Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats Chapter 444 Rewards For System Update

Chapter 444 Rewards For System Update

Chapter 443: Rewards For System Update

Deoras wore a twisted smile upon his face, and in response, a pitiful grin crept across Shin’s bloodstained lips. In the blink of an eye, his body shattered into countless fragments, unleashing an eternal darkness that swallowed everything in its path.

Yet, rather than fear, Shin felt a peculiar attraction to the abyss. Compelled by an unseen force, he embarked on a relentless march, each step drawing him deeper into the abyss’s embrace.

As he traversed the expanse of darkness, time seemed to stretch into an eternity. It felt as though countless centuries slipped away, leaving Shin adrift in an unending void. But just when hope seemed lost, a glimmer of golden light pierced through the shadows, beckoning him forward.

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With each cautious stride, the golden radiance enveloped Shin’s wounded form, cradling him in a warm embrace. The weight of his burdens began to dissipate, replaced by a newfound serenity. Finally, as the golden light fully engulfed him, it brought an end to the torment, granting Shin the solace he had long sought.


"I’m... Shin."

"All of that...

...Was a...

...Illusion... Wasn’t it..."

Shin’s once-clouded eyes regained their clarity, as if a dense fog had dissipated. It was as though a long-lost key had finally unlocked the doors to his forgotten past.

With a determined focus, he closed his eyes, plunging into the depths of his consciousness where fragments of memories lay scattered like shards of a broken mirror. His sharpened intellect, honed by the darkness he had endured, embraced the challenge of piecing together the shattered remnants.

Hours stretched on as Shin’s determination and focus intensified. He delved deep into the recesses of his mind, grasping at fleeting glimpses and fragmented recollections. The shattered pieces of his memories, once disjointed and fragmented, now began to interlock, forming a coherent narrative.

It was as if he was rewinding a video, watching the scenes unfold in reverse, each frame revealing a piece of his forgotten history.

Though not without flaws, the process bore fruit. After what felt like an eternity, Shin emerged from the labyrinth of his memories, having meticulously arranged the pieces of his shattered past. Though some gaps remained, he had managed to reclaim ninety-five percent of his forgotten experiences.

"Now what?"


In an instant, the tranquil surroundings were consumed by a raging inferno. Tongues of fire danced hungrily, devouring everything in their path. The very air crackled with the intensity of the blaze, as if the flames themselves sought to cleanse the darkness that had plagued the place.

Shackles, once binding Shin in a suffocating grip, shattered into pieces, relinquishing their hold. The room trembled under the overwhelming force of the conflagration, walls trembling and collapsing as the fiery tempest consumed them whole.

It was as if the raw power of the flames was an unstoppable force, tearing through the confines of his prison and turning the very structure to cinders.

"Ha-!?" Shin’s eyes widened in astonishment and adrenaline surged through his veins.

With renewed vigor, he propelled himself forward, his legs carrying him swiftly through the engulfed corridors. The heat licked at his skin, leaving searing burn marks in its wake, but he paid them no heed.

The scent of smoke filled his nostrils, intermingling with the scent of singed flesh, yet Shin pressed on, his feet aching with each stride. The fire seemed to mock him, flickering with an insatiable hunger, but he refused to succumb.


As he raced through the inferno, the world around him blurred in a hazy veil of heat and smoke. Embers danced in the air like ethereal fireflies, casting an eerie glow upon his sweat-soaked brow. The scorching flames painted a vivid picture of chaos and destruction, a backdrop to his relentless pursuit of freedom.

In the depths of his fatigue, Shin marveled at the wellspring of energy that seemed to surge through his weary limbs, propelling him forward despite the countless days that had blurred into one indistinguishable stretch of time.

The mysterious purple flames that had relentlessly pursued him were a constant presence, casting an otherworldly glow upon the desolate landscape.

Finally, after what seemed like an interminable period, Shin emerged before what was once his clan’s proud stronghold.

The magnificent building, once a symbol of unity and strength, now lay in ruins, its grandeur reduced to a heap of rubble. The ravages of chaos and violence were evident in every crumbling stone and broken beam.

