Restart:Untalented Man Chapter 207 Moving South, Moving West

Nedideters changed ownership for the second time this year, and Braun, stationed at Greroy, remained oblivious to this development. Little did he know that Ryntum had entered the war, establishing their presence in the land across the gulf. f𝚛𝚎𝗲we𝗯𝗻ovel.𝐜om

In the week preceding the naval bombardment of the port town by Ryntum’s navy, the general has gradually transferred ten thousand soldiers from Tetherswest to Greroy.

Having faced difficulties and time constraints in capturing Tetherswest, he aimed to employ these soldiers to conquer another location beforehand.

Consequently, only eleven thousand soldiers were left to continue the siege on the city.

At present, the number of soldiers Braun has swelled to twenty-two thousand, with seventeen thousand comprising the army and the remaining five thousand serving as sailors. They mainly roam around the town, waiting for the next command from their general.

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Their presence however cast a dark shadow over the town. The once vibrant and lively town is now stood subdued under the weight of occupation. The bustling streets had become desolate. Shops closed their door and the locals shut themselves in the house, afraid of coming out.

At the centre of the town, General Braun sat in his command tent, poring over maps before him. The next target would be Napuna in the south. His long-time friend, Wagner joined him in cooking a plan.

"How do you think we should attack the city?" Wagner asked. He continues, "It’s the former capital of Bagyarosia so the defence shouldn’t be easy to breach like Tetherwest."

Braun, still staring at the map replied, "It’s not the same, Napuna is relatively easy to capture. Unlike Tehterswest, Napuna wasn’t surrounded by land in all directions. The city has a port where we can use to rush in."

"Instead of concentrating our force on one side, we should attack Napuna from both land and sea. That way the enemy has no choice but to divide their forces into two. This will create confusion and weaken their defences. It’s a bit risky manoeuvre, but it could give us a significant advantage."

Braun considered Wagner’s suggestion carefully, his brow furrowed with concentration. "You have a point, Wagner," he replied. "But, it will require precise coordination between our army and navy."

Wagner nodded, "Worry not, Braun. We have the advantage of surprise on our side. The enemy didn’t know our navy has slipped in. While they are focusing their attention on you, we will capture the port and cause confusion among their rank."

Braun and Wagner deeper into their discussion. They outlined the intricacies of their dual assault, assigning specific tasks to their army and navy. They meticulously planned their action in order to maximise the element of surprise. Slowly, their plan took shape.


The crimson red flag billowed proudly atop the highest point of Wemeywesto, capturing the attention of all who laid their eyes upon it. Its bold hue stood out against the backdrop of the sky, symbolizing a change in power. It marked the beginning of a new chapter in its history.

The inhabitants of Weymewesto felt a mix of emotions. For some, the sight of the crimson flag evokes a sense of security and safety for them and their families. Others may have felt a pang of sadness, knowing that the Kingdom of Baygarosia has ceased to exist.

"So, are we now citizens of Ryntum?" asked one of the elders, voicing the question that was on many people’s thoughts.

Standing in front of the gathered crowd, the commanding officer addressed the concern with a reassuring smile. "Indeed," he began, "By the decree of King Ryntum, Wemeywesto is now part of his realm. As I mentioned last week, your safety is guaranteed. Ryntum will do whatever it takes to drive the invaders out of this land."

A wave of relief washed over the crowd as the officer’s words resonated with them.

The past week had been marked by a series of unsettling events and upheavals.

Ryntum soldiers filled the streets of Wemeywesto, barging house by house, building by building, establishment by establishment to search for any signs of suspicious activities.

Every day, numerous people were captured and detained for being suspected of espionage or colluding with the enemy. The captured people were taken to prison for interrogations.

Some returned home while some was no longer been seen. Rumours started circulating among the citizens about their disappearance. However, nobody knows the exact truth.

The thing that stands out the most is how almost all the remaining members of the deceased nobles were related to espionage activities.

Regardless of gender or age, they were all captured and imprisoned which leaves the people bewildered.

A mix of fear and suspicion rose in everyone’s mind but no one dare to open their mouth.

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After the successful hunt for the hiding spies in Wemeywesto, a newfound sense of peace settled over the city. Normalcy was restored as everything returned to its usual state. People resumed their daily routines, no longer burdened by the lurking shadows and danger.

With the eradication of the Blackoutspy network, the commanding officer can now focus on the order he just receive from the capital. The king had issued a clear order for their forces to swiftly proceed to the west and render assistance to the beleaguered Tetherswest city.

Upon receiving this crucial directive, the commanding officer promptly summoned Wilmot and Basil.

"Why do you call us?" Basil asked with curiosity.

The commanding officer waved the letter in his hand. "I receive the letter from the capital. We were to proceed immediately to the west and provide assistance to the city of Tetherswest which is being besieged by Blande as we speak."

Basil asked, "Why don’t we attack Harlington? It’s much closer to us. I’m sure we can catch them off guard."

"Well, we do have a chance to capture the city. But, then what? Can we keep it?"

Basil pondered on the question before ending up shaking his head, "Probably not. They can repeatedly attack the port and we’ll consume a lot of resources to defend it."

"Exactly," The commanding officer nods approvingly.

"How strong is their army?" Wilmot asked.

"Don’t know." The commanding officer shrugged. "The last information we got is that they have a twenty-five thousand strong army."

"Hmm..." Wilmot muttered, breaking the silence. "Twenty-five thousand... that’s several times larger than we could muster. At most, we are capable of assembling, eleven thousand."

"Oh! You got it wrong, Wilmot." The commanding officer interrupted. "We are not to go there and fight them head-on. Rather, we are to harass them and let the Tetheswest do the heavy lifting."

Wilmot nod. "I understand now." In order for Blande to siege the city, they had to split up their forces, blocking all routes which are far from each other. As such, harassing them won’t pose any problem. "So, when are we departing?" He asked.

"Not me, but you." The commanding officer pointed his finger at Wilmot. "Take...Hmm, let’s see...Six thousand of Ryntum’s soldiers and rush to Tetherswest. As for the rebel soldiers, they will stay here training and guarding the city. They are not yet ready for the war."

Wilmot’s eyes widened in surprise but quickly recovered. He nodded firmly, "I will gather the troops immediately and make our way to Tetherswest without delay."

He quickly turned on his heels and exited the room, leaving Basil and the commanding officer behind.

"I’m surprised that the king entrusted Wilmot to lead this mission," Basil said.

"What’s so weird about it? It’s not like the king and both of you have enmity toward each other. Considering that he has taken you in, it seems only logical to employ your skills to their fullest extent."

Basil sighed, "I guess you’re right."

At the barrack, the news of their deployment spread quickly among the troops. Soldiers hurriedly gathered their gear, checked their weapons, and made preparations for the upcoming campaign. Each component of their rifles was meticulously inspected to ensure they were in optimal condition.

Excitement and anticipation filled them as they were eager to put their new standard-issue rifles to use. It is such a shame that they don’t get a chance to use it when taking over the city. The rifles represented a significant improvement in efficiency and firepower.

A few hours later, the sun began to set, creating a breathtaking spectacle unfolded across the sky. The radiant hues of orange and pink painted the horizon. Red banners fluttered in the wind.

The soldiers stood tall and resolute, lined up in a straight line. Their red uniforms are illuminated by the vibrant colours of the sunset, intensifying the hues of the said colour.

The army of Ryntum, led by Wilmot set forth on their march to Tetherswest. The rhythmic sound of marching boots echoed as the army embarked on a week’s journey to free the duke and his city from Blande.

The commanding officer and Basil stood among the people of Weymewesto, silently watching them disappear into the horizon.

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