Reincarnated as Napoleon Chapter 176 Christmas Special

"Your Excellency... that idea is—" Talleyrand began, his voice hesitant, but before he could express his concerns about Napoleon’s colonial ambitions in North America, the door to the office swung open, and in walked Ciela, Napoleon’s wife.

"Ah, Talleyrand?" Ciela greeted, tilting her head curiously as she looked at the two men.

"Madame Bonaparte," Talleyrand acknowledged with a respectful nod, his eyes briefly meeting Napoleon’s before returning to Ciela.

There was a hint of disappointment in Ciela’s gaze as she turned to her husband. "Darling, I thought you promised me yesterday that you are going to spend Christmas with us? And that there’d be no talking about business matters on this special day."

Napoleon’s expression softened as he stood up from his desk, walking over to greet his wife.

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"Of course, my love," Napoleon said, smoothly picking up on the cue. "Talleyrand had some pressing matters to discuss, but I assure you, everything has been taken care of." He glanced at Talleyrand, emphasizing the importance of keeping their conversation confidential.

Talleyrand, always the adept diplomat, nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Madame Bonaparte. Your husband and I have resolved the urgent matters, and now, he is all yours for the rest of the day."

Ciela’s disappointment softened, and a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Very well then. I shall hold you to that, darling. No more work-talk for today."

Napoleon placed a hand over his heart in a mock-serious gesture. "You have my word. No more work-talk on Christmas day."

Ciela playfully narrowed her eyes. "Good. Now, how about we gather the children and enjoy some hot cocoa by the fireplace?"

Napoleon grinned. "That sounds delightful. Let’s do it. But before that," he turned to Talleyrand.

"Talleyrand, you may now go."

Talleyrand, understanding that he was now dismissed, offered a final bow to Napoleon and a warm smile to Ciela. "Of course, Your Excellency, Madame Bonaparte. I wish you both a wonderful Christmas filled with joy and happiness."

With that, Talleyrand gracefully exited the room, leaving the couple to their family time. As he walked down the corridors of the Palace of Versailles, he couldn’t help but reflect on their discussion. Napoleon’s ambition of extending the colonies of France to North America is seemingly destructive for him.

Of course, it’s natural for a military leader like Napoleon to have such ambition, given his remarkable achievements. However, what he may not fully comprehend are the potential consequences of establishing a vast colonial empire. Possible revolts from the native populations could divert significant resources of France to suppress them, and neighboring nations might perceive this as an opportunity to strike back at France because France is busy dealing with it. Moreover, a sprawling empire would demand substantial administrative efforts and military presence, potentially straining the nation’s finances and stretching its resources thin.

He wanted to stabilize Napoleon’s regime so that he can permanently stay in the position he now enjoys. He doesn’t want to switch sides where he would have to strike a deal with the people growing in power.

Talleyrand sighed. "Please, Napoleon, be the man that can stick around."


After Talleyrand had left, Napoleon and Ciela gathered their children, Francis and Aveline, for some quality family time. They made their way to the cozy living room adorned with festive decorations. The crackling fireplace added warmth to the room as they settled into plush armchairs.

Ciela handed each of them a cup of hot cocoa, complete with fluffy marshmallows on top.

"Here you go, my darlings. Enjoy your cocoa," she said with a loving smile.

"Thank you, Mother," Francis said.

Aveline nodded in agreement and took a small sip of her cocoa, savoring the sweet taste.

"Mmm, it’s delicious!"

"Well, since it’s Christmas, we have prepared something for the two of you," Ciela said, beckoning Napoleon to bring the gifts they had prepared for their children.

Napoleon smiled and reached for a small velvet box. He handed it to Aveline, who eagerly unwrapped it. Inside was a beautiful necklace adorned with a delicate pendant. Aveline’s eyes lit up with joy as she held it in her hands.

"Oh, Father, it’s beautiful! Thank you so much!" Aveline exclaimed. "I’ll cherish it."

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"You’re welcome, my dear. I’m glad you like it," Napoleon replied as he smiled warmly.

Francis, eager to see what he had received, looked at his father with anticipation. Napoleon chuckled and pulled out a small, intricately designed timepiece from his pocket.

"For you, my son," Napoleon said, presenting the timepiece to Francis.

Francis examined it closely, running his fingers over the detailed engravings.

"Do you like it?" Ciela asked with an affectionate smile.

Francis looked up at his parents and spoke genuinely. "I love it, Father! Thank you, Mother!" he said gratefully.

Napoleon ruffled his son’s hair affectionately. "You’re welcome."

Ciela’s eyes sparkled with delight as she noticed the excitement on her children’s faces.

"Well, my dears, it seems you both have something for your father too," she said, motioning toward two beautifully wrapped presents under the Christmas tree.

Francis and Aveline exchanged glances, grinning mischievously. Francis grabbed one of the presents and handed it to Napoleon with a playful flourish.

"For you, Father," Francis said.

Napoleon chuckled, accepting the gift. "Thank you, Francis. Let’s see what we have here." He carefully unwrapped the present to reveal a spyglass.

"It’s a spyglass. The reason why I selected that as a gift for you is because I read in the book that Generals use spyglass a lot on the battlefield."

Napoleon’s eyes lit up with appreciation as he examined the spyglass. "Wow, Francis, this is a fantastic gift! You’re right. Generals use spy glasses all the time in the field to keep an eye on the enemy and plan their strategies. This will be so useful for me during my campaigns in the future."

Aveline, unable to contain her excitement, handed Napoleon the second present. "And this one is from me, Papa."

Napoleon carefully unwrapped the gift, revealing a finely crafted leather-bound journal. He wondered why Aveline would give him a journal. Just as he was about to ask, Aveline spoke.

"Just like the spyglass is for generals, Papa, the journal is for leaders like you!" Aveline explained with innocent enthusiasm. "I heard Mama and you talking about how busy you are with ruling the country and making important decisions. So, I thought this journal could help you keep track of all your thoughts and plans. Maybe you can write down your ideas, and it will make your job easier!"

Napoleon looked at the journal, touched by Aveline’s sweet gesture and her thoughtful reasoning. He gently ran his fingers over the supple leather cover, appreciating the craftsmanship. Though he already has a journal that can keep track of his thoughts and plans, he would be willing to replace it with this special gift from his daughter.

"Thank you, my dear," Napoleon said softly. "How about your mother, did you have gifts for her too?"

"Yes, Papa! We already gave Mama her gifts earlier," Aveline said.

Napoleon glanced at Ciela, who nodded in agreement.

"Oh, darling, are you busy tomorrow?" Ciela asked.

"Hmm…the First Consul has always been busy dealing with state affairs but for you, I can clear my schedule up. Why?"

"Because I’m thinking of going out with our children to see the Exposition des produits de l’industrie fran?aise."

"Ahhh…is it going to be tomorrow?" Napoleon inquired.

"Yes," Ciela confirmed.

"Well, let’s do it then."

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