Return of the Calamity-Class Death Knight Chapter 1

Chapter 1

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]

Chapter 1: There Was a Talent

I had a talent.

“Are you insane? Causing a scene at the tavern and getting thrown out? Do you have any idea how much disgrace you’ve brought upon our family’s name?”

I had a talent for tarnishing my family’s honor.

Dealing with the trouble caused by his son, my father couldn’t sleep at night.

“Why did you challenge Lord Ryan Bloom’s apprentice to a duel? Now your sister has been dragged into it trying to resolve the matter with that filthy scoundrel!”

I had a talent for trampling upon the family’s future.

To appease Lord Ryan Bloom’s wrath, our sister had no choice but to enter an unwanted marriage.

“Damien… Why did you mortgage the family’s land for money? The place you borrowed the money from belongs to the duke. This time, even your mother can’t help you.”

I had a talent for squandering the household’s wealth.

The meager property of the struggling Viscount Haksen vanished into my hands.


Finally, my father couldn’t bear it anymore and kicked me out of the family.

My mother who used to embrace and protect me stayed silent this time.

My younger brother rejoiced, saying it should have happened sooner.

“Damien… Take this money with you.”

Only my sister worried about me.

Due to me, her wretched brother, she had to part ways with her beloved fiancé, ruining her own life.

“Please be happy.”

For the first time that day, I understood what guilt and shame were.

I fled from the family, as if I was running away.


After being expelled from the family, I wandered around aimlessly.

For someone who had lived off the family’s wealth for a lifetime, there was no reason to believe I possessed any special talents.

The money I had vanished in the blink of an eye. To avoid starving, I had to do whatever it took.

Begging was futile and often led to confrontations.

“Oh, you say you are the Viscount’s son. Seems like your arrogance knows no bounds.”

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“You must be desperate to die. Should I fulfill this wish of yours?”

And surprisingly, I discovered a new talent.

“My arm… My arm!”

“Please, a potion… My leg won’t move!”

“Please, just spare me this once!”

I had a talent for swordsmanship.

When I brought down over ten thugs with a rusty dagger I found in an alley, I finally realized my talent.

During my time in the family, I wasted my days being reckless and lazy, never once holding a sword.

That’s why I didn’t know I had such a talent.

“What? You want to be a mercenary? With that frail body?”

“Huh, contrary to your appearance , your skill with a sword is deadly.”

“With this level of skill, you won’t die easily. Congratulations on joining our mercenary group.”

Working as a mercenary, I discovered something.

My talent was far more exceptional than I had thought.

I swiftly mastered any form of swordsmanship, and not just swords but various other weapons as well..

“I had my doubts, but you really defeated that knight!”

“If it weren’t for you, we would’ve all died!”

“Sir! I will only trust and follow you from now on!”

In no time, I became the ace of the mercenary group.


I wasn’t afraid of any foe. Even a knight wasn’t my match.

So it wasn’t long before I realized my talent knew no bounds.

But it wasn’t in a pleasant way.

“Fresh corpses walking right to me!”

On a mission we thought was going to be easy, our mercenary group encountered a Lich.


A dark mage who turned himself into an undead to escape the clutches of death. Only the most powerful dark mages could become Liches, their abilities were beyond human comprehension.

And if that was not enough, the Lich we faced wasn’t just any Lich but an Archlich which is considered to be at the pinnacle of Liches.

Our group was rendered powerless by the dark magic of the Archlich.

I was no exception.

“Ah, what a surprise. To think a mere human has such immense talent. Even my sight can’t gauge its limits!”

The Archlich showered praises and astonishment at my talent.

“But the development of your talent is pitifully lacking. With this level of talent, a little swing of the sword could easily elevate you to the level of a master.”

Observing me again, the Archlich clapped his hands.

The sound was harsh from the body that had nothing but bones.

“Oh, now I understand. Your talent has been rotting due to inherent laziness, as weak as the light of your soul!”

The Archlich pinpointed my situation accurately.

“Tsk tsk, how unfortunate. But fear not. I shall fully bloom your talent.”

What followed was a hellish time.

The Archlich subjected my body to unspeakable deeds.

He used dozens of potions on me.

