Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata Chapter 2 - No.2 Unexpected Death Part 2(Edited)

Chapter 2: Chapter No.2 Unexpected Death Part 2(Edited)

[Present Time]

Many centuries have passed since the fated battle of the Kurukshetra War, The stories about Danveer (Benevolent) Karna are widespread all over the world, But each has different versions of the story of Karna from the Mahabharata has captivated people for centuries, and various versions and interpretations of his tale exist. The complexity of his character, his unwavering loyalty, and his tragic fate continue to evoke emotions and spark discussions about fate, morality, and the human experience.

As with any mythological or epic character, different retellings and adaptations may emphasize certain aspects of Karna’s story or offer different perspectives on his character. These variations can lead to diverse interpretations and understandings of his life and the factors that contributed to his portrayal as an unlucky and unfortunate figure.

Regardless of the specific version, Karna’s story serves as a reminder of the complexities of life, the power of choices, and the interplay between fate and personal agency. His character resonates with audiences because he embodies the struggles, dilemmas, and virtues that transcend time and cultures.

Just like everyone but somewhat different, A young boy aged 16 namely Jaswant (Worthy Of Praise; Victorious) was reading a book "Mrityunjaya" about Karna’s whole journey, suffering, Happiness and sacrifice. As he delved deeper into the pages, Jaswant found himself engrossed in Karna’s life, empathizing with his struggles and admiring his unwavering loyalty.

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Jaswant was captivated by Karna’s unwavering determination and his adherence to his principles, even in the face of adversity. He was moved by Karna’s unwavering loyalty to Duryodhana, despite knowing that the path he chose would ultimately lead to his downfall. Jaswant pondered the significance of such loyalty and wondered if he would be capable of such unwavering dedication.

The book "Mrityunjaya" vividly depicted Karna’s childhood, where he faced rejection and discrimination due to his low birth. Jaswant empathized with Karna’s pain and longing for acceptance. He questioned society’s prejudices and the unfairness of a person’s worth being determined by their birth rather than their character.

As Jaswant continued reading, he witnessed Karna’s encounter with Lord Krishna, where the deity revealed Karna’s true lineage and offered him a chance to switch sides in the war. Jaswant marvelled at the moral dilemma Karna faced. Should he abandon his loyalty to Duryodhana, who had stood by him during his most difficult times, or should he side with the truth and righteousness represented by Krishna and the Pandavas?

Jaswant’s mind raced with questions about the nature of loyalty, righteousness, and the choices one must make in life. He contemplated the consequences of Karna’s decision to remain loyal to his friend, even if it meant aligning with the forces of evil. Was it a noble sacrifice or a tragic mistake?

As Jaswant reached the climax of the book, he couldn’t help but shed tears at Karna’s tragic fate. Despite his skills, valour, and virtuous intentions, Karna met his end on the battlefield, succumbing to the arrows of his half-brother, Arjuna. Jaswant felt a profound sense of loss, mourning the untimely demise of a character who had become so real and relatable to him.

Finishing the book, Jaswant closed it gently, his mind filled with a mix of emotions. He recognized the power of storytelling and how it could transcend time and touch the hearts of people across generations. Karna’s story had left an indelible mark on Jaswant’s consciousness, igniting a desire within him to explore the complexities of life, fate, and personal choices.

"If I were to be in Karna’s place, I would live my life without regret and make choices based on my principles," Jaswant murmured to himself. He contemplated the lessons he had learned from Karna’s life and the impact they could have on everyone’s life.

After placing the book down, Jaswant stood up from his seat and took a deep breath.

"Let’s go back to work, Otherwise boss might cut my salary again."

Jaswant went out of the room which was actually an old extra small cabin filled with books and a worn-out desk. As he stepped into the bustling office space filled with colleagues engrossed in their work, he couldn’t help but feel a sense of detachment from the mundane tasks at hand. Karna’s story had awakened a deeper yearning within him, a thirst for purpose and meaning that seemed absent in the daily routine of his job.

"Oi!!! Chotu (Kid) What are you doing standing like a jackass, There are orders pending for teas, Go deliver them to the office at the front, Hurry!!! you idiot otherwise the tea will get cold and customers will complain." f𝐫𝗲eweb𝗻o𝐯el.𝚌o𝗺

Jaswant’s reverie was abruptly interrupted by his boss’s harsh words. He was brought back to reality, reminded of his menial job and the demands of his superiors. As he scurried to fulfil the tea orders.

As Jaswant made his way through the bustling office, delivering the teas with a forced smile, his mind drifted back to the lessons he had learned from Karna’s life. He couldn’t help but contrast the grandeur of Karna’s journey with the seemingly insignificant tasks he was performing in his own life.

"Is this all there is to life?" Jaswant pondered silently. "If not then dying is better, Then living a life without purpose and meaning."

The weight of monotony and dissatisfaction settled heavily on Jaswant’s shoulders as he navigated through the office corridors. The walls seemed to close in, stifling his aspirations and dreams. He yearned for something more, something that would make his existence feel worthwhile.

