Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats Chapter 199 Diverting Attention

The session started right after the Head announced. Many of them were somewhat aware of the reason for the meeting. They were aware of the danger that was posed by Shin.

Out of all the members sitting in the hall, one of them stood up and after flashing a scroll to everyone started to read whatever was written in the scroll.

"Here is the concern of all the human kingdoms that surround the Kingdom Of Loria."

A lot was written in the scroll, however, the core matter was that all of them were afraid of a single beast - Shin.

His name had become so renowned that it would bring shivers down everyone’s spine. Just by taking his name, they would be subjected to punishments by nature so it was evident that this being was not a normal one.

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"So, the kingdoms are asking us to think of a proper solution regarding this matter." - with this, the man concluded and sat back on his seat.

Some of them started discussing with each other right after that while some were wondering about things on their own. It was not an easy topic to think about.

’Shin’ - the name itself was well known earlier too because the so-called wolf God also had the same name. This was one of the reasons that forced all of them to hold a meeting urgently.

’Is this perhaps the Wolf God’s reincarnation?’, one of them thought.

’Is this the Wolf God’s child?’, this was something that another fellow had in his mind.

While all of them had different things to say, they thought one thing in common - Shin was somehow related to the Wolf God.

The Great Five had similar thoughts as well. They wanted to know more about the beast Shin so that they could take appropriate measures against him.

"I think we must eliminate him as soon as possible.", said one of the members who was sitting just next to the great five.

"Eliminate him?"

Some had already thought about that and thus supported his thoughts.

"I second this."

"Yes, I think the same should be done."

However, there were some who were against this decision.

"I think it’s for the best to first look into the matter more closely and then decide."

"Lord Sky, I think you have become soft-hearted.", a guy smirked and actually mocked him.

"That’s not it Lord Rai, I think we should first investigate the matter properly."

"It is too soon to judge him as an evil being."

Lord Sky was a respected person among all of them. ’Sky’ was just his alias so his identity was unknown. However, despite that, building great respect among the members was a great achievement!

"Haha, I think you are just scared.", Lord Rai replied trying to mock him yet again.

"It’s not that I am scared. I am just thinking that it would be better to take some precautions and gather more information regarding this matter."

He wasn’t wrong, they knew nothing about Shin other than the info that was provided from other kingdoms such as Levonia and some spies from Loria.

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Both of them were voicing their thoughts. Of course, the decision was to be taken by altogether and it had to be approved by the head so it was practically useless to argue at the moment.

Though, Rai seemed a bit arrogant and wanted his demand to be taken. Yes, there were many that supported him but the same was for Sky as well.

"Hmm, your thoughts do sound convincing...", the Ice Queen said this while looking at Rai.

’The beautiful Ice Queen is supporting me!?’

’Yes! Now the members will start respecting me even more for sure!’

’Such a pure beauty. She was both, beauty and brain!’, tons of thoughts started popping inside Rai’s head.

The Ice Queen was a gorgeous woman. She had tremendous influence in society (the exact role will be revealed later).

Her blue hair and icy-blue jewel-like eyes got her the name of Ice Queen. Of course, she used Ice magic and similar forms.

Her chest was large enough to look as if it was some treasure box! Any man would go crazy for her. The tight white like maiden clothing which she wore showed her gracious curves.

"Then...", Rai was overjoyed to see one of the Great Five supporting him and was about to ask for the confirmation of the plan however he was stopped even before he could say anything.

"I think Sky’s comments are better.", she said in a low voice.


’How dare you choose him over me?’

And right after that, his thoughts took a 180-degree turn.

In any case, now everyone started to think of Sky’s advice was better and wondered about that.

The Great Five started to think too of the situation. Although they did suggest some thoughts, that didn’t mean that they couldn’t think other things.

Yes, one by one, they started to come up with ideas of their own. Someone said about sending a spy to get some info while others said about assigning a role to the beast.

A beast capable of bringing down a kingdom would be either extremely powerful or extremely wise. Seeing that there weren’t many damages done to the buildings and landscape, most of them concluded that the beats had tremendous intelligence. Because of that, he would fit to hold one of the positions.

Many were against this because they knew nothing much about Shin. Some did support this idea but it was only one a whim.

"Sigh, this is giving me a headache. I have no idea about what we should be doing."

"I mean, why are we even breaking our heads for this matter?"

"Isn’t it obvious that this beast is making himself known purposefully?"

"Could it be that someone is orchestrating all this? He might be wanting to divert our attention on some random beast and then do his job." - Sword God said all this in just one breath.

And the moment he said this, the entire hall went quiet.


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