Reincarnated as Napoleon Chapter 102 Treaty Of Campo Formio

October 17th, 1797. Campo Formio, Republic of Venice.

Napoleon waited in the grand foyer of the Villa Manin, the venue at which the Austrians and the French decided to sign a treaty that would secure peace between the two nations.

Murat, his dashing aide-de-camp, entered the mansion and saluted Napoleon.

"Sir…Count Philipp von Cobenzl has arrived," he informed.

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Napoleon gazed out of the door, and there he saw a visibly perturbed Count Cobenzl dressed in an impeccable white uniform stepping out of an opulent carriage. His expression was understandable, after all, his country is on the losing side.

As Count Cobenzl walked over towards Napoleon, he extended his hand in cordiality.

"General Bonaparte," Cobenzl said with a nod of the head.

"Count Cobenzl," Napoleon shook the Count’s hand firmly and escorted him to a room where they’ll sign the official document of the treaty.

As Napoleon and Count Cobenzl entered the designated room, a table adorned with inkwells, quills, and the finalized treaty awaited them.

The delegations from both sides gathered, taking their places around the room.

Napoleon gestured for Count Cobenzl to take a seat at one end of the table, while he positioned himself opposite the Austrian diplomat.

As they took their seats, Napoleon began.

"Count Cobenzl, before we sign the treaty, let us clear the terms of the treaty. I will recite the terms of the French Republic to which you will recite yours. I’ll go first."

Napoleon cleared his throat and began to recite the terms of the treaty on behalf of the French Republic.

"Firstly, the French Republic shall be granted the territories of Lombardy, which encompasses the city of Milan, as well as the Austrian Netherlands. These regions shall be fully integrated into the French Republic, subject to its laws and administration. Secondly, as part of the dissolution of the Venetian Republic, the city of Venice and its immediate surroundings shall be relinquished to Austria. In addition, the eastern Adriatic territories formerly belonging to the Venetian Republic, namely Istria and Dalmatia, shall also be ceded to Austria in exchange for the territories to which you’ll mention later. Furthermore, as outlined in the treaty, the French Republic shall assume control over the Ionian Islands situated off the western coast of Greece. These islands, previously governed by Venice, will now come under the sphere of French influence."

Pausing for a moment, Napoleon’s gaze softened, recognizing the impact of these terms on the Count and his country. He continued in a more sympathetic tone.

"Count Cobenzl, please proceed with the terms of the Austrian Empire."

Count Cobenzl took a deep breath, steeling himself to recite the terms that Austria had agreed upon.

"On behalf of the Austrian Empire, we formally acknowledge and extend recognition to the sovereignty and independence of the French Republic. We also acknowledge and appreciate the increasing influence of France within Italy, while duly respecting the establishment of the Cisalpine and Ligurian Republics as client states under French authority. Additionally, Austria recognizes and acknowledges the control exercised by France over several German territories, particularly those located along the left bank of the Rhine."

As Count Cobenzl finished reciting the terms, the room fell into a brief silence. The weight of the negotiations and the concessions made by both sides hung in the air. It was a moment of reflection, as the two leaders contemplated the impact and significance of the treaty they were about to sign.

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Napoleon and Count Cobenzl locked eyes, a shared understanding passing between them. With a solemn nod, Napoleon picked up the quill, ready to affix his signature to the treaty. Count Cobenzl followed suit, his hand steady as he signed his name. The room erupted in applause, the delegates acknowledging the culmination of weeks of negotiations and the prospects of a new era.

As the ink dried on the parchment, the Treaty of Campo Formio was sealed, forever etching the names of Napoleon Bonaparte and Philipp von Cobenzl into the annals of history.

Napoleon rose to his feet and walked over to Count Cobenzl. He looked down at him for a second, before extending his hand.

Count Cobenzl, touched by the sincerity and respect in Napoleon’s gesture, reciprocated by extending his hand once again. Their hands met in a firm grasp, symbolizing not only the agreement between their nations but also a mutual understanding and the potential for a future beyond conflict.

With that, Napoleon officially ended the war in mainland Europe. With the Austrian Empire out of the war, only the British Empire remained. Though there’s not much the two countries can do at this point aside from he British continuing their naval blockade of France’s western and northern coast but that’s only it and the French sucking it up.

Even in this world, the British Empire is a pain in the ass. He can’t leave the situation as it is. The French Republic had to break that naval blockade as most of its exports bound for the United States and other parts of the world were being severely hampered. The economic consequences were taking a toll on the French Republic.

As much as he wanted to take action, he doesn’t have political power. The Directory is still under control and is directing French foreign and domestic policy. Fortunately, the Directory’s popularity is dwindling every passing month as it failed to satisfy its constituents and address the pressing needs of the French people. Corruption and inefficiency plagued the government. It’s only a matter of time before the people of the French Republic yearn for a leader that will genuinely care and help them.

When that moment arrives, Napoleon would seize it.


A week after the signing of the Campo Formio, Napoleon was aboard a steam locomotive heading to Paris. At last, he could finally see his family again. In his mind, he imagined a scenario where his children would rush up to him and hug him, and then after, Ciela would give him a satisfying kiss.

As the steam locomotive arrived in Paris, he noticed that the platform was crowded with Parisians, who were waving their hands, whistling, and cheering.

Stepping off the locomotive, Napoleon was greeted by a sea of smiling faces and thunderous applause.

"Bonaparte! Bonaparte!"

The people chanted, their voices echoing through the station and filling Napoleon’s ears with a euphoric melody. It was a moment of triumph, a hero’s welcome for the man who had achieved the impossible.

The Les Guides de Bonaparte, Napoleon’s elite bodyguards stepped forward and parted the crowd, creating a path for him to walk through.

"Thank you, Bessières," Napoleon acknowledged with a nod of his head to Jean-Baptiste Bessières, the commander of the Les Guides de Bonaparte.

Napoleon then walked forward, his hand waving back at the people as he made his way to the awaiting carriage that will take him to his residence in Paris.

Among the crowds was a member of the Directory, Paul Barras. He stood on the sidelines, his expression a mixture of discontent and envy as he watched the adoration and reverence bestowed upon Napoleon. The cheers of the people grated on his nerves, for he feared that Napoleon’s growing popularity could lead to power-hungry ambitions.

Though he was thankful for him giving him help to oust the royalists and the monarchists, Barras couldn’t help but feel a pang of resentment towards Napoleon. He had played his part in bringing the young general to prominence, supporting him when he was just a promising officer with ambitions. But now, it seemed that Napoleon’s star was rising too fast, eclipsing Barras’ own position and influence within the Directory.

He shouldn’t have given Napoleon the command of the Army of Italy, because if he didn’t, this wouldn’t happen. But what is done is done, he has to think of another way of removing Napoleon from the scene.

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