Restart:Untalented Man Chapter 349 Royal Procession

Around mid-afternoon, as the sun cast a gentle slant to the west, Riz and Theodora found a moment to excuse themselves from the lively banquets held in the garden.

Their departure marked the commencement of preparations for the royal procession – a time-honoured tradition steeped in elegance and regality.

In readiness for the procession, Riz and Theodora took a brief respite to ensure their attire and appearances were impeccable.

The air held a sense of anticipation, matched by the meticulous arrangements underway.

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A splendid landau had been meticulously prepared for the occasion.

It stood ready, a testament to the meticulous attention to detail that accompanied such events.

As Riz stepped out to join Theodora, his gaze instinctively lifted to the sky. A soft smile graced his lips as he observed the slightly dimmed weather.

It was a fortunate turn of events that would prevent the glare of the sun from casting discomfort on him.

"Remind me why we aren’t doing this in the morning?" Riz questioned, a genuine note of curiosity in his voice.

"Because we had to greet the guests after the ceremony," Theodora explained matter-of-factly. "And this procession is only an additional formality for the royals. So, whether you like it or not, bear with it."

As the coachman flicked the reins, a gentle sound of neigh resonated through the air.

The elegantly adorned landau began its graceful descent down the Noble Hill, marking the commencement of the royal procession.

Flanking the carriage, both in front and behind, a contingent of soldiers took their positions, their vigilant watch ensuring the safety of the couple throughout the entirety of the procession.

Being closer to the hill, the landau passed by the sprawling government complexes that stood as pillars of the administrative district. The sight of these neo-classical buildings added a touch of dignity to the event.

As the landau navigated the procession route, the main streets, in particular, were meticulously decorated with vibrant banners, setting an ambience of festivity that resonated with the joyful atmosphere.

The city’s citizens, young and old, lined up on both sides of the streets, their faces adorned with smiles that mirrored their genuine happiness.

Their cheerful presence lent an air of harmony to the procession, their excitement palpable as they awaited the passing of the royal couple.

As the landau advanced, a wave of motion rippled through the crowd.

Excitement reached its zenith when they spotted the approaching carriage.

With uncontrolled enthusiasm, they raised flags and handkerchiefs. Their jubilant cheers filled the air.

The colourful fluttering of flags and the sea of cheerful faces created a picturesque scene that underscored the unity and support that surrounded the newlywed pair.

Riz and Theodora responded with graceful waves, acknowledging the crowd’s enthusiasm with genuine smiles etched on their faces.

"I can’t believe there are so many people patiently waiting out here just to catch a glimpse of us for a few seconds," Riz remarked while maintaining his composure and smile.

"Didn’t you announce today as a public holiday?" Theodora countered.

"Well, yeah, I thought they would be at home lazing around, not standing for hours like this," Riz confessed.

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"You really underestimate how influential you are to the people," Theodora chided, her tone tinged with a hint of amusement and mock defeat.

"Is that so?" Riz questioned, a touch of uncertainty in his voice.

He didn’t hold a full grasp of his influence and he doesn’t care about it very much either.

The fact is he able to gain such loyalty is because he made their lives easier. That’s all.

"Say, Theodora. If I suddenly ordered us to change direction, do you think they’d panic?" Riz smirked, his mind turning playful.

"What do you mean?" Theodora responded, her brow furrowing in confusion.

"Look in front of you," Riz gestured. "Clean streets, orderly manner. I’m not implying our people are incapable, but this level of organization seems a bit too perfect. They must have tidied up in advance."

A memory from his time on Earth resurfaced in his mind.

The flurry of activity that occurred whenever politicians were scheduled to visit a location.

He recalled how people would meticulously clean and arrange everything to present an appearance of perfection.

However, Riz is discreetly opposed and despises this kind of staged display, recognizing that they created a false reality for the visitors and distorted the true circumstances on the ground.

To him, it was a counterproductive approach that defeated the very purpose of such tours.

In his mind, the essence of these visits should be to witness the reality of the situation. Creating an illusion of prosperity only masked the areas in need of improvement and hindered progress.

As such, do not blame the elected representatives for not delivering substantial change to the area.

How could true progress be achieved if the real issues were concealed beneath a facade of superficiality?

Theodora shook her head, signalling her disagreement. "Please don’t do that. There are people waiting along the designated route. They will be disappointed if you abruptly change course after they’ve stood here for hours."

Riz sighed in acquiescence. "Fine, fine," he conceded, realizing that it was important to consider the expectations and efforts of the citizens who had gathered to witness the procession.

The procession continued its route, making its way towards the bustling city centre where a throng of people had gathered to catch a glimpse of the newlyweds.

From there, it moved on to the education district. It is a bit empty today due to the ongoing holiday.

Riz only managed to catch a glimpse of some researchers he knew while passing in front of Bideford Research Center.

The landau then took them passing through residential areas.

At Riz’s request, the procession briefly paused near the train station that was currently under construction.

He hoped the construction could finish fast so the Bideford-Portsbury-Baroks line could start operating. But Riz knows he can’t rush things up.

Finally, the landau made its way through the business districts, marking the final leg of the journey.

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