Restart:Untalented Man Chapter 233 Steam Locomotive— Test Run Part II

As they settled in, the locomotive’s engine continued its rhythmic chugging, signalling it was ready to depart.

Gradually, the locomotive picked up speed, and the once stationary scenery outside transformed into a mesmerizing blur of vibrant colours and shifting shapes.

Lush green fields, once static, now swept past Riz’s window in a breathtaking display. The wind, unleashed by the speeding train, brushed against Riz’s face gently but invigoratingly, awakening his senses to the exhilarating journey unfolding before him.

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Riz turned to Arnold who is sitting beside him. Curiosity gleamed in his eyes. "Arnold, tell me more about the capabilities of this locomotive. How fast can it go?"

Arnold smiled, eager to share the technical details. "Your Majesty, this locomotive has been carefully engineered for remarkable performance. It is designed to reach up to forty kilometres per hour, allowing for efficient transportation between our cities and towns. However, with further improvements, we believe we can push its limits even further."

King Riz nodded, impressed by the speed it offer. At least it is much better than riding a horse carriage for days. "And what about its carrying capacity? How many passengers or cargo can it accommodate?"

"Your Majesty, this locomotive can comfortably accommodate up to one hundred passengers. In terms of cargo..." Arnold pondered momentarily, "It’s hard to make an accurate estimation without testing it first. However, I can safely say it is capable of transporting between three or four thousand kilograms loads of goods." 𝚏r𝐞𝗲𝚠eb𝚗o𝐯

Riz leaned back in his seat, absorbing the information. "Hmm...That’s a pretty good start. With that speed, we can probably cover the distance between Bideford and Baroks in five to six hours. Once the service is open to the public, it will be the main choice for both efficient passenger transportation and the movement of valuable cargo."

Arnold nodded in agreement. His eyes brightened with enthusiasm. "Indeed, Your Majesty. The potential benefits of a railway system are immense. It will reduce the transportation cost and time travel significantly. Can I assume that you plan to start the railway operation to the south first?"

"Yes," He nodded, "Kingdom of Inver is our important trading partner after all. We should build a station at Portsbury as well. By the way, how long does this track go?"

"We have only managed to lay down approximately twenty kilometres of track. As per your suggestion, we make sure the inside edges of the rails are 1,435 millimetres apart."

The king nodded thoughtfully. That’s the standard gauge for most railways worldwide back on Earth.

As the locomotive continued its journey, the two of them engaged in further conversation, discussing the finer technical aspects of the locomotive’s construction. The rhythmic sound of the engine provided a comforting backdrop to their discussion.

Among the topic they talk about was Arnold’s vision for the future locomotive.

"What we are riding right now is too small and too slow. I have been envisioning a steam locomotive of greater size and power. With a larger boiler and additional driving wheels, we could significantly increase the hauling capacity and overall efficiency of the locomotive."

Riz listened attentively, not a bit surprised by that idea. In fact, he believes they are capable of building far more advanced steam locomotives than the one is riding right now.

However, it would be unwise to suddenly skip several steps ahead. He wants all of his citizens to catch up with the technological progress.

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"Arnold, I appreciate your vision and enthusiasm for innovation. However, let us not be hasty. Our immediate priority should be the establishment of a comprehensive railway network that connects our cities, towns, and ports. Let people get to know about trains first."

Arnold nodded, acknowledging Riz’s words. "You are right, Your Majesty. The railway network should indeed be our primary focus. required significant manpower to make it happen."

Riz continued, "We have a unique opportunity before us, Arnold. The influx of refugees into our kingdom brings a vast pool of potential labour force. These people left their homes and lost everything. I’m sure they are willing to work for a cheaper wage."


As the test ride neared its conclusion, the locomotive gradually came to a stop. It was a success. No malfunction happen during the journey.

Riz, Arnold and other passengers disembarked from the locomotive with satisfaction beaming their faces.

The sun reached its zenith. Its radiant illuminated the clearing where the test had taken place, casting long shadows from the stationary locomotive.

Riz looked around, taking in the vast expanse of cleared land that lay before him.

With a gracious smile, he approached the gathered crowd of engineers, researchers, reporters and workers. Everyone seems eager to hear his opinion on this innovation.

After taking a moment to clear his throat, Riz opens his mouth. His voice carried through the air as he addressed them with admiration and appreciation.

"Today, we have witnessed the birth of a new era, a testament to human ingenuity and innovation. I stand before all of you, as a king, to express my deepest gratitude for your unwavering dedication and tireless efforts in inventing this remarkable method of transportation."

He continues, "Through your perseverance and brilliance, we have unlocked a path to progress and connectivity. This locomotive represents the beginning of a transformative journey for our kingdom, where long distances will be bridged and opportunities will flourish."

A resounding cheer rose from the crowd, echoing in the stillness of the empty land.

With the speech concluded, Riz climbed into his awaiting carriage, bidding farewell to the gathered crowd. The horses began their steady trot, carrying him back to his office.

The rhythmic clip-clop of the horses’ hooves filled his ears while the wind, coming from the half-opened window tousled his hair.

Riz sat back in his plush seat. His mind was abuzz with ideas for the train station, carefully considering the myriad factors that might involve in constructing it since he know that congestion will inevitability happen since it was located in the capital.

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