at the sudden movement, but what Kang Yoon-Soo took out was just a pen and paper.

“The culprits are still alive, and one of them is affiliated with the upper echelons of the investigation department,” Kang Yoon-Soo said as he quickly wrote something on the paper and passed it to Halven.

Halven was still dumbfounded as he received the paper, but his expression suddenly turned serious and sharp after he read the contents of the note.

“…You, where did you get this information? This is top-secret, confidential information that even a senior inspector would not have access to,” Halven said.

“I’ll give you one piece of advice. There are many secret executives in the investigation department, and most of them have been carrying out their own investigations covertly,” Kang Yoon-Soo said.

“Then that means…!” Halven exclaimed, gulping dryly.

Kang Yoon-Soo nodded and responded, “That’s right; I’m one of them.”

“But I have never heard of a Traveler being an inspector before…” Halven trailed off, expressing his skepticism.

“There are quite a lot of cases that only a Traveler can investigate. Also, there are quite a few of us Travelers working undercover as well,” Kang Yoon-Soo said.

Halven could not hide his shock and admiration, but he scratched his head in embarrassment as he said, “But I am not sure whether I can claim this achievement as mine… This is a case you spent so much time investigating, after all…”

“I don’t wish to draw the attention of the masses,” Kang Yoon-Soo said.

Halven and the junior inspectors all looked at Kang Yoon-Soo, their eyes filled with admiration. To think that this man would give up all fame and stay undercover! Kang Yoon-Soo’s conviction as an inspector kindled the fire of justice they had all once had when they first started working as investigators.

“What is your name?” Halven asked.

“My name is Kang Yoon-Soo, but you absolutely have to keep our meeting a secret no matter what,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied..

“Ah, but there is something that is bothering me,” Halven said. He rubbed his chin as he continued, “Even if it is an undercover investigation… Do you not usually carry an ID with you, like the falcon insignia I carry around to prove that I am a 4th Grade inspector? If you do not mind, would you kindly show me your identification?”

Kang Yoon-Soo took out the amulet and showed it to Halven. Halven and the junior inspectors could not hide their shock as they exclaimed, “The Zero Grade Dragon’s Claw Amulet!”

“Is this enough?” Kang Yoon-Soo asked nonchalantly.

“Y-Yes! The claw engraved looks quite real, just like the real thing from a dragon,” Halven stuttered, unable to hide his admiration.

There were a total of nine grades for inspectors, and each grade was symbolized by an animal engraved on their ID. The Zero Grade Dragon’s Claw Amulet was a powerful insignia that allowed the holder to move a whole department on a whim, and it was something that only a few skilled inspectors possessed.

Halven could not hide his disappointment as he lamented, “To think that someone like you, sir, has to be hidden among the masses… It is really a shame…”

“It makes it easier for me to investigate cases,” Kang Yoon-Soo said before he and his party mounted their horses again.

Halven and the junior inspectors saluted Kang Yoon-Soo, and Kang Yoon-Soo returned the salute before he rode off on his horse.

Shaneth quietly asked after they were a distance away from the inspectors, “Of course, there’s no way you are, but… Are you really an undercover investigator?”

“No,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied.

“You asshole. Aren’t you scared of divine punishment after pulling a scam on everyone you meet?” Henrick grumbled.

“No,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied.

“Kang Yoon-Soo is really knowledgeable. Then, do you know which is more delicious? An apple pie or a meat pie?” Iris asked.

“I don’t care,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied.

Iris felt dejected due to the cold response. Shaneth let out an awkward laugh as she consoled Iris. “Don’t worry, unni! I’ll make both of them for you later.”

“Really?” Iris asked, smiling.

Kang Yoon-Soo suddenly heard a familiar voice whisper in his ears.

‘Stop your horse.’

He looked around, but he did not see anyone. However, he was certain that the voice belonged to the familiar woman who had whispered to him before, and he was the only one who could hear the voice, as always.

‘You have finally arrived. Stop your horse and come to me. This way.’

Kang Yoon-Soo stopped his horse and turned to look at the three people behind him. He said, “I’ll be going somewhere for a while.”

“What is it?” Henrick asked.

“I have someone to meet. It’ll take a while,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied. He hurriedly steered his horse to the left.

Shaneth quickly asked him, “Where will we meet?”

“I’ll find you guys wherever you are,” Kang Yoon-Soo replied before riding his horse into the forest.

Henrick nodded in admiration before saying, “I truly respect that guy.”

“Why?” Shaneth asked.

Henrick pointed at Shaneth’s horse, and Shaneth looked down to see—the bag of alcohol was missing.

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