Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata Chapter 10 - No.10 Second Boon, Adoptive Parents(Edited)

Chapter 10: Chapter No.10 Second Boon, Adoptive Parents(Edited)

Hello, Author here. Yeah like what am I doing at the start of the chapter actually I just wanted to say that Draupadi will be in the harem and don’t worry I will do something about the whole Swayamvar scene.

Thank You


"Why don’t you send him and his adoptive parents to Vrindavan my avatar is also going to be there after five years he can be safe in the presence of my avatar."


"Huh"(Goddess Ganga)

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"What are you saying lord this should be secret among Trimurti only about your new avatar, Please help us understand this lord."

Goddess Ganga was feeling that there was more to this situation than she knows and this was upsetting her mood about this also involving her precious son.

Suryadev was also worried about his son but also curious about this new avatar of the Preserver himself that’s why he asked for help for the lord himself to help them understand this.

"Ah! I can’t get into more detail because of affecting destiny But know that Karna will be safer in my presence than Bhishma’s, And no offense, And the main point is he is fateless and I don’t have to say what Indra does to a fateless child so that’s why Karna should be sent to Vrindavan in a decade and don’t worry I will cast a protective aura around him so Heaven or Indra can’t sense him just like when Indra came here and also about his Chaste when he gets adopted by Radha and Adhiratha you just have to ask Bhishma for a kingdom namely Anga Kingdom for Karna, So what do you say?"

’I have done what you said to me and much more Devi Parvati.’




While the Gods were talking Karna’s body was getting used to all the power from both bloodline and constitution simultaneously, War God Constitution was destroying the previous constitution of Karna and replacing it with War God Constitution, And Star Child Bloodline was helping heal the damage while causing smoothing effect by which Karna does not feel the slightest amount of pain while all the damage War God Constitution was causing to the body, Without Star-Child Bloodline Karna would have died from the just 5% of pain, That’s why even Lord Vishnu was shocked after finding this which he covered it with a smile. And Main Factor was Karna’s second boon which was accelerating and making Karna stronger with each passing second, Which was Limitless Adaptation, When Karna asked Mahadev for this boon even he was kind of shocked because even he didn’t predict this boon but after thinking about it he thought it is reasonable for a boon but he nerfed it to just 50% of that certain bald man’s strength and for to unlock more of this boon then Karna have to fight and defeat the bald man in a trial which he can take as he wishes.




Goddess Ganga’s murderous aura skyrocketed and even chip away at a small part of the barrier which Lord Vishnu created(A/N: Of Course not with full power) She was even thinking

’It’s a pretty good day to kill a certain god king.’

Even Suryadev’s hair was flickering intensely and making the atmosphere hot like a volcano about to erupt at any given moment, But unlike Goddess Ganga, He controlled the power otherwise Sun in the sky would have killed all living being by its intense heat even this barrier could not stop Suryadev’s Divine Link to Sun(A/N: Not Full Powered Barrier.) But like Goddess Ganga, He was also thinking, ’It’s a pretty good day to murder a certain arrogant prick/god king.’

"Don’t worry about Indra his destiny is already written he will get his due, So what is your answer?"

Lord Vishnu asked with his soft and sweet voice filled with urgency.

"Thank you Oh Preserver I would forever be thankful for this favor."

Now Ganga know that Lord Vishnu was helping her son from all the dangers which he would be getting into from just being born she was thankful and was ready to repay this favor and will remember it till the end.

"Yes! Yes! Thank you Oh Preserver."

Suryadev wanted to say more but the curse was starting to effecting him and he has to leave soon. Lord Vishnu gave a look to Suryadev and knew the problem but even he can’t do anything about a curse so he was silent, But he know that this problem will be solved someday.

"It’s alright, Now you just have to deliver Karna to his adoptive parent and talk to Bhishma about Anga kingdom and leave the rest to destiny."

’Even if it does not affect Karna.’

