Restart:Untalented Man Chapter 304 Sea Battle


The sound of objects hitting the water reverberated through the air, splashing droplets in all directions. Somewhere in the middle of the ocean, a fierce battle was currently unfolding, the roar of cannons filling the air.

On the deck of a warship, Admiral Stormrider stood tall, his eyes fixed on the chaotic scene before him. His face revealed a mix of determination and focused intensity as he observed the movements of the enemy fleet.

"Their movement is so erratic and unpredictable, just like a rat scurrying here and there," Admiral Stormrider commented, his voice laced with a tinge of annoyance.

He clenched his fists, his mind racing with strategies and countermeasures.

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The sea churned with turmoil as the ships of both nations clashed in a fierce struggle for dominance.

Despite the valiant efforts of Admiral Stormrider’s fleet, it seemed that the Barlian navy proved to be a formidable adversary. Their ships manoeuvred skillfully, slipping through gaps in the encirclement and launching devastating counterattacks.

"Sigh... Jareth was right," Admiral Stormrider muttered to himself, his voice barely audible amidst the cacophony of battle. "Fighting against Barlia’s navy is a tough job."

As the battle intensified, the wind whipped through their hair, carrying the scent of gunpowder and the salt of the sea. The bombardment didn’t stop, not even a second after the battle started.

"Sir!" a voice rang out amidst the chaos of battle, capturing Admiral Stormrider’s attention. He turned to face the source, a young officer with a determined expression.

"What is it?" the admiral responded, his voice cutting through the sounds of cannons and shouting.

"Some of the ships we suspected of carrying supplies have managed to escape!" the officer reported, a hint of frustration evident in his tone.

Admiral Stormrider’s brow furrowed as he processed the information.

"Don’t mind them. Let them go and forget about it," he commanded, his voice carrying a note of determination. "Chasing after those ships will only disturb our focus and weaken our current position."

The officer’s eyes widened in surprise, his frustration momentarily overridden by confusion. "But, sir, if they deliver their supplies to the enemy, it will bolster their forces," he argued, his voice filled with concern.

Admiral Stormrider’s response came with a resolute tone. "True, but it is too late to chase after them. We should leave it to the army to handle. Right now, we must make sure no more ships passed through us."

The officer nodded reluctantly, understanding the logic behind the admiral’s decision.

With each passing moment, the stakes grew higher. Lives hung in the balance, and the outcome of this battle held the potential to the outcome of the battle in Eikadir.

He knew that he had to find a way to turn the tides in his favour, to outmanoeuvre the enemy and secure a decisive victory. Admiral Stormrider’s eyes surveyed the turbulent seas, his mind calculating the best course of action.

"Forget encirclement, form a line formation instead! Block their path and unleash a continuous barrage of firepower!" his voice boomed across the deck.

The sailors swiftly carried out his commands, skillfully manoeuvring their ships into a strategic line formation. With each vessel positioned side by side, the fleet created an imposing wall of iron and wood, ready to unleash a devastating onslaught.

The expanded firing range allowed the fleet to rain down a relentless hail of cannon fire upon the enemy ships. The deafening roar of cannons filled the air as fiery projectiles sailed through the sky, crashing into the hulls of the opposing vessels.

The line formation provided a clear advantage, enabling the fleet to maximize their firepower without the risk of hitting their own ships.

On the other hand, the Barlian ships found themselves in a precarious situation.

In a desperate move, the Barlian ships veered to the left, hoping to find an opening and break free from the Ryntum fleet.

However, Admiral Stormrider anticipated their manoeuvre, swiftly ordering his ships to adjust their course and block their path. The Barlian ships were trapped once again, their escape thwarted.

Realizing the futility of their previous attempt, the Barlian ships changed direction, this time veering to the right.

But to their dismay, the Ryntum fleet mirrored their every move, effectively cutting off their intended path of escape. He left no room for the Barlians to manoeuvre.

In the end, the Barlian ships made a daring decision. They split their fleet, hoping to divide the attention of the Stormrider’s forces.

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Admiral Stormrider anticipated this move as well. He ordered his fleet to split accordingly, aiming to maintain control over the entire battlefield. But, this move unintentionally left the centre of his formation vulnerable and open.

