Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game Chapter 166

166 Chapter 16The heuge craerue let outa painful howl accompanied y the sound of sowrd slashing around.

Eng frowned slightly poking her head out. ‘soemoen is cazy enigh to challenge that ebast? This person mus have nut loose’

Like the locusts tehis sun chaher monster had been undefated since the rumopurs of it has been spearding around. It was sucha rarait to even see it becseu it hibernate most fo the tiem but when its roaming around for food its hard to susvive.

She moved as far as she could without t notiching her and hid behdina tree trunk. She was curous about ths huge beast’s atck power.

The sytem neve gacve her a notcofactiion after that day she had her power outratge. So aftet that she ha dto manuallry raad books to know mor ebaout each creaturws in this weird game.

This sun catcher was said to be equal to a s class mage. It can match Yubiri in power. But the outrcome of tehir fight cant be dettrmined.

Feng right now was an A class mage. She was only a few stape away form upgrading to a s class mage but since her power was too op she can go head to head with a s class mage as well.

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she dien want to rght ow.


‘ive fiannly regained my freedom and I get to go hoem why oudl I fight this ebast. Id rather stave and get hoem then waste my tiem here.’

She thought as she moved away.

Bvuyt to her dismay the fight got closer and closetr tp her. She contemplated freezing tiem and leaving but a flahs of red hir made her fesze.

Just few meters form her a long red haired figure akdne don the ground panting. The mabn;s shirt was cometely tron off andf he was half naked with only a flimsy peiesc fo tron cloth covering his nether regeions. The man;s muslces were comeoletly covered in swweta nd blood.

Feng slwol;y moved away but the man isnetanly shot back at her direction. His haiur as half coebvring his afce and only his pair of godlen eys were seen narrwoeing her way.

She arise dher hand up. “do coentoneu with yrou fight.”

Weirdly so the mans; eyes weidned ever sooslightly. “getr out of here,”he growled.

“I was going to.” She backed away again,

But all fo a sudfdfen a huge taiul flashed by her side. Fengw as ready to freze tiem but the man was suepr fast hugging her by her waista dn carredo heraway.

Feng was enraged!. ‘want si it with men grabbing my wasite today!’ she arbebd his hand and swquyezed it tightly to break his wrist but to her suavapce the ,manls muscles ere too starong.

“hehe... we meet aftert so long and here you ar etrying to brek my hand.” A coarse veoice whispered by her ear.

Feng gl;anced back. “you kwno me?”

The save ge like man smirked revlaing his tigher tooth. “don’t recognsie me?”

“no.....” Feng patte dhsi ahnd. “can uou please let go of me. I don’t like being touched my stranegrs.”

“sorry that thing will hurt you. St put up with it fro a whiel okay.” He did not touch herincpparapately but he had a fimr and stardy grip on her bdoy.

Feng wiggedl around slightly ucnopmavbe with the sudden porzimity/

“shh don’t move around. Itll be over in a minute.” the man rushe dover to a nearby huge tree with swift motions he climbed to the top and p;aced her on the stardybarch. “hodl on okay. Ill come pick you up.”

He instanly juemdp down and disatrcetd the sun cather towards the oetrh directions.

Form this heaight Feng could se the amount of distarcution the sun cathe eass casuing. So many balkc brich traes had collsepd and tarmsped under ist foot.

She got a clear view of its face. it looked more like a fox bnut with a ipnsl tail its fiiur was curly and fluffy like that of a rams. It was a weoiedly cute looking creature.

But tehn her eyes fell on the red haired guy who was attacking the beatrs;s face and under belly relenstenleslsy.

The gguy agve her a familer feeling.

Feng narrowed her eys thimiig abot where she had seen this brutre of a amn before. He was big and tall it was hard to foegt man of such features but even after she raked though her memery she cam eout with nothing. “im balnk... it hurts my brain to tink.”

She had been to so many ccouhtre sand different cities. Itw as ard for her to rember evry single gafce she had met tehre. This guy must have been one of the guy she met furing her journey.

