Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game Chapter 181 - 181 chapter 181

181 chapter 18Inside the castle, the other performers who were hypnotized by Xia helped him to wear his makeup. A male performer dressed up as a warrior rushed towards him and brushed some rouge onto Xia’s mouth.

Xia pushed his prying hands away with a frown. “I don’t want makeup,”

“But you have to, you my precious jewel is going to be dancing centre stage,” the performer cheerfully exclaimed from behind. “ahh, I’m so happy to be performing next to you,”

“Centre!! What do you mean centre? I will be dancing in the corner,” Xia wrung the small kerchief in his hands nervously. This was the first time he had dressed up as a woman. His actions were still not as delicate and beautiful as a woman. And if he danced centre stage, the royal family of Hales will definitely see through his abnormality. “This won’t do...I’m not dancing centre stage,” he said firmly and stormed away.

But the performer rushed towards him and held onto his exposed shoulders. “Why!! Don’t give me that attitude when I’m talking to you. You are nothing but a SLAVE.” The male performer shouted, gripping tightly.

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Xia gritted his teeth and glared at him. “Let go...” he growled.

“I won’t. I own you,” he said with a threatening glance.

Xia bit into the inside of his cheeks, holding back the swear words. “I’m not who you think I am,” he whispered.

“Who do you think you are, huh? Are you a princess? Tsk, tsk, even this kingdom’s princess does not have your ‘luxury of the live’,” the performer spat out.


Xia wiped the man’s saliva off his face and glared at him. ‘This bastard....I just want to punch him in is bloody face,’ he thought clenching his fists tightly, but then he realised something. The man’s words...they were weird just now... “What do you mean that the princess does not have the ‘luxury of live’,” he mumbled glancing at him.

The performer sat down and started fanning his sweaty face and adjusted his makeup. “Don’t act like you don’t know....”

“I really don’t know,” Xia exclaimed.

The male performer peered at him and humped. “The princess is going to be sacrificed to the sun god. Poor girl, she was cherished by her brother till now, tsk, tsk, but it’s all for the good of our kingdom,” he mumbled wiping rogue onto his plump lips.

Xia sprung up at him and pulled him up by his collar. “All for the good of the kingdom? What a fucking hypocrite! they are going to kill an innocent girl for what? Sun god? That’s all bullshit. They are nothing but scrums of this realm,” he shouted loudly.

His loud voice attracted the attention of all the performers. The guards attending out the room walked in to enjoy the spectacle. Xia glanced around. None of them seem to understand the severity of the situation. They all had accepted that the little innocent girl’s life has to be sacrificed to save their kingdom.

“You all are they will kill your kingdom’s princess in the name of ritual the next they will kill all of you in the name of their god. Is that what you want? The real villains are praised as the heroes while the innocent are being hurt...when will you all open your eyes and see. The golden tribe does not bring peace...they will only bring war.” Xia said and walked out without looking back.

He swiftly rushed over to the outhouse and hid inside, wiping his tears away. He knew that humans were a little silly, but he did not expect they had degraded to the level that they can’t even think sanely. “stupid, stupid, stupid..all of them are stupid...” he cussed, hugging onto his knees.

After wiping his tears away, he went back to the performers resting room without any expression.

The male performer walked up to him hesitantly... “It’s time for our performance,” he whispered.

Xia glanced at him once more and walked alongside him out of the room. The guards led them over to the stage and gestured for them to begin. The stage was set inside a little lake with a small glass pathway leading to the centre. The lake was filled with beautiful lotus that even bloomed during the months of harsh winter.

Controlling his rage, Xia peered up at the balcony where the royal were sitting. The person he expected to see, Felia, was not anywhere in sight only the king of Hales, Farah sat alongside many golden robed men. He had a forlorn expression as he persistently glanced at the ground.

Xia then carefully noticed the gloating expression of the golden robed scar faced man. ‘He is the one….I need to kill him,’ he thought in blind rage.

Without any expression he slowly walked onto the stage hand in hand with the male performer. An ethereal music started and Xia moved. He slowly fluttered to the side, away from the other performers.

As the music took speed, he twirled around. All the while, his eyes remained on his target. ‘I have to kill this person…..I have to kill him,’ he constantly thought in his head.

‘No, I have to save Felia first…I have to save her,’ conflicted by his thoughts, Xia closed his eyes tightly. Unknown to him the nearby lotus blooms all shivered and bloomed spectacularly and started floating in air. They twirled around Xia, creating a small circle around him.

The crowd gasped and watched in awe.

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“I want this woman,” the scar faced golden tribe member whispered, peering at the beautiful woman in red.

The king’s head snapped in his direction. He gritted his teeth and glanced at his lap. A single hair pin laid pitifully in his hands, expressing his helpless situation. ‘I can’t save my sister…now I can’t save my subjects as well….what is the reason for my existence….why do I have to….’

A small red light distracted his thought. The lotuses that were hovering in air fluttered their petals, emitting red light from them. Light so vivid that it looked like blood.

Farah knew something was wrong. He slightly stepped back and glanced around. Everyone around him was in a complete daze. “What is going on?” he mumbled, peering at the dancer.

The woman twirled around, revealing her blood-red eyes.

Eyes that were filled with killing intent. A waft of demonic energy emitted from her blood red eyes plunging his heart in deep bottomless pit.

“A rakshasa! someone she is a rakshasa!” he shouted, but his voice was ignored by his peers.

It was as if he was separated from them by a glass ball around him. Fearfully, he glanced at the beauty as she did her final move.

As she waved her hands at them. The lotuses all stopped twirling and sprang towards them at high speed.

Farah closed his eyes in fear. But nothing happened. Each of these lotuses rushed towards the golden tribe member and hovered in front of their faces.

The flowers opened up, revealing their red core. It then formed into a small red hole and swallowed them all up completely.

Outside the castle, things were more hectic.

As per their plan, the ghoul went down the street to distract the crowd while Long stayed up the building to activate it on time.

But they ran into a problem. As per their calculation they expected only thousand sky lever cultivators but there was a heaven lever cultivator in the mix. Long was already passed through the heaven level cultivations stage and ascended to golden heaven level achieving his golden scales, yet he was not confident enough to deal with so many. He bit into his lips and peered at the massive wolf.

“Brother Raijin, change of plans, while I am fighting I will try to free your bounds. Will you be able to handle a few?” he whispered softly.

The thunder wolf’s perked up ears went down and he whined softly.

“shit, did they hurt you too much,” Long mumbled worriedly.

For which the thunder wolf rolled around with the ropes still tied around him to expose his bred belly. There was a huge seal glowing red on his under belly showing that the seal is almost complete.

“brother, you have to fight it. You have to....otherwise how will I be able to answer to Felia? She would chew me out live if you end up being a mindless beast,” Long mumbled helplessly.

The thunder wolf howled out loud, startling the nearby cultivators.

The ghoul glanced up and waved at Long. ‘shall we start?’ he mouthed.

Long Aotian nodded and closed his eyes. His spiritual energy activated the illusions seals on both sides of the wall, plunging the entire street in smoke.

The ghoul jumped up onto the roof and glanced down. “You have a clear target, your highness?”

“hmm,” Long mumbled summoning his fiery sword he creased it from the base to the tip expanding it into a fire whip. “I can free him with my eyes closed,” he said confidently.

His whip lashed out a few times and a huge monstrous roar was heard inside the fog. The sky darkened and black clouds covered above the city of Hales.

“Your highness did you hit your friend!!” the ghoul exclaimed worriedly.

Long casually glanced at him and patted his shoulders. “No, my brother is shouting out in rage,”

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