Release That Succubus Chapter 435 435

Chapter 435 Chapter 435

She let out a sigh from her lips as she allowed herself to slip into the seat that was positioned in front of his desk.

"What makes you think that there is something bothering me. You should know that there is nothing wrong with me and I am perfectly fine."?She said to him in a defensive tone.

She watched as he looked towards her with a raised eyebrow. "Well the reason is because everyone that works through that door seems to have a reason to complain and they seem to have an opinion of how I am doing things around here. I know that is most likely an opinion that you share. So how about you just tell me what you think I am doing wrong." He said to her calmly.

"Well I don’t think that you are doing wrong."?She announced.

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Her looked towards her with a raised eyebrow as he was surprised by the reality of what she had said to him.

"Oh really. Then what was the point of this." He asked her as he turned his attention towards her.

"I know that this isn’t going to end well. I feel as though that these plans of yours aren’t going to end well." She said to him and she watched as he hummed at her in response.

"So you are saying that you don’t trust in my plans." Her asked her and he watched as she shook her head at him in response before letting out a sigh form her lips and running a hand through her hair.

"That isn’t what I am trying to say. It is just that it is hard to comprehend how you increasing the wages of the employees as well as increasing the number of employees is going to help us in the long run. We aren’t making profits by increasing their wages and reducing their work hours." She said to him and he didn’t react to her words however he knew that she held some serious concerns and her words did hold a level of truth to them.

"So what do you suppose that I do then. Do you want us to fire the poor leave them unemployed and increase their work hours so that they will be working in bad conditions." He said to her and she couldn’t help but shake her head at him ibn response before letting out a sigh form his lips.

"That isn’t what I mean. I am just trying to say that making the workers work less hours and increasing wages isn’t going to help out company it is going to reduce our profit as and it is going to make sure that they aren’t able to meet up with the needs of the sugar industry." She said to him.

However he shook his head at her in response. "You are wrong. I know that you are thinking about what is able to benefit the family and that is good but you have to think about others. you have to think anout the people. When they see what we are doing for them they are going to be grateful and they are going to be more motivator for them to work harder. You have to have a little faith not just in me but in them too. I know that they will be able to do it."

There was a part of Zach that knew that she would have some unsettling feelings about it all and he knew that she did have a right to be worried but he on the other hand didn’t feel any of that. Because in realty he only smiled towards her.

He had his own plan and he knew that it was full proof and he knew that it wouldn’t fail.

They were foolish to think that he would only have one business plan because the truth was that her had multiple plans.

This was just the first one and incase it didn’t work out for him he knew that he had a backup plan that he hadn’t told anyone about yet.

He wasn’t worried about the efficient of the workers. He knew in his heart that they would get the job done and they would do the work right there way that he needed them to do.

He sighed as he looked back towards Diana. He knew that she was going to be question and he didn’t blame her for that at all.

It only made sense that she would be worried about what he had planned.

His own plan was to gather as many of the workers as he could.

He wanted to make it so that the Brown and the Davis families were out of employees and he wanted to make sure that he was able to take away as many of their workers as he possibly could.

He would then become just like a leader for them. They would be under his rule and they would all work for him.

He knew that one of his main problems at the moment was the fact that he didn’t have the support of the people.

However he knew that if he were to do this it would be the fastest way for him to be able to gather their support.

He understood that that plan of his was full proof and the main thing that he could do in order for him to get on top of the competition was for him to win the interest of the masses.

He knew that it would require quite a bit of sacrifices on his part but things like that were necessary and he knew that they were going to pay off in the end and that was why he wasn’t worried about any of that as he knew that it was all going to work out fine in the end.

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He knew that the reason that Candice was thriving so well was because she had the people on her side.

However if he was to take away the support of the people that she had and have them turn their attention towards his side then things would be much different.

She wouldn’t have that. Power anymore and he would be the one that would be in control.

He couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of that. He felt a smirk come over his features at the thought of her being the one to lose everything.

She thought that she was the one who was in control now but she was wrong.

Soon enough everything would be flipped and would turn against her and she wouldn’t even know what hit her.

He chuckled slightly at the thought as he shook his head.

It was never a good idea for anyone to underestimate him because in theend they would all come to realize just how wrong they were about him.

He wasn’t one to make his plans visible but rather he was the one who worked on things in the sidelines and you didn’t know what he was doing until he struck you down.

In the end his ultimate goal was to ensure that the Smiths were able to make their way back to the top.

The crown was like a thorn that was on their back and he knew that they were not going to allow them get that.

If they wanted to be able to stay on top then they would have to be able to devise a plan that would ensure that they were able to take down the crown and dismantle it entirely.

To do that they wouldn’t be able to doit by themselves and they would have to put in the work of men and women.

That is why getting employees were necessary.

He needed people that were going to be indebted to him and would have no choice but to be loyal to him.

They would give them their loyalty willingly and he would have to force it out of them using fear.

But rather it was something that he would be able to get out if him using kindness.

That was something which was rare to find and it would form a stronger bond for him that the ones which were built out of fear.

It may have seem as though he was stupid for what he was doing now but he knew that it was all going to pay off in the future.

He wasn’t looking towards what was happening right now but rather he was looking towards what he could have in the future.

And what he could have in the future was a large group of people who held him to high accord and respected him greatly.

The people he knew that he cared for them and that he was able to help. Them out of the tough spots that they had found themselves in.

Things like that only lead to one thing and that was loyalty.

They knew where their allegiances lay and they knew how much. They owed to him and for that reason they would be willing to do anything for him.

Those were the types of soldier that he needed. The ones who were willing to put their lives on the line for him and not the ones who would retreat when things got bad.

So he wasn’t mad for increasing the wages and reducing the hours. It wasn’t even about the sugar industry but it was about the bigger battle.

It was about the battle which had been going on for so long between him and the crown.

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