Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata Chapter 15: [Bonus chapter]Chapter No.15 2nd Soul Weapon, Raj Mahal(1) (Edited)

Chapter 15: [Bonus chapter]Chapter No.15 2nd Soul Weapon, Raj Mahal(1) (Edited)

Here Is Bonus Chapter Gift From Yours Truly Author-sama Himself.


[Congratulations host for gaining Vijaya Dhanusha.]

[Congratulations host for gaining...]

*Dramatic Drumming Sound*

"Damn it say it already, Athena I swear-"

[Cool down host, I was just kidding no need to explode *jeez*]

Thank you for reading at

[Congratulations host for gaining Divine Axe Rhitta]

"Holy Crap, Is this even possible? to get this weapon from that anime."

[Host you are underestimating this system, This system is much more powerful if used cleverly. And yes I know the limitations of tickets but that was a necessary limitation for your growth.]

[Of course, This axe is nothing in front of Vijaya Dhanusha, But We can still upgrade it with tickets later down the road.]

"Yes, I know about the OP system. But I was still shocked to see Rhitta appear here."

Karna was taken aback by the sudden appearance of the divine bow before him. It’s radiant aura and magnificent craftsmanship were awe-inspiring. As he gazed at it, he couldn’t help but notice that the bow seemed to be exhibiting unusual behavior. It wiggled with excitement, resembling a dog’s joyful wagging tail upon seeing its beloved owner.

[Image Here]

As Karna was contemplating the sudden change in weather, a divine bow materialized before him. The bow possessed an ethereal quality and seemed to exhibit excitement, resembling a dog wagging its tail upon seeing its owner after a long separation (Please note that this is a fictional example).

Meanwhile, the sky continued its transformation, transitioning from a sunny atmosphere to one filled with dark clouds. The sound of thunderclaps reverberated through the air, indicating the impending arrival of a storm. The wind intensified in strength with each passing second, its force growing more powerful.

"SON!!, Momma is coming okay."

Karna, startled by Radha’s worried shout, refocused his attention away from the divine bow and onto his mother’s urgent call. Reacting swiftly, he called upon Athena, seeking her assistance in making the bow vanish.

"Athena do something, Otherwise Mother will see the bow."

Karna stared in awe as the bow he had pleaded to disappear vanished from existence, leaving behind an identical tattoo of the bow on his upper right arm. The storm had passed, and the sky cleared, almost as if the chaotic events that had just transpired were but a fleeting dream.

However, the world seemed unwilling to let this event end without further intrigue. Just as Karna thought the ordeal was over, a Divine Axe known as "Rhitta" materialized before him, taking the place of the previously floating bow. The appearance of this powerful weapon signified that the show must indeed go on.

[Image Here]

As he voiced his frustration to Athena, the artificial intelligence companion who had been assisting him. Karna’s deadpan expression didn’t waver as he retorted.

"Athena, I think the Star Child Bloodline is not working properly."

[Why? Host, Is There Something Wrong~]

Athena, in her usual playful manner, responded.

"WHY?!! Because the world must hate me to do this kind of joke with me."

Karna’s frustration boiled over as he exclaimed.

As the sky transformed once again, the sun seemed to increase in size, emitting an intense heat that quickly became uncontrollable. The temperature rose drastically, causing discomfort and panic among those in the city. The scorching rays of the sun turned the surroundings into a sweltering inferno, with the heat becoming unbearable for surrounding areas.

[Host Just Order The Axe To Return, Hurry Otherwise Everyone Will Know About You.]

Karna took a deep breath, trying to steady himself amidst the chaotic situation. He understood the urgency in Athena’s words and knew that he had to act quickly to prevent any further attention. Focusing his thoughts.

"Rhitta, Return,"

he commanded the Divine Axe. To his relief, the Divine Axe responded to his command and vanished from his grasp, just like the bow before it. The intense heat from the sun started to dissipate, and the temperature gradually returned to normal. The city began to cool down, and people seemed to regain their composure.

"Athena, Thanks for the quick response."

[Everyday Host Hehehe~]

Karna also chuckled, But soon remembered the tattoo which is still there. But now Divine Axe’s tattoo also appeared on the upper left arm.

"Now what about these tattoos, How to make them disappear too?"

[Host Just Focus On Them And Command Them To Become Invisible Or Outright Disappear]

Karna took a moment to center himself and focus on the tattoos that adorned his body. He knew that he had to find a way to make them disappear, just like the Divine Axe and the bow. Remembering Athena’s advice, he closed his eyes and concentrated on the tattoos.