Seizing the opportunity, the Barlian ships carrying vital supplies recognized the gap in the Stormrider’s formation. They saw a chance to break through and escape.

Swiftly, they altered their course, sailing towards the centre of the Stormrider’s fleet, their hearts filled with a mix of hope and desperation.

As the Barlian supply ships darted through the opening, the battle tide seemingly shifted in their favour. The rest of the Barlian warships took a gamble despite fully aware of the risk it posed.

They purposefully put themselves in dangerous positions, engaging the Ryntum fleet in fierce combat. Their objective was to keep the Ryntum forces preoccupied and divert their attention away from the escaping supply ships.

On the deck, Admiral Stormrider’s eyes narrowed with determination. "Not so fast," he declared, his voice carrying over the tumultuous battle.

He swiftly issued orders to the nearest ships to the centre, commanding them to execute a daring manoeuvre. With precise coordination, the designated vessels executed a side turn, breaking the Stormrider’s line formation.

"Intercept and sink the escaping Barlian supply ships!" he commanded.

Two of his ships swiftly veered off course, their cannons ready to unleash a devastating barrage upon the fleeing vessels. Cannon fire erupted, tearing through the air with thunderous roars. Explosions rocked the waves as the projectiles found their mark, engulfing the Barlian ships in a maelstrom of destruction.

The once hopeful escape route became a graveyard. In a matter of moments, the supply ships sank, disappearing beneath the waves.

However, the victory was short-lived as the Barlian forces swiftly changed their target.

Like a pack of hungry wolves, they redirected their focus towards the Ryntum’s weakened centre point. The Ryntum warships struggled to withstand the renewed assault.

Yet, Admiral Stormrider remained calm and composed amidst the chaos. Instead of forcefully blocking the advance, he chose to go with the flow, adapting his strategy to the shifting tides of battle.

With a firm command, the admiral ordered his ships to maintain parallel alignment with the Barlian vessels. The sailors swiftly carried out the instructions. Ropes were pulled, sails adjusted, and rudders manoeuvred, all in perfect synchronization.

The fleet responded as one, forming a formidable wall of ships on both sides. f𝗿𝐞ewebno𝚟𝚎𝗹.𝗰𝐨m

With the ships now positioned in parallel, the situation on the battlefield shifted once again. The Barlian forces found themselves trapped between the Ryntum fleet on both their left and right sides. They were effectively sandwiched, their escape routes closing rapidly.

Admiral Stormrider’s manoeuvre had created a dangerous predicament for the Barlian ships. They were caught in a tightening grip, their movements restricted by the encircling Ryntum warships.

"You have nowhere to run, Barlia!" Admiral Stormrider’s voice boomed across the seas, carrying a tone of authority and determination. His words echoed with a sense of finality, leaving the Barlian forces with no escape.

Cannonballs begin to tear through the Barlian vessels, ripping apart their hulls and sending splinters of wood into the air. The thunderous booms of cannons reverberated across the seas as the Ryntum fleet unleashed a devastating assault.

The Barlian ships, disoriented and overwhelmed, struggled to mount a coordinated defence.

One by one, their defences crumbled, and the proud vessels began to sink into the unforgiving depths of the ocean. Plumes of smoke rose from their decks as fires engulfed the masts and sails, casting an eerie glow over the raging waters.

With each ship’s demise, a sense of defeat and despair enveloped the Barlian forces.

As the Barlian ships disappeared beneath the surface, their fate sealed, the sea swallowed their remnants. The waves carried away the echoes of battle, leaving only a solemn silence in their wake.

In the aftermath of the fierce battle, the ocean surface grew calm once more, the tumultuous tides easing into serene tranquillity. The remnants of the fallen ships lay scattered across the water.

"Where should we go next, Admiral?" one of his officers asked, anticipation evident in his voice.

Admiral Stormrider leaned against the ship’s railing, his gaze fixed on the horizon. He weighed the options before him.

There are two choices in front of him, to attack Makerton Island or to help their comrade at Eikadir. After a moment, he made his decision.

"Prepare to set course for Eikadir," Admiral Stormrider finally announced, his voice firm and resolute. "Our presence there will strengthen our comrades’ resolve and bolster our chances of success."

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