Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata Chapter 19 Chapter No.19 Tower Of Trials

19 Chapter No.19 Tower Of Trials

[Congratulations Host For Gaining]

[Gold UT x6, Black Gold UT x1, Platinum UT x2, Amethyst UT x1]

"Hmm~ So what should I do with all these Upgrade Tickets? What do you think? Athena."

[Host That Is Your Decision, I Can Only Follow You Hehe~]


Karna leaned back on his bed, deep in thought. He had a significant number of Upgrade Tickets now, and he had to decide how to make the most of them.

[Host I Have An Suggestion For You, Would You Like To Hear It?]

"Oh! You have? okay, say what do you suggest we do?"

[Host You Could Use That Random Training Ground You Got On Mission Before]

"Yeah... That with this training ground, I can practice with my soul weapons without fear."

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"Alright then Athena, Use Platinum Upgrade Ticket on Random Training Ground."

[Wise Choice, Host]

[You Have Used Platinum UT On Random Training Ground]



[Congratulations Host For Gaining Random Legendary Training Ground]

"Athena, Please open the Random Legendary Training Ground."

[Roger That, Host]

[Opening Random Legendary Training Ground]

[Congratulations Host For Gaining Tower Of Trials]

[Name: Tower Of Trials]

[Type: Training Ground]

[Grade: EX-]

[Description: This Tower Has 100 Levels And Every Floor Has Many Monsters that Needed To Be Eradicated To Gain Access To the Upper Floor. The First Floor Only Has Normal Adult Human Strength And Their Strength Increases After the User Go To the Next Level. No One Will ’Truly’ Die Inside The Tower As It Will Keep Reviving the User. The Time Ratio is 1:6 Which Is One Hour Outside And Six Inside The Tower, It Also Rewards On Each Floor Cleared.]

(A/N: There is a 0.1% chance of jumping a tier like SSS+ to EX- like this one, But it’s based on luck.)

Karna’s eyes widened with excitement as he read the description of the Tower of Trials. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to test his skills and push himself to new heights. He imagined the challenges that awaited him on each floor and the rewards he would receive for conquering them.

"Athena, this is fantastic! The Tower of Trials will be a great place for me to train and improve my abilities. I’m eager to face the increasing strength of the monsters and push myself to my limits. Let’s make the most of this opportunity."

[Host, I am glad you are excited. The Tower of Trials will indeed provide you with a challenging environment to enhance your skills.]

"Athena, please provide me with more details about the Tower of Trials. I want to know the specifics of the rewards and the types of challenges I’ll face on each floor."

[The Tower of Trials consists of 100 levels, each with its own set of challenges. The difficulty and strength of the monsters will increase as you progress to higher floors. However, you don’t need to worry about permanent death inside the tower. The tower has a revival system that ensures you will be revived whenever you fall in battle.]

[As for the time ratio, six hours will pass inside for every hour that passes outside the tower. This allows you to spend more time training and facing challenges within the tower without losing too much time in the outside world.]

[Regarding the rewards, you will receive rewards for each floor you clear. These rewards can include various items, equipment, or even special abilities that can aid you in your journey. The higher the floor, the greater the rewards.]

Karna’s excitement grew as he listened to Athena’s explanation. The Tower of Trials presented a unique opportunity for growth and rewards.

"Thank you, Athena. This is exactly what I needed. I will dedicate myself to conquering the Tower of Trials and emerging stronger than ever before. Let’s make preparations and begin our ascent."

[Of course, Host. I will assist you in any way I can.]


"Karna my son, You should sleep now. Tomorrow you have to visit Raj Mahal(Royal Palace) with Mitra(Friend) Vivek and Mitra(Friend) Avinash. So sleep now otherwise you will be late again."

Karna’s excitement was momentarily interrupted by his father’s reminder. He realized it was getting late and he needed to rest for the upcoming visit to the Royal Palace.

"Thank you, Father. I will make sure to get some rest. Tomorrow will be an important day, and I don’t want to be late. Goodnight."

"Goodnight, my son. Sleep well."

Karna bid his father goodnight and settled into his bed, his mind still buzzing with thoughts of the Tower of Trials.

"Athena, How do I enter the Tower Of Trials?"

[Host You Have To Place It somewhere and then you just have to think about entering it.]

"But where? And what about its size?"

[Host you can place it on the floor and just think about entering it after taking it out of inventory.]

"Ah, I see. So I can simply place the Tower of Trials on the floor and then think about entering it to access the challenges. That sounds convenient. As for the size, is it adjustable? Can I choose how big or small the tower appears?"

[Indeed, Host. The size of the Tower of Trials can be adjusted according to your preference. Depending on the space available and your training needs, you can make it as big or small as you like. Just focus on your desired size when you place it on the floor, and it will adjust accordingly.]

"That’s excellent. Having the flexibility to adjust the size will allow me to accommodate the tower in different environments. Anyway, let’s have a test."

[Host, please remember that time will pass faster inside once you enter the Tower of Trials. Make sure you allocate enough time for your training and adventures within the tower.]

Karna nodded, understanding the importance of managing his time effectively.

"I’ll keep that in mind, Athena. Time management will be crucial while exploring the Tower of Trials. I’ll make sure to set aside dedicated periods for training and progression. Now, Let’s proceed with the test. I want to experience the Tower of Trials firsthand."

Karna carefully placed the Tower of Trials on the floor of his room. He focused his thoughts on entering the tower, Imagining himself stepping inside the grand structure filled with challenges and rewards.

[Entering the Tower of Trials...]

As Karna stepped into the tower, He felt a surge of energy enveloping him. The familiar surroundings of his room faded away, Replaced by a vast, Towering structure stretching into the distance.

