Romance of Dragons and Snakes Chapter 82: Be the Wu Qingyuan of the Martial Arts World!

Chapter 82: Be the Wu Qingyuan of the Martial Arts World!

Seeing the confused look on Wang Chao’s face, Lin Yanan had a look of doubt.

“Bagua and Xingyi master? Is being called a master such an easy thing? Why is it that I don’t see any vigilance or sharpness from this one?”

Truly, Wang Chao being called a master was not undeserved. He had not just called himself a master, but it was a result of his martial arts which won his battles for him.

But because of his age, being called a Bagua and Xingyi master was not something that could so easily be accepted.

The slightly curving upward eyes of Lin Yanan’s closed for a moment with just a small amount of danger appearing through the cracks.

Her movements had been very natural as she lifted her hand up to make an attempt for a handshake.

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Wang Chao had been thinking about the navy and didn’t think about Lin Yanan at all. But when the two hands met for a handshake, Lin Yanan’s elbow suddenly bent inwards, pulling the entire inner arm away from Wang Chao like a pole.

Lin Yanan had suddenly issued power with her elbow, but from the outside, anyone that looked wouldn’t have seen anything unnatural from the handshake.

But Wang Chao could feel the sudden clamping sensation of her hand as if it was an iron pincer. At the same time of her arm coming forward, her entire body followed with it. It was as if she had did a little movement, but her entire body had flown forward.

The power that had issued out of the fist had been subtle! Strong! And like a pole!

“What a strong application of the Eight Extreme Fists. How is such a young person able of doing this? Didn’t they say our government wasn’t cultivating any martial artists? Even Boulder and the rest are only proficient in wrestling of the external martial arts kind. Just how is a female lieutenant commander capable of being so strong like this?”

Wang Chao had immediately sensed the spear like elbow pull and classified it as one of the techniques of the Eight Extreme Fists. This female lieutenant commander was capable of striking with the force of 250 kilograms, this was more than enough to send someone flying.

However, Lin Yanan’s test of strength was only capable scaring any regular person and knocking them down. Against a martial art master like Wang Chao, she was like a child to him.

Lightly leaning backwards while bringing his waist, Wang Chao softened the muscles in his arm and shook it. His center of gravity had suddenly been like a floating petal on a pond or a cotton ball floating through the winds. Despite the immensity of Lin Yanan’s strength, it had only ended up missing.

“Lin Yanan, please sit.” Wang Chao spoke without any surprise being shown while continuing to shake her hand. Naturally dissolving the power in her attack, his finger pressed against a joint on Lin Yanan’s body lightly.

Lin Yanan’s face changed colors as she felt the joint on her arm get pressed. Immediately, as if a switch had been flicked, a course of electricity jolted through her entire body from her vertebrae to her waist.

Her entire body had suddenly turned into a marionette and involuntarily sat down on the chair behind her.

The part Wang Chao had pressed on was enough to control her body movements.

This was the Taichi’s refined method of circulating Jin. When Wang Chao and Chen Aiyang had met, he was able to understand the art even more, slowly perfecting it.

But in this moment of shaking hands, Wang Chao had not embarrassed Lin Yanan at all.

At the very least in Cao Yi’s eyes, the two had only shaken hands for a moment before Wang Chao relinquished his grip and spoke. In the next moment, Lin Yanan had sat down.

Wang Chao had sat down as well.

“Could it be that Russia, Japan, South Korea, and North Korea’s criminal influences have grown to be a major problem to involve even the navy? Do we require the navy to combat such a pressure?” Wang Chao suddenly asked the question on his mind, simultaneously avoiding Lin Yanan from feeling embarrassed.

Lin Yanan had lost her balance and fell onto the table. Immediately feeling embarrassed, her face had turned slightly red.

But when Wang Chao suddenly asked her such a question as if nothing had happened at all, Lin Yanan had finally understood that this youth in front of her had truly deserved to be called a master.

