Romance of Dragons and Snakes Chapter 80: Eagle Claw, Hidden Jin, Piss Blood

Chapter 80: Eagle Claw, Hidden Jin, Piss Blood

“I’m on my way to the hospital.”

As soon as Wang Chao received Yao Xiaoxue’s message, he was shocked.

When he had first entered the organization, Wang Chao had given up the position of overseer of the dojo. Zhao Xinglong had replaced him and taken up the salary, however, the contract between Wang Chao and the dojo was not yet absolved. At the same time, with Wang Chao’s current status, a small contract like that had no binding effect on him.

Lu Chengwen of Guangdong’s Daxing Corporation had him sign a contract with his fingerprint. However, not even a single day had gone by before Boulder had blown up his entire building with a rocket launcher.

After that matter, Wang Chao had stopped caring about the matters of a contract.

But Li Wanji had been extremely well to him and did not issue any strict stipulation.

Towards his inaction, Li Wanji had turned a blind eye and did not deduct any wages. She was after all a veteran of the business world and knew how the world worked.

While Zhao Xinglong was a decent ways away from Wang Chao’s strength, his martial arts was still quite exceptional. Combined with the fighting experience he had gained from the underground boxing rings, no recent challenger had been a match for him.

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“Zhao Xinglong is an expert at the Eight Extreme Fists, although he hasn’t been able to use the ‘Hengha’ sounds to temper his marrow, he is still proficient in the major and minor stances, practicing and fighting methods. Not only that, but he knows Pigua and Tongbei. Unless it was an expert of internal martial arts, there shouldn’t be anyone that is able to beat him. How would he be sent to the hospital for a month with serious wounds? As long as he isn’t crippled by this, everything should be fine.”

On the road, Wang Chao had thought to himself.

The person who beat Zhao Xinglong had to be an expert of internal martial arts. And since Zhao Xinglong was badly injured, his opponent must have been ruthless. One had to know, a challenge match in a dojo wasn’t like the underground fighting grounds. Injuring someone was sometimes unavoidable, but trying to kill was not acceptable.

Rushing towards S Province’s First People’s Hospital’s VIP Rooms, Wang Chao immediately saw Zhao Xinglong.

Zhao Xinglong was laying on the bed with his arms, legs, and chest all heavily bandaged. His entire body looked as if he was a mummy and his face had look unwell.

Seeing Wang Chao come in, Zhao Xinglong’s eyes lit up before trying to move his body as if trying to climb up his bed.

“Don’t move, you’ve multiple fractures. If those don’t set right, then it’ll be hard to heal.” It had only taken one look for Wang Chao to know that there was at least three different fractures in total over his arm, leg, and chest.

“Just what in the world happened?” Wang Chao asked Zhao Xinglong with a hint of anger.

“Ai how humiliating of me and my honor.” Zhao Xinglong squirmed as if he felt embarrassed before speaking at last, “Somehow, I lost to one of those Japanese devils.”

“One of the Japanese martial artists? Can you explain?”

Wang Chao was surprised. He should have known that four months ago, Yangyu Haruko would act now. After being reprimanded by Xu Zhen, she would definitely cause trouble.

The reason he had accepted Chen Aiyang’s favor was partially because he was afraid of his weakened condition then. If he had been challenged, then even a dog would be able to win against an injured tiger.

“Do you remember the one you beat before from the dojo, Li Feng?”

Just as Wang Chao was thinking about Yangyu Haruko, Zhao Xinglong had suddenly asked him a question.

“Li Feng....I do. It’s been almost two years since I beat him.” Wang Chao spoke after a while. Two years ago when Cao Yi had first introduced him to the dojo, he had beaten a young opponent for the position. Afterwards, it looked like Li Feng had lost all dignity and left the dojo.

By that point, he had already learned martial arts for two years. And after that fight, another two years had passed, so Wang Chao had completely forgotten about it.

“It has already been two years since sister Chen left.”

Thinking about, it had already been 4 years since he started learning martial arts. This was no small amount of time.

Time had gone by as if it was flying, would a person’s life be full of these four years?

“Don’t tell me it’s Li Feng who hurt you like this? Even two years ago, he was no match for you. Even after all this time, you weren’t doing nothing. How could he hurt you to this extent? But, wasn’t he a Korean, and not a Japanese?”

“Of course it wasn’t him. It was the Japanese people he brought with him. One of them was a 26 year old, some devil named Miyagi or something. He was fast and strong with plenty of internal Jin. Before we could even exchange three rounds, he already using some sort of rotational power to break my arm.”

