Restart:Untalented Man Chapter 307 Almost Lost

"What’s the situation?" Levi asked as soon as the scouts return.

"Hard to say, sir," the scouts reported, their brows furrowed in uncertainty. "We only caught a glimpse of the city, but it seemed like everyone inside was busy with something. In my opinion, they were definitely planning to make a big move."

Levi’s mind buzzed with a mixture of curiosity and concern as he absorbed the scouts’ report. The Barlians’ odd actions only deepened the sense of unease that had settled on him.

"Thank you for the information," he said to the scout. "You may return and resume your position."

As the scouts departed, Levi remained on high alert, his eyes never leaving the city’s distant silhouette. He pondered the various possibilities of what the enemy might be planning.

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Soon, the heavy gates of Eikadir creaked open, and the Barlian soldiers emerged with resolute expressions. Each step they took was measured, purposeful, and carried the weight of their homeland’s defence.

Despite the overwhelming odds, they seemed resolute in their commitment to confront the Ryntum forces head-on.

Their artillery units rolled out behind them, each cannon and gun manned by dedicated soldiers. The dull metallic gleam of their weaponry stood in stark contrast to the muted colours of the city walls.

With unwavering resolve, the Barlian soldiers manoeuvred the large artillery pieces into position, angling them toward the Ryntum forces in a show of defiance.

The first shots rang out. The air filled with a deafening symphony of explosions and gunfire. Smoke billowed from the muzzles of the cannons, shrouding the battlefield and veiling the Barlian soldiers in a surreal haze.

Levi quickly issued orders to his artillery units, and they responded swiftly.

The booming thunder of Ryntum’s cannons joined the symphony of battle, unleashing a torrent of firepower in response.

Explosions erupted in the air, sending plumes of smoke and debris soaring into the sky.

As time goes on, the exchange of fire intensified. The echoes of artillery shells and gunfire reverberated across the battlefield. Smoke billowed, enveloping the area in a haze that obscured the vision of both sides.

However, it became increasingly evident that the Barlians were at a severe disadvantage. Their firepower was dwarfed by Ryntum’s technologically superior weaponry. The precision and impact of Ryntum’s shots far surpassed anything the Barlians could muster.

"Maintain the pressure!" Levi commanded, his voice cutting through the sounds of battle. "We will not relent until we have broken their lines!"

The Ryntum forces responded to their leader’s call, redoubling their efforts to push forward.

At the same time, Levi’s mind is filled with questions regarding the Barlians’ unexpected actions. It perplexed him why the Barlians would choose to engage in a direct confrontation when they were fully aware of Ryntum’s overwhelming technological advantage.

Perhaps the Barlians were willing to make a desperate stand, sacrificing themselves for a greater cause. Or maybe there was a hidden strategy behind their audacious attack, a plan that he had yet to decipher.

"Sir, we’re gaining ground!" one of Levi’s officers called out, snapping him back to the present moment.

Levi looked up, squinting through the lingering haze of smoke and dust. His eyes strained to pierce the veil that obscured his vision, seeking any signs of the enemy.

He could barely see anything in front of him, only the sound of guns, cannon fire and screams of soldiers can be heard.

"Wait!" Levi’s voice cut through the noise, commanding his officers to relay the order. "Slow down the advance! We can’t see anything in front!"

His orders were urgently passed down the ranks, but it seemed that the Ryntum soldiers, carried away by their continuous success, had moved too far, too fast. They were too exposed, and the thick smoke made it impossible to discern the enemy’s positions.

While Levi try his best to correct the situation, unbeknownst to him, another city gate had been opened amidst the chaos and smoke. The thunderous sound of cannons firing provided a cover for this covert operation, masking the noise of the creaking gate.

Thousands of people with makeshift weapons rushed out from the newly opened gate. They were not Barlian soldiers, but the desperate citizens of Eikadir who had been hiding and waiting for the right moment to strike back against the Ryntum invaders.

With hearts fueled by determination and the will to protect their city, they poured out onto the battlefield.

