Reincarnated as Napoleon Chapter 126 Docking At Toulon

Napoleon stepped off the gangway and onto the solid ground of the port. As his boots touched the cobblestones, a wave of excitement washed over him. The locals had gathered to welcome him, their voices rising in a chorus of adoration.

"Vive Napoléon! Vive Napoléon!" they chanted, their voices echoing through the air.

A smile crept across Napoleon’s face as he acknowledged their fervent cheers. The people of Toulon had gathered in large numbers, their faces filled with admiration and hope. They waved French flags and raised their voices even louder, their chants growing in intensity.

He walked along the dock, his loyal officers and soldiers following closely behind. The cheers and applause continued a testament to the deep respect and admiration the locals held for him. It was as if they had forgotten his involvement in the siege of Toulon.

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Napoleon’s elite bodyguard, commanded by Bessières, formed a protective ring around him as they made their way through the jubilant crowd. The people of Toulon parted before them, creating a path for their revered general.

Among the crowd was someone closely related to Napoleon. Joseph Bonaparte, his older brother, and Caroline Bonaparte, his younger sister, approached him. The protective ring momentarily pushed them away but Napoleon gestured to let them pass. When the soldiers let them through, Joseph and Caroline greeted him warmly.

"Brother!" Joseph exclaimed, embracing his brother tightly. "Do you hear their chants, brother? Just say the word, and I assure you that fifty million French citizens will stand behind you."

Napoleon chuckled in response to Joseph’s enthusiastic declaration.

"Oh, I brought Caroline with me," Joseph continued, gently pulling Caroline closer by the arm.

Caroline, feeling a mix of shyness and excitement, stepped forward and waved a hand to her brother. "Hello... brother."

Napoleon’s attention shifted to his younger sister. She possessed a tall and slender frame, accentuated by her elegant dress. Her lustrous, jet-black hair flowed down to her waist, framing her beautiful face with a radiant shine.

"Hello little sister," Napoleon said, smiling. He then leaned forward and planted a kiss on both of Caroline’s cheeks. She blushed, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue, and her eyes sparkled with joy.

"Napoleon, why don’t I take you to the finest restaurants here in Toulon? I’m sure you must have been weary on the long journey," Joseph suggested.

Napoleon nodded appreciatively, his stomach rumbling at the thought of a good meal. "That sounds like a splendid idea, Joseph. Lead the way."

With Joseph and Caroline by his side, Napoleon made his way through the enthusiastic crowd, guided by the locals who eagerly offered directions to the renowned establishments of Toulon.

As they entered one of the finest restaurants, they settled at a table near the window.

Joseph raised his hand and flicked his finger, calling the waiter. "I have heard that this restaurant is famous for bouillabaisse. We’ll take three orders."

"Yes sir," the waiter replied with a respectful nod. He swiftly left to relay the order to the kitchen, leaving the Bonaparte siblings to enjoy the pleasant ambiance of the restaurant. Though they can still hear the chants of the locals outside the restaurant, making Joseph grin goofily.

"They are so enthusiastic," Napoleon commented and chuckled.

"Well, the way they chant you would be nothing compared to the welcome you’ll be getting when you come back to Paris. Power is a ripe fruit and it is yours for the picking."

Joseph’s words hung in the air, prompting Napoleon to pause and contemplate his brother’s fervent enthusiasm.

Napoleon leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixed on Joseph. "Why are you so eager for me to grasp this power, Joseph? What drives your unwavering support and belief in my abilities that I could change France for the better?"

Joseph’s eyes met Napoleon’s, a flicker of intensity shining within them. "Brother you are just good! Your administration skills during your time in Italy and Egypt were successful. Imagine that being implemented in all of France. We all know that the Directory has been struggling to govern effectively. Corruption, economic instability, and political unrest plague our nation. France is in dire need of strong leadership, someone who can bring stability, restore order, and bring back people’s confidence in their country. And there’s only one man I can think of achieving that."

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"I concur, brother," Caroline interjected. "The Frenchmen see you as their hero, including me. When we were reading the newspapers about your expedition in Egypt and the Middle East, we were in awe! We were envious that the subjects of the conquered states were living in a better condition than us."

"Just say the word, my dear brother," Joseph urged. "Lucien is already on board with the idea. We have come up with a plan where you can become a leader of France."

As they were having a discussion, their orders arrived with the waiter carefully placing the steaming bowls of bouillabaisse in front of each of them.

Napoleon glanced at the delectable dish before him, but his appetite had temporarily taken a backseat to the weight of the conversation. He picked up his spoon and gently stirred the rich broth, contemplating the path that lay ahead. He doesn’t need to be urged by as he had his sight on power. But he wanted to see their resolve.

"You speak of leadership, stability, and restoring the people’s confidence," Napoleon began. "But the path to power is not without its challenges. The current government, the Directory, holds the reins of authority, and they will not easily relinquish control."

Joseph’s expression turned serious, his eyes glinting with resolve. "That is why we have devised a plan, Napoleon. We have garnered support from influential figures and assembled a network of loyalists. You can bring your generals on board with this and I’m sure they won’t hesitate to join us in our cause. With the military on your side, the Directory is nothing but a house of cards waiting to collapse."

Napoleon glanced at his sister, and she nodded. He sighed. "Very well, what is the plan?"

"We’d talk about that once we are in Paris. For now, let’s enjoy this moment."

"General Bonaparte."

Napoleon glanced to see who called him, it was General Murat. "We have sent a telegram to the Directory announcing your arrival in Toulon," he reported.

"Great, how about you join us at the table, Murat?"

Murat shook his head. "I don’t want to disturb your family…" he trailed off as his eyes landed upon Caroline, her beautiful face capturing and charming him. He found himself momentarily lost in her presence, a flicker of attraction stirring within him. Murat had always been known for his charisma and charm, but this encounter felt different, as if a new spark had been ignited.

Caroline, sensing the change in atmosphere, looked up and met Murat’s gaze. A faint blush colored her cheeks, but she maintained her composure, a glimmer of curiosity in her eyes.

Napoleon’s eyes darted between Murat and Caroline, and a smile slowly spread across his face.

"So, it’s the same in this world, huh?" he thought to himself, recalling that Murat and Caroline were destined to be a couple in the future.

"Well, Murat, this is my brother, Joseph, and this is my little sister Caroline," Napoleon introduced, breaking the enchanting moment between Murat and Caroline.

Murat quickly composed himself and nodded politely. "It’s a pleasure to meet you both," he said, his voice carrying a touch of admiration. He extended his hand towards Joseph, who reciprocated the gesture with a firm handshake.

"Likewise, General Murat," Joseph replied.

As Murat turned his attention to Caroline, his gentlemanly nature took over. With a graceful and gallant movement, he lightly took hold of Caroline’s hand and planted a gentle kiss on the back of it, his eyes never leaving hers. Caroline’s cheeks flushed an even deeper shade of pink, a mixture of surprise and pleasure dancing in her eyes.

"Mademoiselle Caroline, the pleasure is truly mine," Murat said charmingly.

Caroline’s heart fluttered at the compliment, and bowed her head gracefully.

Napoleon observed the interaction between Murat and Caroline with amusement, realizing that fate had already begun weaving its threads.

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