Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player Chapter 798 Infiltration Plan

Chapter 798 Infiltration Plan

When Kaizen, Alina and the other members of the group gathered to exchange the information they had received, they were already at the back of the tavern, where there was just a pile of barrels.

"So, Andrew, how did it go there with those sorceresses?" asked Kaizen, smiling mischievously.

Andrew scratched his head, reddening slightly. "Well, they were interested in the politics of the Elder Tower, but I think they had other... personal interests."

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The others laughed quietly, while Alina raised her eyebrows. "Personal politics?" She asked, innocently.

Her question only made the others laugh even more, and Xisrith whispered a few things in her ear, which made her blush like a tomato.

"Ah, so that’s what it’s about..." murmured Alina.

Kaizen was serious again. "But let’s get down to business. Orin mentioned that there’s a party going on in the noble district, a party that could be an opportunity for us."

Alina leaned forward, curious. "And what else did he say?"

"He mentioned that they’re deciding something important, but he didn’t specify what. Apparently, it’s something they want to keep away from the ears of the common people." explained Kaizen, thoughtfully.

Andrew watched the others’ reactions. "That sounds suspicious. A party to decide something important? Couldn’t they do it in a more transparent way?"

"I don’t think disguise is really the mage’s style."

Xisrith remembered something, something she had heard in her first conversation with the locals. "What if this party is related to the election to the Magic Council? It could be a way for the nobles to decide who will have influence in the Wizard Tower."

"Magic Council? What’s that?" Kaizen asked.

Og’tharoz raised one hand before Xisrith could answer. "They complained a lot about it to me. The Magic Council is an order of seven wizards, and among them are the wisest, the most powerful and the richest in the city. Not coincidentally, these seven magicians are currently members of the seven most influential noble families in the entire city, some of whom even have direct contact with the Citadel of the Magi."

The eyes of those present widened at this possibility. Alina pondered, "If that’s true, then the tension we feel at the tavern tables could be a manifestation of the political disputes taking place behind the scenes."

Kaizen nodded, starting to connect the dots. "Apparently, the politics of this place will be what gives us our chance. But what exactly does the council do? Because the city looks exactly the same as when I last visited."

"Well, maybe the new council has the power to change the city’s laws, influence the magical laws, I don’t know." Xisrith said, shrugging.

"Do we need to find out more? This is already the best and only opportunity we’ve gotten. A party full of rich people and with many influential figures present? This could be our chance to get that method we need to get to the Citadel of the Magi."

Andrew, now more serious, said: "Yes, we should infiltrate the party. If we can find out what they’re planning, we can use that information to our advantage and blackmail someone."

Alina crossed her arms thoughtfully. "Infiltration is not an easy task, especially at noble events. We’ll need a well thought-out plan."

At that moment, Kaizen smiled and let out a breath of air through his nose, as if he were proud, which made everyone look at him in surprise.

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"What is it?" asked Xisrith and frowned.

"I don’t know, I’m just proud that you thought the same thing as me and aren’t even hesitating. Anyway, about the infiltration, we don’t need to worry about details like time, place, who will be there. The party is already taking place, the venue is the nobles’ district and all those considered important in the city will be there."

"In other words, all we need to worry about now is how we’re going to get into this party."

"Actually, leave that to me. I’ll just need you, Alina, to change our cloaks with your magic." Kaizen said.

The city’s noble district glowed under the cavernous city sky, with the lights of the mansions and palaces casting golden reflections on the manicured sidewalks. As the old noble district had been destroyed in an invader’s fight against a dragon, the new area was literally brand new.

The atmosphere of the district vibrated with the music that escaped from the open doors of the large buildings. The party was in full swing, and the excitement was palpable even for those still outside.

Kaizen, Alina, Andrew and the others approached the venue, observing the majestic entrance to the event. They were all dressed in light, elegant clothes that accentuated their physiques. For example, the mage Alina was dressed in a flowing dress with gold details, while Kaizen wore an ice-white suit that was extremely tight around the shoulders. What’s more, they were all wearing masks, simple masks so as not to attract unnecessary attention, but which suited the occasion perfectly.

"How did you know it was going to be a masked ball?" Og’tharoz asked Kaizen.

"Well, this sort of thing is common at high society events. Many are drinking and doing things that no one wants to remember the next day. It wouldn’t be any different just because they’re mages," Kaizen replied, except that the analysis actually took into account the movies and anime he had already watched.

In front of the gates of the noble district, there was a long line of elegantly dressed people, all waiting patiently to enter what seemed to be the social event of the year. Imposing guards, dressed in impeccable uniforms, kept order at the entrance, checking people’s names on the guest list.

The queue moved slowly, and as they approached the entrance, the sight of the grandeur of the party became more evident. The laughter echoed loudly, as did the music. However, Kaizen’s gaze was fixed on the guards, anticipating the moment when they would have to present their invitations.

Finally, it was the group’s turn to face the security guards. The guards’ eyes traveled down the line until they reached Kaizen and the others. One of them, a portly man, raised an eyebrow as he assessed the group.

"Good evening." Kaizen greeted the guards with a serious countenance. "We’re very eager to take part in this party, so let’s get going." He tried to be rude, as he imagined the noblest would be.

The guard nodded, and his gaze quickly went down to the list in his hands. "Names, please."

"Klaus Park and guests."

The guard examined the list, checking every detail with military precision. Tension hung in the air as the silence lengthened and all the other members of the group looked at each other. Kaizen said he would take care of it, but didn’t say how.

"That name... he’s not..." The guard raised his head, at which point Kaizen touched the left side of the man’s chest with his right hand.

"Are you sure?"

[The ability was activated].

Kaizen’s eyes glowed lilac and then the man’s eyes glowed too.

"I’m sorry sir, everything seems to be in order. Enjoy the party."

Kaizen thanked him with a nod, hiding the relief he felt. The members of the group passed through the entrance and found themselves immersed in the extravagance of the party in the noble district, but still quite confused by what Kaizen had done.

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