Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game Chapter 172

172 Chapter 17Fiona s from a very rich mechant family but ven thought they made a tn of money they were still considred lower tan the ones with a rank sio when the ornw prinche himself came knocking on ethi dooro wth a young gril I his tail everyeon wwhere ccvhoked.

Prince request for te youngets daughter of tehirs to be frinds with his close ‘friend’ he wae like a broehr to clarins.

Fioan herlsef had been shocked. Not by clarian but becsue of the crown roince. He was so kidn to evreyeon that she fell f him at fist sight.

Even thought her family had disgared with this deal, fian relaly wantd to impres the ropince she wanted to be clos eto him and let him fall in love slwolwy.

Foana ageed to the deal and enetre the schoola d clarins’ lackey.

What she dientt epexct was that the women who smiedl kdnl near the corn prince wa a viper in real life. She diecved to ignore that and o her job.

Sheh stayed silent when clrian did so mnay bad thinsg and asiid bd things behind the lady of rofles’;s back. she ven soemtiems heleopd spread the rumorus.

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But what dud she get in the end.

Sheh looek at clarns; innocent looking eys that was trheetning her.


If she dient confess that she die iit this bitch wll take down her family.

Her family’s trade routes are in a perilos state alredy. And if the prince inetrvend tehir whoelafmily could go bandkrupst, oir worse they coul be behad fro beidng caught in teeh problems.

Fiona gulped. ‘if I agree to bullying them then.. I might lose my poisstion in this school.’ Years she worked hard for twnmetle eyars o develp her magci powers strong enough tobe accepted.

In just a moenst it all crumbled.

Teasr froemd in her eys and she raied her hand. “it w sme. I did it. I poured fidrty waer ovr tehi cushion and wiped oilon ehir table.” She whispred biting her trembling bottto lip.s

The principal lok at her curiously. “is that so? So tehre is no need to look inyo the meekry cyatls;?”

Fioan shok hser head. A single etars dripped do her face. “ill accept the consequencs of my actauosn. This was my act alne and no one else was involvd in tis. And the tecehr too she was...she came in at trh wirng time and saw the wing things. Mim sorry for cuaiing a lot of porbelsm.’ She lowee her had. Tsra dripped down onto her shoe blurring her visiiskn.

So this is it.

This is hwo her dream of beging a mage neded.

If anyeon was expelled fro the schoo fo magic noen of the ewort schodo would accept them.

It was an unritten rule.

Her whel future was lost bece fo some spouled irls actuons.

Foanon bit hr lisp unti l it bled. ‘my rpibnce.. would you helo me... would you cem for my aid...’ if the prince cam tp and helpoed her get into the school again like eh did with clran it wudl be amzing/

But she knew..

She knew tah he only thinks fo her as a chess piece tobe used.

Her use has come to a end.

Feng noticed her wirness. ‘are we going to ofar? I mena its just a soiled cushisn. At fist she faight abck to make an exapme fro clatain not to mess wth her.’

but when an inncont, wel not co innecent got caught up in theo webs shedient want to pteyccd with his porbelm anymore. Her enemy is clrian alone. Eh oeths are just side charstecr jumping around. They dient nd to tke the fall for clains.

T snot faiur.

She tugged at ele. “I don’t hink sie did it.”

Elle nodded. “he family is under the control of trh corn prince, she might not escap fi she dosnt take teeh blame.”

“c-can w ehelp her?” Feng whispered softly.

Elle’s eyes hsot up at her face and ehn she smiedl brightly. “his si why I like you Meimei. Your ealwasy been so kind’ 𝗳r𝚎e𝘄𝐞b𝚗𝗼ve𝚕.co𝗺

“no im not.. I just don’t feel so goodo doing that to her. He rfutrue owudl beruneid beu of a wet chuions.isnt that ioironic. I wont nat to carry that guilt with me. If this was clrian in her position iodl have defientnly let her take the afll. That grl deserves it, but hat green haired girl, not so much,”

Elle hugged her slightly. “bu the rpicnipal is incolved now what can we do?”

“yeah?” Feng frowned deeply.

“you can sk the twisn for tehir he ahagin. They can defeintnly stoep te hpricnipal form going on a ramapage.” Elle winkd up atehr.

“I kwnow that but wont eh orpicnial be angery. I ema we called him down here and now we are tellin im toa lev. He is as poweful eprosn anyeon is boudn to het pissed iff when taretd like that,” Feng whispere danxously.

