Reincarnation Of The Strongest Spirit Master Chapter 506 The Team Learnt The Lesson

In William’s vision, he was fighting any black shadow appearing in his world. He kept wondering what the heck was going on in the outer world for all these shadows to appear here nonstop like this.

He was sure every single one of these was an enemy. Be it a dark spirit master or a monster, be it red or black shadows, all appeared in endless numbers all the time.

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William was killing more than he ever did even back at any war in his past life. He fought lots of hellish battles and wars, none were like this crazy one here.

It never crossed his mind that he was fighting against the lots of dark forces in the entire region right now. And such battle wasn’t just limited to this place, for his weird test world, but also expanded to cover lots of places as well.

As he didn’t get a clue. He knew he’d get all the answers he wanted when all this would be over. And so, he kept focusing on fighting the enemies appearing all over the place without a single moment of pause.

He never felt tired, never felt exhausted, and his spirit power never ran dry. He was fighting to his fullest for the first time ever since returning back to this life. And that made him feel a very unique feeling, one that he hoped to experience again and again, experience it all the time.

At the outer world, and after many days had passed, Panther and his team were truly shaken right now.

They first came here, thinking they could send William and his team back, take charge of this grand war. But things turned out to be against what they expected.

After all this time, they started to slow down. The number of strong enemies they needed to clear also dwindled by much. And that gave them finally a window to breathe.

"Damn! What is this kid made of exactly? Is he a machine or what?" one of Panther’s team couldn’t hold it inside anymore. He looked at William like everyone else here did, like they never knew kids ever in their lives before.

It wasn’t enough to shock them to know about William’s secret. Any one of these figures already saw enough weird stuff in their lives. Not to mention Panther already warned them before about William’s secret identity. But seeing how William kept fighting without pause in such a way, releasing high end attacks all the time without a single moment of pause, flashing all over the place, spreading death all around the place like he was a true death god, was an eye opener for all of them.

They never expected to get rivalled by someone in the silver grade, a kid to begin with, even to the extent to feel such puzzlement and surprise from the hellish way of his fights.

But that was indeed good news. If it was them handling the situation, then they’d end up having to take long naps of rest from time to time. And that would give the enemy the chance to breathe, think about ways to counter all this, even turn tables around.

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But with what William was doing here, the enemy didn’t get a single moment of rest as well. Even themselves, the ones fighting on his side, kept getting pressured all the time.

When they thought about the grand picture, how by taking down this grand army of the enemy would help taking at least one third of the entire dark forces in the region, they started to push themselves over the limits.

They started using elixirs and potions like running water. And with this, they kept up with William. They started to help William by taking more enemies, the ones who he could have handled himself but would take lots of time and effort to do so.

Doing so really helped in accelerating the pace of this onslaught. William was now feeling more at ease while seeing the green shadows working like crazy and helping him out.

And by the fifth day, the last of these dark spirit masters got finally killed.

"No way I’d join such a battle ever again! Don’t call me if another battle like this one erupts, got it Panther?" One of the Panther group couldn’t control himself anymore and even landed on the ground, panting while his face didn’t look that well.

It wasn’t just him, but everyone else also were looking the same. If such formidable spirit masters felt like this, then it was expected how William’s team was feeling right now.

Panther and his team already started exhausting their resources since day three of this battle. And by day five, each spent enough to be described as a fortune.

But the gains of this war were indeed quite shocking and worthy of all this.

Just the number of gears and rings collected from their people was enough to replenish all these losses for a hundred-fold at least.

But they couldn’t help but feel a little bitter about something. The real winners in this entire war were none other than William’s team, and William who stood behind them of course. They kept collecting rings and loot from the fallen dark spirit masters all the time. And just imagining the big disparity between the quality of dark masters these kids got the rings from and the ones their people got rings from made them crave to get part of the great loot William gained from this war.

They even asked Ibra and others at some point about this, and all they got was a simple answer: "It’s our leader who asked us to do it. If you have anything to say, then speak with him after the end of all this."

This was the direct answer they got from William’s team, from Ibra in specific. The latter didn’t want to say anything else, didn’t want to promise them anything even if he was indebted to them about saving his and the team’s lives, fearing that William would get mad at him or something.

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