“Masters of martial arts truly possess an unchanging temperament. I had no idea he was such an outstanding person. The organization has truly picked out an outstanding person this time. I heard last year that he won against master Zhang Wei of the Three Tigers of Guangdong. I’ve never seen Zhang Wei, but master has always said that the Three Tigers of Guangdong hold the essence of the martial arts world. They are the experts amongst experts....”

Lin Yanan thought to herself while also formulating a reply to Wang Chao.

“Right now in the Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and the Sea of Japan, several criminal powers have been running rampant; especially the Russians. Their guerilla mercenary squadrons from Chechnya have been sailing the Sea of Japan and killing left and right. The United States are currently in control of Japan, complicating southeast Asia’s situation. No matter if its Russia, the United States, or us, none of us can afford to be involved in a large scaled military movement. That’s why the criminal gangs are going crazy. Recently, I’ve heard that the European Union has been trying to stick a leg into the situation, creating an even more chaotic scene.”

“Ah, so that’s the situation. Lieutenant commander Lin, if the navy has to mobilize, then what can you help mobilize?” Wang Chao asked the most important question.

The last competition with Zhang Wei had been fortunate to have been on a tanker with so many reputable men from the martial arts world. Furthermore, it was a ship from the Chenshi Corporation, that had been an added benefit.

But the next time something like this happened, who knows what might happen.

In the vast and boundless oceans, unless one was an Immortal from Daoist beliefs and could fly, there would be no way of escape in any situation.

“I am to go to Shandong and open a school there. The scene there is quite complicated and there are many martial artists gathered there. The organization can only support me in secret and place my neck on the lime for the foreseeable future. Zhang Wei had once said, ‘When in the Jianghu, one cannot do as one pleases. But even in the court, I cannot move as I wish either.”

“I’m able to dispatch five different military ships customized for combat. It’s firepower isn’t too bad and even has a small guided missile launcher, torpedoes, and twenty to thirty able bodied soldiers. Each one are specialized marines at my command.

Lin Yanan had immediately spoke of what she herself was capable of commanding.

“Nicely done!” Wang Chao spoke, his heart skipping a beat.

“Is the organization really giving me such a large amount of power to mobilize? Instead of going to develop the martial arts world, am I about to start a war?!”

“With so many boats and people, wouldn’t that cause a large disturbance? Something like this would be easy to find out.” Wang Chao spoke the most curious question on his mind.

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“This is only a precaution for anything you might not know about. The Japanese martial arts world is already keeping an eye out on you. As long as you are in S province, they cannot get to you. But now that you are opening a school in Shandong, they will definitely watch you closely. A competition or an assassination plot, those cannot be discounted. You are right now an important figure for the organization to cultivate and so they cannot allow for anything to happen to you.” Cao Yi stood up and spoke to Wang Chao, “I will give you my support from here!”

“Despite being so young, you’ve reached the realm of perfection in the martial arts world. I’ve watched you grow up for a short four years, but you’ve grown up quickly. I’ve already sent your information and growth to the organization!”

“For the past half year, the organization has researched you! They see you now as an important figure and thus gave you a difficult mission as well!”

Upon seeing the change of expression on Cao Yi’s face, Wang Chao was startled.

“What difficult mission?”

Cao Yi replied, “Do you know of the grandmaster of Go, Wu Qingyuan?”

“Go grandmaster, Go Seigen.” Wang Chao nodded in reply.

TL Note: Wu Qingyuan is was a Chinese born Japanese grandmaster of Go. He is better known as Go Seigen.

“Wu Qinyuan migrated to Japan in the past and swept the world of Japanese Go. No matter if they were the highest quality players or even the best players, they were all defeated by him!”

“The organization has thus given this mission for you. Starting from today, you will challenge the entire Japanese martial artist world to a competition. No matter if they are an expert, a high level master, or even a grandmaster, you will defeat them in an official battle! Even better, you strike them dead!”

