Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats Chapter 432 Krone’s Punishment

Chapter 432 Krone’s Punishment

Chapter 431: Krone’s Punishment


"How dare your disciple have the audacity to stand up for a mere stranger and speak against his elders?" Krone sneered, his voice laced with disdain and contempt.

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"Are these the manners you have instilled in him?"

"Is this how he behaves?"

As those words escaped his lips, whispers rippled through the gathered elders, further intensifying the pressure on Lei.

Fury coursed through Lei’s veins, his once composed demeanor now tainted by the stain of humiliation. He could feel his reputation crumbling before his eyes, igniting a fire of anger within him.

’This humiliation…’

As Krone’s piercing words echoed through the room, a tidal wave of anger surged within him. Veins, like pulsating rivers of fire, crawled across his forehead, their once invisible paths now starkly visible.

Each vein seemed to writhe and throb with a life force of its own, fueling the intensity of his mounting anger.

Lei’s pristine reputation, a bastion of his hard-earned respect, was now under siege.

Each blow struck Lei like a thunderous hammer, chipping away at the carefully constructed facade he had built over years of dedication and perseverance.

With calculated precision, Krone had chosen an indirect path to inflict maximum damage, manipulating the actions of an unwitting pawn, Mike, like a malevolent puppeteer pulling invisible strings.

The elders of High Order wielded an iron grip over not just the Middle Order, but also the Low Order, their authority extending like a dark shadow over every level of the organization.

Their power, a formidable force, was palpable in every corner of the Order’s domain. Like puppet masters, they skillfully maneuvered the strings of control, orchestrating the movements of those beneath them with a calculated precision. Their influence permeated the very fabric of the Order, an omnipresent presence that left no room for dissent or defiance.

While the Middle Order held a semblance of autonomy, it was but a mere illusion, for the elders’ influence flowed like an invisible current, intertwining with every facet of their decision-making. Even the Low Order, seemingly distant from the halls of power, felt the firm grasp of the elders, their choices and actions meticulously guided, ensuring that no one strayed beyond the boundaries set by their hand.

Bound by a tumultuous history, marked by animosity and simmering rivalries, Lei and Krone had long stood on opposing sides.

Krone, who answered to the powerful Elder Delka of the High Order, recognized this as the perfect occasion to drag Lei down from his elevated rank. Lei’s position, higher than that of Delka, fueled Krone’s burning desire to settle old scores, transforming their personal enmity into a weapon aimed directly at Lei’s vulnerable reputation.

"My esteemed master," Krone’s voice dripped with contempt, a thinly veiled mockery laced within his words, "it appears that your disciple is sorely lacking in proper education. And as for you, my good sir, how little you truly understand.."

Krone’s derisive tone grew more venomous as he continued his verbal assault. "Considering your inability to even manage your own disciple, one can’t help but question your competence in guiding and mentoring others within the kingdom."

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The weight of his words hung in the air, laden with a mix of scorn and doubt. Krone skillfully weaved his critique, planting seeds of doubt that threatened to undermine the master’s authority.

Krone’s provocative words ignited an inferno of rage within Lei, pushing him perilously close to the edge of losing control over his own body.

His muscles tensed, fist clenched, ready to unleash a devastating blow upon his tormentor. Yet, just as he teetered on the precipice of violence, a chilling, authoritative voice sliced through the air, commanding attention and silencing the gathered elders.

"Silence," the Head spoke.

The speaker, caught in a state of bewilderment at the elders’ internal strife, was taken aback by the unexpected emergence of the Head’s voice. Their confusion deepened as the figure, whose presence had been largely unassuming until now, suddenly wielded their authority with an aura of commanding surprise.

As if by a mystical enchantment, the rampant chaos that had engulfed the hall dissipated into nothingness.

No one dared to raise their gaze, for fear of confronting the unspoken wrath that emanated from the unseen authority that had silenced them all. The weight of their disobedience and discord hung heavy in the air, fostering an atmosphere of humility and submission, as they silently acknowledged the consequences of their actions.

Krone’s mind raced with the question, ’Why did the master break his silence?’ His eyes trembled with visible unease, betraying his inner turmoil.

Raising his head slightly, Krone sought to gauge the Head’s reaction, anxious to discover any signs of anger or other emotions. However, the instant his gaze shifted from the ground, he found himself locked in an intense stare with the Head, who had silently appeared right before him.

A chill permeated the air, emanating from the enigmatic figure of the Head, causing a cascade of shivers to course down Krone’s spine.


Before he could utter another word, Krone was met with an overwhelming surge of pressure, a force that enveloped him and squeezed with a relentless intensity. It felt as if his body were being compressed, threatening to reshape him entirely.

Beneath the tremendous pressure, the ground beneath Krone’s trembling form began to fracture and splinter, succumbing to the sheer weight of the force bearing down upon him. The once-solid surface crumbled and cracked, like a fragile facade unable to withstand the intensity of the moment.


A primal, guttural scream tore through the air, escaping from deep within Krone’s tormented soul.

The sheer intensity of his cries compelled those around him to keep their heads lowered, unaware of the unfolding torment befalling Krone. Oblivious to his suffering, they remained ignorant of the tumultuous fate that had befallen their fellow elder.

In stark contrast, Shin stood as a witness to the unfolding events, his eyes fixed upon the harrowing scene that unfolded before him.

’I can’t believe this…’



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