Regression Is Too Much Chapter 95

Chapter 95

“Ah, I hope there is no misunderstanding regarding my laughter. It wasn’t intended to mock you, Jun-ho. The situation was just too absurd.”



“The two who first found the portal went inside... The remaining five players fought over the three spots. In the urgency of the situation, they all threw themselves into the portal, which closed after reaching its limit of five. I was engaged on the front lines and couldn’t intervene.”


Yoon Jung-hyun shook his head.


“I also think it was wise to keep the portal’s existence a secret. It would have only caused more chaos... And I admire your willpower, Jun-ho, for not entering the portal despite finding it.”


However... Yoon Jung-hyun scanned his surroundings as he spoke.


“People have already found out.”


The players’ eyes were gleaming. Eyes filled with deep resentment were fixed on me.

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The night of the fourth day was incomparably more difficult than before. A slime monster appeared, undoing all the groundwork we had laid.


“Since we were summoned to the fourth floor, I believe we made the best choices possible. Our strength is unmatched. We have over ten people with A-rank or higher abilities, and most importantly, we have you, Jun-ho. Yet, twenty players have died.”


We were perfectly prepared. Our strength was formidable. Considering all this, the difficulty was clearly abnormal.


“I almost died too. My neck was severely slashed, but thanks to William, I survived. Given my situation...”


How are the weaker players supposed to survive? Even if we somehow manage to survive today, what about tomorrow?


In such a situation, I hid the existence of the portal. It’s not strange that I am the target of their resentment.


“I understand the situation now.”


I stomped my foot forcefully. As the sound echoed, everyone’s attention focused back on me. I also intended to activate my ‘Awe’ trait.


“First of all... I apologize for hiding the portal’s existence. However, I believe it was the right decision and would probably do the same ‘next time’.”


This situation arose because too many people were concentrated on the fourth floor of the castle. My judgment was not wrong.


“And I don’t think you have any reason to blame me. I’ve contributed more than the rest of you combined.”


I locked eyes with each of those glaring at me. Gradually, their gazes fell to the floor. They probably realized it too. I was not at fault.


“It’s unfortunate that things have come to this... But we must survive first. Our judgment was not wrong. Please keep this in mind. Let’s do our best tomorrow as well.”


After giving a slight nod to Baron Jorge, Yoon Jung-hyun, and William Smith, I walked down the stairs to the third floor.


We only had to endure one more day...


But I had a feeling it would be the hardest day yet.




The small room next to the stairs, always used for meetings.

“Let me be honest. I think we should abandon the otherworlders. Now that it’s been revealed that Jun-ho hid the portal, no player will sacrifice themselves for the otherworlders anymore. They might listen if we use force, but they’ll never fight wholeheartedly.”

Yoon Jung-hyun spoke while twirling a dagger. Despite Baron Jorge’s presence, he was unrestrained.

“I realized something while escaping. The monsters’ target was consistently the fourth floor. Their goal is them, not us.”

“It could simply be because that’s where the most people are!”

“And isn’t the group with the most people here the otherworlders?”


“Moreover, if we fight while protecting the otherworlders, we have to give up our best option.”

Yoon Jung-hyun tapped the wall he was leaning against.

“I think the tower is openly telling us to use these rooms.”

In fact, using one room as a stronghold is the best method. The entrance is narrow, there’s no chance of being flanked, and most importantly, the walls are sturdy.

If a few people can take turns guarding the entrance, these small rooms become natural fortresses.

“But... that inevitably means the weak will be left behind.”

William Smith cautiously objected.

“The rooms are small. No matter how many people we squeeze in... we need space to fight, so at most, ten people can fit in one room.”

He continued with a deep sigh.

“Inevitably... It means the strong will group together. They’ll seek members who can lighten each other’s burdens.”

Only ten people can fit in one room. They must take turns blocking the entrance.

Though the terrain is advantageous for defense, since no one knows what will come on the last day, everyone will want their room filled with the strongest individuals. In a life-or-death situation, no kind-hearted player will include the weak.

“And the first to be abandoned will be... the otherworlders. Even if someone accepts them, it won’t be out of goodwill...”


The otherworlders are the weakest and most numerous on the fourth floor. If we follow Yoon Jung-hyun’s suggestion to defend each room, no one will want to share a room with the otherworlders.

“Can we not mix your people with mine?”

Baron Jorge spoke with his head bowed.

“Come on, Baron. Didn’t we agree to survive on our own?”

“…Yes. But the situation has changed. Please... they all have families...”

Yoon Jung-hyun retorted sharply, but Baron Jorge remained silent with his head bowed.

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“Ah, damn... please don’t do this.”