As Karna entered the Tower of Trials, he found himself standing in a grand and spacious lobby. The walls were adorned with intricate murals depicting legendary battles and weapon marks. A soft, ethereal glow illuminated the area, creating an atmosphere of anticipation.

Karna couldn’t help but feel a sense of awe as he took in the magnificent surroundings of the Tower of Trials. He knew that this place held great challenges and rewards, and he was determined to make the most of his time here.

"Wow, This place is incredible, The murals, the ambiance... it’s like stepping into a world of legends. Athena, Do you have any information about the first floor? I want to know what kind of challenges await me here."

Karna remarked, his voice filled with excitement.

[Host, the first floor of the Tower of Trials is designed to test your basic combat skills and adaptability. You will encounter adversaries with normal adult human strength, providing you with a solid foundation for your journey. Defeating these opponents will grant you access to the upper floors, where the difficulty and strength of the challenges will increase significantly.]

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Karna took a deep breath, centering himself and summoning his soul weapon, the Divine Axe Rhitta. The moment Rhitta landed on his hands all the basic knowledge of wielding an axe appeared in his mind(War God’s Constitution). He stepped forward, ready to face the challenges and embark on his journey within the Tower of Trials.

As Karna stepped forward, the atmosphere in the lobby shifted. The air crackled with anticipation, and a gateway materialized in front of him, leading to the first floor of the Tower of Trials.

With determination in his eyes, Karna crossed the threshold and entered the first floor. The environment transformed into a vast battlefield, with an open expanse stretching out before him. The floor was adorned with symbols indicating the challenges that lay ahead.

"Athena, I’m ready. Let the trials begin."

[Understood, Host. The trials on the first floor will test your combat skills and strategic thinking. Defeat the adversaries and progress to the next level. Good luck, Karna.]

Karna surveyed his surroundings with a confident nod, preparing himself for the battles to come. The Tower of Trials awaited, promising both peril and reward.

The glowing symbols on the floor shifted and transformed, altering the landscape of the first floor of the Tower of Trials. The previously open expanse now gave way to a dense forest, with towering trees and mysterious shadows lurking within.


Karna tightened his grip on the Divine Axe Rhitta, He saw that he appeared in a forest. He scanned the surroundings and felt many eyes on him. He could sense their malicious intent and knew that the first floor’s trials had begun.

Karna didn’t see anyone so he guessed that it must be Tower that speaks.



Karna suddenly felt someone or something coming and they were thousands or more. Karna looked at the incoming monster and saw a brown fox the size of an adult tiger.

Karna saw them and he can not count them as they were popping infinitely. As the first fox reached him, Karna started swinging Rhitta with expert precision, cleaving through the air and striking the fox. The impact sent the creature flying, dissipating into particles of light. However, more foxes followed, surrounding Karna from all sides.

Karna quickly assessed the situation, formulating a strategy in his mind. He realized that he needed to eliminate the foxes swiftly and efficiently to progress through the first floor.

Utilizing his agility and strength, Karna unleashed a flurry of devastating axe strikes, creating a whirlwind of destruction. With each swing, foxes fell, vanishing into particles of light. Karna moves fluidly, his movements a dance of battle.

The Tower of Trials provided Karna with an ideal training ground, allowing him to showcase his skills and enhance his combat abilities. He focused on honing his reflexes, timing his strikes to perfection, and adapting to the ever-increasing numbers of adversaries.

As Karna fought, he could feel himself growing stronger with each successful strike. The energy surging through his veins fueled his determination to overcome the challenges that lay before him.

Minutes turned into hours as Karna pressed forward, his resolve unwavering. He continued to clear the first floor, eliminating wave after wave of adversaries. The foxes became increasingly aggressive and coordinated in their attacks, testing Karna’s endurance and tactical acumen.

But Karna persevered. He tapped into the depths of his power, channeling the strength of his soul weapon to unleash devastating attacks. The ground shook beneath him as his strikes resonated with unparalleled force, decimating the foxes in his path.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Karna stood amidst the remnants of the defeated foxes. The first floor was clear, and the Tower of Trials acknowledged his victory.

[Tower Key: A special key that can be used to unlock certain areas or doors within the Tower of Trials. It may grant access to hidden chambers, secret challenges, or additional rewards.]

Karna’s chest heaved as he caught his breath, his body covered in sweat and battle wounds. He couldn’t help but smile at his accomplishment. He ignored the time taken section.

"Athena, I did it! I cleared the first floor of the Tower of Trials. It was intense, but I feel invigorated. The rewards are also a nice bonus."

[Well done, Host. You have shown great skill and determination. The first floor was just the beginning. There are still 99 floors to conquer, each with its unique challenges. Your journey has only just begun.]

Karna’s eyes sparkled with renewed excitement. He had experienced a taste of the trials that awaited him within the Tower of Trials, and he was hungry for more.

"Athena, how much time has passed?"

[Host, 2 hours have passed inside, And 20 minutes outside. I think it’s enough for today, You should take a rest now & tomorrow you have to go to the palace too.]

Karna nodded in agreement with Athena’s suggestion. He knew that rest was essential to maintain his physical and mental well-being, especially with the upcoming visit to the palace the next day.

"Thank you, Athena. I’ll exit the Tower of Trials for now and get some much-needed rest. Tomorrow will be another eventful day, and I want to be prepared. But I’m already looking forward to returning to the tower." f𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝐛n𝐨v𝚎𝗹.com

[Of course, Host. Remember to take care of yourself and make the most of your time both inside and outside the Tower of Trials. I’ll be here to assist you whenever you need me.]

With those words, Karna focused his thoughts on leaving the Tower of Trials. The grand surroundings of the tower faded away, and he found himself back in his room, standing beside the Tower of Trials.

Karna approached his bed and settled down, his mind still buzzing with the adrenaline of battle. As he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep.

*To Be Continued*



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