Reincarnated as Napoleon Chapter 17 Proposition

"Good afternoon Master~! How was your first day of school?"

Ciela warmly greeted Napoleon who was standing before her, and as always, wearing that vibrant smile that seemed to have a calming and rejuvenating effect on him.

"It’s always the same," Napoleon replied as he entered the room, glancing around and taking notice of the clean and organized space.

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Ciela chuckled softly. "Well, I’m glad that at least your day went smoothly. Would you like me to prepare some snacks and tea for you?"

"That would be lovely, thank you," Napoleon replied, taking a seat on the couch.

As Ciela busied herself with preparing the tea, Napoleon pondered about preparation for his thesis proposal. The 200 livres that Louis loaned to him was a huge help, and now he only has to use it.

Nicolas Léonard Sadi Carnot hypothesized that heat could be converted into work in a reversible process and that the greater the temperature difference between two systems, the greater the potential for work. This idea paved the way for the establishment of the second law of thermodynamics by Lord Kelvin and Clausius, which stated that heat could not be converted into work without a net loss of energy.

Joules was also integral to the advancement of the scientific theory of heat. He collaborated with Lord Kelvin and conducted an experiment at the brewery of John Edward Calley, in which they measured the amount of mechanical work required to turn a paddle in a tank of water and the resulting temperature increase of the water. They found that the amount of work done was proportional to the temperature increase, and from this, they concluded that heat is a form of energy. This experiment became known as the Joule-Thomson experiment, and it was a significant contribution to the development of the concept of energy conservation, which is the first law of thermodynamics.

Meaning Napoleon can introduce two laws of thermodynamics in one single thesis. By combining Carnot’s theoretical understanding with Joule’s experimental evidence, he could provide a comprehensive overview of the laws of thermodynamics and their implications for various fields of study.

As for the experiment to prove it, he could conduct the same experiment that Lord Kelvin and Joule had conducted, but with some modifications. He could use a more advanced setup and instruments to obtain more accurate results. Moreover, he could also explore the practical applications of these laws in areas such as engineering, physics, chemistry, and even biology.

As he was lost in thought, mumbling words, Ciela couldn’t help but feel a sense of admiration for Napoleon. He was always liked when engrossed in certain topics, most often when working and studying. She loved observing and staring at Napoleon who seemed so focused and passionate about his work.

"Master, your snack and tea are ready," Ciela said, interrupting Napoleon’s thoughts and bringing him back to reality.

Napoleon snapped out of his train of thought and glanced at Ciela, who was carrying a tray

with a pot of steaming tea and a plate of delicious-looking pastries.

"Thank you, Ciela," Napoleon said with a smile as he reached for a pastry.

Ciela sat down next to Napoleon on the couch, watching him eat and sipping on her own cup of tea.

"Uhm~!" Napoleon moaned softly. "This cookie is good. Did you make it yourself?"

"Yes, I did," Ciela replied with a hint of pride in her voice. "I’m glad that you liked it, it makes my heart happy to see you enjoying my baking."

As Napoleon continued eating the confectionaries and sipping the tea, Ciela suddenly leaned forward and reached over to the buttons of his uniform.

"Wha–! What are you doing?"

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"Master…allow me to personally remove your uniform," Ciela said as she continued unbuttoning his uniform, and removing it from him. He could feel her hands gently sliding the fabric off his shoulders, revealing the white undershirt beneath. After that, she proceeded to remove his leather shoes and socks.

Napoleon felt a wave of heat rise to his cheeks as Ciela undressed him, her hands moving with practiced ease. Normally, Ciela would do something surprising that would always catch him off guard. Though this is just a perk of having a personal maid.

Once his shoes and socks were off, Ciela stood up and walked over to a nearby cabinet, retrieving a fresh set of clothes for Napoleon. She handed them to him and then proceeded to gather up his uniform and other items, placing them neatly in a pile on the floor.

"You can take care of the rest master~or perhaps you want me to assist you further?" Ciela asked, looking at Napoleon with a coy smile.

"This girl is sus!" He screamed inwardly, there’s no way a thirteen-year-old girl like him can do such flirtatious remarks. Like where the hell did she learn it anyway? She always acts out of her age. "I better watch her carefully here…" Or perhaps, he can use her.

That’s right, Ciela being his personal maid presented a new opportunity for him, a partner. In the future, he would conduct a lot of experiments that he couldn’t do alone, having her as an assistant would prove to be beneficial for him in the long run.

"Ciela, I have observed that you are a capable lady, you are smart, talented, and hardworking. So, I have a proposition for you."

"Proposition…" Ciela repeated, wondering what Napoleon had to offer her.

"Ciela, why don’t you become my partner? And by that, I mean you are going to help me out with everything."

"Partner…you say…Master…are you proposing to me?!" Ciela squealed.

Napoleon was taken aback by Ciela’s response. "No, no, no," he said quickly. "I mean partner in the sense of an assistant. You know, like a colleague."

Ciela looked crestfallen for a moment before her face lit up again. "Oh, I understand now, Master! Of course, I would be honored to be your partner."

Napoleon let out a sigh of relief. He didn’t want Ciela to get the wrong idea about their relationship. He needed her as a partner, not a romantic interest.

"Excellent," he said with a smile. "Now that you have agreed, I will have to teach you everything I know, from science, to military tactics, and martial arts. Starting tomorrow, you will follow my morning routine and spend time studying with me."

What Napoleon wanted really is a right hand, someone that is devoutly loyal to him and easy to control. Ciela seemed to fit the bill and it would be a waste if she is not used to her potential.

"But what about the deal we made last week…that I can only stay here until…"

"Ah, that. Forget about that," Napoleon cut her off. "I think having you with me is beneficial in the long run, so when the letter arrives from Corsica, I will write another letter telling my parents that I have changed my mind and have accepted you fully," Napoleon said and continued. "So, are you up to the task? Ciela are you ready to become my right hand"

"Yes master," Ciela said reverently as she bowed her head.

"Very well, this is going to be exhilarating."

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