We all know no one here has made a grave mistake. In fact, everyone cooperated to achieve the best possible outcome. It’s just that the fourth floor’s difficulty is absurd.

“...Let’s do this.”

In the end, I must do something.

“Players will hold out in their rooms. Mr. Jung-hyun, you manage the balance of power... The otherworlders will stay on the fourth floor as they did today. In return, I will guard the fourth floor entrance.”

“...Mr. Jun-ho, you are our greatest strength.”

Yoon Jung-hyun reminded, subtly suggesting to abandon the otherworlders. However, my resolve remains firm.

“Frankly, if we abandon them, we don’t know what might happen. This is the tower.”

“...That’s true, but...”

Yoon Jung-hyun seemed reluctantly convinced, and William Smith nodded in agreement.


Baron Jorge grasped my hand tightly. Unlike a noble, his hands were wrinkled and rough.

“Truly... truly thank you.”

“...No need to thank me. It’s just what needs to be done.”

This is the right direction. I was certain of it.


-18 : 11 : 01

“Killing the otherworlders might be the answer.”

Surprisingly, it was Ahn Kyung-Nam, Ahn Kyung-Joon’s brother, who was spouting this insane idea.

“...Do you even understand what you’re saying?”

“I know I’m saying something horrible. But I’m only talking about the answer ‘the tower wants’.”

“...Have you even slept?”

“No. But that’s not important right now.”

Ahn Kyung-Nam had urgently called me to his secret study, saying he had something important to say. When I arrived, he was rifling through an old book with bloodshot eyes.

“When the past that remains and the future that advances become the same, you will all realize again that you were destined to die. Do you remember this sentence?”

“I remember.”

But hadn’t we already interpreted it? ‘When the past that remains and the future that advances become the same’ was about time, and ‘you will all realize again that you were destined to die’ was about the monster horde’s attack.

“That’s what I thought at first too. But look at this book. Ah, I’ll read it to you.”

Ahn Kyung-Nam pulled out another book from the pile on the floor and began reading slowly.

“When do we feel life most intensely? It’s when we think of death. We must not ignore death. Only by keeping death in our hearts can we always strive to live our best.”


“It’s a religious text. It shows that the people here have always valued ‘death’ highly.”


“Based on this, ‘you will all realize again that you were destined to die’ doesn’t mean literal death. It implies surviving. How can a dead person realize they were destined to die? Unless they were saved right before dying.”

It was a plausible interpretation. Though the mystery wasn’t completely solved yet.

“Alright, let’s say that’s true. Then how do you interpret the earlier part, ‘when the past that remains and the future that advances become the same’?”

“The otherworlders. They were clearly wearing medieval clothing. At least, it wasn’t modern. So ‘the past that remains’ refers to the otherworlders, and ‘the future that advances’ refers to us. When enough otherworlders die so that their numbers match ours, we will be given a chance to live.”

“...That’s quite a leap.”

“But it’s plausible, isn’t it?”


It felt like I was looking at a different Ahn Kyung-Nam. The Ahn Kyung-Nam I remembered was rational and logical. Now, he seemed like a racehorse with blinders on.

Needing to calm him down, I spoke gently.


“Don’t you remember the tower’s tutorial? This tower was created to judge humanity. Is what you’re suggesting really the right direction?”


“No, that’s exactly why I’m right.”


Bang, bang!

Ahn Kyung-Nam pounded the book he held.


“You know the difficulty on the third floor is divided. My brother entered the hardest one: the floor 3-5.”




“I didn’t hear all the details, but there’s a room at the very end with an entrance that only one person can enter. The intent is clear. They want us to fight each other.”


Since Ahn Kyung-Nam didn’t recognize me, I assumed Ahn Kyung-Joon hadn’t told him about the third floor. He hadn’t mentioned me, but it seemed he had shared some details about what happened on the third floor.


“Was that room fake? No. The reward was likely real. This tower encourages immoral actions. It leads us down the easy path. You think it’s a trap? You’re right. In the long run, it’s likely a trap. When we reach the final 66th floor, won’t we face the divine judgment of a stern god? We most probably will.”


Ahn Kyung-Nam was practically spitting as he passionately argued.


“But what does that matter if we die now? Are we supposed to fear a judgment that may never come and die right now? Huh?”


Shouting with veins bulging in his neck, Ahn Kyung-Nam soon bowed his head deeply.


“Da-hye… I’m dating her. But she won’t make it. Her level is low, and she’s fragile. At this rate… she’ll definitely die on the fifth day. Please, I’m begging you...”




“If things go badly… please abandon the otherworlders.”


If what Ahn Kyung-Nam said was true… another choice was laid before me.


The choice to let the number of otherworlders equal the number of players.

– – – End of Chapter – – -

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