Reincarnated With A Summoning System Chapter 704 704 Family Time

With everyone gathered in the garden in much smaller humanoid forms, the entire idle population of Ancients seemed to have found room to see the newest members of their species, and the twins loved it. They were passed from arm to arm, shown constant affection, and fussed over, plus anything they wanted, they got.

None of the Ancients were ever weak, and a bit of creation was no big deal to any of them all these millennia into their existence, so when Mikhail wanted a flashy orange leisure suit to match one of the Ancients he was passed to, it was created for him and equipped in seconds.

"What is this? They’re not under my System?" Cain asked, catching the Laughing God’s attention.

"They were created before you left the planet, so they’re under mine. Sorry, no excessive doting on your kids with your own quests and biased rewards." He teased while Mikhail pouted.

"That doesn’t mean I can’t spoil you rotten and get us both into trouble with your mother anyhow. I just can’t use the system to do it." Cain whispered.

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"Good, because I need more books and fewer naps. You can convince her, right?" The little boy asked.

"Hmm, that could be a tough sell. Naps are pretty important, but I will see what I can do."

That was enough to mollify the newborn for a few minutes, and Mikhail turned his attention to the food that seemed to be present everywhere the Ancients gathered. As a species that could alter their form at will, the concept of getting fat or clogged arteries didn’t exist, so food was as simple a luxury as music or clothing. For fast-growing newborns and Lamia, it was like heaven, and all of the kids were happily mingling while Cain relaxed on a divan with Misha, enjoying the sunshine.

"What are you and the girls planning to do after this?" Cain asked Cyrene after she carefully draped herself over both him and Misha so she could join them on the divan and not risk being stepped on.

"The Ancients have graciously agreed to set up pocket dimensions as dungeons for us to train in until we reach Immortality, so we’re going to stay here and explore this world. I’m told there aren’t many dangers other than random wild animals, but you know how the Ancients are. Their version of what is dangerous might not be exactly the same as what I would deem dangerous." Cyrene explained.

"That makes sense. I’m sure the other world will miss you, but we can still contact them from time to time, so I’m sure they’ll be fine." Misha agreed, pulling the Lamia over so she could hold her in her arms, a replacement for the infants who were still making the rounds and meeting hundreds of new people.

"How long do you think it will take for the little ones to be grown enough that they’ll be wanting to follow in your footsteps and wander all over the world?" Misha asked while she idly stroked Cyrene’s scales.

"I really don’t know. I bet Nyarla does, though." Cain asked, looking up at the Ancient, who was still hovering nearby in her victorian maid costume and Elven disguise.

"It will be fairly quick, but not human fast. Give them fifty years, and they’ll be grown enough to be called teenagers. It’s the Lamia girls who will be a going concern. By age three, they’re usually grown enough to want to get out of their home nest, so they will be a concern much more quickly."

Cain looked to where the girls were wrapped around various Ancients, treating them like mounts to find new things, as well as a walking encyclopedia for all the things they didn’t know yet.

The positioning was actually very tactical. They had listened long enough to find out what everyone was interested in and then attached themselves to someone with similar interests to themselves. This way, they guaranteed quality conversation and common interests without the need to put in any extra effort since the Ancients naturally avoided the ones they had the least in common with.

The least surprising ended up being Remi, the Frost Mage, who had attached herself to the God of Magic with no intentions of letting him go. After most of an hour, he ended up making a clone of himself to answer her barrage of questions about spellcraft, much to the amusement of the Ancients.

"I never thought you would be defeated in a conversation about Magic by a little girl." The Laughing God joked when the larger man finally escaped from his new admirer.

"She will get through the basic questions eventually, and then I can switch back to have a more in-depth conversation." The God of Magic shrugged, while the Little Lycan, as everyone called the small blonde Goddess, laughed at him.

The real surprise of the day was how easily all the children made friends with the ancient beings. Even Remi, who was engrossed in a conversation about magic, had a handful of spellcraft-obsessed Ancients around her and the clone, discussing the minute details of ice manipulation.

"I should mention at some point that we have prepared a home for your family here in the city. It’s a bit far from the Community Hall, as we call this castle, but it’s a good spot, not far from the main road and right on the borderline between the residences of the Ancients and the experiment labs at the edge of the city." Nyarla informed Cain when she noticed that both Cyrene and Misha were beginning to nod off again.

The twins had been out for some time already, but the Ancients didn’t mind and were still happily carrying them around and lowering their voices, so they didn’t wake them up.

"Let’s see it then. If everyone who has possession of one of my children can follow us to the house, I would appreciate it." Cain replied, knowing that they could hear both his words and thoughts.

