Restart:Untalented Man Chapter 196 Opening The Gate

Jack emerges in Metternich’s study. His heart racing with excitement and triumph. Despite the carnage, he couldn’t help but feel happy with his accomplishment.

He thought back to all the times he had repeatedly suggested his plan to Mark Donald, his friend and one of the highest-ranking members of Blackout. He argued that if he were to open the city gate from the inside, it’ll allow General Victor to enter Vofors ease and take over the city.

But, his idea was to meet with rejection. Mark revealed to Jack that the war was not about invading the south but also to test Barlia’s general leadership skills and overall soldiers’ performance. In the past, they had mainly engaged in minor conflicts, primarily in the north. The conflicts were minor, and they did not involve large-scale battles or massive armies.

This war is entirely a different story. It was a conflict that Barlia hadn’t experienced before, one that involves tens of thousands of men, new weapon technology, and extensive strategic planning. The stakes were high and survival of the kingdom was in jeopardy.

Jack had no choice but to accept Mark’s reasoning. After all, who is he to oppose the prince’s decision?

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Despite his initial unhappiness, Mark eventually gave him permission to assassinate Metternich, but only if the president made an attempt to flee. And that’s exactly what happened.

However, Mark also made it clear that Jack would have to open the city gate from the inside to allow the army to enter, as in the event of Metternich’s death, there would be two possibilities - either the city would surrender or it would choose to fight till the end.

In the latter case, it would consume more time to capture the city and the Barlia would suffer more losses. Therefore, opening the city gate from the inside would facilitate a quicker conquest while also minimising casualties on their side.

"I’m pretty sure evaluation points on Victor would be deducted by a few points," said Jack as he threw away the blood-soaking robe. He made his way out of the Presidential Mansion, avoiding any patrols or guards who might be on the lookout for suspicious activity.

He made his way to the city gate through the darkened city. The streets of Vofors were eerily quiet and empty, with only the occasional sound of a dog barking or a horse neighing in the distance.

Having been stationed in Vofors for two years, Jack knew the city well. He was familiar with all the back alleys and shortcuts, and he used this knowledge to make his way to the east gate unnoticed. He kept to the moving in shadows, avoiding any contact with the patrols as he made his way to the East gate.

"There it is." Jack arrives at his destination, the east gate. He could feel the tension in the air growing thicker. He knew that if he were caught, it would be the end for him. Nonetheless, the adrenaline started to pump through his veins. The thrill of the challenge excited him.

The gate was tall and was made entirely out of stone. It had large wooden doors that were reinforced with metal bands and bolts, ensuring that they would be difficult to breach. There were two massive stone towers on either side of the gate, both of which were equipped with archer positions for defence.

He examined the area around the gate and noticed the presence of a few guards patrolling the area. According to his prior investigation, Jack knew that the patrolling guards followed a strict and complicated schedule.

They rotated in shifts of four and there were always at least two guards on duty at any given time. The guards were well-equipped with swords, shields and armour. They walked steadily in a precise formation, with one guard leading the way and the other following closely behind. Every now and then, they paused to survey their surrounding and make sure everything was in order.

Although their movement path may appear random to the casual observer, it’s actually not. Jack only had to spend a few months observing them from a distance, noting the various paths they took, the length of time they remained at each location and the number of guards in each group to find their movement pattern.

Looking at the starry sky, Jack realized he had arrived too early and would have to wait for dawn to approach. Opening the gate too early had no meaning if Barlia’s army is unaware of it. Thus, he waited patiently in the shadows.


Finally, Jack saw his opportunity as the first light of dawn started to break through the darkness. The guards had just left the gate and were moving down a side street, near his position.

He acted quickly since he was aware that his window of opportunity was small. He quickly approaches them from behind. Without a bit of hesitation, his left hand covered the guard’s mouth, his remaining hand ruthlessly slice his throat with his dagger.

"Urk!" The poor guard didn’t manage to utter a single word before meeting his end.


A lifeless body collapse to the ground. Jack was quick to act by rushing toward the remaining guard and piercing his heart.

He hurriedly hide their bodies before quickly stripped them of their uniforms and put them on. He made sure the helmets fit properly before taking a deep breath to calm his nerves.

With the guards’ uniforms on, Jack strode confidently to the gate. As he approached the gate, he quickly scanned the area. The guards inside were on high alert as they inspected weapons and equipment. Jack could see that they were still unaware of Vofors army’s defeat.

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Despite the tense atmosphere, Jack remained calm and tried not to draw attention to himself. He made his way through the area as he did his research beforehand.

As everyone was busy, he quickly found the mechanism to open the gate that was on the side of the gatehouse. The mechanism was an old, rusted lever that had to be pulled down to open the gate.

He strained his ears to listen to what the guards were saying, and he could discern their words with ease.

"Barlia has been spotted!" one of the guards shouted.

"Get ready!" another guard yelled. "The enemy is coming!"

Knowing the time is right, Jack approached it cautiously.

Just then, a voice came behind him, "Hey! What are you doing?"

He turns around to see a relatively old guard staring at him. He calmly replied while walking closer to the guard. "Me? Nothing. Just hanging around."

The guard, however, feels something odd about Jack. His eyes narrowed in suspicion. He instinctively reached for the sword at his waist while maintaining eye contact between them. "You’re lying. What are you doing by the gate?"

Jack sigh, frustration boiling up inside of him. "Not again." He unsheathed his sword in one swift motion and wave it toward the old guard.


The old guard was taken aback but quick to parry. Nevertheless, he still stumbled backwards. After regaining his footing, two men circled each other warily with eyes locked in a fierce stare.

Jack knew he couldn’t afford to waste any more time so he lunged forward at the old guard. His blow was parried and the old guard tried to strike back. Jack dodged the attack, causing the old guard’s sword to slice the air instead.

He went on the offensive again, this time aiming for the stomach. But the old guard took one step back, narrowly avoiding the sword which passed by a hair-width gap.

The two men continue to exchange blows for a couple of minutes. Their swords rang out in a symphony of steel.

Jack felt his heart racing as he repeatedly attempts to land a blow against his opponent.

Finally, he saw an opening. With a quick flick of his wrist, he sent the guard’s sword flying out of his hand. His leg kicks the old guard to the ground. Jack took advantage of the moment to reduce the distance between them.

"Die!" he said in his voice low before plunging his sword into the old guard’s chest.

Jack sheathed his sword and refocused on his main objective. He pulled down the lever slowly. In doing so, he felt the resistance of the rusted metal.

After a few moments of exerting force, the lever finally gave way and the gate started to creak open. The guards were caught off guard by the sudden opening of the gate.

They were taken aback, looking at each other in disbelief as they realized what had just happened. Before anybody reached the gate to check, Jack had already retreated to the city and disappeared into maze-like streets.

On the outside of the city, Victor gazes at the opened gate with contemplated looks. As someone who holds a high position in the army, he naturally knows what this means.

He has been helped.

"General, should we rush in?" asked Caelirun.

"Uhm. Let’s not waste this opportunity."

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