He replaced all of my organs with those of other creatures, he also inserted various magical artifacts inside my body.

When a decade passed, I was no longer human.

“It’s finally done!”

Death Knight.

The highest-ranking undead born only when a dark mage corrupts a knight’s soul.

The Archlich pooled all of its knowledge and resources to make me a Death Knight.

I found this situation far from pleasant. But it wasn’t my turn to express dissatisfaction.

During my transformation into a Death Knight, the Archlich completely obliterated my ego.

He aimed to make me its loyal slave.

However, for some reason, my ego didn’t vanish entirely and some of it remained.

However I was unable to move my body as I pleased, feeling trapped within.

“Now, let’s show your power to the world.”

Right after completing me, the Archlich commenced an all out war against the humans.

Surprisingly, in my first battle alone, I slaughtered over a thousand soldiers.

It was the culmination of the Death Knight’s formidable physique, forcibly imbued with tremendous dark magic, and, finally, my enhanced talent.

“Truly, humans are dying like insects!”

The Archlich eagerly deployed me to more and more battles.

I slashed and slashed.

With each strike, my talent surged steeply.

At some point, I could perfectly understand and mimic any swordsmanship I saw just once.

Gradually, I went beyond imitation and reached the point of creation.

I amalgamated all of the swordsmanship arts I learned and created a new art.

From then on, I had no adversaries.

Countless knights fell by my hand.

Some were Mercenary Kings, Sword Saints, and even a renowned Imperial Swordsmaster.

No one could stop me.

Not even myself.

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]

“Damien! Why are you with the Archlich? What is that appearance!”

When I plunged a dagger into my father’s heart on the battlefield, it was the same.

“Brother! Why are you doing this? Stop! Please, stop!”

When I slit my brother’s throat, it was no different.

“You are alive? But that form…”

When I burned down the family, killing my mother, it was the same.

“Damien… I guess you couldn’t find happiness, huh?”

I had no choice but to see the skeletal soldiers kill my sister, as I attacked Marquis Ryan Bloom.

“How did it feel to directly kill the family that kicked you out? I prepared something special just for you.”

After returning, having killed my entire family, the Archlich spoke to me.


He knew everything and ordered me to attack Viscount Haksen, my father and Lord Ryan Bloom.

“Heheh, of course, you wouldn’t have thought of anything while killing them. But I truly enjoyed it. Watching it was immensely entertaining.”

I had never despised the Archlich as much as I did then.

I had never resented my talent as much as I did then.

Yet, I had to continue fighting for the Archlich.

And eventually, as per his wish, I succeeded in toppling all of the kingdoms.

“Finally! The entire world kneels before me!”

On the day the resilient empire finally crumbled, the Archlich greatly praised me.

“It’s all thanks to you! If it weren’t for you, this day wouldn’t have come. No, since I found you, ultimately, my contribution is the greatest. Hahahaha!”


Only the Archlich truly recognized my talent in this world.

And thus, the world faced its catastrophe.

But even the Archlich didn’t anticipate something.

My talent had already surpassed the Archlich’s expectations.

To the extent that I had regained control over the body the Archlich had seized.

On the day of the triumph.

My consciousness returned.

It was a scene reminiscent of hell.

The fortress had crumbled. Buildings were all destroyed and ablaze.

Massacres were happening in the streets.


“Run! Don’t let them catch you!”

The ones being massacred were humans.

The blood of those who originally lived within these walls was splattered around.

The ones doing the massacre weren’t human.

Half-rotten zombies, meat golems formed from mashed flesh, skeletal ogres moving with a body made of only bones.

Countless undead were killing the humans.

“Please, spare my son at least!”

“Mom! Mooooom!”

The undead, devoid of reason, showed no mercy.

People were being brutally slaughtered.

“Hahaha, Ahahaha!” 𝗳r𝐞𝐞w𝐞bn𝚘ve𝚕.co𝐦

Amidst that sight, someone burst into laughter.

It was a man wearing an elegant fur coat that seemed out of place in this hellish scene.

Was it really a man?

With only bones left, it was impossible to discern its exact gender.

“Excellent! Absolutely excellent! Just as I anticipated!”

The skull clicked his jaws as a cynical laughter echoed endlessly.

