Restart:Untalented Man Chapter 201 Saving Wemeywesto

After four days of an arduous journey, the gate of Wemeywesto City finally came into their sight. Without further ado, the commanding officer ordered the soldiers to quicken their pace despite their bodies having grown weary and their feet ached with each step. He is not a single bit worried about the possibility of getting attacked.

As thousands of soldiers suddenly appear at their doorstep, the garrison couldn’t help but become tense. The gate was shut down immediately. Each of them readied their weapon to attack the approaching army at the moment of notice.

"Halt!!" Someone shouted from the top of the wall. "State your identity and purpose here. If you don’t, we’ll consider you as an enemy."

The shout echoed out from the top of the wall, causing the soldiers to abruptly stopped. They looked up to see a guard peering down at them. The commanding officer stepped forward, "We are soldiers of Ryntum sent by our king to provide military help to you."

"Ryntum?" The guard’s face brightens up. His tone softened and nodded in understanding, "I apologize for my earlier hostility. We are all tensed up because of the attack launched by Barlia a few days ago."

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"I can see that." The commanding officer swiftly examined the scene, noticing the damaged section of the wall and the strewn-about debris. "Can you let us in now?"

"Yes, of course. I’ll open the gates for you now." With that, the gate creaked open, and the soldiers of Ryntum marched into the city of Weymewesto.

Despite the tension and fear that hung over the city, there was a sense of relief and excitement among the people there. The arrival of the reinforcements was a welcome sight to them. However, the commanding officer soon noticed that the city seems deserted.

He immediately called Basil and Wilmot for confirmation. "Did the city always have a lot more buildings than people?"

"Not that we are aware of. Probably the people ran because of the war," replied Basil.

"I see, that’ll make our job easier." He said. "Anyway, let’s meet King Niall first. Make sure you stay quiet and don’t do anything." The commanding officer led the soldiers towards the grand palace in the heart of the city.

Despite the devastation in the city, the palace remained untouched. The commanding officer entered the throne room alone, leaving Basil and Wilmot with the soldiers.

The throne hall was grand, with intricate designs on the walls and high ceilings that seemed to reach the sky. The king’s throne sat at the far end of the hall, elevated on a platform and adorned with jewels and gold.

"Your Majesty," the commanding officer said as he bowed, "We come from Ryntum to assist you in defending your kingdom in this time of need."

Niall who sat on the throne looked relieved, "Thank you for coming, soldiers of Ryntum. We really appreciate your help. Our city is short of soldiers to guard the city. Most of them were killed while defending Barlia’s attack."

"Is that so?" The commanding officer asked solemnly. His eyes quickly scanned the throne hall. Aside from Niall, there are his courtiers, advisors, and nobles surrounding him. He assures the king to not worry, "We will do everything in our power to protect your kingdom, Your Majesty."

"So, what’s your plan?" Philip asked. He’s not in a very good mood ever since he had to let go of the port town of Caushilbo. The prime minister has been waiting to recapture the town and Ryntum’s army came at the right time.

The commanding officer replied, "We plan to bolster the city’s defence and send scouts to the captured towns to investigate the enemy’s strength. If we could recapture Caushilbo, it would be a great advantage for us as Barlia’s supply line would get disrupted."

Philip nodded, agreeing with his train of thought. "Very well. We’ll try our best to provide you with any resource you need so just asked."

"I will, Mr Prime Minister. I will." The commanding officer reassures Philip.

As the commanding officer exited the throne hall, he was approached by two rebel leaders waiting outside.

"How’re the talks going? What’s next?" Wilmot impatiently asked. He’s been trying so hard to infiltrate the city before. Never he expected that he could get in so easily. It’s all thanks to the war.

"The talks were successful," the commanding officer replied. "Now, it’s time for you to shine. I want you to lead a portion of Ryntum’s soldiers to take over the city defence. I’m talking about walls, gates, towers, armoury and food storages."

"Do we have to kill the city garrison?" Basil asked.

The commanding officer shook his head, "No, we won’t be spilling blood unnecessarily. However, if they retaliate, feel free to eliminate them. Just make sure to do it discreetly."

The three of them quickly set the plan into action. Ryntum soldiers began to take control of the city’s defences, positioning themselves strategically at walls, gates towers, armoury and food storages.

They are able to take over and gained control of each part of the city without causing any alarm. As their intention becomes clearer to the guards, some of them try to fight back but are quickly silenced.

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By the end of the day, Ryntum soldiers and the rebels’ army had total control over the city with the exception of patrol teams, nobles’ private soldiers and the king’s royal guards.

All of this happens without alerting the king and his courtiers.

The three people who are responsible for the hostile takeover regroup. The commanding officer speaks, "I’m planning to gather all the high-ranking people in the city tonight to brief them about the inspection and results found by scouts today."

Basil was a bit sceptical, "Would they really gather just because you asked them?"

"Oh, they will." He reassured Basil. "They’re desperate enough to turn the current situation around. That being said, I want the rebels to come with me to the palace tonight."



Night befalls the city. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a pale, ghostly light over the empty streets of the city. Only patrol teams can be seen walking around in the streets. The city was quiet, almost deserted, with most of its inhabitants having fled to safety.

It has always been this way ever since the invasion started. However, tonight was slightly different. The patrol guards who peacefully doing their job suddenly found their mouths covered. As they struggled to escape or speak, a cold and sharp weapon ran through their neck from left to right. Soon, their muffled voices faded away along with their bodies.

At the palace, the commanding officer was having an audience with the king, his courtiers, and other high-ranking officials. The room was lit by the chandeliers hanging at the top, casting flickering shadows on the walls.

"What do you want to say, sir?" Niall asked with a tinge of annoyance in his voice. He obviously did not like being summoned for a meeting so late in the night.

The commanding commander announced, "I apologize for summoning you at such a late hour, Your Majesty. However, I have finished my inspection regarding the city’s defences. As you are all aware, we are at war, and the security of this city and its inhabitants is crucial. Moreover, I have news to tell you about the survivability of your kingdom."

"Please, Sir. Make it quick." Niall yawned, clearly tired and sleepy. The same goes for the nobles. Only Philip straighten up his back and give his full attention.

"Of course, Your Majesty," the commanding officer replied with a respectful nod. "Firstly, I want to assure you all that the entire city is now under Ryntum’s control. We have taken control of the city’s defences and anything essential such as walls, gates, towers, armoury, and food storage. Although we receive some resistance from your soldiers, it wasn’t too much of an effort to kill them."

All people in the throne hall exchange glances with each other. A frown formed on their face, feeling weird about his report.

Niall interjected, "Wait, wait, wait! W-What are you talking about?" A stiff smile from on the king’s face. He refuses to believe the report and wants it to be considered a joke.

"I think I’ve said it clearly enough. Ryntum has taken over this city."

Philip steps forward, eyes on the commanding officer. "Sir, I don’t think it is good to make this kind of joke."

"Unfortunately, I’m not joking."


A door to the throne room was open. Two figures walk in, fully dressed in armour.

Philip clenched his jaw the moment he see them. "Basil...Wilmot..." He muttered in a low voice but was heard by everybody else. He turns to the commanding officer, asking him angrily. "How can a kingdom stoop so slow and collude with rebels?!"

Basil answered instead, "Why can’t we? We want revenge and they want the city. I think it’s a good deal." He didn’t forget to brandish his sword.

"I’ll leave all of them to you, the rebels as per our deal." The commanding officer stood up and walked toward the door.

Both Basil and Wilmot simply nodded their heads.

As he exited the door, the rebels rushed in. Despite the closed door, the sounds of screams and swords clashing were audible to the commanding officer.

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