Reincarnated In A Shitty Love Game Chapter 19

Chapter 19: Chapter 19 – Meeting Elle Rofles

After getting ready for the evening, Feng slowly led the kids out the room. As they left the room, many sights focused on them but she confidently walked around with two kids held in both hands.

The kind old lady was also among them. She happily walked over to them and held their shoulders. “So beautiful little ones. I knew it would fit you, my dear. I thought you would be sleeping through the evening,”

“We just got refreshed with the bath lady Hiliana, are we intruding? If so, we can..”

“No, no, stay. Today is a special day indeed. It’s my granddaughter’s birthday. Come along, I shall take you there,” she held her hand gently and gestured for the little boys to follow along.

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Ethan and Aiden glanced at each other mysteriously and followed after her.

The so-called ballroom was on the third tier of the ship, elaborately decorated in crystals and magic lamps floating around.

Feng was in complete awe. She knew that the game was situated in a magical realm, but she did expect her first time witnessing this. She happily twirled around, glancing at the elaborately decorated ceiling. ‘It’s like Harry potter, but with less food,’ she thought with a smile.


“Do you like it,” lady Hiliana whispered.

“Yes, I have never seen such a sight,” she elegantly smiled at her.

“Good, little ones. Come, let me introduce you around,” she happily led them around to a corner where a group of young men and women crowded together happily chatting.

Seeing this sight, the old lady happily walked over to them.

But Feng on the other hand froze. The mechanical voice started again.

{Adventurer, your special task is here!

“Dance with a beauty,”

Task points: additional life saving equipment.


Feng gritted her teeth. ‘Dance with a beauty?! I guess it a good one. At least this task will not demand my life or is not time bound,’ she mentally consoled herself and walked over to them.

“These are my new wards, Little Feng and her brothers Ethan and Aiden,” lady Hiliana happily introduced them.

Feng bowed like she had seen the royal bow, “nice to meet you ladies,”

“Oh, what a cultured little commoner,” a young lady sarcastically said. She was hiding her face with her fan, but Feng could make out it was the lady that dissuaded the Captain not to accept them aboard.

‘tsk, it’s that rude lady,’ Feng smiled wider. “Oh thank you young lady, my mother was once a nursemaid to a lady as well. So I picked up some of her manners,”

The young lady scoffed. But suddenly her eyes went behind her and her mouth widened into a smile. “Sir Yu, wait please, I would like to ask something of you,” she sweetly said and ran towards the left.

Feng frowned and peered behind at the unfortunate soul that was being haunted by this lady. A man in white with hair was white as snow stood there with a kind smile on his face. The young lady ran to him and started conversing happily. But the man looked quite annoyed by her pushy personality.

Scoffing she went back watching the other ladies. Some of them even pitied them and offered to provide them help.

Feng sweetly denied their help informing that kind old Hiliana was their sponsor now.

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The lady was more than happy to converse with them.

On the other hand, the kids were vigilantly watching the white-haired man. {‘Yubiri, that bastard, what is he planning now?’}

{‘Not sure,’} Ethan glanced at him once more. {‘Let’s make sure to keep him away from Feng. If he finds out she is from another world he might want her,’}

{‘hmm roger,’} Aiden glanced at his brother and smirked.

In their last life they had met this mage Yubiri when they were just acquainted with Clairina. Back then this mage was quiet friendly with them. But as soon as this woman started showing interest in them, he immediately became hostile. Under a scheme he got them both imprisoned and even did inhuman research on them.

{‘My blood boils looking at his smile. Just want to tear him apart for what he had done to us,’} Aiden growled.

{‘Control yourself, brother; don’t attract his attention to us so soon. We are as strong as a puppy. We can’t go against him now and we also have Feng to protect,’} Ethan said, glancing at the young girl in the silver gown. {‘Let’s not risk her life,’}

{‘I’m telling you, we should not have feeling for such a young girl,’}

{‘hey! Who said I have feelings for her? I-I just feel obliged to her,’} Ethan grumbled and ran over to her with his short legs. He caught her hand protectively.

“aw so cute,” Feng exclaimed and hugged him tight.

The lights dimmed, and the music changed all of a sudden.

“Oh, she is here,” lady Hiliana whispered and glanced to her right.

A little girl dressed in bright yellow frock walked elegantly into the room holding a young lad’s hand.

“Wow, she’s pretty,” Feng mumbled softly.

“No, you are prettier,” Ethan mumbled hugging her waist. Aiden growled at him and pulled his hands away. “Don’t hug her,”

“But I want to,” Ethan cried, holding her tightly.

In all this tug of war poor Feng’s stomach was squeezed tight until she was about to puke her evening meal. “C-can you guys not squeeze me so much? Geez, I’m not a toy,”

The kids behaved after that.

The old lady guided them through the crowd to the front. “Kids meet my grandchildren, this is Elle Rofles, and this is my grandson, Alvin Rofles,” the booth bowed regally at them. The young boy walked closer and held Feng’s hand. “Nice to meet you, young lady,”

“Nice to meet you too, sir, Alvin. I’m not a privileged young lady, you can just call me Feng,” she gracefully held her skirt and bowed at him. “And these are my brothers, Ethan and Aiden,” she gestured for them to greet him.

Aiden sweetly smiled at him and bowed while Ethan glared at the hand that was holding hers. “Men and woman should maintain their distance,” he whispered with a pout. His childlike voice made lady Hiliana laugh out loud.

“Oh little one, its only proper to introduce oneself with a firm handshake and a bow. Why don’t you both try it?” she gestured to her granddaughter to come close.

Elle hesitantly walked over and glared at them both.

“little Elle, meet your new friends they are younger than you so you have to take care of them,”

She scoffed at them. “I don’t want to talk to boys,” her eyes focused on Feng, who was happily chatting with her brother, and pouted. She trotted over to her and tugged her gown. “You talk to me.” She demanded.

“Oh little Elle, you should not order her around like that. Instead, you should kindly request for her company,” lady Hiliana reminded her.

But the little girl scoffed. “I like her; I want to dance with her!!”

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