Sacrifice’s Rise: I Became Invincible After Entering Godslayer Temple Chapter 108 107-Departure, Destination: Sunset Mountain(2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)

Chapter 108 Chapter 107-Departure, Destination: Sunset Mountain(2nd update, Cheer me with Power Stones!)


"Hey, can we leave the city now?"

Being stared at and discussed by a group of people was making even the experienced Blue Sea a bit uncomfortable.

It felt like being a monkey in a zoo, watched by a group of tourists.

Adam didn’t answer, instead looking at John, who by now had made up his mind.

For this journey to Sunset Mountain, John was given complete control.

Unfazed, John calmly stated, "We’re still missing one person. Let’s wait a bit longer."

Seeing Blue Sea turn his back to the onlooking players, John scratched his chin, puzzled, "Isn’t it strange for a guild leader of a major guild like you to care about the gaze of bystanders? You’re not getting shy, are you?"

Blue Sea replied stoically, "Just because I’ve been able to bear it in the past doesn’t mean I enjoy being scrutinized."

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Adam, in contrast, was indifferent.

After all, his face was covered by the visor of his full suit of knight’s armor; others could only see his eyes.

Hearing Blue Sea’s complaints, Adam chuckled and teased, "It seems Brother Blue Sea still needs more practice. You should get used to the spotlight."

John nodded in agreement, "Indeed, it’d be awkward if you got stage fright in situations like this."

Blue Sea finally lost his patience, gritting his teeth and retorting, "Easy for you two to say. One has his face covered by a visor, and the other is wrapped up tightly in a cloak and hood, naturally not caring about others’ gazes. I’m a mage, our robes don’t have hoods. My face is the first thing people see!"

His voice rose in his anger, drawing not only the attention of the bystanders but also the curious gazes of the members of the Genesis Guild elite squad.

John tugged at his worn-out black cloak, grinning.

The gathering crowd of curious bystanders grew larger and their discussions became louder.

Even though they tried to keep their voices down for fear of being heard by the members of Genesis Guild, John and the others could hear them clearly.

Not to mention John, but Adam and Blue Sea also had some of the highest levels and skills in the game, so their basic hearing was naturally excellent.

"Who are those three standing in front of the Genesis Guild members? Why are they treated with such respect?" someone curiously asked.

A nearby player reacted in surprise, "Bro, have you never played this game before? You don’t even know them?"

"The one in the blue mage’s robe is Blue Sea, the guild leader of Blue Sea Guild, one of the top ten guilds in the world."

"The knight next to him in the high-level armor is Adam, the guild leader of Genesis Guild. I heard that the knight’s armor he’s wearing is a full set of epic gear, with top-tier stats!"

"As for the other one, I don’t know who he is…"

The player who asked the question initially teased, "That dude’s in basic gear and even has a raggedy cloak draped over his shoulders. How did he get so poor?"

A player snorted at this, "Even without any gear, he can still stand shoulder to shoulder with the leaders of two major guilds, and you dare to mock him?"

Just then, someone exclaimed, "Oh my God, I think I know who that is."


A group of people looked over curiously.

The player looked excited, full of admiration, "Do you remember the auction at Dawn Breeze Auction House yesterday?"

"Could it be…?"

"Exactly, it’s Galewind, the mystery big shot who instantly defeated Dawn Guild’s leader, Kingserp, with a single strike at the auction!"

John had no idea that the video of him in action during the auction had gone viral on the forums.

The name "Galewind" became the hot topic among the players in just a few days.

They speculated about Galewind’s identity and were extremely curious about how he managed to gain such formidable strength in just a few short months.

Not only that, John’s relationship with the guild leaders of several large guilds also aroused the curiosity of many players.

Especially with the Travelers guild leader Bambooist and Black Rose guild leader Snowla.

Some gossip-loving players even started to concoct love triangles and feuds among them, spinning tales that were quite elaborate...

When that player revealed John’s identity, all the bystander players present gasped in surprise.

Their gaze towards John underwent a massive change.

From initial curiosity, it gradually became admiration.

This was the big shot who could withstand system punishment.

No one else in the whole Godslayer continent could compare!

Upon hearing the conversation, Blue Sea gave a slight smile, "Brother Galewind, it seems like you’ve become a superstar in the limelight."

John gave a bitter smile.

He didn’t like this feeling of being admired by everyone.