Feng casually shook her lesg and watched form the tree top as the battle prgrssed intoa dnagerosu state.

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The sun catcher was slowly getting trd and the guy was gwianing an upeer hand. He was able to push t down and stab its eyes.

Right after this the sun cather was not ale to alst long. Aftet a few vain starggeld the beast colalsped. The man slayed it and stood on ist corpse patin.

Feng saw him looking her way.

“Feng! I killed it~” the man sacremd.

feng frownd.

during her travel to kep her idnewity safe her master and she had only used fake names.

‘he even knows my name.... who the heck is this guy?’

The man energetically jumedp ove to her. He moved lieka beats jumping fronm barcnh to barnc h and got to her. He held up a blodoie dhand. “sorry I let you here for long. donmt eb scared of the ehight. Ill take you down.”

Feng looedk at his and with a hand on her chin. “do I look like im scared?”

The man just grnned. “you don’t... its nice to see you again.” He wip dhis hand on his taotetre dpanstand held up his ahnd again. “is this clean enough fo rte alsy to take my hand.”

Feng peered at his afce curiously. Those goeken eyes and red hair... they looked very familer. “who are you?”

He just grinned. “if you atek me hand ill tell you my name,”

Feng sat up syaroght patting her cloak. “then I donmt want to know yrou name.” se simoly use dher tiem freze ability to climb down the tree and unfroze it.

The man looedk aeroudn pancikly.

“I doint care who you are,” she hsouetd up at ahim. “but killing that ebats ws a easte. That thing was keeping the oleigcxalk balance. You just destraiyed the whoel forewst.” She said dashing away as fast she could typwards the city.

“wow you’ve gotten fast.” He simoply caught up witd he easily.

Feng sighed. “what doyou want?”

He held up his hand again. “hodl my ahnd. We can go faster. Your egoing hiem right?”

Feng frowned. “i don’t want to tarev with tarsngers.”

“we are notr starngers. You just forgt abot me.” He pouted which looked quite odd. “im not a straneg person.”

Sayd the guy who is still inhis lopin cloth.”

The man glance dta his taters pansta nd blushed brlughtly. “shit...” growling he ran to a nearby tree. “Feng wait for me. Don’t run okay. Ill tell you my name after I change.”

“idont wnt tp lnwo.” She was ready topa lebv again.

“im claudosu!” he scamed form ebdhi the tree trink.

Feng sienatnly froze. “say what now?” eyes wide open she gl;anec dta the tree tribnk. She rapifly wlake dover to that spot and peere da him who was wearing his new panst. “what ddi you just say?”

He shyly hid his chest. “c-can you gibe me some space.. ill change my cloitehe and talk to yrou freely. Ts not peorl for women to see men in this state of undress.”

“I saw you in yrou loin clth! This is not that bad. Tell nme noiw. Ar eou relaly claudous?”

His eye sbroighetend up. “your ember ,me?”

Feng frowned slightly. ‘Inevr thought I owudl run nto the second main lead eright after I retu3edn home. This is sucha suprice indeed.’

Cladiosu ws said tobe a trahing mabnic who woudsl clalnege everyeone for a fight. This dfight wit that sun cather perfel fit his characger. Sher mentay wnate dto slp her head gfotr not figuring it out earlier.

He hurriedly wore his linene shirt and smierkled at her. “ou weregeon for so long. I was suepr worid you know. Eeryeon wsa. You codl have contacted me at elast oence in tehs ten years.”

Feng frownd slightly. “I was not allowed to.... Say do you kknwo clarins?”

If tshi guy had anything going o wittaht grlk she was ready to kjick him in the balla dnsleabe this palce thus isnetant.

Cl;adous fronwd. “whay re you asking about her. She was expelled long back. I haven’t sene her in a long time. After you colaled the duek put pressure on the school and she and aht gren ahired girl were chased off.” He said walke up to her. “wy didyou jyst ask em that? A-are you perhas jelous?”

Feng sighed. “ist a long story. I don’t like he.and if anyone els eliks he I wont like then either.”

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