"We have a thing to deal with, so we will part ways for the afternoon, but we will come back later." The Laughing God informed them, indicating that all of the members of the Creators Pantheon present needed to attend to whatever the issue was.

"Thank you for everything you have done for us," Cain replied, pulling the God into a hug.

The God of Magic made a small gesture, and Mariel was pulled over to them before they all vanished through a portal that disappeared the instant after it opened. That seemed to signal that the party was over, and all the Ancients started to disperse.

Contact information and addresses were exchanged during the walk toward the white marble Queen Anne style mansion. Since it was built for the ten-meter tall standardized size that the Ancients usually used indoors, the manor was simply huge, and the four-story tower to the right of the main entrance was easy to spot from anywhere on this side of the city.

"I thought at least a few of you would prefer this particular house. The tower is a library, fully stocked, of course, with copies of roughly three hundred thousand of our favorite titles.

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The home is fully furnished, but you have the power to redecorate however you like if it doesn’t suit your tastes." Hera informed them, carrying Luna around her waist and listening to her stories of potential new flavors for the dishes that were served today.

"This is beautiful." Misha sighed as she looked around the interior, fit for a Royal Family in any normal world, with precious treasures everywhere and intricate Runic Spells engraved into everything, so the house would never get dirty, worn, or invaded by unwanted guests.

That wasn’t a concern with the Ancients. Mind reading let them know when they had overstayed their welcome right away, and they were well versed in the polite ways to excuse themselves from any situation.

That is what they did now, bowing out with a few kind words for the children they had carried over, leaving only Nyarla, who was holding the twins, and Hera, who had designated herself the tour guide of the house.

"We have themed the bedrooms of the east wing to each of the children, while the twins have a temporary room for the next decade or two next to the master bedroom in the west wing. I think you will find them to your satisfaction since we did create them by reading your minds and watching your interactions before you arrived here.

If you want to explore, I will lead the happy couple to their new rooms." Hera elaborated, letting all of the Lamia loose to explore their wing of the house.

"Oh, Cyrene, your room is over here in the west wing, by Misha’s request. Just follow us. I know you’ll love it." The Ancient added, redirecting her back to the adult group.

She led them all up to the second floor, up the grand staircase, which split the upper floor into separate wings, and opened her arms in a grand gesture.

"Welcome home. The Master bedroom is at the end of the hall, but first, we have the Royal Baths on our right and the training rooms on the left. Those are actually a stabilized pocket dimension, much like a dungeon, but they are currently empty, so just ask Cain if you need anything put in them.

He can handle the staff as well. I thought it might be weird if I created servants for someone else’s house." Hera told them with a knowing smile.

All three of them nodded at once. Puppets were loyal to their creator even after being released, so it would be really weird to have someone else’s Puppets staffing their house.

"Past the bath is the nursery, followed by the Nanny’s room or the Mistres’s Suite, depending on the usage. That one links directly to the master bedroom and the nursery through hidden doors. For the moment, we have decorated it for Cyrene. Then finally, we have the Master Bedroom."

Hera led them into the Master bedroom, another Pocket Dimension enhanced room that was easily twenty meters across, with an enormous bed set off to one side, a sitting area, separate powder rooms and closets all along the left wall, and a small extra bedroom hidden on the right, with a plush bed on the ground and curtains on every wall.

"We didn’t know what to do with that room. It was originally for the owner’s cat, but we couldn’t find another good use for it unless you want to move the twins in here instead of creating a nanny for nighttime emergencies." Nyarla explained.

"It’s absolutely beautiful," Misha assured her and stepped forward to get a closer look at the details of the room, larger than a modest bungalow.

"The wards are fully customizable as well. So you can hear outside the room, but they can’t hear you, or for complete silence, if you prefer." Nyarla told her with a wink.

"I think we will have to experiment with those settings."

"Then we will leave you to it. Enjoy your evening. I will be in the other room with the twins until you are finished." Nyarla agreed, then vanished.

Hera gave one last wave to the group and stepped back out the door, closing it softly behind her, leaving the three of them alone for the first time since Misha was taken to this world.

"How about we take our time and get settled in?" Misha suggested, changing out her dress for thin nightwear and pulling Cyrene to a couch, where she stretched out with the Lamia in her arms like a body pillow.

Cain smiled at the happy pair and changed into soft silk pajamas to join them on the supple leather couch, which emitted a faint hint of the Divine Energy once possessed by the creature it was crafted from.

"We’ve got all the time we could possibly want. Eternity if we need it." Cain agreed.

"Then, let’s get started on forever. How do you feel about half-dragon hatchlings?"

"We won’t know if we don’t try."

[Household Staff Created.]

[Wandering Cultivator System Administration now running in background mode.]

[Enjoy your vacation, Administrator Cain.]

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