Reincarnated as Napoleon Chapter 26 Let's Get to Work

26 Let’s Get to Work

Two weeks later, a sense of anticipation hung in the air as the coach came to a halt in front of an imposing structure. The coachman extended his arms towards the grand edifice before them, announcing, "Here we are, The French Academy of Sciences."

Napoleon, his eyes filled with awe, craned his neck to behold the magnificent sight that stood before him. The academy, an architectural marvel, boasted a regal façade adorned with intricate carvings and majestic columns. Its imposing presence commanded attention, symbolizing the intellectual prowess and scientific achievements that resided within its walls.

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"How much was the fare?" Napoleon inquired, his curiosity momentarily shifting from the awe-inspiring sight to the practical matters at hand.

The coachman, with a slight bow, replied, "Three livres, as agreed."

Napoleon reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of coins. He carefully selected three livres and handed them to the coachman, expressing his gratitude with a nod. As he stepped down from the carriage, he straightened his jacket, and combed his hand through his hair, determined to make a strong impression within the esteemed halls of the French Academy of Sciences.

Taking a deep breath, Napoleon ascended the steps leading to the entrance. The massive double doors swung open effortlessly as if welcoming him into a realm of knowledge and innovation. The interior revealed a bustling scene, with scholars, scientists, and philosophers engaged in animated conversations, their enthusiasm for discovery filling the air.

He approached one of them and asked. "Excuse me, monsieur, do you know Antoine Lavosier’s office is located?"

The scholar Napoleon approached paused for a moment, his brows furrowing as he pondered the question. With a sudden realization, his face lit up with recognition.

"Ah, Antoine Lavoisier, the distinguished chemist," the scholar replied, a tone of admiration lacing his words. "You will find his office on the second floor, down the east wing, just past the laboratory chambers. It’s hard to miss, marked with a plaque bearing his name."

Napoleon expressed his gratitude with a nod, appreciating the scholar’s assistance. He followed the scholar’s directions, traversing the corridors of the academy with an eager stride. Along the way, he couldn’t help but marvel at the various scientific instruments on display, the samples of minerals and plant specimens carefully arranged in glass cases, and the walls adorned with scientific diagrams and charts, showcasing the wonders of the natural world.

As he reached the east wing, Napoleon spotted the plaque bearing Antoine Lavoisier’s name, signaling his arrival at the esteemed chemist’s office. He took a moment to compose himself, ensuring his mind was clear and ready for the meeting ahead. With a gentle knock on the door, he awaited Lavoisier’s invitation to enter.

"Come in," a voice called from inside.

Napoleon pushed open the door and stepped into the room. The office was adorned with bookshelves filled to the brim with volumes on chemistry and scientific manuscripts. A large oak desk stood at the center, strewn with papers, vials, and scientific apparatus. Lavoisier, engrossed in his work, looked up and greeted Napoleon with a warm smile.

"Ah, the precocious one himself, monsieur Bonaparte," Lavoisier said, rising from his chair and extending a hand in welcome. "I have been expecting you. Please, have a seat."

Napoleon shook his hand before taking his seat.

"I notice that you’re still clad in your uniform," Antoine observed, his eyes lingering briefly on Napoleon’s attire.

Napoleon adjusted his jacket with a touch of pride. "Indeed, I made haste to arrive here as soon as my class concluded. Now, let me explain the purpose of my visit--it concerns the groundbreaking steam locomotive project."

"Ah, the steam locomotive. Pray, enlighten me on its progress," Antoine inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"I have just completed the comprehensive plan detailing its construction," Napoleon replied with a hint of excitement. "However, to proceed with the actual implementation, I require the financial support you pledged."

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Antoine nodded attentively. "Remind me, how much funding are you seeking once again?"

"In our previous discussion, I mentioned a range of 120,000 to 240,000 livres," Napoleon recalled. "Nevertheless, there have been slight adjustments since then. I have prepared a budget plan that I would like you to review."

With a sense of anticipation, Napoleon presented the meticulously crafted budget plan to Antoine, containing intricate calculations and detailed cost estimates. The document showcased Napoleon’s meticulousness and dedication to the project’s success. Antoine perused the pages, his eyes scanning the figures and annotations.

After a few moments of thoughtful consideration, he looked up at Napoleon. "So, according to your calculation, you are going to need 358,000 livres?"

"I must reiterate, Monsieur Antoine, that constructing a steam locomotive without a pre-existing infrastructure will undoubtedly require substantial investment. However, if you are prepared to accompany me on this ambitious journey and witness the remarkable vision I have in mind, this is the price that must be considered," Napoleon explained, his tone carrying a note of conviction.

Antoine smiled, impressed at Napoleon’s conviction and dedication to prove his worth. "Very well, I will provide the necessary funding," he said, reaching for his pen and signing the document. "I have faith in your abilities, monsieur Bonaparte, and I look forward to witnessing the successful completion of this project."

Napoleon’s eyes gleamed with gratitude and excitement. "Thank you, Monsieur Antoine. You won’t regret your decision," he said, taking the signed document and carefully tucking it away in his briefcase.

As he rose to leave, Antoine’s voice called out to him. "One thing, Napoleon."

Napoleon stopped in his tracks, his attention fully captured by Antoine’s serious tone. He turned back towards Antoine, his eyes fixed on the chemist.

Antoine’s expression had turned stern, a subtle shift in his demeanor. "Napoleone, while I may appear easygoing and lenient, do not mistake it for weakness or lack of expectation," Antoine cautioned, his voice carrying a weight of authority. "I have placed my trust in you and your abilities, but should you disappoint me, there will be repercussions."

Napoleon straightened his posture, fully understanding the gravity of Antoine’s words. He nodded solemnly, acknowledging the importance of delivering results that exceeded Antoine’s expectations.

"Rest assured, Monsieur Lavoisier," Napoleon replied with unwavering determination. "I am fully committed to this project, and I will work tirelessly to ensure its success. Your faith in me will not be in vain."

Antoine’s stern expression softened, and a glimmer of pride shone in his eyes. "Very well, you may now leave."

Napoleon nodded respectfully and turned to leave.


"Good afternoon, master~! How did it go?" Ciela stood at the door with a bright smile, her blue eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"I have secured the budget from Mr. Lavoisier," Napoleon said, waving the signed document in his hand. "We have the funding we need to proceed with the steam locomotive project."

Ciela’s face lit up with joy, "That’s wonderful news, master! I knew you would succeed," she exclaimed, stepping closer to examine the document.

"Now then...let’s get to work, we have eleven months and 16 days to complete the project. This is going to be exciting."

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