Restart:Untalented Man Chapter 324 Post-War Meeting Part I

Chapter 324 Post-War Meeting Part I

On the next day, early in the morning, all the ministers gathered at White Hall for a meeting.

The ministers, dressed in their finest attire, conversed with hushed tones as they awaited the arrival of their king. The atmosphere inside was a mix of anticipation and reverence.

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Just as the sun’s first rays began to filter through the large windows, signalling the start of a new day, the imposing double doors at the far end of the hall swung open.

The room fell into silence as Riz entered, flanked by Theodora and Charlotte on his sides.

Dressed in regal attire, he carried an air of purpose and determination. The ministers respectfully stood as he walked to the head of the table.

His gaze swept across the room before greeting them, "Good morning, everyone," his voice resonated with authority.

The ministers replied in unison, "Good morning, Your Majesty."

Riz took his seat at the head of the long, polished table, the ministers followed suit, sitting with straight backs and focused expressions.

"Thank you for being here today," he began, "As you all may already have heard, our war with Barlia has reached a conclusion, We had defeated both Barlia and Blande and gained significant territory in the process. With this expansion of our kingdom comes the need of governing and managing these newly acquired lands."

He paused for a moment, allowing his words to sink in, before continuing, "I believe it is essential that we re-establish clear and reasonable boundaries for all the territories we possess. To do so, I have prepared a map that outlines the new division of provinces of the kingdom."

Riz spread out his newly drawn map on the table for everyone to see. The map depicted the existing provinces of Ryntum and the newly delineated territories that were acquired during the war.

[A/N: Map]

The ministers leaned forward, their attention fully captured by the large map that Riz had presented. The map displayed the newly acquired territory from the successful war with Barlia, outlining the borders of the newly formed provinces in vivid detail.

"As you can see," Riz said, pointing to the map. "I have divided the territories into twenty-five provinces. If before, each city was governed by a mayor but later, not anymore. Each province will be governed by a capable governor who will report directly to the central government here in Ryntum."

"So, the mayor would now become more powerful? Wouldn’t that be too dangerous?" Gerald, the minister of trade and industry shared his concern.

Riz nod his head, "I won’t deny that possibility, Gerald. However, do remember that we already have built city halls across the entire kingdom. Everything government-related that the citizens need to be done can be completed there. We have also established the order and procedure for every aspect. To be honest, governors are there just to ensure everything is working fine, report to the capital if the problem arises and execute central orders. Nothing more and nothing less."

"But, power does corrupt people," He continues, "For now I will let them govern the province and see how things are going. If there’s a misuse of power or they didn’t heed the directive from the central government, I will make a change from a sole person ruling a province to a group of council members instead."

Gerald listened carefully to Riz’s explanation and nodded in understanding.

The other ministers also expressed their agreement and support for Riz’s approach.

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As Riz proceeded with his plans, he addressed another important matter. "There are some provinces without a city," he announced, "So we have to build several new cities and villages to develop the land and spread development across the kingdom. And we need to connect them with roads, tons of roads as well."

The ministers nodded, understanding the significance of this endeavour.

Building new cities and villages would not only promote growth and prosperity in the newly acquired territories but also provide opportunities for the kingdom’s citizens to thrive and prosper.

"Excuse me, Your Majesty," Stuart, the minister of education, pointed out, "I think there’s a mistake on the map. Isn’t this land here a part of Naharog?"

"Yes, it is," Riz replied calmly, a faint smile playing on his lips.

Stuart’s brow furrowed in confusion. "So, why did you paint them as part of our territory?"

"Why not?" Riz grinned, his eyes locking with Stuart’s. "I asked Nelson to give it to me."

Stuart seemed taken aback. "Did he agree?"

"Not yet," Riz shrugged, his carefree attitude unfazed. "But I believe he will say yes."

"And if he says no?" Stuart pressed on.

Riz chuckled, seemingly undisturbed. "Then, we’ll just have to make the King of Naharog change his mind. Hmm...I believe Nelson is quite old, and his son is ready to be the next king."

Stuart’s eyes widened in surprise, and a hushed silence filled the room. "Well...If you say so."

"Anyway," Riz continued, shifting the focus of the discussion, "You guys don’t have to worry about that. Leave it to me, and let’s move on to the next topic. Since the war ended, our population has increased with the addition of new territories. William, I expect you to readjust the number of standing soldiers and strategically position them to maintain security."

William, the minister of war and defence, nodded solemnly, acknowledging his orders.

"Additionally," Riz continued, "We should build army bases and naval stations in strategic areas of the newly acquired territories. This will not only protect our borders but also serve as a show of strength and deterrence."

William nodded, before posing another question, "What about the soldiers, Your Majesty? They have done a great deal for the kingdom. I suggest we hold some award ceremony for them."

"You’re absolutely right, William. Our soldiers have done a great deal for the kingdom, and they deserve to be recognized and appreciated for their sacrifices. An award ceremony is a wonderful idea. It may take time to prepare but it is necessary. Anyhow, I will leave the preparation in your hand."

William bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will ensure that the ceremony is carried out with the utmost care and respect."

William bowed respectfully. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I will ensure that the ceremony is carried out with the utmost care and respect."

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