Restart:Untalented Man Chapter 213 Extorting House Of Hagen Part I

Jareth’s stern gaze bore into the butler. "No place in is truly safe or exempt from the war. Not Ryntum, not Barlia, and not Blande either. You wage this war and expect to be safe from it? How laughable."

The butler’s voice quivered as he spoke, "Please, sir, I implore you to consider your decision. We’re are only the innocent lives who are residing on this island."

"No." The admiral shook his head. "You guys are already aware of our presence in this region. Who knows if you guys would act as eyes for Blande? We better be safe than sorry and take you with us."

The butler’s face fell, realizing the futility of his plea. He was aware that trying to fight them would be a pointless thing to do. Reluctantly, he nodded, signalling his compliance.

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Jareth swiftly issued orders to his subordinates, instructing them to escort the residents of the villa to the awaiting ship. As the residents were guided towards the ship, their expressions displayed a mix of confusion and anxiety.

Once everyone was aboard the ship, the admiral ordered the fleet to set sail, leaving behind the now-deserted villa and the island.

The ships sailed through the open waters. Their course is set towards the larger island where the Hagen family resides.

The fleet reached the waters surrounding the island a few hours later. Admiral Jareth gazed upon the bustling scene of maritime activity. The strategic island, known as a trading hub, was a vibrant nexus of commerce and exchange. Tall masts of merchant ships dotted the port. Their sails unfurled as they embarked on their voyages to distant lands.

Admiral Jareth gathered his trusted officers for a strategic meeting. A map of the island spread out before them.

"Gentlemen, our objective is simple. We will surround the island and establish a naval blockade. Cut off their access to external trade and ensure no merchant ships can enter or leave."

"Do we plan to capture this island, sir?" asked one of the captains.

"No, we are going to extort the money out of them."

"Why?" He asked again.

"Because they’re the biggest suppliers of food to the Blande army in the south. Also, the equipment, weapons, medicine and many more were gathered here before being sent to the south for their soldiers to use." explained the admiral.

"Ahh!" The captain nods understandably. "By disrupting the supply chain, we can weaken their military strength in the south, giving an edge to our fellow soldiers."

"Exactly, captain."

Jareth got an idea when he delved deeper into the political dynamics of Blande. He discovered the growing tension between the House of Hagen and the other influential families.

The one who gives the most opposition to this campaign is the House of Hagen. The Hagens fiercely protect their interests, unwilling to change the status quo or relinquish their control over the industry that has been the source of their wealth and influence.

They view this as an attempt by the other six families to break Hagen’s long-held dominance in agriculture. And they’re not pleased by it.

Recognizing this as an opportunity, he formulated a daring plan to exploit their internal strife.

The fleet was divided into three main units. Unit One would position their ships to the east of the island, effectively blocking any merchant vessels attempting to enter from that direction. Unit Two would anchor to the northwest, cutting off access to the city of Herne. Lastly, Unit Three would secure the southern waters, preventing any maritime escape routes.

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All three units assumed their designated positions around the island. Meanwhile, the flagship carries the admiral and the villa’s servants cruised into the island’s main port. The cityscape came into view.

The building was a tapestry of diverse architectural styles, adorned with intricate carvings and colourful facades that stood as symbols of wealth and success. Bustling marketplaces lined up neatly at the shoreline, filled with the vibrant energy of traders, sailors, and locals.

Alleyways branched out from the waterfront, leading to a labyrinth of streets where shops and stalls beckoned passersby with their wares.

The island’s prosperity was evident.

The warship’s presence is impossible to ignore, drawing the gaze of onlookers and causing a ripple of unease among the city’s inhabitants. Merchants paused their transactions, fishermen halted their tasks and even the seagulls circling overhead muted their cries.

The streets that were once abuzz with the sounds of commerce and conversation fell into an uneasy hush.

Admiral Jareth called for the butler from the vacation villa.

The butler, still visibly shaken, made his way onto the ship’s deck. His mind raced with questions, unsure of why he had been summoned. "S-Sir, what did you call me for?" He stammered.

"Butler, I want you to call the Head of Hagen here and meet me. If he refuses to come, I will blow this port to smithereens," ordered Jareth.

The butler’s eyes widened in alarm at Admiral Jareth’s words. From the admiral’s expression, he doesn’t seem to be joking. The butler responded with a nod, "U-Understood, sir. I will call Lord Hugo for you."

Leaving the ship, the butler’s strides quickened as he rushed through the bustling streets to the mansion located far deeper in the city. Seeing him come down from the warship, people parted ways to make room for him. They can sense the urgency in his demeanour.

He navigated through winding alleys until he reached the grand mansion of the House of Hagen. The imposing structure stood as a testament to the family’s wealth and influence.

The butler approached the imposing entrance of the Hagen mansion. The grand gates stood tall and sturdy, guarded by stern-looking men clad in armour.

"This is the Mansion of Hagen. Who are you and what is your business here?" he inquired, his voice filled with authority.

"I’m a butler from Hagen’s Vacation Island. I’m here to speak with Lord Hugo." the butler replied.

The guard’s eyes narrowed as he scrutinized the butler. "You expect us to believe in your words alone? How can we be certain of your identity?"

The butler’s heart sank. He currently had nothing on him to prove his affiliation.

Seeing the man in front of them panic, the guards have no reason to keep him around and simply chase him.

Desperate to convey the urgency of the situation, the butler fell to his knees, pleading with the guard. "Please, I understand your doubts, but lives are at stake. If I am not allowed to meet Lord Hugo, many innocent people will die."

The guards hesitated. It’s kinda weird to see someone begging them on their knees. They exchange glances with each other.

After a moment of deliberation, one of them reluctantly entered the mansion, seeking someone who could confirm the butler’s identity.

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