As the day progressed, Jaswant’s thoughts remained consumed by Karna’s story. He couldn’t shake off the feeling that he was meant for something greater, just like Karna. The desire to break free from the mundane and pursue his passions burned within him, intensifying with each passing moment.

During his lunch break, Jaswant found solace in a nearby park. The tranquillity of nature embraced him, providing a momentary respite from the chaos of his daily routine. He sat on a bench, gazing at the trees swaying gently in the breeze, lost in his own musings.

He started to back at his life till now, From being found at the door of an orphanage, seeing Matron as mother and fellow orphans as brothers/sisters, to being thrown into the harsh realities of the world as he grew older.

Jaswant’s heart skipped a beat as he remembered the day he discovered the truth about his birth mother. His matron at the orphanage had shown him a picture captured in a CCTV camera, revealing a woman who looked strikingly similar to him. She explained that a kind stranger had found him as a baby near the orphanage’s doorstep and that this woman was believed to be his biological mother.

The revelation stirred a mix of emotions within Jaswant. On one hand, he felt a glimmer of hope and a newfound sense of identity. Knowing that he had a biological mother out there meant that he was not entirely alone in the world. On the other hand, he couldn’t help but wonder why his mother had abandoned him and why he had ended up at the orphanage.

The meeting with his birth mother had been a horrible shock for Jaswant. After months of searching and making inquiries, he finally managed to track her down. Their meeting was filled with tension, and it quickly became apparent that his mother had no desire to reconnect with him. She expressed regret for his existence and made it clear that she wanted nothing to do with him.

The rejection pierced Jaswant’s heart like a thousand arrows. He couldn’t understand why his mother would harbour such disdain for him. The sense of abandonment and betrayal weighed heavily on him, leaving him with a deep sense of emptiness.

In the aftermath of the meeting, Jaswant struggled to come to terms with his mother’s rejection. He grappled with feelings of unworthiness and wondered if he was inherently flawed or unlovable. The pain of his past, combined with the monotony of his current life, created a potent cocktail of despair and longing for something more meaningful.


"Why does this even matter now? I am already unwanted."

As Jaswant sat on the park bench, his heart heavy with the weight of his past, he couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness. The rejection from his birth mother had left a deep scar, reminding him of his feelings of unworthiness and questioning his place in the world.

After sitting for more than half an hour which was break time, Jaswant finally stood up from the bench, wiping away a few stray tears that had escaped his eyes. He took a deep breath, determined to push through the heaviness that weighed him down. As he walked back to the office.

[After Some Hours]

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At night, after completing his work, Jaswant returned to his small cabin, At the corner was a small bed where he lay down, his mind still buzzing with thoughts and emotions, Which forced down the corners of his consciousness.

Only one sentence escaped his lips before tiredness took over him.

"Please God, grant me the strength to find my purpose and create a life of meaning."

With those words lingering in the air, Jaswant drifted off to sleep which he never awake from or did he?




Jaswant opened his eyes and found himself in a place that hold nothing but him, He found himself in a vast, empty space, devoid of any discernible features or landmarks. It felt neither real nor imaginary, as if suspended in a void between existence and non-existence. He stood there, taking in his surroundings, a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty filling his heart.

As he walked forward, the space seemed to shift and transform, taking on ephemeral shapes and colours. He felt a strange energy coursing through him, a sensation that seemed both familiar and foreign at the same time. It was as if this place held the essence of something greater, something beyond his understanding.

Jaswant continued to explore, his footsteps echoing in the vastness. He wondered if he was dreaming or if he had truly transcended into another realm. The absence of answers only deepened his intrigue, pushing him to seek further.

After what felt like an eternity, Jaswant noticed a shimmering light in the distance. It glowed softly, beckoning him closer. With a mix of trepidation and anticipation, he quickened his pace, drawn to the enigmatic source.

As he approached the light, it began to take shape, forming a figure, Which every Hindu know so well-


Jaswant immediately went to his knees and a great amount of adoration filled his heart. (Because who doesn’t adore our favourite god, Shiva)


"Why does everyone have to greet me like this? Anyway, I would just inform you that You are dead."

Jaswant’s eyes widened in surprise as he heard Lord Shiva’s words. The revelation left him momentarily speechless, his mind racing to comprehend the implications of his current state.

"Dead?" Jaswant managed to stammer, his voice filled with disbelief. "But... how?"

Lord Shiva smiled gently, his eyes radiating a sense of calm wisdom. "You have completed your journey in the mortal realm, Jaswant," he explained. "Your time on Earth has come to an end, and now you find yourself in the realm between existence and non-existence."

Jaswant’s mind swirled with a whirlwind of emotions. Confusion, disbelief, and a tinge of fear clouded his thoughts. He struggled to grasp the reality of his situation and what it meant for his future.

"But, Lord Shiva," Jaswant began, his voice trembling, He didn’t even hear about his time had come but more forced on death part.

"Did you not as that if you were to be in Karna’s place you would do things differently."




*To Be Continued*


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Word Count: 2002

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