Restart:Untalented Man Chapter 161 Campaign Week

?Cerdeaux City, Cerdeauxia.

The capital city of the republic is rich with historical buildings, ancient statues, arts and remnants of the past monarchial family that have been preserved well.

However, the city in January had a different look than usual. Not only in the capital but also in other cities in Cerdeauxia as well.

From the top of the trees and doors to rooftops and street stalls, the whole nation is decorated and engulfed with blue and white flags and banners. It wasn’t the national flags nor did the republic hold some sort of celebration.

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Rather, it was a political flag.

The blue flag with Lady Justice in the middle represents the Cerdeauxia Reformation Party or CRP for short. They called themselves the pioneer of revolution and the bearer of new ideas. While the white flag with a crown drawn on the flag represents the Party of Royalists or PoR for short. They fight for the reestablishment of the monarchy system and oppressed groups of Cerdeaux Loyalists.

Each party represents different views, demographics, ideologies, interests and approaches.

At present, the political situation in this republic is getting hotter by the day. Both parties only have seven days left to campaign and attract the support of voters.

On Monday next week, the campaign period would be over and the election would take place on the following day.

As such, both parties organized all-out political talks in every nook and cranny of the city to explain to the public their manifestos.

Stages were set up to allow competing candidates to give a speech.

The newspaper was used to send slander to the opposition side.

Rumours were created to add flavour.

Be it honourable or crooked, nobody cares what method they use as long as it can elevate their position in the eyes of the masses and gain their support.

In Cerdeaux particularly, the situation is very tense since the headquarters of both parties are here. Compared to other regions, the citizens here are a bit fanatical when it comes to politics.

It is a common sight to see people here showing their support by wearing either a blue or white shirt, given by their respective party for free whenever they’re going out. Also, arguments between the supporters often occur almost every day. Everyone is trying to justify their party of choice.

To ensure the campaign didn’t escalate into a fight, the military was moved to monitor the situation.


Inside a high-end cafe.

Acellin is sitting leisurely in one of the rooms, watching the scenery of people walking on the street. At the same time, he is enjoying the coffee and confectionery that had just arrived.

He lifts up the cup and brings it close to his nose. The coffee aroma begins to enter his nose. He next gently tilt the cup and sip the warm coffee.


"Aaaah..." He let out a long exhale. "Nothing beats the well-balanced combination of bitterness and sweetness in the morning."

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He was in bliss until his ears heard an argument on the street below. Curious, he leaned towards the balustrade for a better view.

Two people, a man and a woman are arguing about the political parties.

"I’d say, we should support the PoR. They are planning to revive the monarchy." suggests the man.

The woman rebuked, "What kind of era is this? Monarchy is outdated. Didn’t you listen to the stories about the royals’ atrocities?"

"What’d you mean atrocities? It’s propaganda made by the CRP. They just don’t want the monarchy to return. Else, the rich folks hiding in the shadows can’t control the nation as they please." He tirelessly explained.

"Ohh, please! You and your conspiracies theory..." She rolled her eyes. "Look, CRP is pushing for young and fresh blood as the next president. As a progressive member of society, shouldn’t we vote for Walter Thompson?"

"Are you stupid? The supreme council member in the CRP simply used Walter as a puppet to attract young voters. They’ll be the ones running the show once he gets elected. Do you think they’ll stay quiet after painstakingly spending efforts to throw Matthew into prison? I bet you that they’re drooling for the presidential seat."

Acellin stops listening to their conversation. His face is full of astonishment toward the man. He made a short commentary in his mind, ’That man is pretty smart but his action is futile.’

Acellin wasn’t scared in the slightest despite being the one responsible for moving the gear. No matter how loud that man said, people would treat him as a madman.

As long as people believe they’re free, they’ll reject his idea. Besides, the idea of controlling people in the shadows is ridiculous to peasants. Their mind can’t wrap around such a grand scale concept.

Without concrete evidence, it’ll remain a theory.

The trunk of Cerdeauxia has made sure to erase any trace that could lead back to him. In the event of someone being investigated, Blackout has prepared a fabricated truth to use on the members of CRP.

In the past two years, Acellin worked extra hard to ensure the Blackout member steadily filled the seat on lower-rank and medium-rank in CRP.

During that time, two out of seven supreme council members were thrown into prison for being in Matthew Faction.

Acellin took advantage of the situation by filling the empty seat with Blackout members who are also long-time members of CRP. Their appointment was accepted unanimously.

Since one can be a council member and president at the same time, he didn’t push Russell for that position.

Russell is already at the centre of attention because of his skyrocketing ascension in the party’s hierarchy. Acellin didn’t want Russell to draw more jealousy from many people because he needed them to support Russell once he was nominated to fight for the presidency.

The grassroots member has begun to suspect Russell of using foul play to get promoted. Of course, suspicion alone wouldn’t affect his plan, but there’s a possibility of conflict arising. Before that happens, he ordered the Blackout member to put the key figure behind this suspicion into infinite sleep.

After doing so, Acellin focuses back on the supreme council members.

Two out of seven are his man.

He needs another two to gain control of the council.

Luckily, many of the members are already old and have various health complications. So, it’s not surprising to see another two of them die due to natural causes.

With their death, Acellin fully controls the entire party from top to bottom on Blackout’s behalf.

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