Restart:Untalented Man Chapter 221 Morning Clash Part I

The first light of dawn peeked over the horizon, awakening the world from its slumber. The sky, painted in a hue of soft orange, showcased the arrival of a new day. The air held a crisp freshness, carrying the gentle whispers of nature. As the sun rose higher, its warm rays stretched across the land and caressed the region.

Inside the camp, the echoes of preparations could be heard. The clanking of weapons being readied and the muffled conversations between comrades proved the hive of activity on the Ryntum side.

Shortly thereafter, the soldiers emerge from the camp and stood in formation. Their faces are etched with both focus and apprehension. Banners billowed proudly, displaying the colours and symbols of their kingdom.

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Wilmot sits high on his horse, exuding an air of authority. His eyes scanned the horizon with sharp eyes before stopping at the sight of Blande’s camp. "Hmm...We need to get closer to the city and let them know of our presence. I believe they’re smart enough to know what to do next."

He then turned to his soldiers with a commanding voice. "Forward, men! Advance towards the enemy camp!"

The ground trembled beneath as the soldiers advanced towards the enemy camp. The rhythmic sound of marching feet filled the air, creating an imposing cadence that resonated with the spirit of the army.

With every stride, the gap between them and their enemy grew shorter. The tension in the air was palpable.

The Blande forces, aware of the impending attack, stood poised and ready to receive the enemy. Each of the frontline soldiers was equipped with heavy armour and a thick shield. A lesson was learned from the last night’s attack.

Both sides stood at a stalemate, a moment frozen in time as the two armies locked eyes. The sound of heavy breathing and the shifting of feet echoed through the stillness.

As the sun climbs higher in the sky, the metallic gleam of rifles caught the light.

Wilmot barked his order, "Ready!..."

The soldiers quickly took their positions, awaited for the command to shoot. Their discipline and training are evident in their precise movements.

The drummers in the back set the pace. Their steady beats resonated through the ranks, instilling a sense of unity.

"...Fire!" As the order was given, a thunderous roar erupted from the Ryntum ranks.

The crackling of gunfire pierced the air, creating a symphony of chaos and destruction. Bullets whizzed through the air, finding their targets with deadly precision. The battlefield was shrouded in smoke, obstructing sightlines for everyone.

Amidst the chaos of gunfire and smoke, the Blande army seized the opportunity created by the obscured vision. "Advance forward!" Kurt shouts at the top of his lung.

The Blande soldiers, armed with blades and spears, closed in on the Ryntum forces and swiftly launch a close-range attack. A chaotic maelstrom of violence erupted on the battlefield as two armies collided.

The Blande soldiers, with their swords gleaming under the sunlight, charged forward with primal ferocity. They swung with deadly precision, seeking to carve their way through the Ryntum ranks.

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In response, the Ryntum soldiers held their ground. They aimed their rifles and unleashed volleys of bullets upon their adversaries. The thunderous sound of gunfire once again reverberated across the battlefield, mixing with the anguished cries of the wounded.

However, the ferocity of Blande soldiers didn’t waver. They continue to engage with Ryntum troops in close-quarters combat, slashing and thrusting their blades.

Wilmot, seeing the battle tilted on the enemy side, ordered his Ryntum troops to take a step back. He wants his soldiers to create a distance between themselves and the enemy, regaining their range advantage once again.

As Wilmot’s command echoed across the chaotic battlefield, the Ryntum soldiers swiftly complied, taking a step back from the swirling melee.

Kurt, on the other side, recognizing the significance of the situation, swiftly issued orders to the Blande soldiers. "Do not pursue them any further! Come back! Return to your original position!" he bellowed. His voice carries authority amidst the clamour of battle.

He understood the potential consequences if Blande moved too far from their location and pursue the enemy. The possibility of Ryntum seizing the opportunity to circumvent them and secure the northwest gate weighed heavily on his mind.

Kurt has been keeping his eye on the small group of cavalry on Ryntum’s side since the beginning of the war. The lack of movement from them only heightened his suspicion that they were biding their time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

He is not going to let both Ryntum and Tetherswest join hands together. If that happen, weeks of siege efforts by the Blande army would be rendered useless.

The Blande soldiers, though filled with the fervour of combat, obeyed Kurt’s command. They halted their advance and take a step back in an orderly manner. Their eyes never left the retreating enemy in front of them.

Wilmot, observing the Blande soldiers retreating from their position. A significant distance has been created. As such, he told them to stop retreating and readied their weapon.

"Ryntum soldiers, take aim!" Wilmot’s voice rang out once again, urging them to go offensive.

The Ryntum troops swiftly obeyed, shouldering their firearms and aligning their sights with precision. With a resounding volley, a hail of bullets was unleashed upon the Blande soldiers.

The impact of the first volley of bullets tore through their ranks. The Blande forces faltered but their rank isn’t collapsing from that. The heavy armour soldiers were quick to tighten the gap and covered their fellow soldiers from the attack.

"They have taken a passive stance. Move! Move!" shouted Wilmot. The Ryntum soldiers slowly pressed forward, while firing in unison. They are careful to not get too close.

Blande soldiers were forced to retreat to the vicinity of their own camp.

Meanwhile, in the city of Tetherswest, the garrison atop the walls watched the battle unfold. It was an unexpected turn of events. They quickly relayed the news to their superiors about the presence of the Ryntum army.

Word spread like wildfire among the Tetherswest defenders, igniting a renewed sense of hope and determination to break away from the siege.

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