Zhao Xinglong then suddenly remembered something and so his eyes bursted with rage.

“After he broke my arm, he used his leg to break my foot. And when I was on the ground, he stamped on my chest and broke my sternum! I...I..I’ll kill him! I’ll kill his entire group!”

Zhao Xinglong exploded with a furious snarl!

“When you were on the ground, he stepped on your chest?” Wang Chao’s eyes narrowed slightly.

“Are they gone now?”

“They shouldn’t be. They’re usually at the Karate dojo, but they often come to the Taekwondo dojo.” Zhao Xinglong knew that Wang Chao wanted to look for them, and so he had faith in him. “Spare their lives, I want to personally slaughter them bastards myself.”

Zhao Xinglong’s murderous intent had been fully revealed. He had once fought in the underground fighting rings and killed people. Right now after being beaten by that group, his fury had came out in droves.

“Those Japanese aren’t using martial arts for show. They’ve practiced internal martial arts, be careful.”

“I know that. Rest up for now, a fracture is just an external wound. Afterwards, you can cultivate your health. That way, you won’t be harmed by any medicine.” Wang Chao spoke before leaving.

“Nurse, can you come over for a moment?” Seeing a rather beautiful nurse come walking by, Wang Chao called out to her.

“What can I do for you sir?” The nurse looked at Wang Chao who was dressed in a purple Tang robe. He was dressed in a rather old way but didn’t look like any important person.

“Give him the best medicine and nursing you can. Why is there only one nurse working here? There should be two nurses working during one shift.” Wang Chao spoke.

“My apologies, but this is what our hospital stipulates. If there is any problems, please talk to our director.” The nurse’s eyes narrowed together in displeasure as she looked at Wang Chao up and down, “Who might you be?”

“Director Wang, you’re here?” Just at that moment, a voice called out. Turning back, the nurse could only see Yao Xiaoxue accompanied by the head of the orthopedic surgery department, deputy Hong.

“What’s the matter?” Deputy Hong had heard the nurse speak and then realized what Yao Xiaoxue had referred Wang Chao as. “Director Wang?”

“This is the director-general of our Tianxing Networking and my immediate-superior.” Yao Xiaoxue explained.

“Aiyah, aiyah!” Deputy Hong had been stunned in disbelief before having a 180 degree change in regards of his opinion of Wang Chao.

Wang Chao had detested hospitals. Although Zhao Xinglong was in the most expensive VIP room, the nurses themselves weren’t anything special. The costs were both large and useless, they were practically taking his blood and then the marrow when they sucked the blood dry.

But he had cultivated his health quite well himself. Calmly shaking the hand of deputy Hong, Wang Chao walked to Yao Xiaoxue’s side and whispered, “In the future, we’ll build our own hospital. I’ll leave the planning to you.”

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Afterwards, he left the hospital.

“Your director is quite young.” The nurse remarked with a little infatuation as she watched Wang Chao leave.

The moment when Wang Chao arrived at the dojo, several members and instructors had instantly recognized him. Each one pointed to the elevator and spoke, “The instructor’s here! There’s a fight going on at the top floors.”

“Have the instructor go up straight away.”

“This time there’ll be something good to watch.”

Ignoring the people around him, he began to ride the elevator up to the top floor.

Right behind him was a large group of excited students and instructors alike.

Wang Chao arrived at the fighting rooms for the VIP lounge only to see two people fighting. Aside from the two, there were four other people sitting by the sidelines.

These four people were sitting in the traditional Japanese seated position. Their butts rested upon the back of their legs with only a paper thin distance in between the two.

Just as Wang Chao arrived onto the room, all four people had instantly snapped to attention and stood up with the agility of an animal.

At the same time, the two people fighting had instantly stopped, resulting in six people looking at Wang Chao.

One of the two men fighting was Li Feng.

There was seemingly an unforgettable hatred for Wang Chao etched in Li Feng’s bones.

“Watashi wa?” Aside from Li Feng, the other five people were all around 23 to 24 years old Japanese youths. One of them was clearly the leader with his matured face. Looking at Li Feng, he had obviously noticed the hatred he had towards Wang Chao and spoke in Japanese to confirm.

Li Feng had replied in Japanese as well before sneering at Wang Chao.

“Ah! So that’s the story.” The one who had initially spoke in Japanese nodded his head before swinging to look at Wang Chao with a cruel look and speaking in Chinese.

“I am Miyagi Hanshin, Goju-Ryu master of the Miyagi family. Are you the friend of Zhao Xinglong? Have you come to compare notes with us? We’ve been waiting for a long time for you.”