Because it only had a skull remaining, its facial expressions were indiscernible.

But anyone could tell the skull was ecstatic.

“It’s said that the longer you wait for revenge, the greater the joy. I wonder how immense the satisfaction is now that I’ve fulfilled what I vowed 500 years ago?”

No response came.

Then, the skeletal figure turned and asked again.

“Why no answer? I’m asking, aren’t I?”

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As the figure turned, skeletal soldiers were restraining a middle-aged man.

With ripe yellow hair and a beard so full it reached his chest.

It was Howard Adelard, the Emperor of the Empire.

Howard Adelard, held by the skeletal soldiers, shouted at the figure.

“You bastard! How dare you kill all of my people! You’re even filthier than a devil fallen into hell!”

The Emperor’s curse meant nothing to the current Dorugo.

It even seemed somewhat pleasing.

Dorugo savored the Emperor’s anger before speaking.

“Alright, finished with the words? Then let’s proceed with the coronation ceremony.”

“What ridiculous nonsense! The likes of you conducting a coronation!”

“Hmm, naturally, it’s my coronation. I’ve achieved the first-ever unification of the continent in history. So, being called an Emperor wouldn’t fall short, would it?”

Dorugo burst into laughter.

The Emperor squinted his eyes.

How much further would this undead go in mocking humanity?

“Now, bring the imperial crown.”

Among the undead legion, an undead figure clad in black armor stepped forward.

The moment the Emperor saw that undead, he couldn’t maintain his composure.

Death Knight Damien Haksen.

Countless knights lost their lives to that Death Knight, tens of thousands of soldiers were slaughtered by him.

Dorugo could conquer the continent solely because of that Death Knight.

“Oh, my most loyal knight.”

Dorugo looked at the Death Knight with eyes filled with affection.

“Thanks to you, I could reach this position. How should I commend your service?”

The Death Knight stood still, holding the crown.

Seeing this, Dorugo chuckled.

“That was a foolish question. You are my slave. Serving me should be your greatest pleasure.”

Dorugo’s laughter grew louder.

Suddenly, the Death Knight threw the crown behind his head.

At this unexpected action, Dorugo’s laughter abruptly stopped.

“Huh? What is this? I never gave such an order—”

The Death Knight gripped the greatsword on his back.

As he took a step, he swung the sword.

Reflexively, Dorugo cast dark magic.

A black barrier blocked his front.

However, the Death Knight effortlessly tore through the barrier.

Simultaneously, he cleaved Dorugo’s body in half.

“W-what is this…”

The Death Knight removed his helmet, revealing a young face.

An unmistakably human face.

But due to the influence of becoming the Death Knight, the skin was entirely gray.

“Finally… I can move at my will.”

As a voice echoed from that face, Dorugo could only be more bewildered.

“How… How are you speaking? I thought I eradicated your ego entirely.”

“It only seemed like I was eradicated. I didn’t entirely disappear. I’ve been watching everything, trapped inside my own body.”

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]

The Death Knight.

No, Damien Haksen held the upper half of Dorugo’s body.

While the face was emotionless, hatred and rage blazed in his eyes.

Recognizing this, Dorugo smiled.

“Oh… it seems you’re quite angry. I understand. I would have been the same.”

Even in this perilous moment, Dorugo was oddly composed.

Lich stores his soul in a magical vessel called a Life Vessel.

Unless the Life Vessel of a lich isn’t destroyed, the Lich cannot die.

Dorugo, as the Archlich, was no different.

“In consideration of your efforts, I’ll specially allow you to vent your frustration today. Just until I find a way to control you again.”

Dorugo had prepared several spare bodies.

When his physical form was destroyed, he planned to transfer his consciousness to one of these, once again dominating Damien Haksen.

“Now, do whatever you want. You can reduce me to dust, curse me as much—Uwaaargh!”

Suddenly, Dorugo spewed black magic from his mouth.

It wasn’t just his mouth; his entire body emitted black magic.

The dark magic and soul stored in the Life Vessel were flowing out.

“N-no way… Uwaaargh!”

The Life Vessel remained intact.

Yet, Dorugo was dying in real-time.

It was utterly incomprehensible.

“For years, I pondered ways to kill you.”