His motto in the game was to keep a low profile and make a fortune quietly.

But he also understood that this sort of thing was bound to happen eventually.

After all, Godslayer was now a nationwide phenomenon, unprecedentedly popular.

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More and more people were starting to play the game.

And his power was unique in the game world, bound to become renowned eventually.

In fact, many smart players were already speculating about John’s identity.

They firmly believed that the anonymous player ranked first on the leaderboard might very well be Galewind!

After waiting a while longer, Emma finally arrived.

"Johnny, I’m here," she said breathlessly, "I’m really sorry for being late, gentlemen."

John affectionately tweaked her cute button nose, teasing, "Well, you’re aware you’re late. Making the leaders of two of the world’s top ten guilds wait for you is quite unprecedented."

Emma looked even more apologetic.

Adam generously waved his hand, cheerfully saying, "No problem. Beautiful girls always have special privileges. It’s fine."

"Now that everyone’s here, let’s head out."

"Destination—Sunset Mountain!"

The group set out amid the curious gazes of the players on the roadside. They left Silverglow and headed straight north.


In the vast northern grasslands, with a gentle breeze and vast sky, they continued their journey.

The group sped along on their horses, laughter mingling with the sound of hooves, creating a quite enjoyable atmosphere.

"Sunset Mountain is at the farthest north of the grassland. We need to cross the entire northern grassland to get there. At present, players have explored less than a quarter of the grassland, reaching only as far as the werewolf village. We don’t know what lies beyond!" Blue Sea explained loudly as they galloped along.

At the moment, John and Emma were riding a single horse together.

Emma, in her haste, had forgotten to rent a mount.

Thankfully, Godslayer was a user-friendly game, allowing two people to ride together with their mutual agreement.

Inhaling the pleasant scent from the girl in his arms, John smiled slightly at Blue Sea’s comment, "What else could it be? Just larger grasslands and mountains, with higher level monsters, that’s all."

Emma, nestled in John’s arms, suddenly spoke up, "Johnny, look! Why is Adam’s mount different from ours?"

Following Emma’s gaze, they saw Adam, looking majestic, riding a remarkably handsome, pure white steed.

The most surprising thing was that the horse was not touching the ground as it ran, but rather floating a few decimeters above it, seeming to tread on air.

Moreover, a colorful single horn was growing from the forehead of the white horse.

"A divine unicorn?" John’s eyebrows raised slightly, a trace of surprise flashing in his eyes.

He finally figured out what Adam’s hidden class was: the extremely rare "Divine Vanguard".

It was widely known among players that all light-based classes were given by the Human’s largest church, the Holy Light Church.

In the church’s doctrine, it was said that the God of Light had four horsemen of the Apocalypse: War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death.

Among them, the War Horseman, who led battles and expanded the kingdom of God, rode a white unicorn.

Adam’s "Divine Vanguard" hidden class was obviously a follower of the War Horseman.

Adam must have prayed to the God of Light quite a bit in the game to have received such a legacy.

Just as John was about to explain this to Emma, he suddenly turned his head, looking back at the beautiful grasslands they had just left behind.

He squeezed his legs and the galloping horse came to a halt.

Seeing John suddenly stop, Adam commanded the others to halt as well.

Controlling his divine unicorn, he moved next to John, asking curiously, "Brother Galewind, why did you suddenly stop?"

John’s gaze was still on the empty path they had left behind, his voice indifferent, "We have a few tails following us."

Adam paused for a moment before turning to look at two assassins in the team.

Both shook their heads in confusion, indicating they hadn’t noticed anything.

Blue Sea also rode over and after hearing Adam’s explanation, furrowed his eyebrows, "Are they coming for us?"

John nodded, "Quite obviously, yes."

Blue Sea and Adam exchanged a glance.

Neither had detected anything unusual within their surveillance range.

The followers were clearly professional, maintaining a safe distance.

"Who could it be? An enemy of your guild or mine?" Blue Sea’s voice dropped, his face becoming serious.

Their departure from Silverglow had been witnessed by many.

A minor force wouldn’t dare tail a team that included two guild leaders and several high-level players.

Only someone with sufficient confidence would dare to follow them like this.

"Perhaps... they’re not after you..."

John rubbed his chin, his tone casual, "Take care of Emma for me. I’ll be back in a few minutes."

As soon as he finished speaking, John’s figure vanished.

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