Miyagi Hanshin let out a snort as he spoke in Chinese. His eyes looked to Wang Chao then to the center of the ring.

Moving into a stance, all the hair on his body had immediately spiked up. Even the one inch crew cut hair he had had spiked up to become like a hedgehog and his temple looked as if a mosquito had bitten it so that it puffed up half an inch.

“Is this the movements of the White Crane style? It looks like there’s some other styles mixed in.”

When Wang Chao saw Miyagi Hanshin’s stance, he immediately knew that his internal martial arts had already reached a certain degree.

The Miyagi family and Goju-Ryu Karate. They had once taken the secrets from the Wubei Zhi and learned southern Shaolin and several other martial arts to help establish their own style.

Wang Chao said nothing and stepped onto the arena.

The surrounding area immediately grew quiet as if everyone had forgotten to breathe.

Just as Wang Chao moved onto the arena and didn’t even make a stance, Miyagi Hanshin had immediately let out a loud roar and charged towards him with several strong footsteps that shook everyone’s hearts. His speed was comparable to a wild horse, reaching Wang Chao in half a second with the force of a raging whirlwind!

At this speed, he had grabbed hold of an opportunity to attack, revealing that Miyagi Hanshin had already reached the pinnacle of the Clear Jin and was thus very durable with his body.

“No wonder Zhao Xinglong wasn’t a match for him!”

Miyagi Hanshin’s charge had been as swift as a speeding horse. In his movements, they were actually similar to the horse stance of Xingyi Quan. When Wang Chao saw his way of issuing power, he had immediately knew that Miyagi Hanshin wasn’t that far away from Xu Zhen’s disciple Qin Maojiao in strength.

While Zhao Xinglong had suffered, it was not at the hand of a master.

In the moment where Wang Chao was in mid-stance, Miyagi Hanshin had already zipped closed to Wang Chao another two steps before he lashed out with both arms in a spiral like manner. One hand had bore into his face while the other for his chest.

This sight was more than enough for people watching by the sidelines to break out into cold sweat.

But, Miyagi Hanshin was not facing any newly promoted master of martial arts. He was facing Wang Chao, one who had understood the principle of Yin and Yang.

Pa! Wang Chao’s right hand struck out with the firmness of an iron whip. In a single strike, he had forced the fist aside and then came chopping down with his other fist with a fierce sound.

When Miyagi Hanshin’s fists had been thrown aside, he felt a deep pain in both arms. Hearing the explosive sound from Wang Chao’s chop, he grew frightened and hurriedly brought up his leg to kick at Wang Chao’s wrist.

Who would have known that Wang Chao’s chopping movement would have transformed into a claw! Upon his naked leg being grabbed upon, Miyagi Hanshin had felt as if he was being gripped by five fingers made of iron.

Wang Chao stepped forward and used the Chopping Grab once more with his other arm to strike at Miyagi Hanshin’s left kidney. With a sudden explosion of force, Miyagi Hanshin’s large body had swung against the wall like a ragdoll.

“Baka!” Miyagi Hanshin’s body had been extremely durable and had only felt a stinging pain, but that was it. Rolling back on his feet, he flew at Wang Chao once more.

Wang Chao did another Chopping Grab, all five of his iron fingers grabbing onto his opponent’s hand while the other at the right side of his waist. With one more strike to the shoulder, Miyagi Hanshin slammed against the wall once more.

This time, he had been swung with even more force and so Miyagi didn’t climb up afterwards.

“Go back and learn for another 10 years before challenging me.” Wang Chao spoke before turning away to leave. Everyone else had been utterly stunned and didn’t dare move forward.

“Miyagi! Are you alright?!” The other Japanese youths spoke after Wang Chao left, hoisting Miyagi Hanshin up.

“I’m fine, idiots! We’re leaving!”

That day, Miyagi Hanshin left the S Province. Six days later, the five men all returned to Japan.

“Miyagi, what should we do?”

“Practice diligently and take revenge!” Back at the Japanese airport, Miyagi Hanshin’s eyes glowed brightly with revenge.

Just at that moment, he suddenly felt the need to piss. Hurriedly running to the lavatory, he began to unfasten his pants.

“Eh? Why does it hurt?” He suddenly felt it difficult to take a piss. Forcing it a little, he immediately felt a sharp pain before looking down.

There should have been water, but instead, there was a dark red color that stinked coming out from his penis!

Wang Chao’s Eagle Claw hidden Jin had struck at Miyagi Hanshin’s waist and damaged his kidney! The internal wounds of a person wouldn’t show itself so easily, and so it had been six days later when he finally felt the pain, but it was far too late!

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