A Lich doesn’t die unless its Life Vessel is destroyed.

But finding the Life Vessel while under Dorugo’s control was impossible.

“I devised a martial technique that could sever your soul along with the physical body, solely to kill you.”

“Th-that kind of technique… impossible…”

“Why would you think it doesn’t exist?”

Damien Haksen tightened his grip around Dorugo’s throat.

“Have you already forgotten who I am? Weren’t you always proud to have me! You hailed me as your greatest masterpiece!”

Damien Haksen.

His talent, honed by consuming numerous powerful beings, touched the divine realm.

With his sword alone, he could accomplish anything.

The word “impossible” didn’t apply to him.

“B-lock him! Stop him right now!”

Flustered, Dorugo commanded the undead legion.

Skeleton soldiers and golems rushed at Damien Haksen.

As Damien swung his greatsword, a tsunami-like deluge of black aura crashed over the undead legion.

The black deluge of aura tore through the legion of undead, shredding and obliterating them.


Dumbfounded by the bizarre spectacle, Dorugo was lost for words.

Now as an enemy, it struck him deeply how much of a monstrous being the Death Knight he created truly was.

No more dark magic seeped from Dorugo’s body.

He could feel it. Death was drawing near, a fact.

“P-please… sp-spare me…”

Twisting the corners of his mouth, Damien Haksen spoke.

“Rot in hell.”

The glint in Dorugo’s skull vanished. His soul completely vanished.

Damien Haksen slammed Dorugo’s skull to the ground.

And he stomped on it until it turned to dust.



The remaining undead outside the palace began to shriek.

With their master gone, they began to rampage.


Damien dispersed dark magic, reasserting control over the undead.

The legion instantly fell silent.

As the war continued, Dorugo imparted his knowledge of dark magic to Damien Haksen.

Hence, within the legion, Damien became the second most skilled necromancer after Dorugo.

“All of you, repent.”

At Damien’s command, the legion began to destroy itself.

The legion of over a million undead vanished in an instant.

“Wh-who are you, exactly…?”

The Emperor stared at Damien Haksen with astonishment.

However, Damien Haksen showed no interest in him.

“…It’s finally over.”

Damien Haksen slumped to the ground.

Despite being undead, an overwhelming fatigue consumed him.

“No, it’s not over yet.”

Damien Haksen gripped the blade in reverse.

He pressed the blade against his chest.

Underneath his skin lies the source that activates Damien Haksen as the Death Knight.

Destroying it would grant Damien Haksen true death.

“There’s still an… unfinished business.”

The faces of his family came to mind. No smiling faces appeared.

He always managed to upset his family.

“I need to apologize. Say sorry, express regret.”

Without hesitation, Damien Haksen plunged the blade into his own chest.

There was no pain.

Only a deep darkness shrouded his vision.

And then…


A voice echoed through the darkness.

“Damien, why are you sleeping here? Get up quickly.”

It was the voice of his elder sister from his dreams.

Luckily, he had a chance to meet his sister before plummeting into Hell.

“Father is looking for you, he’s furious. What have you done this time?”

Seems like his father was also quite angry.

He needed to meet his father as soon as possible.

He had to confess all his sins and ask for forgiveness.

Damien Haksen made up his mind and opened his eyes.

Bright sunlight beamed down, revealing his sister’s face.


She looked much younger than the last time he saw her.

Damien Haksen, shocked, asked his sister:

“…Sister, why have you gotten so much younger?”

“Ah, suddenly calling me ‘sister’? I got it. You’re trying to soften Father’s mood, aren’t you?”

His sister chuckled.

Hearing that laughter after so long left Damien Haksen dumbfounded.

“Alright then, Trust me, then. Tidy up and come quickly, okay?”

His sister took off ahead.

The direction she headed towards was the mansion of Viscount Haksen.

“…But I’m certain I destroyed that mansion with my own hands?”

Damien Haksen looked down at his body.

Unlike during his time as the Death Knight, he saw his pale, blood-flushed skin.

“What… happened to me?”

It took a bit more time for Damien Haksen to realize.

He finally understood that he had returned to the past.

[Translator – Kie]

[Proofreader – Demon God’s male Disciple]

[Quality Checker – Kawaii]

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