Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World. Chapter 188 -188

Chapter 188 Chapter-188

"Now, why don’t you enlighten me, Evangeline, on the correct approach?" Anon’s voice carried an air of authority, his piercing gaze fixed on Evangeline.

Evangeline met his intense stare with a mixture of hatred and resignation. She knew deep down that there was no alternative but to divulge the intricacies of their world’s power dynamics.

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"As Valeria has previously mentioned, a kingdom never operates solely based on the king’s commands, but rather on the foundation of finances," Evangeline began, her voice steady despite the weight of her words. "Our kingdom procures resources from others through trade, facilitated by merchants traversing between kingdoms."

Anon nodded, absorbing her words as he listened intently.

"Food ingredients, cosmetics, weapons, and even slaves," Evangeline continued, her voice tinged with a hint of disdain. "Every kingdom in this world engages in trade, be it with elves, dwarfs, or beastmen. Each kingdom and its respective continent are interdependent due to the scarcity of resources."

Anon’s eyes sparkled with curiosity as he leaned in, eager to learn more.

"For instance, dwarfs lack access to alcohol. Constantly toiling in mines, they require a substance to numb their bodies while refreshing their spirits. Unfortunately, their land’s soil composition does not allow for the cultivation of the necessary ingredients," Evangeline explained, her voice taking on a somber tone.

"Consequently, they purchase wine and alcohol from humans. Similarly, humans acquire magical artifacts from dwarfs and spells crafted by elves," she continued, painting a vivid picture of the intricate web of trade connections.

Anon absorbed the information, his mind already formulating a plan.

"Elves, on the other hand, procure spices and prostitutes from humans. However, humans often venture into elven territories, capturing and selling them as slaves," Evangeline continued, her voice laced with a mixture of sorrow and anger.

Anon’s expression grew more serious as he grasped the underlying power dynamics.

"This interdependence acts as a leash, aptly named ’The Trading Leash,’ constraining each kingdom’s trade balance with others," Evangeline explained, emphasizing the significance of the term.

Anon leaned back, a thoughtful expression crossing his face. "If you gain control over this leash, you shall become the rulers of all kingdoms within this world," he mused aloud. "No king would dare oppose your decisions. Should anyone do so, you simply sever trading ties with them. In just three days, their kingdom will descend into hunger and suffering."

A smile tugged at the corner of Anon’s lips as he envisioned the immense power such control would bestow upon him.

Evangeline, too, couldn’t help but feel a flicker of hope amidst the darkness that had enveloped her heart.

"Excellent. This is the key to ruling the world, not through brute force but through strategic manipulation," Anon declared, his voice filled with determination. "However, Mrs. Evangeline, I suspect this plan has its flaws."

Evangeline nodded, acknowledging the inherent challenges that lay before them.

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"Indeed, there are three significant flaws within this strategy," she admitted, her voice tinged with caution.

"Firstly, control over the traders," she began, her gaze locked with Anon’s. "As previously mentioned, attempting to control every single trader across the globe is an insurmountable task. Additionally, we must contend with corrupt nobles, who prove to be more treacherous than the demon lord himself. They would sell their wives and daughters to save their own skins."

Anon’s brows furrowed, his mind already calculating potential solutions to this obstacle.

"Secondly, the unification of forces," Evangeline continued, her voice growing somber. "If word spreads that someone aims to seize control over the entire world, kingdoms would inevitably unite their forces to eliminate the threat, much as they did with the demon king in the past. He, too, sought world domination, just like us."

Anon’s eyes narrowed, a glimmer of defiance flickering within them. He was undeterred by the challenges that lay ahead.

"Thirdly, the workflow," Evangeline concluded, her voice tinged with concern. "To exercise power over the traders, we would need to implement a permission system for every trade, regardless of its scale. Yet, establishing such a system would demand ceaseless dedication, as it would require a staggering workload of 72 hours per day. A single individual could not withstand such pressure."

Anon leaned back, his mind racing with possibilities. He had expected challenges, but he was prepared to overcome them all.

"You have presented valuable insights, Mrs. Evangeline," Anon acknowledged, his voice brimming with appreciation. "Your knowledge and experience are invaluable to my cause."

Anon’s gaze shifted to the other members of the group, his voice filled with determination. "We stand on the precipice of a grand undertaking, one that requires strategic thinking and unwavering commitment. I trust each of you to play your part in this endeavor or die simple."

Isabella, Ravenna, and the others exchanged glances, their eyes reflecting a mix of trepidation and resolve. They had chosen to follow Anon, knowing that he will kill them if they opposed but they were also excited to take over the world with him.

"Now," Anon declared, his voice resonating with unwavering conviction, "shall we invite the traders from this continent to a meeting with me?"

A ripple of anticipation spread through the group, their minds already envisioning the grand scheme that was beginning to take shape.

"You want us to control their minds?" Isabella questioned, her voice betraying a mix of curiosity and concern.

"I possess the power to influence their minds," Anon affirmed, a glimmer of confidence in his eyes. "But I will need your assistance in instilling fear. Make them tremble at the mere mention of my name. Kidnap their daughters and wives, ensuring they understand the consequences of opposing me."

"Eh...?" Ravenna’s voice quivered with uncertainty. "But if you possess the power to control their minds, why would you fear them?"

A mischievous smile played across Anon’s lips as he responded, his voice laced with a mix of anticipation and mystery. "Fear is a powerful tool, my dear. I shall handle their minds; your role is to carry out my instructions diligently. If you failed to do so, i will give you to the orcs in the breeding chamber and you will be used in my plan to take over the world but in other means."

Isabella, Ravenna, and the others exchanged glances, a newfound determination shining in their eyes. They were prepared to face the challenges ahead, to embrace the darkness in pursuit of a greater purpose.

Together, they embarked on a journey that would test their resolve, their wits, and their very souls. Little did they know that their actions would shape the fate of their world, forever altering the balance of power.

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