Elle chukled. “all you have to do is one thing alone. Come here” sh epuedl Feng down and whispered omething.

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Fengs;l whole afce wnet up inflames. He cheesk turne d abrigh ahde of red as she glanced ta Elle in shock “you... its imoisble.

“isaw it inmy future. Tehr eis no fighting it. if you want to sto this you niht hav eto do it.” Elle giggled.

Feng gape dwn at her. “wow you are very cunning.”

“I have to be. Wt hmy powers I have to use t for some godo right?” Elle puhed her towards ehan and aiden.

The boy galncd ta her msmaoiayly. “ar yo feeling dizzy again? Sit doen Feng.” Adne hedlope dher sit down.

Elkle gestured fro Feng to go fro it.

Sighing Feng got close to aiernd ears and whispred what Elle had tld him to.

Adien fface froze. He became expresosnlss looking down at her. “illd al wt hthis. D-don’t go back on the promise...”

Feng just bakly galncd up at him. “bu how are you going to stop im.. the pricnla is angry and he...”

“ive got it uudner control.” Aiden got clos eto et hrpicnial and tugged ta his panst.

Eh odl man glanced own wth a brigh smiel. “wha is it my dearmuchkinar eyou hungry? Do you want me to get yrou snakcs.”

“im bored and I want to visit yoru treasure tove can we?”

“yes dfientnly yo can chos enayting you want.” He held aidbne;s hand an dtehn egstiured for Ethan. “ar eyo oaky wit elaving th sidue as is?”

Ethan glanced ta Feng.

Feng nodded. “pelase tasreat ita s chidlrfne laying around. No harm was casud. Thisng just escaptd fast.w e are sorry for siturbing you.”

“but the matter baou te taverh ahs to eb delat with.” Ethan said resolutely.

“well then you are dismissed.” Te hpricnal decid thee fate of the tahecr in oen word.

The women sahttere down to the ground. When she accedot to hel the lowlwy epsnat woemb she had thought it wudl eb a easy task. All sh had to do was kee the rick and mean peosl away. Aftertall the peasant girl was an incnent flower.

But she dient espactra small decision of hers caused a bit issue.

She too was bron form a pesant family but becvssu of her maic talent an her imspacble mahner s she had raised heersleb to ths position. The nobels us dto ook down at her. But in this scholl she wa steh higher authrosisty. She enyoe dmaking thsie high and osied young ladie of the family squem around under her gaze.

She glanced ta eng mei erofles. She thought that thgus grilw asliek those inncont young girls bnut no. she was inetalieng. She kenw what to use her weakness to her benoisfsty.

A tracikster.

And clairn... the etyacehr galned ta the ncent blidn gril who was sobbing hugging her fined.

Hat girl was a posionour viper hiding her vwwon under her tooth. She might look inncent but wth one bite she tok down peoples.

Tehse two foces going aint each oetrh.

She could iamgien hwo it was going to be in eh duture.

The whel socity isgoing to trekbe udne rthsoe two.

But she would not be a part foit.

She dazedl stood up. maybe it doul ebe for the btetr to leave the sosclity early. It was goig get dangerous to be in tehre. She could reterun back to her hoemeland and start a school to teach the under prevoelaged grls.

With that I n mind she bowed to trh pcinaola nd left trhrom.

The emmero carsyak wr ehane doe rto the twisn to dea with.

The procnicla thought did not elave imdmoiayly. His curous gacze fell on fen and tehn at Elle. “wht did you see for my stduenst young aldy? Is it porsporous?”

Feng frowned gazin at Elle. ‘why is he asking her that?’

Elle smiedl nd shrugged. “it might be or it might be not. You know th ruewls of a seer yorusl;ef pricnal you cant reavla naything. Tehre are thinsg you hdie too. Its always beeter to hdie thisng that cabn disrupt te hwhel world.”

The principals epresion went stale for a second. he gaz at Elle. “you are right. Hen the righ moenet comes te trusth wil unveil.” He held aidne;s hand sofyly. “shall we go t me tarsurly now. You kids qwll love it,”

He left te halccroo pulling a relcuanat Ethan dand aiden.

Feng glanced ta Elle. “what is he hiding?”

“something very impostent.” Sh emiedl. “its nothing to do with us. Lest just forget about it/”

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