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Shin’s heart sank as he surveyed the wreckage, his eyes welling with tears that refused to fall. The remnants of his clan, his family, were now reduced to mere remnants, their lives snuffed out by an unseen enemy. The weight of the tragedy settled upon his shoulders, a burden he carried alone amidst the ruins of what was once his sanctuary.

Gingerly, Shin stepped over the debris, each footfall a painful reminder of the vibrant past that now lay shattered around him. Fragments of memories danced in his mind, like broken shards of glass, as he sought to make sense of the senseless destruction that had befallen his clan.

Shin’s body quivered with a mix of desperation and disbelief as he stumbled to the ground. His trembling hand reached out to the charred earth, his fingers clawing at the debris beneath him. His mind, overwhelmed with grief, struggled to process the devastation that surrounded him.

"No!" Shin’s voice echoed through the desolate ruins as he rose to his feet, his determination reigniting like a flickering flame. With a surge of adrenaline, he propelled himself forward, his body propelled by anguish.

Ignoring the searing pain that radiated through his body, he dashed through the remnants of his clan’s once-proud halls, his footsteps echoing in the eerie silence.

The scene before him was a haunting tableau of devastation. Lifeless bodies, once vibrant and full of spirit, now lay scattered haphazardly, their final moments frozen in expressions of anguish and despair. The air hung heavy with a palpable sense of loss, the silence broken only by the mournful whispers of the wind.

Shin’s heart shattered as he recognized the faces of those he held dear.

Aella, her once radiant spirit extinguished, now lay motionless, her form marred by the cruel scars of violence. Raka, the stalwart guardian, now a mere husk of his former self, his life force snuffed out by an unseen enemy.

Alira, Blanca, Kaily, Arzoo, Mirza, Kira, Siara, and countless others, their names and faces etched into Shin’s memory, now reduced to lifeless shells. Each life extinguished, leaving behind a void that echoed through the corridors, a painful reminder of the irreplaceable losses suffered by the clan.

"Haa..." Tears streamed down Shin’s face, mingling with the ashes and dirt on his cheeks as the all-consuming flames enveloped him. Yet, the anguish in his heart eclipsed the searing pain inflicted by the fiery inferno.

His vision gradually faded, surrendering to an abyssal darkness. In the depths of that vast emptiness, Shin was condemned to traverse countless years, bereft of companionship and haunted by his own solitude.

Shin’s eyes flickered open, and to his astonishment, he found himself back in the familiar darkness of the room. It felt like a cruel trick, as if the nightmare had returned to torment him once more.

As his gaze swept across the room, he was confronted by a disorienting sight. Countless illusions manifested before him, their forms shifting and morphing in an unsettling dance. Faces of his loved ones, distorted and twisted, stared back at him with hollow eyes. It was a haunting spectacle that gnawed at his sanity.

Yet, in the realm of reality where Shin’s physical body remained bound by shackles, Elder Ros stood with a wicked smile plastered across his face.

"The experiment is almost complete. Let’s wrap up the second stage," Elder Ros declared, a sinister gleam in his eyes. He extended his hand towards Shin, a malevolent energy emanating from his palm as he directed it towards Shin’s face.

Shin’s eyes fluttered open, their once vibrant sparkle replaced by a haunting dullness. The sight brought a wicked grin to Elder Ros’s face, believing his manipulation had succeeded.

However, something unimaginable was unfolding, even beyond the grasp of Elder Ros’s vast wisdom.


[System update complete!]


1] Revive - Can revive yourself or another individual within one hour, usable three times.

2] Instant Death - Can eliminate any being that fears or respects you, provided their HP is at half its initial value, usable three times.

3] Immortality - Grants immunity to damage if the host or target’s HP is below 10%, along with increased MP and HP regeneration, and all stats doubled, lasting for nine minutes, usable three times.

4] Complete HP refill - Fully restores HP three times.

5] Complete MP refill - Fully restores MP three times.

6] Incomplete Wolf God Form - Allows transformation into a gigantic wolf god for one minute, usable three times.

7] Doppelganger - Creates a clone with half the user’s stats, usable three times.

8] Level Up - Instantly levels up, usable three times.

9] 500 Stat Points - Adds 500 points to one selected stat per use, usable three times.

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