Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master Chapter 1131 The Golden Spirit Power Changed Everything!

William’s words were like a doctrine from a god. What he said was unrealistic, and didn’t make much sense at first until the high-end masters recalled how great they felt when they listened to Fang’s advice.

"Good kid… He is really smart, hahaha!" Fang laughed, attracting everyone’s attention, "Why are you looking at me? You heard him, let’s do it this way. We’ll all benefit greatly from this chance."

"But the enemies… And him…" Anjie was worried. After all, William stood just on the direct path with the range of attacks released from their formations.

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"I’m sure he got a way to overcome this," Sloth was the one to speak this time, "or else he wouldn’t have asked us to do this."


Anjie went into silence, as she knew Sloth got a point here. She turned towards her man and hoped everything would end up alright.

William watched them stand in the formations, prepared to launch their techniques. As he saw this, he smiled, not showing a single speck of worry on him like many expected.

And when they released their techniques, they were taken aback by what he did. He simply… Did nothing! He stood there, watching the formations release tons of attacks toward the world around, without even worrying about any of the incoming attacks.

They didn’t get it, but the moment they released such attacks in the middle of this weird golden world, their attacks melted and blended with everything else around.

It wasn’t the issue of a higher force meeting a lower one, but the problem of a higher power meeting a lower grade, totally overcoming and absorbing it.

Just when they were worried over William, they ended up seeing their attacks melted and went into oblivion.

"What’s going on?!!" This was what everyone thought, and the higher-grade masters could guess part of the reasons behind this. Yet they couldn’t get why William asked them to do so.

They thought he didn’t know such a thing would happen. But if so, then how come he stood all the way there, not worrying in the slightest?

So evidence and logic pointed out one thing only; he knew this was going to happen. If so, then what was the point? Why did he ask them to do such a thing that would give nothing in return?

But they all missed a tiny and yet very crucial thing; they gained a higher absorption rate through channelling the power of these formations in their bodies. Like this, they’d end up gaining much more spirit power in a much shorter time.

On another hand, they’d also enrich the entire golden phenomenon, stirring up the golden power, and ending up releasing torrents more of it.

The spirit power that got released so far came originally from the formations other masters dug so far. And yet that wasn’t his main goal of doing all this. He wanted to lure the spirit power from other formations, ending up sucking the entire formations here dry of any spirit power gathered.

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To do so, he needed to stir them up with something, and there was no other better way than using the formation’s empowered techniques to do so.

Watching everything going as he planned, he started to train. In all this, everything was sorted out perfectly, all except one; the enemies!

The high-end masters kept their vigilance, prepared to interfere if William faced any danger. Just when the golden spirit power appeared, William stopped everything he was doing and focused on training.

That meant he was vulnerable to getting hit. These high-end masters knew such a chance of absorbing spirit power was something they’d hardly meet in their stage of power, yet its effect on them was quite negligible.

Comparing other weak masters with them was like comparing heaven with hell. And that made them ready to interfere if any sign of danger approached William.

Going by logic, enemies should easily approach William and attack him. Yet when they started to come closer to the edge of the hole’s area, they ended up suffering tons of damage and wounds. It appeared as if they got attacked fiercely by hidden power, and there wasn’t another power here except the golden spirit power.

Everyone was shocked by this, and they watched how the enemies evaporated into thin air just before setting a single step over the bridge of land leading to William, or even at any other bridges around.

They were all shocked, but William’s calm look and a faint smile on his face told them he already anticipated such a result.

William knew this golden spirit power would be available for anyone to absorb until they released their augmented techniques through the formations.

The moment they did that, the entire golden spirit power turned to their best allies, the most toxic against the enemies.

So no matter how hard they tried, even if the high-end enemies tried, they all faced the same fate. Their bodies melted down, and ended up evaporation in thin air, adding more spirit power to the colossal pool gathered here.

William already knew that, and that was why he didn’t feel any worry or distress at all. He simply knew the moment his formations kicked in, released tons of spirit power, and the masters released their augmented attacks, then things would be over for the enemies here.

His main concern from the start wasn’t a single enemy here, but the underground trap, the colossal bomb he and everyone were standing on top of.

So he started to focus on training, absorbing more spirit power, while others started to do the same one by one, after spending more time examining and studying everything that happened around them.

The enemies started to melt down and vanish, while more kept gushing out from the two gates still standing here. The enemy’s leaders felt true danger coming from what William and others did, and couldn’t help but try everything they had to stop them.

Yet nothing they tried worked!

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