Release That Succubus Chapter 158 158 Location

Drew didn’t argue with Marico because his logic was perfect. There was no other reason why Zach wouldn’t go to the royal family since no one else could probably provide him with better conditions than them if he wanted to develop.

"Then why don’t you try turning him into an ally? You do need to prepare a failsafe for your family after you pass on. I think he has the potential to stand on his own against the families of this city. If he wants to build a foundation for his people here, you can offer it to him and in return he can make sure that the Windsor family doesn’t disappear from the face of the world after you. This way both sides will be able to profit and build trust with each other. What do you think?"

Marico smiled mysteriously as he heard Drew suggest cooperation with Zach.

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"Do you think that only you can come up with such a strategy?" Marico’s smile transitioned into a smug expression that made him look like an evil and egoistic villain.

Drew grew sheepish as he understood that Marico probably already thought of this and had made his own plan regarding the matter. Therefore, he steered the topic of the conversation in the opposite direction so as to avoid touching upon a subject that Marico might not want to talk about with him.

Zach stood on a high vantage point, overlooking the sprawling medieval city in the fantastical world. The city was a bustling metropolis compared to Elizabeth city that seemed like a small village compared to this city. It was teeming with activity and life. From one look it was evident that this was a city of great wealth and prosperity as was evident from the grand buildings and opulent architecture that could be seen from Zach’s perch.

The streets were lined with shops and markets selling a variety of goods, from exotic spices and fabrics to rare books and magical artifacts. The buildings were constructed from a range of materials, from rich, dark wood to sparkling white stone, each one unique and ornate in its design. The materials shone with a metallic luster under the scintillating rays of the sun and yet the material was definitely not metal. There was no way that a city could be constructed out of metal on such a large scale even with the help of magic.

As Zach looked out over the city, he could see that it was divided into distinct neighborhoods, each with its own character and flavor. In one section of the city, the buildings were tall and imposing, home to the wealthiest families and the most powerful factions. In another section, the streets were narrow and winding, with buildings that seemed to lean towards each other, creating a labyrinthine network of alleys and hidden courtyards.

Zach could almost feel the bustling city all around him. The city seemed to be alive with the sounds and smells of daily life. The clatter of horse-drawn carriages and the calls of street vendors mixed with the scent of roasting meats and freshly baked bread. Zach could see people of all walks of life going about their business, from well-dressed merchants to peasants in threadbare clothing, each one contributing to the vibrant tapestry of the city.

Despite the size and complexity of the city, Zach could see that it was well-organized and efficient, with a clear system of governance and administration that kept everything running smoothly.

Although Zach was being accompanied by a beautiful woman like Clara, he still wanted to take a few moments for himself so that he could take in the view of the complete city and evaluate and analyze it.

As Zach took in the sight of the bustling city below, he didn’t feel any sense of awe that a normal human being from this world like Clara would feel. He did not wonder about the ingenuity and creativity that had gone into its creation because Zach had seen better things in his previous world. He had seen architectural wonders rise into the skies without the help of magic. Therefore he knew that the humans were capable of far greater things. Magic had limited their ability to think and advance further. Others might think of this city as the testament to the resilience and strength of the people who had built it but he only felt their laziness, their stagnation and their inability to change the status quo.

"Do you have any ideas about the place you want?" Clara asked as she took out a map of the estate from inside the folds of her clothes.

"I can think of a few places but I would like to hear the suggestions of the local first. Can you do that for me?" Zach asked honestly since he had yet to make up his mind completely. Depending on her answer, Zach planned to improvise on the location for his new base camp.

Clara used the map to show various areas of the city and their geographical and proximity advantages compared to other locations. She highlighted a few areas that Zach might approve of as he was here to mainly engage in business activities. These areas had accessibility to the customers, a good road network for the carriages which was extremely beneficial for business activities. These could be considered to be the prime commercial locations of the city.

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Clara briefed about the areas to Zach as she pointed towards the portion of the city in front of her that corresponded to the highlighted area on the map so that Zach could make a reference to it as well before making his decision.

"This is the main marketplace of the city where every kind of item is solved. Since it is the main hub of the merchants, you should be opting to choose a location that is in the proximity of the central marketplace. This would help you in promoting your business among the high end customers." Clara pointed towards the area which was quite close to the city centre and was surrounded on all sides by several residential areas that seemed to be catering to the rich. Although the specific piece of land belonged to the Windsor family, Zach was sure that he wouldn’t be able to get his peace of mind while staying in a place that was surrounded by the greedy bunch like Prince Kolt or worse.

Clara was a little disappointed when Zach only nodded and urged her to continue briefing other locations. She had been thinking that Zach would be sold on this location but her workload suddenly increased.

There was a growing market towards the edge of the city that was gaining popularity among the masses. Although the goods were more inclined towards the daily necessities, the profits weren’t any less than the central marketplace. Therefore, it would be fine for Zach to stay at a location that was in the vicinity but had the sufficient housing standard that Zach had established for his people.

Zach noted down some of the places that Clara described to him but nothing could make him shout in excitement, "THIS IS IT".

Therefore, he kept on looking for a place that would be perfect for him and his people.

"I don’t think there is any place other than what I have already shown you that would be more perfect for your requirements. Why don’t you take a look at them all and tell me your decision? You can take your time. I can wait."

Zach traced his fingers along the locations that Clara had marked on the map and found that Clara had already introduced most of them to him like an experienced real estate agent. The places marked by Clara were all owned by the Windsor family and Clara could ensure getting a place for him in these locations.

However, Zach couldn’t get himself to agree on any of these places. They were either too exposed to the public eye, or too vulnerable to the potential enemies.

"Which one is this? Why didn’t you show me this one?" asked Zach as he pointed towards a solitary location that seemed to be an island called Greenland. It was about a hundred square miles in terms of area as per the scale of the map. Since it wasn’t marked by Clara, Zach assumed that this island was probably not owned by the Windsor family.

The location perfectly clicked with what Zach had in mind as his new home and his new base of operations.

"This is perfect. What is this place? Can we go there?"

Zach’s enthusiasm didn’t seem to be contagious as it died down as soon as it reached Clara. She could not in her right mind agree to Zach’s opinion regarding Greenland which resulted in the sudden cold shoulder.

"Why don’t you take another look? We still have some time before you need to make a decision. Think about it some more. There are so many better options than this one."

While Zach was new to the place, Clara knew too well the reputation of the island and wanted Zach to choose some other place instead of the island.

"Why should I? I like this place and I think this location would be perfect for all my plans." Zach insisted on choosing the island no matter what. Still he didn’t want Clara to think that her opinion was wasted on him. Therefore, he asked her to give him a reason for why the island wasn’t suitable as his family’s residential area.

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