Release That Succubus Chapter 325 325 Viscount

Chapter 325 Chapter 325 Viscount

Bruce couldn’t help but sympathize with the cops and decided to help them out a bit. A rich dinner could at least lift the waning spirits of the bottom feeding cops who were being forced to act against their wills.

Andy was a shrewd man. He didn’t stay with the encirclement after giving out orders to the cops standing guard. He just marched right into the guest house as if he was a part of the Smith family instead of the force that had been sent to prevent the members of that family from escaping.

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Bruce came forward to greet Andy as he saw him enter. The soldiers were a step ahead of him, but Bruce signaled for them to go about their own jobs and leave Andy to him.

The soldiers of the Smith family stuck close to him but obeyed his orders, nevertheless.

Bruce had heard about the ally who appeared out of nowhere and gave them a fighting chance against the Hunter family following the capture of Diana. Naturally Bruce had thanked that cop in his heart countless times for his timely help, but he had yet to meet the person face to face as Bruce had been under containment orders during the time Andy came to the Smith family with the news.

So, this was the first time Bruce and Andy came into contact with each other. The two were essentially the same kind of people with plenty of brains and schemes formulating every second within their minds.

"You must be the rumored person behind the recent business opportunities of the Windsor family. I am Andy, you might have heard of me before. We belong to the same camp after all."

Bruce’s eyes twinkled at the name and the aloof attitude on his face vanished altogether, replaced by a trace of warmth reserved for close friends.

"I am the useless brother of the girl you helped rescue. Name’s Bruce."

Bruce didn’t bother saying any words of thanks as he knew that Andy didn’t want his thanks at all. He just kept the gratitude in his heart so he could return the favor someday.

The two shook hands as if they had been friends for a long time and sat down in the lawn near the lake to chat. Two servants immediately set up a pair of chairs with a tea table in the middle with several different snacks on it.

Being intelligent, each in their own right, allowed the two to get along better. As cunning as they were, they had no difficulty assessing each other’s intentions and what the both of them needed in this situation. Therefore, they didn’t bother prodding each other cautiously and got down to getting to know each other thoroughly.

It was always easier to communicate with intelligent people. Both Andy and Bruce managed to glean the meaning of the sentence clearly that day. They were surprisingly enjoying each other’s company as they shared their insights into the situation with each other while munching on the delicious delights on the table along with steaming hot tea that burned right through their exhaustion.

"To be honest, I still can’t bring myself to believe that he did such a thing even after you confirmed it for me. I knew that he was powerful, but to think that it was to this extent baffles me still. It seems that I need to reevaluate my opinion of him after this."

Bruce revealed his shock after he heard the news of his sister’s rescue because along with it had come the news of what Zach had done in the forest. He had been holding back on releasing the news to the rest of the family members because he knew how the destruction of Greenland was going to affect the Smith family considering their love for the new home. He hadn’t wanted to be the one to break the news because he didn’t want to handle the aftermath. As such he was waiting for Zach to return eagerly.

Andy only nodded in understanding and affirmed Bruce’s actions in his heart. After all, it was the same for him as he couldn’t understand how someone could manipulate the forces of nature to such an extent. This was far from what normally strong mages were capable of.

"So, what are the chances that the government would target him after this?" Bruce asked while frowning with worry.

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"Both zero and a hundred percent at the same time." Andy smiled mysteriously as he answered Bruce.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, whether or not the government would be after him depends on what you mean by ’being after him’. If you want to know if they would try and hunt him down for committing a heinous crime, then the probability is absolutely zero. The government has neither the power to do so nor the intention. They are a bunch of cowards. As long as the city keeps functioning on the economic front, there is no reason for them to go against someone who can destroy the city so easily. Another interpretation of the same is that the government would seek his collaboration. In that sense, there is a hundred percent chance of him being hounded by the government at every turn."

"Wouldn’t the government be averse to working with a murderer? How can they openly collaborate with someone who is clearly an enemy of justice in the eyes of the public? Isn’t that the reason why you are here against your will? To show the masses that you cops still have some use."

"You really believe the world is black and white? There is no such thing as morals or right and wrong in the face of benefits. The government is made up of people like you and me. Do you really think they would dare to go against someone powerful like him? I have been working under the bastards for a long time to know that they would not only turn a blind eye to what he has done to the Hunter family, they might even help him take the place left vacant by the Hunter family in this city."

"And why would they want to do that? They can just as well appoint someone else. What’s stopping them from putting one of their own at the front?"

"Because they have use for him. They need a strong elite like him to keep the forces in the city from acting out. Why do you think they let Hogan do whatever he wanted even though his atrocities were visible to all the common folk in the city? Let me tell you, they are probably thinking up a way to reward him and to support him and your Smith family to take over the reins of the city as the top family."

Bruce was taken aback by Andy’s revelation, but he could certainly see it all playing out just as Andy suggested. His speculation was backed by a semantic thought process that Bruce couldn’t deny.

"Well, we’ll just have to see for ourselves how it all turns out then." suggested Bruce so as to close a conversation with seemingly no end in sight.

As it turned out, Bruce didn’t have to wait very long to find out the government’s viewpoint regarding the havoc that Zach wreaked on Greenland.

It hadn’t even been a week since the incident that the messenger from the royal family arrived at the doorstep of the Windsor family where Zach had been staying during this time. Everyone in the city was well aware that the Windsor family was working in cahoots with the dark mage who was also the son-in-law of the Windsor family.

Therefore, the royal messenger made the announcement in front of the mansion followed by the hoard of common folk eager to hear the announcement.

"I have come from the capital bearing an imperial edict from the emperor himself. Listen up, all the subjects of his majesty the emperor. From this moment onwards, Zach of house Smith has been raised to the status of a Viscount of the Royal family. He is entitled to all the benefits and the respect and honor that is the right of anyone bearing such a title. As a viscount, his majesty has bestowed all the land left behind by the Hunter family to the Viscount and his family, the house of Smith. The territory will belong to Viscount Zach for all the generations to come as long as he stays loyal to the empire and doesn’t do anything that can be considered a betrayal of his majesty the emperor’s trust."

There was a huge commotion in the city due to the sudden announcement. The people began to guess why the emperor had given the dark mage a reward instead of a punishment. The mass murder of the Hunter family was evident to all of the common folk.

To quell the voices of dissent, the government soon disseminated rumors through confidential channels to absolve Zach of any crime associated with the disappearance of the Hunter family. To begin with, there had been no evidence to support the fact that the meteor shower was the result of Zach’s magic or that he was responsible for the disappearance of the Hunter family other than the word of mouth that could not be considered as incriminating evidence.

The incident was soon brushed under the rug through the involvement of the government. The Hunter family was proclaimed to be extremely unlucky to have come under heaven’s wrath. They were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and ended up destroying themselves.

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