Release That Succubus Chapter 293 293 Andy’s Visit

The energy brimming inside him just a moment ago vanished as soon as Zach showed him the truth of the false hopes, he had been holding out in his heart in order to keep the guilt from eating away at him from the inside.

"...protected her...I should have protected her...kept her from that’s all my’s all my fault...I should have kept her safe..." Bruce’s mental state almost broke down at the cold reality as he began to mutter words of regret underneath his breath. He was so consumed by guilt and remorse for not being able to save his sister that he didn’t even understand his current condition.

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Zach forcefully gave him a sedative and stationed two guards outside his room to keep a watch on him. Bruce needed to calm down. In his current state he was not only a danger to himself but also to those around him. He could be easily manipulated by the enemies in his vulnerable mind state.

A few days passed and Zach didn’t hint at the slightest acceptance of the demands of the Hunter family. The latter weren’t worried about not receiving the desired response either. Because they knew that it wouldn’t take too long before Zach would concede to their terms eventually.

From their point of view, Zach could only flail around in darkness unable to save Diana no matter how hard he tried. The Hunter family was quite confident in their magic barrier that could ward off any kind of attack. With it their mansion was like an impregnable fortress that could stand steadily against the strongest forces of the world with ease.

As to how they knew that Zach would definitely try to rescue Diana first, it was because he had even meddled in the business of the Windsor family when he didn’t have much to do with them. He had his own force and his own people to look after. He shouldn’t exactly have the time to babysit those who couldn’t even protect themselves from their enemies. That’s why they were sure that Zach wouldn’t leave Diana to her fate. A man who could do so much for another force would surely do more for his own people.

So, they let him be and waited for his answer that was bound to come very soon. He would approach them himself once he got tired of failure that awaited him at the end of every strategy.

Bruce was losing his energy and was getting more and more guilt-ridden with the passage of time. Not being able to do anything to save Diana, was eating away at him from the inside but he had come to his senses after Zach intervened in his self-destructing plan previously.

Even Zach was being affected by his gloomy aura. These days he could barely bring a smile on his face. He was too immersed in conjuring a strategy that could prove to be Diana’s salvation eventually but so far, he hadn’t been able to find anything that he could use for that purpose.

It was like the conclusion was fixed and nature itself was acting against him this time.

Just when everything was seemingly at a standstill, a ray of light tore down the dark cloudy sky and illuminated their world.

This ray of light was none other than Andy, the cop who had previously come to arrest Marico and had later had a hand in keeping Marico safe in prison when everyone there wanted to torture him.

Although Andy was a calculative man, he had long since got into the same boat as the Windsor family based on his timely judgement. He had jumped ship the moment the Windsor family prevailed over the Hunter family but that was before the Hunter family got their hands on Diana.

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Right now, he was panicking just as much as the Windsor family and the Smith family because this power struggle concerned his wellbeing as well.

As such, he had broken his back trying to figure out a way to break the status quo in favor of the Windsor family and the dark mage Zach. Finally, he had made a breakthrough in his search. The purpose of his visit to the Windsor family was to meet up with Marico and to offer those results in order to earn the favor of the Smith family.

The opportunity might have been lost had Andy come across Clara or Violet who hated the cop for arresting their father. Thankfully, the one to receive him had been the leader of the Windsor family who already owed Andy a favor.

"Hey there, how have things been for you? I was actually anticipating your arrival much earlier," Marico greeted with a friendly smile, his hand gently patting Andy’s shoulder. The warm gesture was a reflection of the gratitude Marico felt, as Andy had played a part in aiding him in during his time in the prison. That favor, albeit a little shallow, had left a mark, and Marico’s smile carried a touch of appreciation for the support he had received in the past.

"I’ve been wrapped up in a situation that demanded my attention. But let me be upfront. I’ve got some news that might just be the breakthrough needed to put an end to the persistent feud between the two families. The delay in my arrival was because I’ve been on a mission to track down a vital piece of information, something that could potentially unlock the resolution to this entire ordeal," Andy disclosed, his manner carrying an aura of enigma. It was almost as if the secret he carried had the power to shake the very foundations of existence.

The gravity of his words hung in the air, leaving Marico intrigued and eager to hear more.

"Why are you so stirred up? And if this revelation is truly a game-changer, why approach me? Considering your personality, it seems more likely that you’d take such a significant secret straight to the Hunter family," Marico questioned, his tone carrying a hint of doubt. He found himself unable to fully trust Andy’s motives, given his prior association with the Hunter family. The abrupt change in behavior and allegiances left Marico feeling cautious and hesitant, urging him to proceed with care as he navigated this unexpected situation.

Consequently, it became imperative for him to determine whether Andy was genuinely trustworthy. Failing to do so could potentially lead to unintended harm befalling his own associates. The weight of this decision was not to be underestimated, as the ramifications could ripple through the entire situation.

Andy wasn’t pleased with how he was being treated. While he understood that his past actions deserved criticism, this time he had come with positive intentions and had been completely transparent about his motives. Yet, he found himself met with suspicion.

"Don’t question my intentions. You’re not in a position to do so, even if you want to. Besides, there’s no benefit for me in leading you or the dark mage astray. We don’t hold any grudge against each other. And as for my past ties with the Hunter family, they were severed the moment I stood by your side in the prison. My presence here is the ultimate proof of that. It’s a significant risk for me to be here," Andy calmly explained, articulating each point to Marico. Marico listened attentively, nodding in agreement multiple times to signal his alignment with Andy’s reasoning.

Despite harboring a mild hint of skepticism, Marico arrived at a decision to grant Andy the advantage of uncertainty. The aspect that resonated most was Andy’s readiness to put his association with the Hunter family on the line to stand by their side. This act of commitment and risk-taking lent credibility to Andy’s intentions. It signified a level of dedication that couldn’t be easily dismissed.

Consequently, Marico found himself swayed toward affording Andy a measure of trust, acknowledging his willingness to forsake previous allegiances in favor of their shared cause.

"Sure, I understand your point, but I’m curious...what gives you such unwavering confidence that our side will ultimately prevail? What if the outcome goes against us and we find ourselves on the losing side?" Marico inquired, his words reflecting a healthy dose of skepticism.

It was a valid concern, one that prompted him to delve deeper into the foundation of Andy’s conviction which would also allow him to make an informed judgment regarding Andy’s credibility.

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