Restart:Untalented Man Chapter 300 Conversation With Benjamin

The peaceful atmosphere of the waiting room was abruptly interrupted by a sudden commotion outside. Voices of maids filled the air, their tones filled with concern and urgency.

"Your Highness, please be careful or you will fall!" one voice exclaimed, laced with a sense of urgency and caution. The words echoed through the room, causing both Audrey and Dorothy to exchange curious glances.

"What’s going on outside?" Audrey asked, her voice filled with curiosity and concern.

Dorothy kind of guess what is happening. Nevertheless, she still stepped towards the entrance of the waiting room to investigate the source of the commotion.

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As the doors swung open, the scene unfolded before them. A young child, dressed in fine garments befitting royalty, teetered precariously on his feet. The maids surrounding the child anxiously tried to steady them, their expressions filled with a mixture of concern and relief.

The boy’s energetic movements and carefree demeanour caught Audrey’s attention, causing her to pause and observe him intently. His golden hair shimmered in the soft light, and his piercing red eyes seemed to hold a spark of curiosity and mischief.

It was a striking resemblance to the descriptions she had heard of Prince Baldwin.

The child’s gaze met Audrey’s, and for a brief moment, time seemed to stand still.

Their eyes locked.

Audrey’s surprise and intrigue were evident in her widened eyes, but she maintained her composure, offering the young boy a warm smile.

As the maids finally managed to stabilize the child, he broke free from their grasp and take a few steps toward Audrey.

His small hand reached out as if beckoning her to come closer. There was an undeniable curiosity in his gaze.

The boy’s voice came out in a sweet, innocent tone, his words reflecting his tender age. "Whoo awe you? I nevew seen you befow," he asked, his voice filled with curiosity and wonder.

Audrey smiled warmly at the young child, understanding his limited vocabulary. "My name is Audrey. I’m here to meet with the prince."

The boy’s eyes sparkled with excitement as he exclaimed, "You want to meet fathew?" he asked, struggling to pronounce the words correctly.

Audrey narrowed her eyes, her assumption proving correct. This boy was indeed Prince Baldwin’s son.

"Yes, you heard it right, Your Highness," Audrey replied, her voice gentle and warm. "By the way, what is your name, Your Highness?"

The boy beamed proudly, puffing out his chest. "Benjamin!" he announced, his pronunciation still adorable in its innocence.

Audrey nodded approvingly. "A good name, Benjamin. Why are you here anyway? Where’s your mother?"

Benjamin’s face lit up with innocence as he babbled, "Mama weading book. I sneak out," he confessed, his words a charming mix of baby talk and toddler gibberish. "Shhh, no teww anyone!"

Audrey couldn’t help but chuckle at the adorable babbling of the young prince. It was clear that Benjamin believed he had accomplished a great feat by venturing out on his own, even though he was accompanied by attentive maids who ensured his safety every step of the way.

Resting her hand on Benjamin’s tiny shoulder, Audrey replied with a warm smile, "Your secret is safe with me, Your Highness."

Benjamin’s curious eyes widened as he asked, "Where awe you fwom, Audrey?"

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Audrey’s gaze softened as she responded, "I come from the Kingdom of Ryntum."

Confusion flickered across Benjamin’s face as he questioned, "Wyntum? Whewe is that?"

Audrey gently explained, "Ryntum is a powerful kingdom in the south."

The young prince’s eyes widened in awe as he compared it to what he knew. "Powewful? Like Bawlia?"

Audrey paused for a moment, contemplating her response. While she could have explained the superior might of Ryntum, she decided to simply nod in agreement.

She didn’t want to shatter the innocent belief of the young prince at such a tender age. There would be plenty of time for him to learn about the complexities and conflicts of the world when he grew older.

"Yes, it’s as powerful as Barlia," she replied.

"But south of Bawlia is the ocean," Benjamin exclaimed with a puzzled expression.

Audrey smiled at his curiosity and replied, "I mean far south, across the Levianic Ocean, Your Highness."

Benjamin’s eyes widened in surprise. "That faw? Did you spend days on the ships, Auwdrey?"

Audrey nodded, her smile growing wider. "Yes, indeed. It was a long journey across the vast ocean. I can tell you all about it if you’d like."

The young prince’s eyes sparkled with excitement as he listened attentively to Audrey’s tales of distant lands and extraordinary adventures. His imagination was ignited, and he couldn’t help but be fascinated by the world beyond Bawlia’s borders.

"’Is thew south cold as here?" Benjamin asked, his eyes gleaming with curiosity.

Audrey pondered for a moment, searching for the best way to describe the southern lands to a young child. "South is warmer than the north," she began, using simple words. "The sun shines brighter and the sky looks bluer than the north. There are vast grassy field and tall trees that are always green."

Benjamin’s imagination took flight as he envisioned the wondrous sights Audrey described. He couldn’t help but smile, excited by the idea of a place so different from his own homeland.

"’Your Highness!" a voice interrupted their conversation, causing both Audrey and Benjamin to turn their heads. They saw Reina’s personal maid standing at the door, her breath ragged and panic etched on her face.

"Maltida!" Benjamin exclaimed with delight.

"Your mother is searching for you, Your Highness," Matilda said, her voice filled with concern.

The boy’s face instantly turned sour, disappointment evident in his expression. He had been enjoying his time chatting with Audrey, an outsider from a faraway land.

Reluctantly, he turned to Audrey and said, "I must go now, but maybe we can talk again latew."

Audrey smiled warmly, understanding his predicament. "Of course, Your Highness. It was a pleasure chatting with you."

Benjamin nodded and hurriedly made his way toward Matilda, casting one last longing glance at Audrey before disappearing through the door.

Audrey watched him go, a sense of fondness and curiosity lingering in her thoughts.

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