Lord Vishnu said to Goddess Ganga while signaling Suryadev with his eyes and Suryadev got that signal.

"I can’t come along because of my duty but you and Karna have my best wishes, With your permission Great Preserver."

After saying that Suryadev whistled and a flaming chariot descend from the sky and stand in front of Suryadev who goes and sit on the throne in the middle of the chariot then the chariot runs into the air and zoomed to a consider distance instantly.

"So let us go devi ganga time is precious."

"Hmm"(Goddess Ganga)

Then Lord Vishnu withdraws the barrier and started flying toward Hastinapur, While Goddess Ganga started following him but they were fly slowly because even Lord Vishnu knows that Devi Ganga wanted to spend some time with her son before giving him to his pre-determined adoptive parents.

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{After 1 Hour}

Both Lord Vishnu and Goddess Ganga were watching a couple at the shore of the river who were performing Surya Namaskar and offering water to the Sun God. (A/N: Of course, they were invisible to them.)

"I would like to test them Because I can’t give my son to them without confirming their character."

Ganga wanted the best for her son and wanted to see if this couple is the best option for Karna or not, Because if they are not fitted the criteria then she will keep Karna with her only and rise him all by herself. and Lord Vishnu understands a mother’s difficulty that he didn’t object to this and let it all happen.

"Do as you see fit Devi Ganga."

{Pov Change}

"O Lord Surya, Hear this childless mother’s prayer and grant me a child whom I can dote on with all my love."

A woman looking in the age of mid-twenties wearing a beautiful green colored with golden color borderline saree and two pieces of golden bangle on each hand her skin was a little bit tan but even then she looked beautiful with dark brown hair reaching her hips and black eyes. (A/N: I don’t know how to describe characters but I tried.)

[Image Here]

She was praying to her god just like always for a child because even after so many years of marriage they doesn’t seem to having a child so she started praying to her god which is Suryadev(Sun God), But still gets no result.

"Let’s go Priye (Darling) otherwise I will get late to reach Raj-Mahal on time."

A man looking like the age in his thirties wearing a white dhoti and a white cloth was spread over his upper body, He had Rudraksha on both his hand like a bracelet, And his long black hair were reaching his shoulders.

[Image Here]

"Just 5 minutes more Arya (Husband)."(Radha)

"All right but fast we have to go,"(Adhiratha)

"Arya (Husband), wait something is floating on the river."

Adhiratha just finished his prayer and was leaving to wait for his wife out of the water, Just then hearing his wife shout when her gaze fell on a floating basket in the river, Her heart was telling her that something which she wanted for years was going to be fulfilled.

"Let it go Priye (Darling) must be some unfortunate one’s offering, let us go I am getting late."

Adhiratha looked at the basket and thought that some unfortunate one offered this basket to god for his/her prosperity, After all, Which heartless person will leave a child in the raging river?


Somewhere in Kingdom Kunti-Bhoja in a huge palace, In a large room befitting a princess a young girl/woman (A/N: Guess Who?) was crying, while two maids were comforting their princess which they thought was going through grief of the loss of her mother like figurehead maid.


’Someone must be praising me.’

"Princess, Everything will be alright."(2x Maids)


{At The Bank Of River}

"Please bring me that basket, Arya (Husband)."

Radha was feeling distressed every time the basket took some distance from her, She felt like if she didn’t get that basket now then she will lose something precious in her life.

"All right, Just wait here I will bring it for you."

Adhiratha still didn’t want to but his wife rarely asked something from him, So just for her curiosity he jumped into the river and started swimming toward the basket after reaching it he took a look inside and his face transformed.


*To Be Continued*


Author here again I just wanted to say that I have changed age gap between Shri Krishna and Karna and this gap is 5 years which 5 years shorter then original which was 10 years so see through it.

And Once again this Fanfic not the original so don’t take it to heart and just enjoy the imagination of younger generations, I don’t want to hurt anyone’s religion.

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