It became clear that they were part of Major General Nolan’s plan all along. They were not just a desperate civilian but a strategic and coordinated attack aimed at the heart of the Ryntum forces.

The Barlian army that had been fighting Ryntum until now was nothing more than a distraction, drawing the attention and resources of the Ryntum forces away from the real objective.

As the cannons continued to bombard the city, the citizens of Eikadir advanced undetected, their footfalls muffled by the sounds of war.

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Navigating under the thick veil of smoke and chaos, they evaded the main battlefronts, inching closer to the Ryntum headquarters. Their mission was clear - to strike a decisive blow that would cripple the enemy’s command structure and bring the war to a turning point.

Inside the Ryntum headquarters, amidst the clatter of war strategies and reports, the high-ranking officials remained engrossed in the ongoing battle and the Barlian resistance. They were unaware of the true danger lurking near them.

Without warning, a sudden and fierce attack erupted within the headquarters. Armed citizens of Eikadir, moving under the veil of smoke and confusion, had infiltrated the Ryntum command centre.

Levi, the commander, was caught off guard by the unexpected turn of events.

"Form the defensive line!" Levi barked, rallying the little number of soldiers he had to protect the heart of their operations.

The once orderly and focused headquarters devolved into disarray as the Ryntum forces scrambled to defend themselves from this unforeseen threat.

From the frontline of the battle, the chaos within the headquarters was heard. The sounds of struggle and the clamour of combat disrupted the momentum of the Ryntum forces, adding a new layer of confusion to the already tumultuous battlefield.

Major General Nolan, leading the Barlian resistance, watching the events unfold from a distance, felt a surge of pride and admiration for the brave citizens of Eikadir.

Their courage and sacrifice were the driving force behind this audacious plan. "Finally, the attack has been delivered," he exclaimed.

Seeing the opportune moment, he seizes the chance to capitalize on the distraction in Ryntum’s line to push forward and cause disarray to the enemy.

Outside the headquarters, the battle raged on, but the citizens of Eikadir had become a force to be reckoned with. Many of the officers lost their life in this surprise attack.

"Sir! They are not professional soldiers but civilians," the officer informed, concern evident in his voice.

Levi furrowed his brow, pondering the situation carefully. "Did they have weapons?" he inquired.

"Yes, sir," the officer replied.

"And did they fight us?" Levi asked again.

"Yes, sir, they did," the officer affirmed.

"Then treat them just like enemy soldiers," Levi declared firmly. "We can’t lose control of our own headquarters, let alone being defeated by untrained soldiers. Anyone who threatens our operations must be dealt with accordingly."

Levi’s orders were clear, and his soldiers carried them out.

He also quickly dispatched a messenger to the frontline, relaying the message to the troops engaged in the heated confrontation with the Barlian forces.

The messenger rode swiftly through the chaos of the battlefield, skillfully navigating through the smoke and the sounds of gunfire. As he reached the frontline, he sought out the commanding officer, who was in the midst of leading the assault.

"Sir, I bear urgent news from the headquarters," the messenger announced, catching the officer’s attention.

The officer turned to face the messenger, his expression tense with the weight of the ongoing battle. "What is it? What happened to the headquarters?" he asked, trying to keep his focus on the task at hand.

"Commander Levi sends his orders," the messenger relayed. "Do not be concerned about the situation in the headquarters. The attack is being handled. Focus your efforts on advancing and breaching the city by dusk. That is your priority."

The commanding officer nodded, acknowledging the importance of the message. "Understood," he replied.

With that, the messenger returned to Levi’s headquarters, where the situation was still tense but under control. The civilian attack was being contained, allowing the Ryntum forces to concentrate on their primary goal - capturing the city of Eikadir.

As the hours passed, the battle continued to rage on. The Ryntum forces, with their line almost crumbled, were reinforced, and they slowly built back their momentum.

Inch by inch, they gained ground in the face of fierce Barlian resistance.

By the time the sun began its descent, the city gate came into view, giving a glimmer of hope for Ryntum as it represented the possibility of breaching the city’s defences and claiming victory.

"Come on, Ryntum soldiers!" the commanding officer shouted. "We are almost there!"

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