“You will be the Wu Qingyuan of the martial arts world! This is the mission the organization has passed down onto you! Think about it, is this not a difficult but important mission?”

“Bring the winds of our nation across the entire world and sweep everyone else away! This is your task! This is no mere fight against any criminal gangs or princelings.”

“The organization has given you so much firepower and allocated so many people to you because they wish to guarantee your safety. You are worth that much of a price! Remember to remember your own worth!”

Cao Yi had spoken the entire speech in one breath almost before realizing he had been over excited. Sitting back down to calm himself, he drank a cup of tea.

“The organization has that high of an expectation for him?” Upon hearing Cao Yi speak, even the lieutenant commander Lin Yanan had been surprised.

But Lin Yanan wasn’t the only one, even Wang Chao didn’t know how to reply.

Although he had made great strides into the martial arts world towards the realm of perfection, he knew what the saying ‘Outside the heavens is another heaven, and beyond a man is another man.’. Chen Aiyang had first came to mind in fact. If he wished to reach the realm Chen Aiywang was, it would take a long time.

But to think the mission given to him by the organization was to have him be the strongest under the heavens!

Sweep across the Japanese martial arts world and kill all grandmasters, masters, high level experts, and others, this was what it meant to be the Wi Qingyuan of the martial arts world. After that would be to sweep across the entire world and be unparalleled. It was easier said than done, and in truth, this was the same as having a recently born infant try to climb Mt Everest barehanded.

Wang Chao had confidence, but not arrogance.

“I feel like a duck being forced to sit on top of a perch. If I had 10 or 20 more years, I’d be confident that I’d be able to do something, but right now...”

Wang Chao had a forced smile on his face.

Not being regarded as important by the organization was a painful thing. But being regarded as such was also a painful thing.

Wang Chao suddenly felt the pressure on him increase and transform into Mount Tai itself, pressing down on him harshly.

“Naturally, this is only just an expectation the organization sees in you. The only condition is that you cannot lose to a challenger even once in a competition.” Cao Yi sighed. “To be honest, when the organization made this plan, even I was shocked. But after thinking about it, it’s not a half bad idea. I’ve seen you grow up every step of the way, and the progress is astounding. Four years ago, I could defeat you in a single blow, but today, you could kill me where I stand with just a finger.”

“Back when I used to fight, I too had the desire to be unparalleled under the heavens. But after the years went by, that ambition slowly whittled away. So, this mission isn’t just entrusted to you by the organization, I place my own dreams along with it in you. I have faith that you won’t fail to disappoint.”

“Come, starting from today, let Lin Yanan bear witness to the legend that will be born.”

Cao Yi raised his hand forward.

Needless to say, Cao Yi was the political commissar for the public safety bureau. With his long work in politics, he was able to move anyone with his words. The classics of Buddha had once said that the words of Buddha was extremely extravagant and could make all animals and humans flock to him.

While Cao Yi wasn’t at such a level like that, he could still make people burn bright with emotions.

This had let Wang Chao experience just how important a political commissar was for the organization. At the same time, it had allowed him to understand that there was a reason for this mission.

“To work in the world of politics as a political commissar is to lead the scene. I cannot compare to Cao Yi in this aspect. He has raised up so fast, even if he didn’t have the organization’s support, he would still end up being promoted.”

With a mental sigh, Wang Chao raised his hand forward.

Lin Yanan did the same.

Three people and six hands were joined together to bear witness to the creation of a legend of Guoshu.

When it came to the fickle affairs of the world, a man may wish for something, but only the heavens will accomplish it. Luck played a part in everything. Even in a competition between the strongest experts, a decent portion of the outcome could be related to luck.

Knowing that this legend may end up destroyed before even coming into existence, would anyone dare continue on that path?

But Wang Chao wouldn’t know about that. And even God himself would not know.

But Wang Chao did know something. He was already forced to go to Shandong. In this path he was now walking, winning was the only constant to living.

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