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he commanded in a firm and determined voice.

As he uttered the words, he visualized the tattoos fading away, becoming invisible to the naked eye. He imagined them vanishing, leaving no trace behind. Karna held onto that image in his mind, focusing all his energy on the tattoos and willing them to disappear.

After a few moments, Karna opened his eyes and examined his arms. To his relief, the tattoos had indeed vanished, just as he had commanded. His skin was once again bare, without any visible markings. Karna let out a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of liberation as the burden of the tattoos lifted from his shoulders.

"Thank you, Athena,"

he said softly, grateful for her guidance and assistance.

[Athena It was my pleasure to help, Host. Remember, your power lies within you, and you can command and control it. Trust in yourself, and you will overcome any challenges that come your way.]

Radha’s heart raced as she rushed toward the bed where she had left Karna to sleep. Her mind filled with worry and concern, causing her face to display visible signs of distress. She had likely encountered something alarming or troubling, prompting her urgent return to Karna’s side. As she approached the bed, she might have held her breath, hoping that Karna was safe and sound.

But to her surprise, as Radha reached the bed, her worries and concerns vanished. Instead of finding a distressed infant, she saw Karna’s giggling face looking back at her. The sight of his joyous expression instantly melted away her anxiety. The relief that flooded through her was palpable as she realized that Karna was safe and well. It was a heartwarming moment, and Radha couldn’t help but smile back at her playful and contented child.

Radha approached the bed, her steps light and filled with anticipation. She leaned over, reaching out to caress Karna’s soft cheek. His laughter echoed in the room, filling it with an atmosphere of pure bliss. Radha’s smile widened as she gazed into his innocent eyes, realizing that her child was safe and well.

The relief that flooded through her was palpable, like a soothing balm for her soul. She couldn’t ask for anything more than this precious moment of peace and happiness.

As she sat by the bed, watching her playful and contented child, Radha couldn’t help but be grateful for this beautiful bond they shared. Karna’s giggles echoed in her heart, reminding her of the immense joy that motherhood brought. At that moment, Radha made a silent promise to herself to cherish every moment with Karna, to be there for him.

{After 5-10 Minutes}

Adhiratha’s relief was evident as he entered the room and saw Radha and the infant Karna safe and sound. His worried expression softened into a smile as he approached the bed. He reached out to gently touch Karna’s tiny hand, his heart swelling with love and gratitude.

"I’m so glad you both are okay."

Adhiratha said, his voice filled with a mix of relief and affection.

"After seeing the changing climate, I rushed here as fast as I could."

He looked at Radha, his eyes filled with concern.

"Are you all right, Priya(Darling)? You seem worried. Is there anything I can do?"

Radha nodded, her gaze never leaving their precious child.

"I was worried at first, but Karna is safe and happy. Everything else seems insignificant in comparison."

Adhiratha let out a sigh of relief and pulled up a chair next to the bed, joining Radha in watching their son. The room was filled with an atmosphere of warmth and serenity as the new parents soaked in the joy of their growing family.

"Oh I just remember King and Queen also wanted to see our child and bless him, They invited us to Raj Mahal(Royal Palace) tomorrow."

Radha’s eyes lit up with excitement as she heard about the invitation from the King and Queen to visit the Raj Mahal and introduce Karna to them. She turned to Adhiratha, a smile playing on her lips.

"That’s wonderful news! Our little Karna is already attracting attention from royalty. It will be an honor to bring him before the King and Queen and receive their blessings."

Adhiratha nodded in agreement, his expression reflecting a mix of pride and anticipation.

"Then tomorrow we will bring Karna to Raj Mahal(Royal Palace) to meet Maharaj(King) and Maharani(Queen)."

Radha nodded her head with a smile.

"Yes I will prepare for tomorrow, Can you look after Karna Arya(Husband)."

"Of course, Is there even a need to ask that."

Adhiratha makes an offended expression while feeling happy and contented to see his family.

*To Be Continued*


Hello my dear readers,

I just wanted to inform that I wrote this chap with the help ChatGPT.

And wanted to know how is this chap,

and should I continue with this or Stay with my previous style

Please comment me your opinion and Leave a review It helps.

Today I will not waste your time with more rumbling So,

Thank You And Goodbye.

Peace Out??

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